Technology is continuing to evolve and mobile apps have become what many use for shopping, reading, playing games, and even tracking health. The mental health industry understands that more consumers turn to their phones and tablets. Therefore, bringing tools and resources to them with applications is empowering patients to take control of their health.


The top reason mobile applications are empowering consumers is accessibility. People are on their phones over four hours a day, and it increases every year. Mental health resources and tools, such as apps, mean that people have access to the information at any time. They do not have to wait for a doctor’s appointment, nor worry about business hours or holidays. In addition, they only need to have data or internet access, so living in a remote area does not prohibit their ability to seek help.


Every person is unique in what works for their health. Physicians can tailor the health treatment plan in the office, and mental health applications allow people to adjust their preferences through settings. Patients can track their moods, thoughts, activities, and mental state throughout the day. These personalization trackers allow both patients and doctors to locate triggers and track progress to stable health.

Variety of Therapy

Mobile applications for the mental health industry offer another variety of therapies for both the doctor and the patient. Using a compilation of meditation, cognitive behavior, and symptom trackers gives users access to therapy outside of the office between appointments. Tracking and adjusting thought patterns and reactions assist in reducing anxiety, depression, stress, and anxiety.

More Education

The more you know about your mental health conditions and disorders, the easier it is to cope and treat them. Many applications offer helpful articles, interactive tools, and videos that offer different coping strategies and treatment options. They will also let you know more about your condition so you can become mindful of triggers and symptoms. Some applications even offer games as a way to teach and encourage patients to continue to adhere to the treatment plan.

More Support

The best part about mobile applications is the extension to support groups and physicians while keeping anonymity. When a person removes the discomfort of talking to others about how they feel, the greater the chance to treat the condition for a healthy life. They can hear about other people struggling and know they are not alone, as well as get other physicians’ opinions and ideas.

Cost-Effective Treatment

One of the hardships with having a medical condition is the medical bills that accrue over time. Mobile applications are often free or carry minimal costs, making the treatment plan more cost-effective. People do not have to leave their houses to receive information, support, or participate in activities that eliminate gas costs.

In conclusion, technology is furthering the mental health industry by offering patients the ability to receive personalized, cost-effective treatment in the comfort of their own homes. The reach and opportunities of support and care these applications offer reduce the chances of medical crises and empower patients to take control of their mental well-being.

Striking a balance between work, home life, and obligations to ourselves can be mentally and physically draining. In the search for stress reductions and mind clearing people are inventively opting trying out techniques, one of which is infrared exercise.

Usually, an infrared exercise involves the use of infrared saunas and workout equipment which utilizes infrared light to penetrate body and produce heat. This unique form of exercise produces various effects such as the reduction in stress and improved mental health.

Infrared Exercise Can Have Many Benefits Including Stress Reduction and Improving Mental Wellbeing

Infrared exercise stands out as a highly efficient method in the reduction of stress. The infrared rays penetrate deep into tissues that result to a very relaxing muscle tone, improved blood flow and circulation. This physiological response allows to get rid of the accumulated physical stress giving rise to a peaceful state. Additionally, the heat produced during infrared exercise causes an endorphin release, which are natural stress relievers. These released endorphins are natural mood elevators, which stimulate a flood of positive feelings to negate stress and contribute to overall feeling good. Infrared exercise not only relaxes the body, but also provides a therapeutic retreat for the mind an invaluable practice for those reduced to frenzied living.

Aside from the physical impacts, infrared exercise contributes positively to mental wellbeing as it works on the delicate balance between body and mind. When the stress hormone cortisol is released in large quantities, it often disrupts mental health. Infrared exercise is known to control the cortisol levels thereby avoiding the adverse effects of chronic stress. The achieved hormonal balance results in better concentration, sharpened cognitive clarity, and also a more balanced emotional state. Furthermore, infrared exercise, especially mindful forms such as infrared yoga also focuses on the mind-body connection. Heat produced by activity complements intentional movement and activates such high level of consciousness that people manage to clean their minds off, gain mental clarity. And including infrared exercise into a wellness routine, individuals can find the perfect balance of physical and psychological effects leading to a stable foundation for overall mental health.

What Are Some of The Other Benefits of Infrared Exercise?

