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There is little to debate about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids anymore. The American Heart Association has confirmed that omega-3 fatty acids promote heart health in healthy people as well as those with cardiovascular disease. By allowing oxygen flow into our cells. In addition to lowering blood pressure, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to decrease the risk of abnormal heartbeats and triglyceride levels, A recent European study, published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology: Journal of the American Heart Association, has provided further evidence for the benefits of omega-3s. The study suggests that patients with existing coronary artery disease who supplemented with fish oil after a stent placement have a reduced risk of heart problems. In the double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, the patients who received a blood-thinning medication with omega-3 fatty acids produced less clot-promoting thrombin and had larger pores, which makes existing clots easier to degrade, than those only receiving the blood-thinning medication.

A clear explanation of how omega-3 fatty acids affect blood clots has not been verified; however, doctors suspect it is due to their antioxidant properties. I suspect it is also due to the fact that omega 3 oils also decrease the stickiness of the platelets. It is important to note that they do not take away the body’s ability to form clots, which is crucial in order to heal wounds; rather, they simply boost the body’s ability to break the clot up.

Fish oil is making its way to the forefront of preventative treatments, and not just for their well-studied effects on heart health. Studies have linked fish oil supplements to a decreased risk of postpartum depression, age-related macular degeneration, Alzheimers, muscular degeneration in cancer patients, and the list continues. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that cannot be produced by our bodies and are therefore one of the nutrients that we must get from our diet. I use 1 tbs of Lemon flavored cod liver oil (3300mg Omega 3) with every patient. I believe that prevention has a 100% cure rate and fish oil is one part of my prevention program.

Cynthia Bye, ND



Research continues to show benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Many studies show about 50 percent of people over 50 do not sleep well. Many are taking sleep aids like Tylenol PM that have an antihistamine like Benadryl in them. The Benadryl makes you drowsy and the Tylenol helps with muscle and joint pain that can wake you. They are Band-Aids on your symptoms of insomnia and joint pain. They do not treat why you have insomnia or joint pain. Now a new study published in JAMA shows a connection to dementia and some over the counter sleep aids. Benadryl falls under the category of drugs called Anticholinergics.

“In a recent report published in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers found convincing evidence that frequent and long-term use of anticholinergic drugs like Benadryl increases the risk of dementia.

Anticholinergics block the action of the acetylcholine, an excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain. Acetylcholine has a wide variety of known functions, including learning and memory. Anticholinergic drugs–which include some antihistamines (like Benadryl), tricyclic antidepressants, drugs for Parkinson’s and meds for overactive bladders, are widely used by older adults. ”

As a Naturopathic physician our job is to try to find out why you have a symptom. There are many reasons for insomnia. High night time cortisol, blood sugar swings during the night, pain, low serotonin, low melatonin to name a few. Make no mistake all pharmaceuticals have side effects, some side effects, as in this case don’t show up until the drug has been on the market for a long time.

My goal with my patients is to do a full review of system from head to toe and start connecting the dots and identifying the cause of their symptoms. Remember your body is good at balance, as a result you do not get a symptom until you have had a long term imbalance and the body can no longer keep up.

Best in Health.

Cynthia Bye, ND, FABNO
Board Certified in Naturopathic Oncology