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VANCOUVER, WA — Carolyn Long released a statement, conceding the race for Washington’s 3rd Congressional District, following the announcement of the general election results showing Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler (R) with a commanding lead: 202,996 votes, or 55 percent, to Long’s 165,072 votes, or 44 percent.

“I am so incredibly proud of the strength of this grassroots campaign,” Long said. “Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this incredible effort and those who have supported us with their vote.

“From reaching out to friends, family, and neighbors all across Southwest Washington to speak about the campaign, to asking me questions and letting me know about the issues that are on your mind, to chipping in with a few bucks here and there—you were there for me and I deeply appreciate it.

“I’m proud we ran a campaign based on facts, policy, and the truth. I am someone who believes in running on the issues and leading a campaign based on integrity and trust. It’s why I didn’t take a dime of corporate PAC money. At the end of each day, I reminded myself that how one runs a campaign is a reflection of who they are as a person.

“Thank you, again, to everyone who has supported us and been a part of this effort. I am proud of everything we have accomplished.”

The Herrera Beutler campaign issued this statement: “We’re just grateful to the voters for putting their faith in Jaime yet again. In prior elections the Republican vote usually grows, and we think that trend will hold this election as well.”

Carolyn with her husband, Kevin, and daughter, Tennyson.

Vancouver, WA — Unofficial election results for Washington statewide and local races are in, according to Clark County Elections and the Secretary of State’s Office.

Governor Jay Inslee won a record-tying third term, handily defeating Republican challenger, Loren Culp. 

Culp, police chief of the small town of Republic, campaigned in part against Inslee’s coronavirus restrictions like mandatory masks, saying they infringe on people’s constitutional rights.

Nationally, the presidential race is still to early to call at this writing. President Donald Trump currently has 213 electoral votes, while former Vice President Joe Biden has 238 electoral votes. There are currently several states that are undecided or haven’t been called: Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Alaska, and Nevada. 

The House of Representatives remains in Democratic control, and Democrats have picked up one Senate seat, but need four to take control of the upper chamber. At this hour, Republicans likely will maintain control of the Senate.


Joe Biden (D): 2,015,633 or 61 percent 

Donald Trump (R): 1,214,894 or 36 percent

3rd Congressional District

Jaime Herrera Beutler (R): 179,838 or 54 percent

Carolyn Long (D): 151,961 or 45.6 percent

“Thank you, Southwest Washington,” Herrera said in a statement. “I am grateful for the overwhelming support I’ve received in this race and am ready to keep working for this region in Congress. My first priority has always been standing up for the people of my home region and solving problems on their behalf, and my approach won’t change. I’ve worked to make health care and prescription drugs more affordable, battled to keep our small businesses afloat and employees on the payrolls during this pandemic, and delivered vital relief to families and during this challenging year.

“We have our work cut out for us in the next two years to get through this challenging time and return our lives back to normal, but I know we can do it. My sleeves are already rolled up, and I’m ready to support our communities to get it done.

“The results show that folks in Southwest Washington want an effective solver representing them in Congress. You have my word: I will continue working to keep this region as the greatest in the country to raise a family, earn a living and spend your retirement.

“Again, I’m so incredibly grateful to the voters of Southwest Washington for entrusting me to be their voice in Congress.”

Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler.


