When Matthew Perry, the beloved star of Friends, passed away last year, the world mourned the loss of a comedic icon. However, as details of his estate began to emerge, a curious puzzle presented itself: despite his reported net worth of $120 million, his bank account held (only) $1.5 million. Admittedly, this seems like a whopping sum to most of us, but this amount appears off for a man who earned millions of dollars for just one episode of the show. Shouldn’t he have had much more money than that? The answer lies in the details of estate planning and using trusts as part of your plan.

In this article, we’ll look at Perry’s estate plan and pull out some valuable lessons. These lessons pertain to all of us, not just the rich and famous. To find out how trusts can benefit you, read on.

What is a Trust?

A trust is simply a legal arrangement where a person (sometimes called a “settlor”) transfers assets to someone ( a “trustee”) who manages those assets for the benefit of someone else (the “beneficiaries”). Many types of trusts can be used for various purposes, including estate planning, asset protection, and providing for loved ones.

The trustees appointed to manage a trust play a crucial role in fulfilling the settlor’s wishes. Choosing the right trustees is essential for the effective management of a trust. Trustees should be trustworthy, financially responsible, and knowledgeable about estate planning. They should also be willing to devote the time and effort required to manage the trust’s assets.

In Perry’s case, it appears he established a trust during his lifetime. This trust, which seems to be named the Alvy Singer Living Trust—Woody Allen’s character in Annie Hall—presumably holds a significant portion of his wealth. In Perry’s case, the trustees were likely responsible for managing his investments, paying bills, and distributing money to the beneficiaries.

Why would Perry have chosen to establish a trust? There are many benefits, which I’ll break down in greater detail now.

The Power and Benefits of Trusts

There are many advantages to using a trust for estate planning. Here are some of the most common.

Protection from creditors and lawsuits. If a beneficiary faced financial difficulties, their creditors would generally not have access to assets held in a trust.

Ongoing support during life, incapacity, and after death. Trusts can provide for loved ones more flexibly than a will. A will is a legal document that outlines how your assets will be distributed after your death. However, a trust can be structured to provide support during your life and for your beneficiaries over time, ensuring their needs are met. If you have a will, your assets will usually be transferred to your beneficiaries – even if they are young or financially irresponsible.

Minimization of estate taxes. Depending on the size of an estate, there may be significant federal and state estate taxes. A trust can reduce or eliminate these taxes.

Court avoidance. A court process called probate takes place after someone dies, and it can be expensive, lengthy, and conflict-laden. If you have a will or no estate plan, court is mandatory. However, the court process may be avoided if you have a trust. This results in less expense, less time, and a decreased probability of conflict. It’s also a public proceeding, and court filings contain personal and financial information you may not want others to see.

Conflict avoidance. The court process is set up to give all heirs and creditors a claim to your assets. They are invited to file a claim and get to see information about your assets.

Greater control over what happens to your assets and your family. When you have to go to court, someone other than you – a judge who’s a stranger to you and your family – will make all final decisions about your money, property, and family. But with a trust, you can make those decisions and exercise control over the outcomes.

Preserving assets when there’s a substance abuse issue. It’s no secret that Perry struggled with substance abuse for much of his life, and it’s possible that because of that, he was advised to create a trust to hold his assets. This was a wise decision. Substance abuse can have a significant impact on financial stability, and it is possible that Perry sought to protect his assets from loss, either by his actions or potential creditors and legal issues related to his addiction. You can do the same for a friend or relative if you want to support them and know they struggle to manage their finances responsibly.

These advantages apply to you, too! You do not need to be wealthy to want a trust. You do not have to be charitable or famous to take advantage of the benefits.

The Appeal of Privacy

Remember when I mentioned above that the court process is public? I also noted that a trust can help you and your family avoid court and its very public nature. If you were wondering, “If it’s true Matthew Perry had a trust, then how come it’s public knowledge that he had $1.5 million in his bank account?” Then kudos! You caught on to something important.

Matthew Perry also had a will, and wills go through probate. Any assets not placed into a trust must be dealt with via your will and, thus, are subject to the court process. Remember when I mentioned that court filings must contain your personal and financial information? That’s how we know about Matthew Perry’s bank account. The funds in his bank account were ostensibly not placed into his trust and are subject to the public probate process. You can look up the court records and read his will – or any will – for yourself.

