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Representative Larry Hoff, R-Vancouver, announced Monday that he will not seek reelection to the Washington State House of Representatives in November. Hoff, who is serving his second term as a state representative for the 18th Legislative District, says that while there is more work to do, it is the right time to retire.

“I am deeply honored to have had this opportunity to represent and serve the community I have called home for more than 40 years,” said Hoff. “I have given it my all every day, working on behalf of my constituents and developing public policy in a bipartisan manner for the benefit of all Washingtonians. It is now time for me to fully shift my focus to my family—especially my grandson who I can’t wait to spend more time with fishing, hunting, and making memories.”

Hoff quickly rose to prominence in the House Republican Caucus, being named ranking member of the House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee after just one term in office.  Last year, the Washington Farm Bureau named Hoff its 2021 Legislator of the Year in the state House of Representatives.

“From day one, I have strived to bring common sense to Olympia,” said Hoff. “I have fought hard against onerous regulations while advocating for policies to help keep our state competitive, grow jobs, revitalize struggling communities, and encourage entrepreneurship and innovation.”

Hoff has developed a reputation as a hard worker who takes his role as a full-time legislator seriously. That is one of the things House Republican Leader J.T. Wilcox says he admires most about the 18th District lawmaker.


“There are not many people I respect more in the Legislature than Larry Hoff,” said Wilcox. “Larry has been a vital member of our caucus and a tremendous force for good during his two terms in office. Not only has he been our leader on labor issues, but he has also worked diligently to make life more affordable for Washington families as a member of the Appropriations Committee. On the College and Workforce Development Committee, he has pushed to expand apprenticeships, maximize awareness of tuition and grant options, and increase support for our trade schools. In addition to this work, he has also been deeply involved in our efforts to fix Washington’s affordable housing crisis. Larry cares deeply about our state and has made it his mission to make it a better place to live for all Washingtonians. I will miss him greatly, as will our entire caucus.”

“In order to be successful in this job, you must be fully committed to public service,” added Hoff. “While there will be long days and even longer nights, serving in the Legislature is a noble venture that is incredibly rewarding when you put in the time and effort. There is no better feeling than being able to help someone who has nowhere else to turn. That has been my favorite part of the job and what I will miss most.”

During his time in office, Hoff has been appointed to and served on the Legislative Ethics Board, the Financial Education Public-Private Partnership, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee and I-900 Subcommittee, the Washington State Building Code Council, and the Washington State Institute for Public Policy.

Hoff says he hopes he is remembered most for his dedication to his district, his work ethic, and his willingness to work across the aisle.

Washougal, WA — Washougal restaurant owner Derik Ford has formally filed to run for Mayor of Washougal. For has been living in the Pacific Northwest his entire life and has made Washougal his home for the past four years. 

“I’m running for Mayor of Washougal to lead with a greater emphasis on fiscal responsibility and provide a brighter vision for our city,” said Ford. “Washougal is experiencing growing pains, causing a greater financial burden on residents. Water and sewer rates continue to skyrocket. Our public works department is challenged to keep up. Revitalization of downtown Washougal has stalled.”

“As the gateway to the beautiful Columbia River Gorge, Washougal has untapped potential as a destination.” Ford said. “Tourism should be a central part of our economic development plan along with a renewed emphasis on attracting the next generation of clean manufacturing to provide more living wage jobs for our residents. Washougal is poised for new commercial development on the Washougal waterfront, and we must embrace this new addition to our community while working to preserve our historic downtown district and family-owned businesses. I’ll lead the charge to invigorate our downtown core area so that Washougal becomes a gathering place for residents and visitors alike.”

Ford graduated from North Bend High School and has attended South Western Oregon College, College of the Redwoods, Portland Sate University and Eastern Washington University. Together with his wife Michelle, they own and operate 2 Rivers Bar & Grill in downtown Washougal for the past three years. Ford is also a franchisee with Massage Envy for the past 14 years, a national leader in providing massage and facial services. Derik and Michelle have been married since 2018. She is a teacher and varsity volleyball coach at Camas High School. 

“As Mayor of Washougal, I’ll focus on implementing a fiscally responsible budget that also protects the safety of our citizens,” Ford added. “As a former law enforcement officer, I will ensure the Washougal Police Department is fully funded and has the resources it needs to properly train staff. I love this tight knit community which is why my wife and I chose Washougal as our home and the site for our restaurant. I bring energy and vitality to everything I do. I’ll always put the citizens first to move Washougal in the right direction.” 