Jay Inslee (D): 1,936,773 or 59.5 percent

Loren Culp (R): 1,305,236 or 40 percent

Lt. Governor 

Denny Heck (D): 88,164 or 46 percent

Marko Liilas (R): 63,062 or 33 percent

17th Legislative District Senator

Lynda Wilson (R) 38,822 or 51.9 percent

Daniel Smith (D) 31,277 or 47.99 percent

17th Legislative District Representative, Position 1

Tanisha Harris (D) 33,387 or 51.9 percent

Vicki Kraft (R) 31,775 or 48.7 percent

17th Legislative District Representative, Position 2

Paul Harris (R) 38,658 or 68 percent

Bryan White (R) 15,344 or 27 percent

18th Legislative District Senator

Ann Rivers (R) 40,975 or 53.5 percent

Rick Bell (D) 33,317 or 43.5 percent

18th Legislative District Representative, Position 1

Brandon Vick (R) 44,178 or 58 percent

Kassandra Bessert (D) 31,810 or 41 percent 

18th Legislative District Representative, Position 2

Larry Hoff (R) 41,039 or 53 percent

Donna Sinclair (D) 35,173 or 46 percent

“I’m grateful to represent this district for another two years,” said Hoff. “I think the lead will grow, and Donna sent a text this evening conceding. We will get together soon and discuss campaign points. I look forward to it.”

Representative Larry Hoff.

49th Legislative District Senator

Annette Cleveland (D) 35,573 or 59.5 percent

Rey Reynolds (R) 24,119 or 40 percent.

49th Legislative District Representative, Position 1

Sharon Wylie (D) 38,853 or 65 percent

Justin Forsman (R) 20,293 or 34 percent

49th Legislative District Representative, Position 2

Monica Stonier (D) 38,743 or 65 percent

Paul Llafet (R) 20,630 or 34 percent

Secretary of State

Kim Wyman (R) 1,639,752 or 51.6 percent

Gael Tarleton (D) 1,534,022 or 48 percent

State Auditor

Mike Pellicciotti (D) 1,758,266 or 55 percent

Duane Davidson (R) 1,391,321 or 44 percent

State Attorney General

Bob Ferguson (D) 1,878,349 or 59 percent

Matt Larkin (R) 1,299,547 or 40 percent

For voters who wish to check on the status of their mailed in ballot, the Clark County Elections Office has an online tool.

Status Tool

With the ballot status tool in VoteWA, you can track your ballot for each election from the time we mail it to you to the time we receive and accept it for counting!

Tracking Tool StatusMeaning
SentYour ballot has been mailed to you.
ReceivedYour ballot has been received by Clark County Elections.
AcceptedYour ballot has been accepted and will be counted.
RejectedYour ballot has an issue, likely with the signature on the envelope.

If your tracking status is “rejected,” Clark County Elections will contact you by mail to inform you of the specific issue and how to resolve it. Please respond quickly to correct the situation so your vote can be counted.

Signature Challenges

Signature challenges occur when a voter does not sign the envelope which contains the voted ballot or when the signature on the return envelope does not match the signature the Clark County Elections Office has on file. If your signature is challenged, you will receive a letter from Clark County Elections.

To fix any signature challenge issues, carefully follow the instructions on the form you receive and return the form to Clark County Elections. All signature challenge forms must be received by our office no later than 5 pm the day before the election is certified. For this election, the date of certification is November 24th. So, the signature form must be received no later than 5 pm on November 23rd. Return your completed form in the envelope provided or drop it off in person to ensure your form is received before the deadline.

Vancouver, WA – The City of Vancouver will be keeping preventative measures in place to protect the rights of voters to cast their ballots and to protect the community from potential political violence and damage surrounding the Nov. 3, 2020, election.

Since the recent death of Kevin Peterson, Jr. following an officer-involved shooting involving deputies from the Clark County Sheriff’s Office, people have been gathering to demonstrate and express their concerns, as is their First Amendment right. Following a weekend of large gatherings in downtown Vancouver, the Vancouver Police Department is continuing to conduct enhanced patrols around authorized ballot boxes within Vancouver through the Nov. 3 voting deadline to increase the safety of community members traveling to and from ballot drop locations, to deter potential voter intimidation and/or tampering with the ballot boxes, and to provide safety for the election officials collecting the ballots. Any incidents of voter intimidation or ballot box tampering should be reported by calling 3-1-1.

The Vancouver Police Department, along with other city resources, has been planning for this election week and will have an enhanced, visible presence in the community throughout election day and beyond. The police and fire departments are working together to monitor possible political unrest activity and are coordinating with regional agency partners to provide response support, if needed.