His will mentioned that he had trust, which is also common. It doesn’t mention the terms of the trust, who the beneficiaries are, what his other assets are, and who gets what. Our public knowledge is limited to what’s in his will. And if his bank account had been placed into his trust, it would have been kept private, too.

In short, assets placed into a trust are kept private, as is your personal and financial information. Assets left out of a trust are public knowledge. So, when you create a trust, you mustn’t just draft and sign the document and call it a day. You must take the next step and correctly place your assets into the trust. If you don’t do that, you lose all the benefits the trust offers.

How We Help You Protect What Matters Most

As more details about Perry’s estate emerge (and sadly, his death), we may better understand his intentions and the legacy he will leave behind. While his untimely passing is a tragic loss, his estate planning offers a fascinating look at the advantages of trusts and how you can also take advantage of them.

We help you create a comprehensive Life & Legacy Plan that may include tools like trusts to protect your assets, maintain your privacy, and ensure your loved ones are cared for—without the headaches of court or the increased chances of conflict. By planning today, you can have peace of mind knowing your wishes will be honored, your family’s future will be safeguarded, and your legacy will be kept private.

Schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation to learn more. Contact us today!

This article is a service of Res Nova Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling our office today to schedule a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session.

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Camas, WA – City of Camas officials are encouraging residents to join their friends and neighbors for the Our Camas 2045 Community Summit #2.

The Summit will take place Oct. 22, from 4:30-6:30 pm, at the Camas-Washougal Fire Department Station 42 (4321 NW Parker Street).

This is a key opportunity to participate in Camas’ city-wide engagement processes, Our Camas 2045 and Our Downtown Camas 2045, as we update the Comprehensive Plan and develop a Downtown Subarea Plan.

At this summit, participants will help:

  • Review and comment on the draft land use alternatives for our city.
  • Provide input on the scale of development.
  • Review and refine concepts for downtown Camas.
  • Share information about the City’s climate planning efforts and recent greenhouse gas emissions inventory.

These activities build on the community visioning process and are essential in shaping a land use alternative that aligns with Camas’s unique needs. The goal is to create a plan that balances housing, parks, open spaces, transportation, infrastructure and equitable outcomes for all.

Please join Camas city officials for a fun and informative evening to discuss the future of Camas! For more information, visit Engagecamas.com or contact Alan Peters, Community Development Director at 360-817-7254 or email [email protected]

Vancouver, WA — The Nutter Family Foundation, founded by Jerry and Renee Nutter in 2008, is a nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of children. The Foundation believes when children are given the opportunity to develop their talents society thrives.

In following in her parents’ footsteps and to further the mission of Dozer Day®, Dozer Day® Paves the Way, is a children’s book authored by the Nutter’s daughter, Sammi Nutter Charlton. This fun new read reflects fundamental values that characterize Dozer Day®: learning and education, pursuing your passions, playing an active role in your community, and serving others. Accompanied by lively illustrations, readers will read along as Dozer Dan participates in the event year after year. Inspired by his childhood fascination with dozers, Dozer Dan grows up to become a volunteer and operator himself.

How will Dozer Day® inspire children to explore the construction industry and make a difference in their communities? Take part in this grand movement and help support the cause by spreading knowledge and fun through Dozer Day® Paves the Way.

Pre-order on Amazon: https://qr1.be/CMRG

Dozer Day

Community members are invited to help shape Washougal’s future by joining the advisory committee, completing a survey, and attending upcoming events.

The City of Washougal is excited to announce the launch of the Washougal Onward Comprehensive Plan Update, an 15-month initiative to guide the city’s growth and development through 2045. Known for its charm, beautiful natural surroundings, and strong sense of community, Washougal is preparing for a future that preserves these qualities while ensuring sustainable growth.

As a gateway to outdoor activities like hiking and kayaking, Washougal offers residents a unique blend of peaceful living with easy access to urban amenities. The comprehensive plan update will focus on maintaining this balance, addressing land use, middle housing development, and infrastructure needs.

Specific emphasis will be placed on housing requirements, environmental sustainability, and the integration of climate-related policies to preserve the natural beauty and outdoor lifestyle that residents enjoy. The City’s capital facilities plan will also be updated to support key services such as stormwater management, water and sewer systems, transportation, parks, and recreation.