“There are people living in their cars on Main Street in Washougal. My opponent’s answer to the homeless crisis is to use your hard-earned tax dollars to build tiny houses. This will only attract more addicted homeless people to our community. As Mayor, I’ll provide strong leadership to get folks off the street permanently.” 

Ford loves the great outdoors. His leisure time activities include traveling, hunting and snow skiing. He can be reached at 503-709-6546 or [email protected]. To learn more about Derik’s campaign platforms, visit ElectDerikFord.com

Washington, D.C. — Joseph Biden was sworn in Wednesday as the 46th president of the United States, rising to the top of a career in public service that began 50 years ago as he faces a deeply divided nation dealing with the effects of a nearly yearlong pandemic.

With his hand on his family Bible, Biden recited the oath of office promising to “faithfully execute the office of president of the United States,” and, with the help of God, “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Moments before, Kamala D. Harris took her oath of office, making her the country’s first female vice president, and also the first Black American and first with Indian heritage to hold the second highest office in the land. She placed her hand on twin Bibles, one from a family friend and the second belonging to Thurgood Marshall, the first African American justice of the Supreme Court.

President Biden, after taking the oath of office, talked about the importance of unifying the country, saying “my whole soul is in this.”

The President called on Americans to come together to overcome the extraordinary challenges that face the nation – an idea that he often mentioned on the campaign trail

“To overcome these challenges, to restore the soul and secure the future of America requires so much more than words and requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy, unity,” Biden said.

“Uniting to fight the foes we face. Anger, resentment and hatred, extremism, lawlessness, violence, disease, joblessness and hopelessness. With unity we can do great things, important things,” he added.

Biden said America would provide a positive example to the world under his leadership as president.

“I will be the president of all Americans,” he said …. “We must end this uncivil war .. We’ll lead not merely by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.”

Acknowledging the challenging times ahead for the country as it continues to battle coronavirus, Biden said, “Folks, this is a time of testing.”

The president added, “We will be judged, you and I, by how we resolve these cascading crises of our era. Will we rise to the occasion? Will we master this rare and difficult hour?”

VIce President Kamala Harris.
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden.

Vancouver, WA — Clark County Republican Women have sent the following correspondence to Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler regarding her public announcement to impeach President Trump:

“In the strongest of terms Clark County Republican Women (CCRW) condemn your plans to vote to impeach our sitting Republican President. We urge you to do the right thing by reversing this course.

“If you cast this vote to impeach, you will demonstrate a complete disregard to the citizens who elected you in the Third Congressional District of Washington. If you cast this vote to impeach, you will never receive our support or votes again at any time in the future. Additionally, we will do everything in our power as the largest Republican Women’s organization in Washington State to recruit and elect a conservative candidate who will represent our values.

“On behalf of our entire membership, the CCRW Executive Board is unified in condemning your actions to betray a sitting Republican President. And this vote will never be forgotten, as your action is a personal affront to the 70 million plus Americans who voted for our President.”

Liz Pike, of CCRW adds: “Congress takes six months to pass a Covid relief bill to help everyday Americans, but they can pass another hoax impeachment in 72 hours or less. With its current makeup, why would anyone ever take this Congress serious ever again? They are a joke! Fire them all!

“Politicians are the only ones who create problems for the American people, then they blame everyone else for the results while campaigning for even more stupid ideas to fix their mess.”

Clark County Republican Women was founded 71 years ago.

“Our mission is to promote an informed electorate through political education, to increase the effectiveness of women in the causes of good government through effective political participation and to facilitate cooperation among Republican Women’s Clubs. CCRW fosters loyalty to the Republican Party and strives to promote its ideals, and to support the objectives and policies of the Republican National Committee, the Republican State Central Committee and to work for the election of the Republican Party’s nominees,” CCRW said in statement. 

Learn more about their organization by visiting ClarkCountyRepublicanWomen.org

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A week before leaving office, President Donald Trump became the first American president impeached by the House twice. The U.S. House of Representatives charged the nation’s 45th president with high crimes and misdemeanors for inciting an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last week.