If demonstrations or civil unrest occur, the Vancouver Police Department will staff accordingly to respond with the goal of ensuring the ability of people to exercise their First Amendment rights while maintaining safety for all people and property in Vancouver.


“An historical election is upon us during an already eventful year,” said Vancouver Police Chief James McElvain, “If you choose to exercise your constitutional rights to assemble in public during this period of time, please do so in a safe and peaceful manner. Destruction and violence is not acceptable and serves no good purpose in a place we all call home.”

“This is a city and community where we respect and listen to one another and support our country’s democratic values and the sanctity of the voting box,” said Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle, “I encourage everyone to care for our entire community and show kindness and respect to one another regardless of differing views.”

“We recognize that many in our community feel frustration and grief in the midst of the pandemic and political and social justice unrest,” said City Manager Eric Holmes. “For the safety of our community and our employees, we ask that peaceful, non-violent expression be observed.”

Editor’s Note: When Lacamas Magazine covers political events we do not necessarily endorse or condone the content, positions, or actions being reported on.

Question 1: At your 60th Town Hall you said the United States needs to make changes to the Electoral College. Can you elaborate on that proposal?

I used to think the Electoral College was a good idea because it forced presidential candidates to campaign to lower population states so it encouraged them to go to small states. 

We’ve seen it twice now that’s not happening.

We need to look at a change. It has to be a solution that incorporates elements of the Electoral College. What would a hybrid look like to emphasize the more urban areas? We need to talk about how the Electoral College gives advantage to small states and we should take some of that model to offset what is happening in our times, which is being studied by political scientists right now.

Things have changed. It used to be that Republicans didn’t favor the Electoral College, and Dems did. Now, that’s changed. To have allowance for giving states representation irrespective of the popular vote. It’s all very uncertain.

Question 2: Would you be a part of the Problem Solvers caucus in Congress, if elected?

Yes, I would be part of that. (Former Congressman) Brian Baird suggested that years ago. Something that I said last night is that the true sign of bipartisanship is how a member acts in the majority. When you’re in the majority you don’t have to reach across the aisle. Of course I would join it. I would join other caucuses. We need to look at investments in infrastructure, and we need to do that. We emphasize that in our pandemic plan.

The newly elected members of Congress want more bipartisanship. They are tired of the negativity, they are tired of Congress and how it’s led.

I would stand up to Speaker Pelosi. Absolutely. Look at my public statements on the matter. Look at my campaign and for these past three years have been clear. 

I very have displayed that.

What I know as a professor is often members of Congress act in a way to keep their job. They are concerned about bucking the party. I’m not looking at this as a career. I’m 53 years old. I have a lot of really good plans. I want to work on issues to make sure our people are well represented.

Question 3: What are the most pressing issues you’re hearing from citizens of the 3rd District?

Pandemic recovery. I released a pandemic recovery plan six week ago. Congress has not done its job for nearly 8 months. I released this because I was frustrated. We need to prioritize workers and not give them barriers to health care. Job training for small businesses. Transformational infrastructure investments. These investments of federal dollars will jump start the economy.

They want leadership who works for them. They want to see their representative working for them.

Carolyn with her husband, Kevin, and daughter, Tennyson.

Question 4: How do we address the mental and emotional issues that are affecting our youth who are struggling with remote learning?

I am a teacher and a mom and I see firsthand how hard it is for my college students who are struggling. I see my daughter and she misses the social interaction. We need to have connectivity with our friends.

We need to treat mental and emotional health issues like physical ailments. A big issue is that a lot of students are just frustrated because they can’t access the Internet. We need to have better broadband, so that all may have access. It’s an equity issue.

Question 5: Regarding the pandemic, is the cure worse than the illness? 

We have to listen to the health experts. It’s been eight months since Congress has passed greater relief. Politicians in DC aren’t really paying attention to what we need. Let’s listen to the public health experts, let’s get DC functioning again. Let’s get through this by following the health guidelines.