To ensure the plan reflects the needs and priorities of Washougal’s residents, the City is launching a robust community engagement effort. Residents, business owners, and people who are interested are invited to participate in shaping Washougal’s future through several avenues:

  1. Join the Washougal Onward Community Advisory Committee (CAC)
    The City is seeking approximately 16–20 members for the Community Advisory Committee, which will provide valuable feedback on new regulations and policies shaping Washougal’s growth. The CAC will serve as ambassadors for the community, offering diverse perspectives and representing key community groups. Interested residents, business owners, and stakeholders are encouraged to apply by submitting an interest form.
  2. Complete the Community Survey
    Every voice matters in shaping Washougal’s future! The City is asking residents to complete the community survey and share their input. Survey responses will help guide decisions in the planning process.
  3. Attend Upcoming Community Events
    The City will host several community events throughout the update process, where residents can learn more about the Comprehensive Plan, ask questions, and provide feedback. The first event, the Comprehensive Plan Carnival will take place on Nov. 16, 2024 at the Port of Camas-Washougal. Residents can stay updated on event dates by visiting the Community Event Calendar.

The Washougal Onward Comprehensive Plan Update will impact many facets of daily life in Washougal. Public input is needed to ensure the updated plan reflects the diverse needs of the community and aligns with long-term goals.

“Washougal residents have a unique opportunity to plan for the growth of our community, and it’s important that all voices are represented throughout this process,” said Mitch Kneipp, Community Development Director. “We encourage all residents to get involved and share their vision for Washougal.”

For more information about the Washougal Onward Comprehensive Plan Update and how to participate, visit the Comprehensive Plan website or [email protected].

Being a business owner can be incredibly rewarding. It feels great to see an idea become a reality, increase your revenue, and create a job for someone who needs one. But, as all business owners know, with reward comes risk. There’s not much you can do to eliminate risk from your business, but you can get pretty close with the right systems.

A complete insurance system is one of the most essential systems your business can have. With the right policies and guidance, you can safeguard your personal and business assets against unexpected threats like lawsuits, property damage, and employee injuries, providing you with a sense of security and peace of mind.

In this article, we’ll look at the different types of business insurance, what’s legally required, and how to choose the best coverage for your needs. Read to the end, and I’ll show you how to get the proper support to protect your business.

Understanding Your Legal Obligations

Before you start exploring the different types of business insurance, understanding what’s required by law can provide a sense of relief. Depending on where you live and the nature of your business, you may be legally obligated to carry certain types of insurance. 

Federal law mandates that employers carry workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, and disability insurance. These coverages are essential in protecting your employees and ensuring they receive the necessary support if they’re injured or unable to work due to a job-related issue.

Workers’ Compensation. This insurance covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees who get injured or sick due to their work. It’s a must-have if you employ three or more workers, whether they’re full-time or part-time.

Unemployment Insurance. This coverage provides financial support to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. It helps them bridge the gap while they search for new employment.

Disability Insurance. Disability insurance protects employees who can’t work due to a non-work-related injury or illness. It’s another layer of protection that’s crucial for both you and your employees.

Beyond federal requirements, each state has its own rules regarding business insurance. For example, if you use vehicles for business purposes, you may be required to carry commercial auto insurance. This is only one example; state laws can vary widely and be complicated. So, working with a lawyer is essential to ensure you comply with the law. As your Business Advisor, I can help. Keep reading, and I’ll show you how to book a call with me to learn more.

Exploring Common Types of Business Insurance

Once you’ve covered the basics of what’s required by law, it’s time to think about additional insurance that can help protect your business from unexpected risks. As a general rule, you should consider insuring against risks that you wouldn’t be able to cover out of pocket. Here are some of the most common types of business insurance:

General Liability Insurance. General liability insurance is a must for any business. It covers many potential risks, including bodily injury, property damage, medical expenses, and legal costs if someone sues your business. For example, if a customer slips and falls in your store, general liability insurance can help cover their medical bills and legal fees if they sue.

This insurance also covers claims of libel, slander, and other personal injuries that might arise from your business operations. General liability insurance acts as a safety net, protecting you from financial loss due to unforeseen accidents and legal challenges.

Product Liability Insurance. You’ll want to consider product liability insurance if your business involves manufacturing, wholesaling, distributing, or selling products. This coverage protects you from financial loss if a product you sell causes injury or harm. For example, if you sell a toy that ends up being a choking hazard, product liability insurance can cover the costs of a lawsuit or any settlements that arise.

Even with the best quality control, defects can happen. Product liability insurance ensures that one mistake doesn’t financially ruin your business.