The chamber charged Trump in a 232-197 vote, as all Democrats and 10 Republicans backed the measure, including Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler, who represents Washington’s 3rd District.

“I rise today to stand against our enemy. And to clarify, our enemy isn’t the president, or the president-elect. Fear is our enemy. It tells us what we want to hear, it incites anger and violence and fire, but it also haunts us into silence and inaction. What are you afraid of?” she asked.

“The President of the United States incited a riot aiming to halt the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next. That riot led to five deaths. People everywhere watched in disbelief as the center of American democracy was assaulted. The violent mob bludgeoned to death a Capitol police officer as they defaced symbols of our freedom. These terrorists roamed the Capitol, hunting the Vice President and Speaker of the House,” Herrera Beutler said.

“Hours went by before the President did anything meaningful to stop the attack. Instead, he and his lawyer were busy making calls to senators who were still in lockdown, seeking their support to further delay the Electoral College certification.”

“My vote to impeach our sitting president is not a fear-based decision. I am not choosing a side, I’m choosing truth. It’s the only way to defeat fear,” Herrera Beutler concluded.

Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-03) released the following statement Tuesday regarding the Article of Impeachment vote against President Donald Trump:

“The President of the United States incited a riot aiming to halt the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next. That riot led to five deaths. People everywhere watched in disbelief as the center of American democracy was assaulted. The violent mob bludgeoned to death a Capitol police officer as they defaced symbols of our freedom. These terrorists roamed the Capitol, hunting the Vice President and the Speaker of the House. 

“Hours went by before the President did anything meaningful to stop the attack. Instead, he and his lawyer were busy making calls to senators who were still in lockdown, seeking their support to further delay the Electoral College certification. House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy describes pleading with the President to go on television and call for an end to the mayhem, to no avail. The President attacked Vice President Mike Pence on Twitter while Pence was in a secure room having fled from the mob that had breached the Senate floor threatening to hang him. Finally, the President released a pathetic denouncement of the violence that also served as a wink and a nod to those who perpetrated it: “I love you,” he said to them, “you are special.” More hours of destruction and violence ensued before law enforcement officials were finally able to clear the Capitol.

“The President’s offenses, in my reading of the Constitution, were impeachable based on the indisputable evidence we already have. I understand the argument that the best course is not to further inflame the country or alienate Republican voters. But I am also a Republican voter. I believe in our Constitution, individual liberty, free markets, charity, life, justice, peace and this exceptional country. I see that my own party will be best served when those among us choose truth. 

“I believe President Trump acted against his oath of office, so I will vote to impeach him.”

Washington, DC — Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-3rd District) was on the U.S. House of Representatives today as the Capitol building was raided by protestors, and issued this statement:

“I was on the House floor as the protestors overran police and pounded on the doors. The Capitol Police barricaded us in. We were told to get down and to get our gas masks. Eventually, we were ushered out. Capitol police who were escorting me told me they had found and detonated four bombs just off the Capitol campus. I am currently safe and sheltered in place. We are locked down because the Capitol is not secure.

”The reports you are hearing about the chaos, panic and dangerous actions by protestors are not exaggerations. I witnessed them. Is this the America we want to give to our children? A country of lawlessness and mob rule? Previous generations of Americans have laid down their lives to answer “no” to that question. Do we want to be the first generation selfish enough to say “yes”? If we do, then what makes us a better nation than Iran or Russia?

”Though this feels very much like a secondary issue today, I wrote the below statement yesterday to post on social media explaining the Constitutional reasons why I won’t vote to overturn the Electoral College results. But frankly, the important thing is this; we cannot be a nation of lawlessness and anarchy. That’s the road we’re headed down with this disrespect for our popular elections and our Constitution, and the neverending conspiracy theories and misinformation. Please, be peaceful and stand down. Nothing is more important to me as a Representative than the preservation of our Constitutional republic.”

Article II of the Constitution states “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, […]” meaning that it is the duty of State Legislatures to select electors in the manner they stipulate. The founders of our Republic did not want to federalize elections, which is why they reserve the selection of electors to the states.

