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ELECTION 2024: Terri Niles Campaigns For Open LD 17 Pos. 2 Seat

Terri Niles

Lacamas Magazine interviewed Terri Niles, a critical care nurse, who is running for Legislative District 17, Position 2, as a Democrat. She answered several questions as she prepares for the General 2024 election.

What are the three top reasons you’re running for the State House?

My lifelong commitment to serving others led me to a 25-year career as a critical care nurse. Now, I’m pursuing public office to extend that service on a broader scale for the people of Southwest Washington. Our region faces complex challenges that demand serious candidates with real-world experience. As a single working mother, I understand the struggles that working families face, including the lack of affordable housing and childcare. I will bring this unique perspective to Olympia, advocating for policies that help people get ahead. Additionally, I will focus on bringing resources to our district, investing in infrastructure, and creating jobs to ensure long-term prosperity for our community.

Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of the opioid crisis on our community. This crisis significantly contributes to the rise in crime and homelessness, and I understand the urgent need to address these issues with compassion and effective policy. We need legislators with real healthcare experience to work on healthcare legislation. We are facing a crisis in healthcare access, particularly in our rural communities, and a shortage of healthcare workers. I know how to fix these issues, and I’m ready to get to work.

I am committed to supporting businesses and opening the door to good-paying jobs in our district, especially for our small business owners who are the lifeblood of our rural communities. I’ve worked hard during this campaign to listen to their concerns, and I will continue to do so as a legislator. When elected, I will collaborate with business leaders to find ways to increase prosperity for everyone in our district. Every decision and vote I make will be with the best interests of those I represent. I will evaluate every piece of legislation through a non-partisan lens, ensuring that it’s practical and effective for the people in my district.

As a State Representative, I will approach this role by reaching across the aisle, not as an adversary, but as a collaborator. State representative elections are crucial because they directly impact our daily lives, determining how our tax dollars are spent and shaping our community’s priorities. I am committed to putting Southwest Washington first and being our voice in Olympia.

What are the biggest challenges facing Southwest Washington voters?

One of the biggest challenges and concerns I hear from constituents is hyper-partisanship and political polarization. Partisan divisions can make it difficult to find common ground on important issues, leading to gridlock or compromised legislation that may not fully address the needs of our community. Building coalitions and fostering collaboration across party lines is essential but can be challenging in today’s political climate. I bring experience in working across the aisle, having negotiated contracts for my union with people who have very different ideas and desired outcomes. Additionally, I’ve spent 16 years finding common ground with my husband, who is a Republican. I know how to make it work.

Affordability is another major challenge—whether it’s healthcare, housing, or childcare, everything is increasingly out of reach for working families. As a single working mother, I’ve lived these struggles, raising a child while working multiple jobs and often having to choose between paying rent or putting food on the table. These are the same struggles that people across our district face every day, and I’m running to find real, long-term solutions. I want to work to lower costs for working families so they don’t have to experience the hardships I went through, and so life can be better for those struggling to get ahead. That’s why I’m running for office, and why I believe my unique experience and voice are needed in Olympia.

Why should voters elect you?

My platform and priorities focus on issues that resonate deeply with the people in my district, both rural and urban. These are the “kitchen table” concerns that working-class families discuss daily, and they’re the same issues that have come up time and time again in my conversations at the doors. Throughout my career as a nursing leader, I’ve been dedicated to addressing these challenges, such as the lack of accessible childcare, the need for safe working conditions and adequate compensation, and the critical shortage of affordable housing. Additionally, I believe everyone should have the opportunity to retire with dignity and live comfortably in their later years. These are not just priorities for my campaign; they are the core values that have guided my work and will continue to do so as I fight for our community

Please tell us about your background and what should voters know about you.

Growing up with a surgical nurse mother and an aerospace engineer father, I learned the value of hard work, problem-solving, and the belief that nothing is impossible. If my father could put a man on the moon, I believe we can tackle today’s challenges together.

With over 25 years as an ICU nurse and a deep commitment to community service, I’ve dedicated my life to saving lives and supporting families. Being a nurse and making a difference in people’s lives daily has been an honor and has shaped who I am. Now, I’m ready to bring that same caring compassion, commitment, and accountability to Olympia to serve you and our community.

Living in Hawaii as a young adult, I faced high living costs and a lack of affordable housing, which eventually brought me back to the mainland. I never expected to see similar challenges here in Washington. We must work together to make our state affordable and livable for families. My goal is to ensure that everyone can thrive without the burden of excessive costs. I will support policies that address our current affordability crisis, crushing inflationary impacts, lack of affordable housing, and the critical need for childcare and healthcare.

Skyrocketing rent increases are making it difficult for many in our community to afford housing. No one should be forced to live in their cars or on the streets while we remain gridlocked. This isn’t a partisan issue; we must work together to solve it. Rural families face unique challenges, including limited employment opportunities and low-quality housing. We must find solutions to rebuild rural opportunities and support rural communities in our district. Southwest Washington faces a significant shortage of affordable housing, and we need innovative policies to protect and expand affordable housing opportunities for all.

Too many families are working multiple jobs just to make ends meet. We need to build a strong economy by investing in family-wage jobs, affordable childcare, paid sick leave, and family leave. Supporting small and medium-sized businesses through tax cuts and incentives is crucial, especially in rural communities where they are the lifeblood of the economy. We must ensure that everyone has the opportunity to grow and thrive in today’s economy.

We need legislators in Olympia who truly understand our healthcare systems and the changes that need to be made. With over 25 years in healthcare, I am that legislator. We are facing a nationwide nursing shortage, and Washington is no exception. As a nurse, I understand what needs to be done and how to implement the changes needed to avert this crisis. Access to healthcare, including reproductive care, will always be among my top priorities. Healthcare needs to be affordable, accessible, and available to all, regardless of zip code or financial status. I will be your healthcare advocate in Olympia, and I am proud to say that I am the only pro-choice candidate in this race.

To learn more about the Niles campaign, visit voteterriniles.com

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