Professional Liability Insurance. Professional liability insurance is vital for businesses that provide services rather than products. Also known as errors and omissions insurance, this coverage protects you from financial loss due to malpractice, errors, or negligence in your services.

For instance, if you’re an accountant and make a mistake on a client’s tax return, leading to penalties from the IRS, professional liability insurance can help cover the cost of any legal action or settlements. This insurance is essential for service-based businesses where even a tiny error can have significant financial consequences.

Choosing the Right Insurance

Now that you know about the different types of business insurance, how do you choose the right one for your business? Here are four steps you can take:

Step 1: Assess Your Risks

The first step in choosing the right insurance is assessing your business’s risks. Consider the accidents, natural disasters, or lawsuits that could impact your business. For example, if your business is in an area prone to flooding, you’ll want to consider commercial property insurance covering flood damage.

Step 2: Find a Reputable Licensed Agent

Once you’ve assessed your risks, it’s time to find a reputable commercial insurance agent. A good agent will take the time to understand your business and recommend coverage that fits your needs. They will guide you through the complex world of insurance, ensuring you make informed decisions.

Step 3: Understand the Policy Terms

Insurance policies can contain complicated language, but understanding the terms can empower you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and take the time to understand the terms of each policy, so you’re clear on how coverage works in different scenarios. 

Step 4: Reassess Your Coverage Every Year. As your business evolves, so do your risks. It’s important to review your insurance coverage annually to ensure it still adequately protects your business.

As your business grows and evolves, so will your insurance needs. Each year, review your coverage to ensure it will work when you need it to. For instance, if you’ve purchased new equipment, expanded your operations, or hired more employees, it’s time to update your insurance. Regularly reassessing your coverage with a trusted advisor ensures that you’re always protected, no matter how your business changes. And as your Business Advisor, I’m here to help. 

Business insurance is an investment in the future of your company. By understanding your legal obligations, exploring the various types of insurance available, and following the steps to choose the right coverage, you can protect your business from unexpected risks. Whether it’s a slip-and-fall accident, a product defect, or a professional error, the right insurance policy can be the difference between weathering a storm and facing financial disaster.

Secure Your Business’s Future with the Right Guidance

As your Business Advisor, I know how crucial it is to shield your business from these unexpected risks. That’s why I offer a comprehensive Business Breakthrough Session, where we’ll evaluate your current coverage, identify gaps, and create a strategy to ensure your business is fully protected. Together, we’ll build a safety net that allows you to grow your business confidently, knowing you’re well-equipped to handle anything that comes your way.

Book a call to get started and secure the future of your business. Contact us today!

This article is a service of Res Nova Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling our office today to schedule a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session.

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

By Res Nova Law Firm

As a business owner, networking may be a necessary evil. You have to get your name out there by meeting other people, but does it have to be so uncomfortable? Making small talk and figuring out how to promote yourself and your business without sounding cringy is challenging for most of us. 

If you’ve felt this way before, you’re not alone. A recent Forbes article discusses the discomfort in the American networking style and contrasts the American way with how Italians network. The American approach to networking often seems forced and self-serving. However, the Italians network in a way that allows business connections to form naturally, based on genuine relationships and a desire to help others, which is easier and more satisfying. So, let’s explore how you can promote your business by networking more effectively with a few strategies from our friends across the Atlantic. 

The Problem with American-Style Networking

You’ve probably been there. You walk into a crowded room, name tag slapped on your chest, and immediately feel the pressure to “work the room.” Everyone around you is on a mission to collect as many business cards as possible, and it feels superficial or like a waste of time.

But here’s the thing: this approach rarely leads to meaningful connections. You might walk away with a stack of cards, but how many people will you remember? And more importantly, how many of them will remember you?

The American style of networking often focuses on quantity over quality. You’re taught to elevator pitch through conversations, always looking for what others can do for you. It’s exhausting, and frankly, it doesn’t work as well as you might hope. 

The Italian Approach: Building Relationships, Not Contact Lists

Now, picture this: You’re at a small café in Italy. You strike up a conversation with the owner about the local olive harvest. Before you know it, he’s introducing you to his cousin, who runs an import-export business. You’re not trying to network – just having a pleasant conversation. Yet somehow, you’ve made a valuable business connection.

This is the essence of Italian-style networking. It’s not about collecting contacts; it’s about building relationships. Italians don’t see networking as a separate business activity. Instead, it’s woven into the fabric of daily life. They help others because it’s the right thing to do, not because they expect something in return.