Historically, when Congress intervened in the Electoral College process, as in the Civil War, there were multiple slates of electors sent and it was truly an issue of deciding who had the authority within a state to send electors. That’s not the case today. Of the six states being actively contested in this election, five have Republican legislatures. Yet not one legislative body has voted to withhold, object to, or change certification of their electors. Every single one of the states in question has certified and sent one slate of electors officially to Congress. Not a secondary slate. Not a contested slate. Not multiple slates. One slate. Not one of these legislatures has met as a body and voted to send Congress a bill, a resolution of disapproval, or a plea for help due to injustice. Nothing.

If there are no conflicting slates of electors, the Constitution’s 12th Amendment confines the role of Congress to counting the votes cast. It does not give Congress the power to disqualify electoral votes cast by the states. The Founders were wise to divide power this way. If Congress could disqualify electoral votes, then each president would be selected not by the states or the people, but by Congress.

Armed guards protect U.S. Representatives in the Capitol building.

Recall that four years ago, there were Democrat Representatives in Congress who would not acknowledge President Trump’s victory based on their beliefs that Russians had delivered him the election. Other prominent Democrats, from Jimmy Carter to Hillary Clinton, called President Trump’s election “illegitimate” because of “voter suppression,” “hacking,” and “false stories.” Some Representatives tried – unsuccessfully – to object to President Trump’s election in the very manner being suggested now. We must be careful not to create a precedent that would allow every future presidential election to be nullified by the political party that controls Congress. In politics, what goes around comes around.

Several members of Congress state that objecting today is the only way to ensure that “the people’s voices are heard,” but they overlook the responsibility of the people in those states in question to hold their own elected officials accountable. I find it difficult to assert that I, a member of Congress from Washington state, know better than the people of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada whom they should elect to be responsible for their Electoral College selection process. We may not like who they elected, or how their process works, or what electors their states sent us, but the Constitution does not give us the authority to substitute our ideas for theirs.

I will not vote to undermine the entire Electoral College because my choice for president did not win. I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States above all else. I will not violate this oath. Instead, my vote will be to uphold the Constitution and ensure the power remains placed with the people – not just a few in Congress – as the founders of our nation intended.

Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler.
Assault on the U.S. Capitol.

Olympia, WA — Washington State House Republicans recently announced ranking member and House committee assignments for the 2021-22 biennium. Eighteenth District Reps. Larry Hoff and Brandon Vick will both serve in leadership roles.

Hoff, R-Vancouver, has been promoted to ranking member of the House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee. The committee reviews all legislation related to industrial insurance, unemployment compensation, collective bargaining, family leave, safety and health standards, occupational health, and employment standards.

“After the disastrous performance of the state’s Employment Security Department this year, I look forward to working with my friends in the majority to ensure these mistakes never happen again,” said Hoff. “In order to restore Washingtonians’ trust and ensure the agency is performing as expected, we must enact stricter accountability and transparency measures. The status quo simply cannot continue. The committee will also be tackling a number of other issues important to Washington families and workers. I’m optimistic we’ll be able to work in a bipartisan manner to deliver positive results for those in the 18th District and across the state.”

Hoff will continue serving on the House Appropriations Committee, and is set to join the House College and Workforce Development Committee.

Vick, R-Vancouver, will continue in his role as ranking member of the House Consumer Protection and Business Committee. The committee considers an array of consumer protection issues, as well as the safety and soundness of state banks and credit unions, the regulation of consumer credit and lending, and the regulation of securities and investments.

“I am honored to continue in my role as ranking member of the Consumer Protection and Business Committee,” said Vick. “We have a lot of work ahead of us to rectify the tragic impacts of the coronavirus and the associated lockdown orders placed on our small business community. My team and I will work tirelessly to make sure Washington’s business climate is friendly and advantageous, while simultaneously working to support the many small business owners who have struggled so mightily this year.

“I am also eager to continue working on occupational licensing reform. Washington state should be a partner, not an obstacle, when it comes to our neighbors having the opportunity to work in their chosen career path. In order to achieve this goal, I have been working on a slate of bills that will be ready to go on day one of session. I look forward to continued bipartisan support for these efforts.”

Vick will continue serving on the House Finance and Commerce and Gaming committees.

The remote 2021 legislative session will begin Monday, Jan. 11.

Washington, DC — Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-03) applauds the final agreement on a recently passed COVID relief package in the House and Senate.

