OLYMPIA, WA – Governor Jay Inslee announced new COVID-19 restrictions Tuesday to slow the spread of coronavirus at college residential facilities, including face masks in living spaces, limits on visitors, and on the number of people allowed in sleeping rooms.

“We’ve just got to get these spikes under control,” Inslee said during the afternoon news conference.

He cited 800 new coronavirus cases tracing back to college dorms and apartments at the University of Washington campus, Washington State University and at other colleges statewide.

As of Monday, 601 University of Washington students have been diagnosed with coronavirus, including 295 cases at 18 fraternities and sororities on the university’s Greek row, which Inslee addressed today.

Washington State University administrators have been cracking down on large parties.

The new mandates announced Tuesday by Inslee include:

  • Face masks are required at all times at college residential facilities, except outside dorms or bedrooms.
  • No more than two people are allowed per bedroom – no congregate sleeping porches are allowed.
  • Visitation is limited to five people outside of the house at one time (must be masked and physically distanced).
  • Only one visitor is allowed in a dorm or bedroom (must be masked and physically distanced).
  • Only five people or visitors are allowed at one time in one place. He said there will be no Apple Cup watching with more than five people (must be masked and physically distanced).
  • Colleges must provide isolation and quarantine facilities to Greek system houses, off-campus congregate houses, students living in dorms and personnel if they don’t have a place to go.
  • For institutions without residential facilities, plans must be developed with the relevant local health jurisdiction to address isolation and/or quarantine needs among any of their staff and students who are unable to isolate or quarantine in their usual residence.
  • All meals must follow current guidance – grab-and-go or single tables.
  • The new measures also include suggestions on public safety enforcement agency partnerships.

The Department of Health warns of a possible new wave of infections this Fall and Winter if people do not take necessary precautions.

The All Paws On Deck Camas Mayor voting officially opens today, and will run through October 30th, according to the event’s organizers.

 This link takes you to the donation site: https://wa-camas-lite.intouchreceipting.com/DECA-AllPawsOnDeck

Citizens can vote October 20th-30th: You can cast your vote for the 2020 Camas Dog Mayor by donating a sum of money towards your favorite candidate. The winner will be determined by which dog has raised the most money. All proceeds will be donated to the West Columbia Gorge Humane Society, and the Southwest Washington Humane Society. On November 2nd, the 2020 Camas Dog Mayor will be announced at the All Paws On Deck website, and all of their social media pages.  You can take a glance at dog candidates by clicking here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16ao9-_qPZz4p5Pq8_Chn8m7nuocwGGTn/view and get to know them a little more by clicking https://all-paws-on-deck.webnode.com/dog-mayor/

During our campaign we will also be having challenges, treat recipes, contests, and activities on our social media pages! You may even be featured on our social media pages. Click HERE to see a more detailed description of each day’s activity. 


Vancouver, WA — Clark County Public Health released their weekend report today stating another 124 people have tested positive for COVID-19 – for an average of about 41 new cases per day (Fri-Sun). However, the department has removed 12 previously counted cases from the county total.

“During our data reconciliation process, we discovered 12 cases among people who live in another county and whose cases have been transferred to the health departments in those counties,” the department said in a statement. “With those changes, a total of 4,230 Clark County residents have tested positive for COVID-19 to date.“

Currently, Clark County has 150 active COVID-19 cases. As a reminder, the number of active cases reflects the number of confirmed cases who are currently in their isolation period. For most people, isolation is based on when symptoms began, not when they received the positive test result. Some individuals learn they are COVID-19 positive and only have a few days of isolation remaining.

There are 19 COVID-19 patients and nine persons under investigation (PUIs) for COVID-19 hospitalized. Additional hospital data is available on our website, such as the percent of hospital beds occupied and percent of beds occupied by COVID-19 patients and PUIs. The health department has also added data on the percent of ICU beds currently occupied. For more information, visit: https://www.clark.wa.gov/public-health/novel-coronavirus


Close Contact Guidance

If you were in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, please stay home.

“Even if you feel OK, you may still be infected and be able to spread the virus to others,” advises the health department. “We ask all close contacts who were around the person who tested positive – going back two days before their symptoms began – to stay home for 14 days from their last exposure.“

Close contacts are classified as follows:

  • Were within 6ft of the sick person for more than 15 minutes
  • Were near the sick person’s coughs or sneezes
  • Live in the same home as the sick person
  • Cared for the sick person

If during the Public Health case investigation you are identified as a close contact to someone who tests positive, you can expect a call from an attending nurse. But you don’t have to wait to hear from If you know you were exposed, help slow the spread of the virus by staying home.