The phrase “I’ve got a guy” is common in Italy. Need a plumber? Your neighbor has one. Looking for the best local wine? The shopkeeper has one. This network of personal recommendations is built on trust and genuine connections. And guess what? It’s incredibly effective for business, too.

How to Network Effectively 

How can you bring this Italian flair to your networking efforts? Here are some key strategies to keep in mind:

Focus on Giving, Not Getting. The next time you’re in a networking situation, flip the script. Instead of thinking about what others can do for you, ask yourself how you can help them. You may know someone who’d be perfect for their project, or you have experience that could solve a problem they’re facing.

Offer Something of Value, Deliver it, Then Follow Up. In the same vein, offer something of value to someone else. Then, deliver the thing of value immediately and follow up after. The value should be related to your business or your services and could be a free book, report, or service. Then, once you’ve delivered the valuable offer, continue to add value until they are ready to take the following steps. One example may be including them on your house list and sending a weekly email newsletter. But make sure your newsletter is chock-full of exciting and valuable content people want to read!

By focusing on giving value first, you create a positive impression. People remember those who helped them and are likely to return the favor. Plus, it just feels good to help others!

Take Your Time and Build Genuine Connections. In the Italian approach, relationships aren’t built in a single conversation. Take the time to get to know people beyond their job titles. Ask about their interests, their families, and their dreams. Share your own stories and experiences.

This doesn’t mean you must become best friends with everyone you meet. But by showing genuine interest in others as people, not just potential business contacts, you create more profound, meaningful connections. These are the relationships that lead to long-term business opportunities and partnerships.

Expand Your Network Organically. Instead of limiting your networking to formal business events, look for opportunities to connect with people in everyday situations. Join a local sports league, volunteer for a community project, or become a regular at your neighborhood café.

As you build relationships in these settings, you’ll naturally expand your network. And because these connections are based on shared interests or experiences, they’re often more substantial and genuine than those formed at traditional networking events.

The Long-Term Benefits of Effective Networking

Adopting this approach might feel slow at first. You won’t walk away from every interaction with a new client or business deal. But over time, you’ll build a network of people who know, like, and trust you. And that’s incredibly valuable in business.

Think about it: when you need a service or product, who will you choose? A company you found through a Google search or one recommended by a friend you trust? Effective networking puts you in the position to be that trusted recommendation.

Moreover, this style of networking is more sustainable and enjoyable. You’re not constantly “on,” trying to sell yourself. Instead, you’re building authentic relationships and helping others. It’s a more natural and less stressful way to grow your business connections.

So, it’s time to ditch the aggressive, self-serving approach to networking. Instead, take a page from the Italian playbook. Focus on building genuine relationships, helping others without expecting immediate return, and letting your network grow organically. You might collect fewer business cards, but you’ll create something far more valuable: a network of people who want to see you succeed.

The Advisor You Need When You’re Ready to Build Your Business

As your Business Advisor, I know your marketing and networking strategies are crucial to your business success. I also understand that when you’re trying to build a business, you may be so busy networking that you neglect the other important parts of your business, like your essential legal, insurance, financial, and tax systems. But without these systems, your business can suffer, making your networking efforts fruitless.

That’s why I offer a comprehensive Business Breakthrough session. In this Session, we’ll analyze your current business foundations and develop a plan to address gaps. Together, we’ll ensure that your business is built on a solid foundation so you’re free to do what you do best—focus on growing your business.

Contact us today!

Res Nova Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (WA-03) and Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) introduced the End Fentanyl Trafficking with Local Task Forces Act to establish a dedicated federal funding stream to help multi-jurisdictional drug task forces (MJTFs) combat opioid trafficking in Washington state and across the country.

The End Fentanyl Trafficking with Local Task Forces Act would:

  • Expand and formalize an existing DOJ initiative, the COPS Anti-Heroin Task Force program, to fund MJTFs to target opioid trafficking.
  • Help law enforcement expand partnerships across federal, state, Tribal, and local agencies to address opioid trafficking.
  • Allow funds to be used to create or expand existing MJTFs, hire and train law enforcement offices and other support employees, procure equipment, technology, support systems, and pay overtime.
  • Require 20 percent of funding to be set aside for Tribes and 20 percent to be made directly available to MJTFs. 
  • Double funding historically provided to the COPS Anti-Heroin Task Force program to address opioid trafficking. 
  • Provide technical assistance, including through training centers and facilities, to help instruct law enforcement on best practices for combating opioid trafficking.