With so many Americans out of work, small businesses on the brink of permanent closure, and families struggling to make ends meet, I’m relieved to have helped Congress reach agreement on another COVID relief package that will provide immediate aid to individuals and communities,” Herrera Beutler said. “I’ve been tirelessly working to get this relief to those who need it, both by developing the framework for the agreement with the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus and keeping the pressure on Democrat leadership with a discharge petition to circumvent D.C. gridlock and pass a small business relief bill.”

“This relief should have been delivered to the American people months ago. Nevertheless, residents will benefit immensely from additional forgivable Paycheck Protection Program loans that have been small business lifelines, an unemployment insurance extension, direct cash payments, assistance for our frontline health care providers, and funding for more readily available COVID vaccines and testing.

“I remain confident that America will get through this crisis and thrive on the other side, and I’m going to continue doing everything I can to maintain the bridge to get us there.”

COVID relief legislation highlights:  

  • $284.5 billion to reopen and strengthen the Paycheck Protection Program for first-and second-time borrowers
  • Federal unemployment benefits of $300 per week, for up to 10 weeks, for the period of December 26, 2020 – March 14, 2021
  • $600 Economic Impact Payments for adults and dependents
  • $82 billion for schools and universities to assist with reopening for safe in-person learning
  • $10 billion for grants to childcare centers to help providers safely reopen
  • $68 billion for vaccine purchase, distribution, testing, and existing provider relief fund

Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler announced her support of a bipartisan, bicameral COVID-19 emergency relief plan unveiled by the Problem Solvers Caucus and a bipartisan group of senators today. The plan would quickly direct aid to families, small businesses, workers, and health care providers intended to last through the end of March. 

Herrera Beutler is a member of the Problem Solvers Caucus – made up of 25 Democrat and 25 Republican House members – that helped develop the plan. The framework allocates $908 billion in total aid, including both new funding and reallocation of previously appropriated CARES Act funding. A breakdown can be found here.

“This effort represents a bridge to get America’s workers, small businesses and communities through this challenging time until vaccines and treatments are readily available,” Herrera Beutler said. “I won’t let up in my efforts to break the gridlock that’s plagued Washington, D.C. and get a COVID relief package through Congress and out to the Americans who need it. While the framework released by the group today needs further refinements, families and employers in Southwest Washington are suffering through no fault of their own and we need to move quickly. I urge Speaker Pelosi to act now and take up this bipartisan plan to provide the relief and support that our communities have desperately needed for months.”

Herrera Beutler
Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler.

WASHINGTON (AP) — According to the Associated Press and other national media companies, Democrat Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th president of the United States on Saturday, positioning himself to lead a nation gripped by the historic pandemic and a confluence of economic and social turmoil.

His victory came after more than three days of uncertainty as election officials sorted through a surge of mail-in votes that delayed the processing of some ballots. Biden crossed 270 Electoral College votes with a win in Pennsylvania.

Biden, 77, staked his candidacy less on any distinctive political ideology than on galvanizing a broad coalition of voters around the notion that Trump posed an existential threat to American democracy. The strategy proved effective, resulting in pivotal victories in Michigan and Wisconsin as well as Pennsylvania, onetime Democratic bastions that had flipped to Trump in 2016.

Biden was on track to win the national popular vote by more than 4 million, a margin that could grow as ballots continue to be counted.

Trump seized on delays in processing the vote in some states to falsely allege voter fraud and argue that his rival was trying to seize power — an extraordinary charge by a sitting president.

“We have to remember the purpose of our politics isn’t total unrelenting, unending warfare,” Biden said Friday night in Delaware. “No, the purpose of our politics, the work of our nation, isn’t to fan the flames of conflict, but to solve problems, to guarantee justice, to give everybody a fair shot.”

Kamala Harris also made history as the first Black woman to become vice president, an achievement that comes as the U.S. faces a reckoning on racial justice. The California senator, who is also the first person of South Asian descent elected to the vice presidency, will become the highest-ranking woman ever to serve in government, four years after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.

Trump is the first incumbent president to lose reelection since Republican George H.W. Bush in 1992. It was unclear whether Trump would publicly concede.

Earlier Saturday Trump left the White House for his Virginia golf club dressed in golf shoes, a windbreaker and a white hat as the results gradually expanded Biden’s lead in Pennsylvania. Trump repeated his allegations of election fraud and illegal voting on Twitter, but they were quickly flagged as potentially misleading by the social media platform.

One of his recent tweets says: “I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Source: Associated Press