Entries by Ernest Geigenmiller

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Inslee Addresses Face Masks, Virus Spikes, Returning to ‘Where We Were in March’

OLYMPIA, WA — Governor Jay Inslee on Tuesday reaffirmed his support for the updated face covering mandate, which requires businesses to refuse service to any customer not wearing one, saying it will help curb growing COVID-19 infections rates, which have been reported as spiking throughout the state. Inslee made his comments during an afternoon news […]

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WA Unemployment Check Fraud Case Expands to Nearly $1 Billion

BREAKING NEWS …  According to Senator Ann Rivers (18th Legislative District), whose office was briefed today by the Employment Security Department (ESD), the unemployment check fraud case is now approaching $1 billion in lost state funds. Originally, the suspected fraud loss was $350 million. “The ESD fraud case is beyond anything originally suspected,” said Rivers. […]

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COVID-19: Gov. Inslee Outline Plans to Return to Normal Religious Services

In his press conference today, Governor Jay Inslee said that religious congregations throughout Washington can gradually return to normal worship services, as he explained new state guidance. Inslee said that in-person religious gatherings are allowed to resume with restrictions that adhere to physical distancing and safety practices to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The governor’s […]