“We have to end the deadly flow of fentanyl into our communities before it takes more of our loved ones and neighbors from us, and we need all of the law enforcement talent possible at the table,” Gluesenkamp Perez. “I’m introducing this legislation to dedicate federal funds to multi-jurisdictional task forces and expand partnerships and training – because when law enforcement agencies can coordinate regionally, they can more effectively fight fentanyl trafficking.”

“The opioid epidemic has devastated Northwest Washington,” said Larsen.“Members of local, state and Tribal law enforcement have told me they often lack the funding and resources to stem the flow of opioids and fentanyl that harm the communities they serve. This bill invests in and empowers multi-jurisdictional task forces to get more opioids and fentanyl off our streets – a critical investment that will protect Northwest Washington communities and save lives.” 

In Washington state and around the country, law enforcement agencies partner across jurisdictions to form task forces that coordinate information, resources, and staff to target the illegal distribution of drugs at the local and regional levels. Washington state currently has 16 active MJTFs. 

The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne JAG) program is the leading source of federal justice funding for states, Tribes, and local governments supporting a range of criminal legal system improvement and community advancement initiatives, including MJTFs.

Last year, Reps. Gluesenkamp Perez and Larsen, along with other members of the Washington Delegation urged the Governor to continue to support the important work of MJTFs fighting fentanyl trafficking. The Congresswoman also supports increased funding for the Byrne JAG and COPS grants local law enforcement departments rely on.

Gluesenkamp Perez is working to fight the flow of fentanyl across our Southern Border that is making the work of first responders more difficult. She cosponsored the FEND Off Fentanyl and END FENTANYL Acts in the House, which are now law to target fentanyl traffickers and fight fentanyl smuggling at ports of entry.

Gluesenkamp Perez, along with her bipartisan colleagues, introduced the Invest to Protect Act to help police departments access funding for training, hiring and retention; introduced the Streamlining Federal Grants Act to make it easier for small, rural departments to apply for resources; and helped introduce legislation to support training and recruitment grants and expand access for rural communities.

A one-page summary of the legislation is available here.

“The National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition commends Representatives Larsen and Gluesenkamp Perez for their work and introduction of the End Fentanyl Trafficking with Local Task Forces Act. Greater investment in resources for drug enforcement efforts – particularly multi-jurisdictional drug task forces – is needed to counter the alarming trend of drug poisoning,” said Eric Brown, president of the National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition (NNOAC). “Multi-jurisdictional drug task forces have generated best practices in information sharing, case deconfliction, and institutional coordination against local and regional drug threats. Given the diversification of Byrne JAG funding for purposes other than multi-jurisdictional drug task forces in some states, this legislation will provide much needed dedicated funding to address the drug poisoning epidemics in our communities.”

“The Major County Sheriffs of America (MCSA) applauds Representatives Larsen and Gluesenkamp Perez for their efforts to combat the fentanyl epidemic and for advocating for essential resources to support our mission of protecting communities across the nation,” said MCSA Executive Director Megan Noland.“The End Fentanyl Trafficking with Local Task Forces Act would provide law enforcement with critical tools to target drug traffickers and prevent fentanyl from entering our communities. We appreciate that the bill would provide dedicated resources to support local multi-jurisdictional drug task forces.” 

“Drug trafficking has brought tremendous harm to Washingtonians as such, the Washington State Narcotics Investigators Association enthusiastically endorses Representative Larsen’s efforts to strengthen partnerships and cooperation between federal and local agencies to save lives and prevent more devastation by addressing opioid trafficking in Washington State. His proposals in Congress represent the balance needed to positively impact lives and livelihoods of those in our state devastated by illicit drug trafficking,” said WSNIA President Chris Foreman. “We urge Congress to pass the End Fentanyl Trafficking with Local Task Forces Act immediately to provide crucial resources to our communities throughout the Pacific Northwest. Failure to do so will cost more lives and devastation caused by overdoses and opioid use disorder, and street crimes in our neighborhoods.”

Washougal, WA — The City of Washougal is excited to announce the launch of its Homeowners Association (HOA) and Neighborhood Registry, aimed at fostering stronger community connections and enhancing local communication. Washougal is comprised of roughly 200 neighborhoods with their own unique character and appeal.