Question 6: Are you in favor of a 20 percent tax increase? 

No. These have been debunked. We need to prioritize working families and small businesses in a way that doesn’t increase the debt. 

Question 7: What’s it like being a Democrat that’s married to a Republican?

Being married to a Republican you have to engage, and you need to focus on listening. You always listen to understand rather than listen to respond. If you listen to understand you can find out where someone is coming from. There is more than unites us than divides us. You can to have these conversations carefully. Focus on listening then it can really be incredibly productive. Brian Baird said you have two ears and one mouth. I love these drive in town halls, and I miss those in-person town halls. It’s so rich and so necessary. 

Editor’s Note: When Lacamas Magazine covers political events or stories we do not necessarily endorse or condone the content, positions, or actions being reported on.

This is Part 2 of a 2-part interview with Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler, a Republican who represents Washington’s 3rd Congressional District. Herrera Beutler answered our first four questions in Part 1, and the remaining questions are here:

Question 5: What do you like most about your job?

The fact that every single day is different. I love history. This is the greatest country on the face of this Earth. I get to do this in Congress. Being able to communicate with constituents, and we are able to engage with them to help them. I have a single dad who has been waiting since July to have his unemployment case resolved. He has spent hours on the phone, and I engaged and got that payment coming. It’s rewarding to make a difference in someone’s life. 

When I engage it happens. When I get a call back from them, I am overjoyed.

Question 6: You are criticized for being out of touch with voters. How do you respond to that?

Well, I am in contact with constituents of the 3rd District often. Most of my time is doing meetings in person every single day. I do town halls, telephone conferences, etc. I will continue to do those. The people in this district continue to be heard from and are connected to me. They feel like I’m hearing them and acting on their wishes. The way I do it is how can I best facilitate a back and forth. I think my opponent talks about how she will do this differently. Just holding events doesn’t mean you are hearing people. 

Question 7: Who will get your vote for President?

I didn’t vote for him in 2016. I joined with him to support the Jobs Act. Our voters send us back to DC on their behalf, so I work for them. I wrote in another candidate in 2016, I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton. 

Yes, I will vote for Trump this go around. The problem for me in this one is Joe Biden. The policies he supports make economic recovery long and painful. Within a year we saw the unemployment situation stagnate with Obama-Biden. We saw actual wages rise very quickly with Trump. I think Joe Biden is an affable guy but this election is about getting through this disaster and i don’t want to see a long recovery.

Question 8: What do you think of President Trump? 

I like his willingness to not take no for answer. It helps to be willing to compromise, sometimes you have to take a yes when an opportunity is presented. He’s gonna do what he thinks is right. In person, Trump is not bombastic. 

Speaker Pelosi is not gonna be inappropriate in public, but Donald Trump is very direct and open. Nancy Pelosi will do the same thing but she won’t let you know she’s doing it. I don’t like that, just be upfront with me. It’s not happenstance that AOC was able to take some power from her. She has the ability to maintain an iron hand on that caucus. 

Herrera Beutler

Editor’s Note: When Lacamas Magazine covers political events we do not necessarily endorse or condone the content, positions, or actions being reported on.

Washougal, WA — More than 450 supporters of President Donald Trump and other Republican candidates gathered at Limitless gun store Sunday afternoon to address issues of personal liberty, candidate preferences, pandemic mandates, and their opposition to big government.

Patriot Prayer members Joey Gibson and Michelle Dawson, as well as 49th Legislative District candidate, Justin Forsman, among others, addressed the crowd for about 90 minutes before lining up dozens of vehicles for a two-town caravan.

“Unity is the friend to freedom,” said Gibson. “Do you understand that? That’s why they divide us, and divide us, and divide us even religiously … The truth is we have to unite under a common cause.”

Gibson spoke of a trip to Hong Kong where citizens united under a common cause and said “they worked together they fought together, they bled together, and they were some of the hardest freedom fighters I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I believe we can do that in this country if we wake up and fight for each other.”