This handout has more information for those who may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19: https://clark.wa.gov/sites/default/files/dept/files/public-health/novel_coronavirus/CCPH_COVID-19_Exposed_%28English%29.pdf

As part of its on-going work on equity, diversity, and inclusion, Washougal School District is seeking up to a dozen community members to serve on its Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Team. This team will advise district leaders in identifying and eliminating systems, policies, procedures and practices that create inequities among students and staff. 

Once the team is formed, it will begin an Equity Audit, supported by Assistant Superintendent Aaron Hansen, who will guide the group. The results of the audit are expected in early 2021, and will shape the plan for the team’s work moving forward.

To apply, interested community members are asked to complete a short application, including an interest statement, agree to the participation requirements, and return the materials by November 13. Applications are available at: www.washougal.k12.wa.us/equity

Camas, WA — Julie Bonaci Scordino got a surprise visit from Camas Police Sunday morning, who handed her three voting ballots that had been stolen from her Parker Estates mailbox.

Officer Debra Riedl brought the soaked ballots, which had been found early Sunday morning — with other stolen mail — by a resident near Klickitat Park, the Camas Police said. In total, nine ballots were found and returned.

“They opened up every individual mailbox door and my neighbor got footage on her Ring at 5:30 on Sunday morning and the guy opened every single one,” said Scordino. “Our ballots were in there. The police said they were tossed out at a local park along with the mail from several other neighbors. The police said four community style mailboxes were broken into throughout the neighborhood.”

The police said they were contacted by neighbors and they viewed surveillance video of the possible suspect. 

“The suspect has not been identified at this time and the investigation is ongoing,” said Alisha Stevens, of the Camas Police. 

How did they open up the mailboxes? 

“They took a vice grip and put it on the locking mechanism to twist it,” said Scordino. “You can see marks on where they spun the locks on every single mailbox.”

Now, Scordino has to get new ballots from the Clark County Elections Office in downtown Vancouver. 


“They are all wet,” Scordino said. “To get new ballots we have to go there in person, or we can print them out from their website, but I’d rather get them replaced. They didn’t offer to mail us new ones. At least nine ballots that I know of were stolen. And, now our mailboxes cannot lock.”

Scordino received much attention Sunday when she posted about the theft on her Facebook page. Some of the response was quite negative, which surprised her.

“My intention is for people to watch out for their mail,” Scordino said. “I give major kudos to the Camas Police, it was well handled by them.”

The Camas Police said mail theft is not uncommon and Camas officers responded to similar calls several times a year.

“In general, the suspects are looking for mail items that can be used for financial gain (checks, credit cards, personal info that can be used for opening fake charge accounts),” said Stevens. “In these cases the unwanted mail is often dumped nearby, just as the ballots were in this case. Camas Police would like to remind citizens to be vigilant and observant, especially with the upcoming holiday season. Be aware of your mailbox and those of your neighbors. Immediately report any suspicious activity to the authorities.”

The suspect and suspect’s vehicle caught on surveillance video.
Broken into mailboxes.
All the locks were twisted and broken.

This is a message from the All Paws on Deck Team and Camas DECA team regarding the Camas Dog Mayor Contest:

Our All Paws On Deck team would first like to thank each of the 35 dogs who applied to be 2020 Camas Dog Mayor. It was a very difficult decision and we wish we could have all 35 dogs be finalists. However, all dogs went through an extensive voting process in which our team narrowed the applicant pool down to 10 finalists.

We are absolutely thrilled to announce the final 10 candidates. You can take a glance at them by clicking ​https://drive.google.com/file/d/16ao9-_qPZz4p5Pq8_Chn8m7nuocwGGTn/view and get to know them a little more by clicking ​https://all-paws-on-deck.webnode.com/dog-mayor/

Starting ​October 20th-30th​, you can cast your vote for the 2020 Camas Dog Mayor by donating a sum of money towards your favorite candidate. The winner will be determined by which dog has raised the most money. All proceeds will be donated to the West Columbia Gorge Humane Society, and the Southwest Washington Humane Society. On ​November 2nd​, the 2020 Camas Dog Mayor will be announced on our website and all of our social media pages. During our campaign we will also be having challenges, treat recipes, contests, and activities on our social media pages! You may even be featured on our social media pages. Click ​https://all-paws-on-deck.webnode.com/products-/ to see a more detailed description of each day’s activity.