1. Weight Loss

Infrared exercise makes the body sweat even at deep cellular level which to detoxify removing harmful waste materials from the body and ensure burning of calories effectively. With the proper diet and regular exercise, it can help with weight loss.

2. Improved Sleep Quality

The sleep quality will improve because of the relaxation that comes with infrared exercise. With a decrease in stress levels, people tend to have much better and more refreshing rest forcing them to get more energy towards further living.

3. Detoxification

Infrared light heat penetrates deeply into the skin and motivates detoxification by enhancing the elimination of toxins through sweat. This purging procedure thus can help to contribute and make skin well even in general become healthy.

4. Cardiovascular Health

Infrared exercise boosts cardiovascular activity, which improves blood circulation and heart function. Participation in regular sessions may lead to lower blood pressure and better general cardiovascular health.

Who Benefits Most from Infrared Exercise?

1. Busy Professionals

For those busy people who have stressful jobs and highly pressurized schedules, infrared exercise helps relax the body and keep minds clear to ensure wellbeing.

2. Fitness Enthusiasts

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts can use infrared exercise to improve their recovery, reduce muscle soreness and increase performance.

3. Individuals with Chronic Pain

People suffering from chronic pain conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia may benefit by using infrared exercise for its analgesic properties.

4. Anyone Seeking Overall Wellbeing

Infrared exercise is very effective because of its versatility and accessibility that allows everyone to practice regardless of individual preferences.

Infrared exercise benefits are much more than simple body fitness exercises. The fact that it lowers stress, improves mental wellbeing, and helps with weight loss, makes it an excellent addition to anyone’s healthy lifestyle regimen. Whether you are an athlete trying to promote recovery or just someone in search of a holistic approach toward stress management, applying the infrared exercise will certainly present you with a highly functional and efficient tool for your health benefit realization. Think about adding this revolutionary form of fitness to your everyday life and reap the drastic changes that it can bring both physically and mentally.

The increasing use of social media, instability in the world today, and the COVID-19 pandemic are just some of the reasons that many people are experiencing mental health disorders. The treatments that the mental health community has for this population result in unpleasant side effects that some people are unwilling to accept. CBD is a candidate that may be able to replace these medications and reduce the unpleasant side effects.

Why Do People Take CBD?

Research has demonstrated that CBD can improve the following medical conditions:

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD

The mental health community characterizes PTSD as a condition in which people avoid activities that can trigger memories of an unpleasant event. It also causes people to experience nightmares, intrusive thoughts and relive traumatic events. The research demonstrates that CBD can reduce these symptoms. One study in particular from the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine reported that psychiatric treatment and one oral dose of CBD reduced the symptoms of PTSD.

Difficulties Sleeping

CBD is known to calm the nerves of people taking it. The adults in one study experienced anxiety and the inability to sleep well. After taking 25 milligrams of CBD daily for a month, 65% of this population registered improved sleep scores.


Researchers investigated whether or not CBD decreases depressive symptoms for those who take it. Antidepressants work to increase serotonin levels in the brain, and studies done on animals demonstrated that CBD increased the subjects’ serotonin levels. Another 2018 study found that CBD helps the brain respond to the serotonin levels that are already present.


Some studies show that CBD reduces anxiety levels in participants. A study done in 2015 also found that CBD improved the conditions for people experiencing PTSD, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.


CBD demonstrated its ability to decrease the frequency of seizures in those diagnosed with epilepsy. Two epileptic conditions that improved because of CBD were two types of epilepsy that do not respond well to anti-epileptic drugs. In a study focusing on children with Dravet syndrome, one of the conditions that do not respond well to medications, CBD reduced seizures to half in 43% of the subjects. After this, the FDA approved a medication that contains CBD for children.

What Side Effects Does CBD Have on Mental Health?

In animal studies, CBD improved the psychotic symptoms that mice with schizophrenia experienced. Also, when introduced at high levels, CBD did not cause the mice to experience catatonia. Another study showed that CBD decreased the instances of visual hallucinations in the population.

How Can CBD Help Soothe Mental Health Issues?

Many people currently use CBD to medicate their psychiatric symptoms. However, half of these people are doing so without informing their physicians. This shows that CBD is working for many psychiatric patients, but the medical community is concerned that these patients are not informing their doctors. Because CBD use is not currently regulated, the risks are high because people could be taking low-quality CBD. It could also contain THC, which would cause them to experience a high. The industry needs CBD products that are of high quality and effective. Be sure to consult your doctor when considering using CBD to medicate your psychiatric symptoms.