”I can’t accomplish things if I don’t have love in my heart,” said Gibson. “I cannot find myself to have hatred for other people who are scared, who are lost, who are hurt. These people who hate me and hate you guys, if you ever see them up close then you can understand the truth. The truth is that you should feel bad for them. They are bleeding on the inside. These people are hurting on the inside, they have so much hate and anger. Something happened to them in their lives, and it’s not worth getting mad, it’s not worth losing sleep over it. I came to pray for these people. Love is the most powerful force in this world.”

Gibson has been a controversial figure in local politics challenging government mandates, as well as ANTIFA and other groups.

Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson.

Dawson urged supporters to engage more at public events and warned of Portland politics coming into Clark County.

“We are out there, and it’s scary,” said Dawson. “We’re not asking you to be there on the front lines. Mask up, hide your face, so you don’t get doxxed, but stand back hold the line with us because if not Vancouver will become the new Portland. Rise up, stand up with us so we do not lose our freedom. We are not gonna let it happen.”

Forsman said people should be free to wear face masks — or not wear face masks insisting the face mask mandate issued by Governor Jay Inlsee.

“They don’t want us uniting and protesting,” said Forsman. “It’s your right not to wear a mask. Locking down our economy is another example [of government control.]

While the Trump supporters began their caravan, Lacamas Magazine went to interview Black Live Matters supporters at the Camas Safeway, however, they declined. They held BLM signs and shouted justice for Kevin Peterson, Jr., a Vancouver man, who was fatally shot by Vancouver Police last Thursday.

Here’s a video report of Sunday’s events: https://youtu.be/owmn6-7ic_U

The Trump caravan, which had dozens of vehicles, went through downtown Washougal, then headed west toward Camas and through the downtown corridor on 4th Avenue.

The caravan included at least one Democrat who said “I’m a Democrat who is proudly voting for Trump. He’s the right person for these times.”

One passerby said Trump supporters called her a child molester, and was angry the caravan kept honking. Another was upset she was caught in the caravan while driving through 4th Avenue.

The election comes to an end on Tuesday, November 3 as voters go to the polls and votes are tabulated.

Black Lives Matter rally at Camas Safeway.

This is Part 1 of a 2-part interview with Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler, a Republican who represents Washington’s 3rd Congressional District. Herrera Beutler answers the first four questions in Part 1.

Question 1: What are the most pressing issues you encounter with voters this Fall?

I think the number one thing is health safety, how to manage COVID and economic safety and security. I think it’s only intensifying. We’ve seen unemployment funds run out, and we’ve seen certain industries collapse and others are near collapse. In the next five weeks or so more companies will be out of business. 

We are taking on the stimulus bill. I think we need additional stimulus to get through this. I’m part of a group in Congress called Problem Solvers with 25 Democrats and 25 Republicans, and we’re pushing for this. We have to have something to help people. We’re not reopening really and much hasn’t changed on that front. 

One of the challenges we’ve had is there are a lot of presidential politics in play, and it’s disheartening to me. Republicans and Democrats are both out of work. This group is still trying to put pressure on the House and the Senate. My sticking point is that we need unemployment benefits and more Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) money in there. A lot of the moderate Democrats have told Speaker Pelosi we need to put something positive on the table.

Question 2: What is the Problem Solvers Caucus?

It’s a group of 25 Democrats and 25 Republicans who work in a bipartisan way to solve big problems, who seek compromise. There is a lot of bipartisan work happening in Congress, it just doesn’t get reported. The Problem Solvers Caucus has driven changes in the minority and majority in our push for compromise. I believe in free markets, and there are so many things that need to be done. We need to be willing to work together on things. 

I do think there are a lot of good people still trying to address major issues in our country.

The Problem Solvers Caucus works under the rules of the majority who rule with brute force. It’s a team sport in the House. We have drafted ways to have the minority have more influence. 

