Camas, WA — Officials with the City of Camas have announced that the purchase of the area around, and including Green Mountain, has been finalized and recorded by Clark County.
The announcement completes the Green Mountain acquisition which began in December of 2020 with a 60-acre donation valued at $15.5 million from the developers of the Green Mountain Subdivision and Master Plan. The City then followed through on the terms of the purchase and sale agreement with the recent purchase of an additional 55 acres for $3.8 million, which brings the total land acquisition to 115 acres.
“We always envisioned we’d purchase the remaining 55 acres, which includes Green Mountain,” said Camas Public Works Director, Steve Wall. “Add in that we were able to purchase the property for less than the $4.9 million appraisal, and it’s a win-win for everyone involved,” he said.
The land was always considered desirable by the City, and has been identified in the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Comprehensive plan (PROS) for many years due to the property being adjacent to hundreds of acres of Clark County- and DNR-owned lands. This key acquisition will allow for future trail connections, both locally and county-wide, new parks space for Camas’ citizens, and conservation of heavily forested natural areas.
The City has not identified any specific improvements yet, however, the City will follow the typical planning processes for new acquisitions to ensure the best future use of the property. Because of this, residents will have to wait a while before any real physical improvements will be seen.