Tag Archive for: Ukraine

Camas, WA — Local photographer Lara Blair wanted to do more to spotlight Ukraine, and decided to use her skills to reach out to the community and learn more. The results are stunning!

“I make myself watch the news with images of women and children saying goodbye to their men who stay behind to fight,” said Blair. “The unfathomable transfer of sick children from a hospital to a train car ready for escape–we just can’t wrap our heads around this type of suffering.  As they say, there’s no such thing as somebody else’s children. How can this be happening? These are the thoughts that lay heavy on my heart and I wanted to do more than just donate money to support Ukraine.

“I decided to put an all-call out to local Ukrainian women who might want to come to the studio to be photographed in flower crowns. My assistant, Erin, and I did research on how to build vinoks and we created five crowns for our models to wear. Three beautiful, strong women and two children came to create with us in the studio on March 7th. I was moved by their stories, brought to tears by the heartache, worry and pain. It was amazing to see them in traditional head pieces with shoulders back and sparkling eyes. I held it together until they left and then broke down with the heaviness of what comes next for them. What an honor it was to get to know and capture these women.”

Blair said she knew there had to be more “to make the connection with this beautiful culture. I’ve always believed art brings people together and communicates what can’t be spoken. My team and I were so happy to celebrate the beauty and goodness of Ukraine, if only for a couple of hours.”