It takes 218 to pass any bill, and there are bills that have more than 218 votes, but if the Pelosi leadership team doesn’t like it they don’t allow it to go to the floor. I think the biggest thing is the pressure from our group is to keep the stimulus talks going. We had enough steam behind it to just not walk away. Because of the pressure Pelosi is still in those conversations with the Trump administration. We have the votes to pass the stimulus bill and they know it. It’s soft power.

Herrera Beutler

Question 3: What are your top legislative priorities in the next Congress should you be re-elected?

First and foremost, we have to make sure we address the health and safety of people here, as well as economic safety. You have to empower the right leaders, like small businesses, into recovery. We need another COVID package. We did the CARES Act, and it needs additional support. 

We have saved 95,000 jobs in the 3rd District because of the CARES Act, which I helped draft. Those figures come from the Small Business Administration (SBA). In my mind, that is stopping the bleeding. We also need put out the unemployment insurance. Carolyn (Long) promises to get rid of the Trump tax cuts, which I think is the wrong approach. Both housing and small businesses will lead our recovery. But, we have to be laser focused on growing jobs. In this pandemic, small businesses are looking for more assistance with PPP. Small businesses don’t want us to raise taxes. My opponent has promised to raise taxes by 20 percent. 

Our hydrosystem has been a priority for me. We have to do something on health care. I am passionate about access to health care. This is part of our working economy. I understand it as a mother as I have a daughter who needed a kidney transplant. We have to replace the ACA because if you need real access it can really limit you. They need access to care. We have to fix that. We need to work on energy, health care, and a good tax and regulatory environment so that small businesses aren’t put on the back end. 

We have to protect trade, as well. It was right to stand up for more fair trade practices. 

Question 4: Why should citizens of this district re-elect you?

I grew up here, that’s part of why I’m a good fit. People here want us to be about solving problems. I know how to move legislation, such as the bill to protect the Columbia River salmon. I was informed that if we didn’t do something about this we would see whole salmon runs go extinct. We worked on this bill for a long time, and by the time we got to the House floor all GOP House members voted for it. I got the administration to sign it.

That’s what I’m good at. I’ve had my own challenges with the Trump administration, but I know because of how I operate I will be successful with any administration. Would Carolyn Long be able to work with the other party? You have to be able to work with people. 

Part 2 addresses more issues, the life of a member of Congress, working with constituents, and navigating political personalities and strategies.

To learn more, visit www.votejaime.com

VANCOUVER, WA — On Monday, Carolyn Long, candidate for Congress in Washington’s 3rd Congressional District, will host a drive-in town hall at Joe’s Place Farm parking lot to speak with constituents and answer their questions.

Long looks forward to discussing the top issues of the day including the health and economic impacts of COVID-19, the work done to address the pandemic; her priorities and perspective on how to build Southwest Washington for the future, and any other questions the audience may have.

Her campaign staff said Long is committed to transparency and accessibility, and noted this is Carolyn’s 60th town hall since 2018, in-person and virtually. 

Long is running for Congress in Southwest Washington (WA-03) for the 2020 election. She previously was the Democratic nominee for Washington’s 3rd District in 2018. She resides in Vancouver with her family and teaches at WSU-Vancouver. Long has served Southwest Washington for more than 25 years, as a WSU college professor and community leader. 

Monday, October 26th

5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. (Parking spots open at 5:00 p.m)

Joe’s Place Farms

701 NE 112th Avenue

Vancouver, WA 98684

This is our Question and Answer session with Representative Larry Hoff (LD-18), a Republican who is serving in his first legislative term.

Question 1: Why should the people of the 18th District re-elect you?

It’s my experience. There’s a major difference between being a candidate and the experience of working in the Legislature. I’ve worked hard in the Legislature and I brought my experience leading my credit union, when we faced the 2008-09 recession, to work in Olympia. I know how to cut budgets and work through financial challenges. We need that kind of experience in Olympia now. 