By: Katherine Robinson, a writer for CBDistillery

The legalization of marijuana for recreational use is sweeping across the United States with now 21 states plus the District of Columbia making the use of cannabis in all forms legal. Additionally, 38 states have approved cannabis for medical use.

Along with this has come an array of products made from cannabis that range well beyond just a substance for getting high. Cannabis products include foods, cooking oils, clothing, health supplements, soaps, candies, animal feeds, textiles – even plastic!

Hemp, Marijuana, and CBD

As legalization opens up the cannabis market, more people are looking at these products for the first time. This had led to some confusion, however. For example, what is hemp and how is it different from marijuana or cannabis? And what’s this new CBD product everyone is talking about? Let’s talk about that.

Hemp vs Marijuana

Both marijuana and hemp are the same species of plant called cannabis sativa. Plants of the same species can have small to large differences. For example, think of all the different kinds of wheat — bulgur, farro, freekeh, spelt, buckwheat, red wheat, and einkorn. They are all different, but they are all wheat!

The most notable difference between hemp and marijuana is a psychoactive component called THC, which stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. That is the substance that makes people high when they smoke or eat marijuana. Hemp also has some THC but in very tiny amounts.

Hemp contains 0.3% or less THC so it simply can’t make a person get high.


CBD is a compound found in both hemp and marijuana. CBD stands for cannabidiol. There are hundreds of kinds of cannabidiols including THC. But CBD which is made from hemp is a highly valuable substance with many known health benefits. Because it comes from hemp, it can be used without the intoxication of marijuana-derived CBD.

Researchers believe CBD is effective because it interacts with human cell receptors that influence a variety of functions, such as appetite, anxiety, depression, and the sensation of pain. Clinical research has shown that CBD may be effective in treating seizure disorders like epilepsy. Other studies – although some scientists claim these studies are not yet conclusive or rigorous enough – show that CBD is an effective agent for treating pain.

Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil

This tends to be an area of major confusion because hemp oil and CBD are both oils, but they are two very different things.

For example, many supermarkets now sell hemp oil alongside all the other common cooking oils, such as olive oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, and so on. Hemp oil is used for cooking and salads like the other oils.

But hemp oil does not contain CBD! Hempseed or hemp oil is made by cold pressing only the seeds of the hemp plant.

CBD oil, on the other hand, is a complex compound made from all parts of the cannabis plant. One quick way to tell the difference while shopping is to look at the price. A small one- or two-ounce bottle of CBD oil is far more expensive than, say, a liter-sized bottle of hemp seed oil.

The careful shopper should always check the ingredients listed on a product. For example, some gummies are billed as “hemp gummies” but do not contain CBD. If you want to make sure you are getting gummies, oils, or other products with active CBD, make sure the ingredient list on the package specifies CBD not just hemp oil.

One last thing to remember: CBD may not be sold in the form of oil at all. It is made into pills or supplements, vaping juices, gummies, teas, and other products.

By: Katherine Robinson, a writer for Nothing But Hemp

Meet Aleksandra Cherednichenko, a surgical Family Nurse Practitioner, who owns and operates Pins and Needles, a medical aesthetics clinic in Camas. Lacamas Magazine interviewed Cherednichenko, and asked her several questions about her background, her clinic and the services she provides.

1. What services does Pins and Needles provide? 

I provide wrinkle relaxers to treat natural aging lines in addition to treating excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) and migraines, dermal fillers to replace lost volume in the facial area, microneedling of the facial area to reduce the appearance of fine lines, acne scars and to boost collagen, and chemical peels.

2. Can you explain your focus on the medical portion of aesthetics? 

As medical practitioners, I believe that it’s our duty to offer patients only evidence-based and FDA approved products. It is also up to us to educate patients on the risks of each procedure and say no to patients when something is not medically indicated. For example, when the “Barbie” movie came out, aesthetic providers started marketing Barbie tox to patients to reduce the size of their trapezius muscles. This is not medically indicated unless a patient is suffering from chronic pain or migraines, yet people were requesting this service and you saw this trend pop up all over social media. Aesthetic procedures are medical procedures that carry risks, they are not just beauty treatments.