The registry allows HOAs and neighborhood associations to officially register with the city, providing a centralized resource for residents to access information about community organizations. Residents are encouraged to register their associations online to stay informed about city programs, initiatives, and opportunities for collaboration. The city is committed to supporting neighborhoods and strengthening community ties through this new initiative.

“Woven together to create a distinct tapestry, each neighborhood brings its own beauty, its own charm, and identity to the overarching community,” said Sherry Montgomery, Community Aesthetics Program Coordinator. “This registry is a fantastic opportunity for neighborhoods to connect and collaborate. We believe that by working together, we can enhance the beauty and spirit of our community.”

For more information and to fill out the registration form, please visit https://cityofwashougal.us/789/HOA-Neighborhood-Registry.

Starting a business is tough; sometimes, despite all your best efforts, things don’t go as planned. When your business fails, it can feel like the end of the road. But here’s the good news: failure isn’t the end. It’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and come back stronger. Many successful entrepreneurs now at the top of their game have failed before finding their winning formula. If your last business didn’t work out, don’t lose hope. Here are five essential strategies to bounce back and set yourself up for success.

Strategy 1: Reflect and Learn From Your Mistakes

Understanding what went wrong is the first step to getting back on your feet. It’s easy to get caught up in the blame game, but this is the time to take a hard, honest look at your business. What mistakes did you make? Were there signs you ignored? Maybe the market wasn’t right, the timing wasn’t right, or perhaps you overspent on things that didn’t matter. Whatever the case, reflecting on what happened can help you avoid making the same mistakes in the future, empowering you to take control of your next venture.

What we see most often is that business owners fail because they need to understand the best ways to manage their time, energy, attention, and money. You can always make more money with the right offer to the right people at the right time. So inventory your failure now: did you have the right offer? Were you making it to the right people? And, if not, how can you solve that before your next business venture?

Strategy 2: Rebuild Your Confidence and Mindset

After a failure, your confidence might take a hit. You might start doubting your abilities, wondering if you’re cut out for business. Feeling this way is normal, but you can’t let it hold you back. Rebuilding your confidence is crucial for your next steps. 

Confidence comes from systems and structure. Do you need to learn to use your calendar to focus on what’s most important? Do you need to learn sales, cash flow management, or marketing? Dial in the clarity around the foundations of great business and commit to understanding what you can do differently next time to generate what you need, when you need it, in alignment with your values.

Your mindset is critical. Instead of seeing failure as an end, view it as a stepping stone. It’s also not a reflection of who you are. Failure is just a thing; it’s neutral. It doesn’t say anything about you or necessarily means you don’t have the temperament or skills required to succeed. So stay optimistic and believe that success is possible with the right approach. Reading books or listening to podcasts by successful entrepreneurs who’ve bounced back from failure can be an excellent focus, filling you with hope and optimism for your next venture.

Strategy 3: Plan Your Next Move Carefully

With lessons learned and confidence restored, planning your next move is time. This isn’t about jumping into another business immediately. It’s about taking the time to think things through and set yourself up for success.

If you don’t know what business you want to create next, research different business ideas. What’s in demand? What are people willing to pay for? Consider your passions and strengths—what do you enjoy doing, and how can that be turned into a business? Look for gaps in the market where you can offer something unique.

Once you have a solid idea, create a detailed business plan. This should include your target market, pricing strategy, marketing plan, and financial projections. A well-thought-out plan can help you avoid the pitfalls of your last venture and give you a clear roadmap. If you need help with this, read to the end of this article, and I’ll show you how to book a call with me for support.

Strategy 4: Secure the Right Support and Resources

No one succeeds in business alone. One of the biggest lessons from a failed venture is realizing the importance of support and resources. This time, ensure you have the right people and tools in place.

Start by building a solid network of advisors, mentors, and fellow entrepreneurs. These connections can provide guidance, open doors to new opportunities, and offer emotional support when things get tough. Don’t be afraid to ask for help—successful people always do it. 

I can be a trusted advisor through all stages of your business. When you work with me, I will support you, whether with your legal, insurance, financial, or tax-related systems. I’m also here for counseling and advice. And if I don’t know the answer to your question, I will guide you to the right people who can.

Speaking of financial systems, evaluating which financial resources you need is essential. Do you need to secure outside funding? If so, explore different options, such as loans, grants, or investors. Be realistic about how much money you need and have a clear plan for using it. Remember, having the proper support and resources can make all the difference in whether your next business thrives or struggles.