We don’t need a college professor. It’s a tough time for a new candidate to be productive. We need someone with budget writing experience. The state budget is $9 billion in the hole. Unless we allow ourselves to be taxed to death, then we have to cut.

Government continues to grow like the blob that swallowed New York. The whole emphasis in Olympia is more. These are good people, they’re just looking out for their departments, but we can still serve our citizens with less money, less taxation.

Question 2: What have your two years in Olympia taught you?

They taught me that a total one-party control of all the aspects of government is not healthy. The ability to find middle ground and common sense solutions doesn’t exist. I’ve introduced bills with Democrat support. Too many bills are straight line Republican/Democrat. If there was more of an ability to form again some compromise solutions the state would be better off. I believe in that strongly. 

It’s too easy to believe one party’s opinions are always right and that there’s no middle ground. 

In 2017-18 there was a GOP majority coalition. Right now, they have 57-41 so some moderate Democrats have been voting with the Republicans. They can let two or three of their moderate Democrats off the hook. Right now the Democrat caucus is split. If we were closer those discussions would have to be stronger. It’s healthy to have stronger dialogue.

If I’ve learned anything, I’ve learned that a majority/minority split makes a big difference. We have factions of the local GOP party that want a Democrat to represent the 18th LD (referring to the Senator Ann Rivers race).

Ann is still a Republican. We need those numbers to balance this whole structure out. If my seat went to a Democrat that would give them a supermajority, which leaves GOP without a real voice in the House. We have some districts where the GOP may take back more seats. We need a more balanced House.

Question 3: What are you seeing in the district as a result of the pandemic?

I’m worried about the mental and emotional well-being of our citizens. Store owners are just trying to figure out what is happening here. When can we get some hope? The science doesn’t support continued partial shutdown.

I met with all superintendents in Clark County and they want everyone back in school, too. They are having challenges with teacher’s unions. There are statistics that suggest a very large percentage of students who didn’t open a laptop in the Spring once they were home bound. 

What they lose is their interaction. You lose the interaction from the instructors and the teachers. Online learning affects parents and the economic impact of that happening.  Mom and dad can’t be at work. It comes back to the emotional leg of the stool on top of all this.

The virus isn’t seriously affecting people that are healthy. We need to open up the rest of our society. I know that our Governor is responding to a small faction of advisors, which is not the Democrat legislature. Key Democrats are calling for a special session, which requires 2/3 of the legislature. There are currently 25 Democrats willing to go against the Governor.  

We need a leader that gives us some hope. I’m just not seeing that from our Governor. He’s very partisan, more so than previous Democratic governors.

Rep. Larry Hoff at a #camasunites check delivery benefitting the Camas Food Pantry.

Question 4: What is your position on SW Washington transportation issues?

An efficient and viable transportation system is essential for the economic and social well-being of our community. One of our region’s biggest transportation challenges is addressing the congestion associated with crossing the Columbia River. Whether making this crossing for commuting to work, engaging in commerce, or for entertainment/social reasons, our citizens are spending far too much of their precious time in traffic. There is no one easy fix to this problem, but rather a series of immediate and long-term decisions and actions.

Our local State Legislators have initiated the first step to disentangle this knot by coming together and passing legislation that begins the process of replacing the inadequate and outmoded I-5 bridge. They also, in this legislation, provided a pathway to address the very real long-term need to begin the discussion and planning for additional crossings and corridors for the future.

I whole heartedly support these efforts, and look forward, as your next State Representative of the 18th District, to collaborating with the rest of our local delegation (and Oregon, who now seems willing to join us at the table) in the pursuit of solving our transportation challenges.

Question 5: What’s your position on taxes?

I believe that we already pay enough taxes within a variety of categories. I also believe that many elements of our state government can be examined with the objective of saving taxpayer dollars. My business background gives me the ability to dig into cost cutting objectives while making sure that when we spend money for essential services, it is done in a fiscally responsible manner.

To learn more Hoff and his campaign, visit www.electlarryhoff.com