3. What are some common misconceptions about aesthetics medicine? 

I think a common misconception about aesthetic medicine is that only wealthy people get treatments, when in fact people from all walks of life seek out these services. Aesthetic medicine is also a partnership between the provider and the patient, where goals are set and different treatment modalities are used to achieve desired results.

4. What does it mean to be a surgical NP? 

My full-time job is being a liver transplant nurse practitioner and I get to practice as part of a multidisciplinary abdominal surgery team, with an emphasis on liver and kidney transplantation. This means that I am intricately aware of how our bodies work and can foresee complications from invasive procedures, like the kind that we perform in aesthetic medicine. 

5. What is your background as an FNP? 

I was an RN for almost a decade prior to obtaining my FNP from Maryville University, and spent my time at bedside in acute and critical care. After completing my clinical rotations for graduate school I knew that I wanted to specialize and found that my critical care background matched well with my current surgical specialty.

Pins and Needles is located inside Whole Glow Health and Beauty:

5420 NW 38th Ave

Suite #33

Camas, WA 98607

503.214.2431 and texts are welcome

Her Instagram handle is @pins_needles_aesthetics

Learn more at where you can book an appointment. 

Aleksandra Cherednichenko is a surgical Family Nurse Practitioner, who owns and operates Pins and Needles, a medical aesthetics clinic in Camas.

Adults are told to aim for at least thirty minutes of moderate physical exercise per day, but many struggle to reach that goal. It never feels like there’s enough time – you’re probably busy with other things! Here are a few tips to help you fit fitness into your busy life:

1. Start Small.

The first step of a fitness journey can actually be broken into two parts, both of which require tempered expectations:

Part one is to find which physical activities appeal to you, and how to make them more enjoyable. If you hate lifting weights, you’ll always find excuses to avoid the dumbbells. On the other hand, there might be something you can change about your approach to lifting weights that will lead to you enjoying the activity more.

Following an exercise routine online or changing the location of your workouts or looking for alternatives to the exercises you dislike the most are good places to start experimenting with how to make an exercise more likable. If you want to incorporate strength building into your regular workout routine, but still can’t find a way to make lifting weights enjoyable, try substituting with body weight exercises, like pilates or calisthenics.

The second part of starting small is to set realistic goals. This is especially important if you’re either new to exercise or have fallen out of a routine.

Instead of trying to rush progress, remember that it takes time to build a habit. One minute of exercise will always be more than zero minutes, and if exercising for thirty sounds daunting, aim for five minutes instead.

2. Build on Progress.

In fitness, there are generally two ways to increase our progress: adding time or adding difficulty. The previous example ended with whatever amount of exercise per day sounds manageable, or “five minutes”. The goal was simply to make exercise a part of your routine, and to help build intrinsic motivation through finding activities that are enjoyable and doable.

Once that becomes routine, the next step to gaining more motivation is to build on your progress. Depending on the type of exercise, adding difficulty can mean a lot of things: trying harder variations of a bodyweight exercise or pushing yourself to take fewer breaks while running are common examples. Time should be added incrementally – if adding another five minutes is overwhelming, start by adding only one minute at first.

Any time you become comfortable with a routine, look for a way to add to it. Continue building on this routine until you’ve reached your fitness end goal.

3. Keep Equipment within Easy Reach.

Sometimes, all it takes to make the decision to put on a pair of running shoes or pick up the weights is not keeping them hidden in the back of the closet or buried under a pile of clothes. This could be as simple as setting a pair of workout clothes out a day in advance or planning to exercise ahead of time – anything to remove even one extra step can help on a day you might otherwise be too tired or too unmotivated might help.

The counterpart to this tip is to keep any temptations, bad habits, or demotivators out of reach. Make it more inconvenient to reach junk food by burying it in the back of the cupboard or storing it in a room you don’t normally use, for example.

Obstacles and inconveniences, even seemingly benign ones, have a lot of influence over the decisions most people make.

4. Recognize Opportunities.

Not all exercise needs to be rigorous. Keeping this in mind, most people have opportunities to get a little extra exercise throughout the day regardless of how busy they are. As with the previous tips, it’s simply a matter of what is and isn’t habitual yet!