Again, we would like to thank each and every dog that applied. We are looking forward to seeing who wins the title of the 2020 Camas Dog Mayor! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact either Esha Minhas or Ryley Anderson at ​chsdeca@camas.wednet.edu​

Sincerely, The All Paws on Deck Team/Camas DECA

Camas Dog Mayor candidates.

Camas, WA — Adam’s Street Bar and Grill, a popular destination, has sustained $250,000 in financial losses stemming from the September 18 heavy rains and ensuing floods that wreaked havoc across town, said bar owner Greg Shelby.

“We’ve been down here most every day cleaning up trying to get things done,” said Shelby. “It’s such a big mess, we’ve had to move a lot of things, and at this time we haven’t had any help from any insurance or from the City of Camas, which I don’t think is right. I know there’s negligence on their part.”

He said the city cited a massive downpour and the streets were plugged up, and that there were no open drains on the streets the morning of the floods. The water poured in from the streets and flooded his 2,500 square foot business basement with nearly five feet of water, which damaged major appliances, ruined months of frozen food, equipment, and restaurant supplies.

He said there are many faults in the city’s plumbing system, which he said is ancient. 

“I’ve had the city out here before with minor drainage issues before, which still haven’t been resolved,” he said. “This is all devastating. I stock up on stuff. Our freezers were full, our walk-in was full, my dry storage was full. We had a pallet of paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, everything was ruined. We threw away all our food. I just need to keep cleaning, we had just had the floors all done here. I had great cooking equipment, I had to throw away so much stuff.”

Shelby said his insurance company claim is still in process.


“The volume of water overwhelmed the capacity of the system with heavy downhill flows,” said claims adjuster Karen Tailman, of Sedgwick, representing the City of Camas in a letter to Adam’s. “This was not simply a matter of the catch basins overflowing, but of surface water cascading down the roadway and collecting to the lowest point.

“Accordingly, we find no evidence of negligence on the part of the City of Camas that caused or contributed to your loss, it was simply an act of nature.”

The adjuster said the city crew work was halted between September 7 and September 17 due to the unhealthy smoke conditions stemming from the Oregon wildfires.

Shelby is fighting back and has hired an attorney to handle the case. They are citing a May Downtown Camas Infrastructure Analysis by McKay Esposito that called out drainage and ponding issues throughout downtown Camas, particularly on 4th Avenue. 

The report said “based on interviews with the City staff, several streets were identified as having ponding issues. One cause described was root intrusion into many sanitary sewer lines, especially along 4th Avenue. It is recommended that the lines be video inspected to gain a better understanding of repairs needed.”

The following areas were identified in the report:

  • 6th and Adams ponding — usually due to clogged drains from leaves, etc.
  • Dallas from 7th to 6th — bubble up issues
  • 4th and Birth periodic street flooding
  • 5th and Dallas floods frequently
  • Lots of root encroachment into lines, particularly on 4th.

In addition, Council member Ellen Burton said just days before the floods Public Works Director Steve Wall addressed the many drainage problems in the downtown area.

Debris is still being cleaned up.
Outside Adam’s Bar and Grill.

Washougal WA — Flashing red lights on a brand new brushfire rig and a cluster of red balloons welcomed Cape Horn-Skye Elementary first grade students of Nichol Yung and Darcy Hickey as they arrived at the school parking lot to meet some local heroes on October 9.  Through their family car windows, and wearing masks, students handed their handmade thank you cards to representatives from Camas-Washougal Firefighters, Chris Kassel and Matthew Miller, also masked and wearing gloves. In return, each student was given a shiny red fire hat. Although no one could actually see the smiles behind masks, you could feel the joy felt by firefighters and students in the exchange. 

“These written notes are so important because they provide an opportunity for the students to show gratitude and connect with people in our community who work and volunteer to keep them safe,” said Yung of her students appreciation for the firefighters. “In a world where there is so much ‘virtual’ and for a 6 year old, it’s oftentimes difficult for them to distinguish between what is real and what is make-believe, these cards provide that bridge from what they may see on the news or hear friends and family talk about to something concrete.”

The class learned about wildfires and discussed how local fires had impacted the area. Some students shared how their families had to be ready to evacuate here in Washougal. 

“We had some students keenly aware of how some of their extended family members in Oregon were affected by the recent fires,” Hickey said.

The project gave these kids an opportunity to open up and process their feelings from what they had encountered during that difficult time.