Strategy 5: Stay Resilient and Keep Moving Forward

Success doesn’t happen overnight, and challenges will come along the way. This is entirely normal. The key is staying resilient and moving forward, even when things get tough.

Setbacks are expected for business, but how you respond to them will determine your success. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to pivot or try a new approach. Stay flexible and open-minded, and always be willing to learn and adapt.

It’s also important to celebrate small wins along the way. Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small, and use it as motivation to keep going. Remember why you started first and keep your eyes on the prize.

Finally, take care of yourself. Running a business can be stressful, and it’s easy to burn out if you’re not careful. Ensure you take time to rest, recharge, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Burning the candle at both ends is a 

Bouncing back after a business failure isn’t easy, but it’s possible. By reflecting on your mistakes, rebuilding your confidence, planning carefully, securing the right support with my help, and staying resilient, you can set yourself up for success. Failure isn’t the end—it’s just the beginning of a new chapter. With the right mindset and approach, your next business venture could be the one that takes off. Keep moving forward, and don’t give up on your dreams.

Your Trusted Advisor For All Business Ups and Downs

I understand the damaging impact setbacks can have on you and your business. That’s why I offer a comprehensive Business Breakthrough Session, during which we’ll analyze your business foundations and ensure they have the right foundations to succeed. 

Remember, bouncing back from failure is not just about avoiding past mistakes; it’s about building a more substantial, more resilient business that can thrive in the face of challenges. Working together can turn your setbacks into valuable lessons and create a roadmap for long-term success.

Book a call to learn more. Contact us today!

This article is a service of Res Nova Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling our office today to schedule a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session.

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Camas, WA — Camas Police records reveal the details that led to the September 13th arrest of Camas City Council member, John Svilarich. The City of Camas is directing questions on the incident to the police report and county prosector’s office.

Svilarich, 66, according to the police records, was charged with two crimes (reckless endangerment and aiming/discharging a firearm) following a verbal altercation with a fisherman and a pedestrian that occurred on August 31 along the Washougal River Greenway trail in Camas.

The Camas Police Department said the charges against Svilarich stem from a disturbance that “began as a verbal argument between a fisherman along the river, and a pedestrian who was walking along the greenway trail and over the pedestrian footbridge.”

In a document filed by Camas Police detective Gary Manning, Camas Police were dispatched to the scene at the trail just before 8 am on Saturday, August 31 following a 911 call. Daniel Beaudoin, 46, of Portland, reported that a man — allegedly Svilarich — threw a rock at him from a pedestrian bridge and “pointed a firearm at him soon after.”

Police say Beaudoin was fishing when Svilarich, who was walking the trail with John Neumann, allegedly confronted Beaudoin because he threw a cigarette butt on the ground.

“They both yelled and cussed at each other,” police said, adding that Svilarich and Neumann “continued on the trail, north of the bridge” following the verbal altercation . The police report said that when Svilarich and Neumann returned heading south over the pedestrian bridge, Beaudoin told police that Svilarich threw a rock in his direction.

“During this pass (over the bridge), Svilarich was observed, by another witness, looking over the bridge railing two times,” the police report said. “A rock, approximately 5 to 8 inches was thrown or dropped by Svilarich off the bridge, which is at a height of approximately 50 feet above the river” and landed “in close proximity to Beaudoin.”

Beaudoin walked to the trail and “verbally confronted Svilarich for throwing the rock.”

And the arguing continued with both men standing at least 40 feet from one another. The police report said Svilarich allegedly “pulled out a black firearm pistol and pointed it in the direction of Beaudoin.”

The fisherman told police he ran back to the river’s edge and that “Svilarich moved down the main trail path in the direction towards where Beaudoin had been standing, shifting the firearm between having the firearm pointed at Beaudoin and pointing at the ground.”

Camas Police confirmed that Svilarich was carrying a black Walther 9mm semi-automatic handgun “concealed in his back right waistband of his pants.” 

Svilarich does have a concealed-carry license.

In the report, Camas police said “originally [Svilarich] denied having a firearm, then stated he had one but did not display it.”  Svilarich later told police he had pulled his firearm but had not pointed it at Beaudoin but, instead, “had it at ‘low ready’ to protect himself.”

Svilarich also admitted to throwing the rock off the pedestrian bridge “but stated he did not know Beaudoin was in the vicinity of where it landed.”