Taking the stairs or walking further from your car might add a few extra minutes to your schedule at most – or none at all if you look for opportunities to take a quick walk whenever you’ve already committed a block of time to doing something.

Think, for example, about how habitual it might be to grab your phone while waiting for a mechanic to look at your car or during a lull at work. Do you park as close as possible to the entrance at the grocery store and take the elevator instead of the stairs if you’re staying at a hotel? Unless you’re in an extreme rush, what is stopping you from getting up and taking a short walk in either of those situations?

Usually, it’s just what you’re used to doing!

Put into perspective, there are almost one and a half thousand minutes in a single day. Not all of them need to be productive, but most people have a few spots throughout the day to sneak in some exercise.

By: Katherine Robinson, a writer for Fitness19

In recent years, CBD has been all the rage, and for good reason. It can help with a variety of health-related issues and has been providing relief for millions of people. Cannabidiol, or CBD derived from cannabis, is a natural remedy that has been proven to be highly effective. Here are 5 health-related benefits that people may not know about CBD, the active ingredient that is derived directly from the hemp plant.

1. CBD Helps to Manage Daily Pain

Millions of people have pain each day, whether it be mild joint pain due to aging, or something more severe. CBD can help with this by targeting endocannabinoid receptor activity therefore reducing inflammation as a result. It can help with issues such as fibromyalgia and even sciatic pain, making it an excellent choice for those who need relief.

2. It Can Provide Energy

So many people feel sluggish throughout the day and are looking for a safe, natural way to feel more energized and alert. CBD can help increase focus and concentration, giving anyone the added boost that they need to get through the long, busy day and be as productive as possible.

3. CBD Helps With Stress Relief

Everyone experiences stress at some point. While there is simply no way to avoid it altogether, some may need a little help with the management of daily stressful situations. CBD can help by inhibiting the release of stress hormones and balancing hormone production in order to make a person feel calmer and more in control. CBD may also influence the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, another important factor in the management of daily stress and the effects it can have on the body.

4. CBD Can Help With the Symptoms of Epilepsy

Those who suffer from epilepsy that can benefit from the use of CBD. By helping to reduce the adverse effects associated with anti-seizure medication, CBD can have a positive impact on epileptic patients. Those with rare seizure disorders can benefit most. Dravet syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and tuberous sclerosis complex are three disorders that can be helped by the use of CBD. Patients will find that side effects such as dizziness, nausea, headache, fatigue, vertigo and blurred vision can be reduced.

5. Anxiety Can Be Treated

Anxiety is an all too common complaint among millions of people, and so many are looking for an effective way to reduce the symptoms they have. CBD can be an effective treatment for those with generalized anxiety and even physical symptoms. By interacting with the cannabinoid type 1 receptor, the serotonin 5-HT1A receptor, and other receptors in the brain that regulate fear and anxiety-induced behaviors, CBD can greatly reduce the difficult symptoms that so many people experience on a daily basis. Those with mental-health related symptoms may see significant improvement and an overall increased quality of life. Options for those with anxiety include oils, gummies, sprays, capsules, flowers and more.

By: Katherine Robinson, a writer for Redeem Therapeutics

Vancouver, WA – Local restaurant chain Burgerville is partnering with a team of local breast cancer survivors to help the team travel to New Zealand next month where they will represent the Pacific Northwest and the United States at the International Breast Cancer Dragon Boat Festival. 

The team, called Pacific Northwest Pink Lemonade, is comprised of twenty-six women – all breast cancer survivors and fighters – ranging in age from 40 to over 80-years old, who are reviving and thriving through the ancient Chinese sport of dragon boat racing. 

Survivors from the Vancouver dragon boat team Catch 22 and Portland team, Pink Phoenix are usually competitors on the water, but they have joined forces to create one team and represent the PNW at the international competition. 

One paddle at a time, this intense sport helps those who have experienced breast cancer feel empowered, build self-confidence and take back control of their lives thanks to the healing power of water, community and the unique camaraderie of connecting and competing with other survivors. 

Ways to support the team  

  • When: Join them on Wednesday, March 8, from 4 to 8 pm.
  • Where: Burgerville, 11704 S.E. Mill Plain Blvd. Vancouver (Mill Plain, just east of I-205)
  • Details: Burgerville will donate20 percent of the sales from guests who mention they are there to support the team. 