“Since all of the students were directly affected by the fires, especially with the smoke, they were able to offer support by providing a listening ear and observe the courage they all had in getting through this scary time,” said Yung. “This was a real-life experience for all of them and with the chance to meet some firefighters, they can make the connection with what they experienced to those who helped put the fires out.”

“It was great to just be out in the community and see all of these happy kids,” said Miller.  “The cards were very sweet and mean so much to us.”

“We really enjoy being a part of these type of events,” said Kassel.  “It is important for children to see us in normal situations so they know we are not scary, so in a time of emergency, they will not shy away from us.”

Student Ada Berg hoped her card made the firefighters happy.  “I wanted to thank them for fighting fires and helping to keep people safe,” she said.  For Berg and her family, the fires were very real with her grandparents evacuated from their home in Estacada, Oregon.

“I want to be a firefighter,” admitted student Grason Powell.  “I want to help save the world.”

“We want the students to be able to understand that just as firefighters have a huge impact on communities in keeping them safe, children also have something to contribute by way of showing gratitude and support,” said Yung. “We hope that this show of gratitude and support will not only be evidenced in this activity but in every aspect of their lives and that it is a life-long attribute that can only help them have positive emotions, which can be easily shared. We want them to have an ‘attitude of gratitude’.”

“We are so excited to see the kids hand the firefighters their cards because we know that firefighters don’t always get recognized unless there is an emergency,” said Hickey. “We want them to know that, emergency or not, they are appreciated and we hope that we see the light in their faces as they receive a heartfelt card and well-wish from a 6-year old who admires them for their bravery.”

Greeting students.

OLYMPIA — Governor Jay Inslee announced today that five counties east of the Cascade Mountains will advance to the second phase in his four-part state reopening plan.

Those five counties — Yakima, Benton, Chelan, Douglas, and Franklin — have stayed for months in a modified first phase, which is the most restrictive of Inslee’s pandemic emergency plan that locks down many businesses, social activities and social events.

It’s the first major movement forward since Inslee put his entire county-by-county plan on hold amid a statewide spike in corona virus cases.

These five counties were major corona virus hot spots this summer as Yakima County ranked among the nation’s most severely afflicted, and was the first area to require a face mask mandate. Days following, Inslee issued a statewide face mask mandate.

Inslee praised people in those communities for tamping down the spread of the virus, including through the use of facial coverings.

“And as a result of masking up, they have knocked down these numbers down dramatically,” Inslee said.

He told Washingtonians to keep masking up, and said those who don’t wear masks are “irresponsible” and even encouraged families to wear masks in their homes. Inslee also noted that cases continue to spike in Clark and Spokane counties. 

In today’s Clark County Public Health update another 23 people have tested positive for COVID-19 and one person has died – a man in his 80s with no underlying health conditions. To date, 3,979 Clark County residents have tested positive and 64 people have died.

The current incidence of new COVID-19 cases in Clark County is 100.1 cases per 100,000 residents over 14 days. That’s an increase from last week (95.6 cases per 100,000), and means Clark County remains in the “high” range under the state’s school reopening guidance.

Currently, Clark County has 135 active cases. 

“The number of active cases reflects the number of confirmed cases who are currently in their isolation period. For most people, isolation is based on when symptoms began, not when they received the positive test result. Some individuals learn they are COVID-19 positive and only have a few days of isolation remaining,” said Marissa Armstrong, of Clark County Public Health.

There are 20 COVID-19 patients and nine persons under investigation (PUIs) for COVID-19 hospitalized. 

Governor’s Reopening Plan.

Camas, WA — Paodle Games, a locally-owned company, is currently running their second product, “Space Dinos,” through a Kickstarter campaign.

“Our company uses Kickstarter as a platform to create the best possible game,” said company co-founder, Kathi Sjostrom. “Backing on Kickstarter is simple, and it will run through October 31. Limited copies will be available after as pre-orders but the best price will be on Kickstarter.”

“Space Dinos” is a puzzle game that is family friend. It has a solo gamer mode, play levels for children and the Original Voyage allows players at all levels to play with strategy.

Paodle Games is also releasing Helio and Mini Macaron Madness at the same time. Both games are mint tin games and will be delivered in time for Christmas delivery to local backers. They are the perfect stocking stuffer size.

Sjostrom, her husband, Seth, and Pete and Cheryl Emerson created Paodle Games in December 2019.

To learn more about their Kickstarter campaign, click here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/paodle/space-dinos

You can also view the video on our YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/V5q0XO-Bj8E