Funding for these survivors to participate in the international event is made possible through sponsorships, special team fundraising efforts and the generosity of individual donors. 

You can also support the team by making a donation online. Please indicate that the donation goes to the PNW Pink Lemonade New Zealand Team. 


While not the direct cause, anxiety can lead to quite a few physical health problems. Here’s a list of some of the ones you should be careful of.

It should come as no surprise that extreme stress levels are not healthy for a person’s mental well-being. However, one thing you might not know is that anxiety can also affect the body physically. While it doesn’t directly cause these issues, anxiety can trigger some physical health conditions. Knowing about them will make them easier to spot if you feel overwhelmed. We’ll go over some of these conditions below.

Heart Conditions

While occasional stress isn’t a bad thing, constant anxiety can lead to heart problems. This is because your body starts pumping blood through your veins faster when you’re stressed. If it continues to operate at an elevated level on a regular basis, your heart will eventually become overworked, making you more susceptible to a heart attack or stroke.


Rapid breathing is a common response when experiencing an anxiety attack. Regular anxiety attacks can cause breathing problems down the line, including asthma. Even though asthma isn’t a common problem for adults to develop later in life, constant anxiety will increase the likelihood.

Digestion Problems

Stress and anxiety can affect your digestive system too. Nausea is one of the more common symptoms, but stomach pain and diarrhea can also occur. If these issues persist, you can develop irritable bowel syndrome or even stomach ulcers.


Another system that is affected by stress is your urinary tract. Incontinence occurs when you lose control of your bladder. Under extreme stress, some people experience incontinence. To make matters worse, the psychological impact of urinary incontinence can lead to even more stress, exacerbating the issue. Once this happens, it can be difficult to regain control.


The final notable physical health condition that can occur from anxiety is insomnia. This issue is a bit more well-known, but not everyone knows that extreme stress is one of the biggest triggers for sleeplessness. Chronic anxiety can lead to multiple sleepless nights, which can lower your immune system and cause other health conditions.

Make your home a welcoming space for guests and family by making it an unwelcoming space for bugs, rodents, and other assorted pests! Here’s how.

If you’ve ever had a pest infestation in your home, you know what a headache it can be to chase them all out. Now it’s time to go on the offensive—prevent them from entering in the first place! Try these innovative methods for keeping pests out of your home, and enjoy a comfortable indoor space with no unexpected guests.

Dispose of Trash Securely

What sorts of trash bins do you have around the house? Bins and trash cans with lids keep food waste and other garbage secure from insect or animal interlopers. When it’s time to take the garbage out, tie off the bags with a double knot and take them out promptly. 

Keep Your Drains Clean

Few experiences are quite as unnerving as watching a centipede or a host of flies make their way in through your kitchen sink. Drains clogged with debris, especially food residue, are common breeding grounds for all kinds of creepy-crawlies. Use a mix of vinegar and baking soda to clean your drains at least once a month; the foaming action will break up stubborn clogs and clear away residue.

Seal Up Duct Leaks

If you see pests in your home but can’t figure out where they came from, enlist a professional to help you find their entrance and seal it off. Leaky or faulty air ducts are common points of entry for critters of various sizes. Have those air ducts tested for leakage, and if the technician finds any holes or gaps, ask them to seal up those gaps.

Replace Exterior Lightbulbs

Did you know the color of the lights outside your house affects insect activity as much as their location? If you have a problem with insects congregating around your front door, consider switching to warmer lights. Replace those mercury vapor bulbs with halogen bulbs in a pink or orange tint; they’re the least attractive to bugs. 


While you’re at it, think about moving those exterior lights further away from your front door. That way, insects will be less likely to make their way indoors.

Screen All Entryways

One of the most surefire ways to keep pests out of your home is to keep your windows and doors closed at all times. However, many of us like a little fresh air once in a while! If you prefer to keep windows or doors cracked open for airflow, make sure you have durable, functional screens that keep bugs and larger pests out. Repair or replace those screens once you notice fraying, holes, or other damage.

To keep your home comfortable and inviting to human guests, utilize these innovative ways to keep pests out of your home for good. You’ll enjoy a cleaner house and avoid any unpleasant surprises from bugs, rodents, and other unwelcome visitors.