Governor Jay Inslee said Tuesday that Washington has nearly 1,400 trained contact-tracing personnel who are now reaching out to every new person who tests positive for coronavirus, in an effort to track down other people they may have infected.

Inslee said the team is an essential part of a three-pronged approach to locking down the virus: broad-based testing, isolation and contact tracing.

This is how it works: When a person tests positive, they will be called by a designated contact tracer, he said. The tracer will ask where the person has been and with whom they’ve been in contact. They’ll then call those people — ideally within two days — telling each person they’ve been in contact with someone who tested positive for novel coronavirus and then ask them to self-quarantine until they can be tested themselves — and hopefully test negative.

“It is supremely important to our ability to reopen our economy and our businesses while simultaneously protecting our health,” Inslee said.

Washington state will have 1,371 trained contact tracers — 630 local and state Department of Health officials, 390 from the state Department of Licensing and 351 from the National Guard. 

Inslee said he was confident this number of contact tracers was sufficient. The DOH reports 200 to 300 new cases each day, which has been consistent for the past several weeks.

Inslee explained this is standard operating procedure for local health departments for many decades, as they’ve tried to tamp down outbreaks of diseases like tuberculosis and hepatitis, but “on a much grander scale.”

Contact tracing at the county level became too daunting of a task for local jurisdictions, and this is why the state is adding so many personnel to complete the task at hand.

Inslee urged Washingtonians to isolate at the first sign of symptoms and said people who do test positive should stay isolated for 14 days, as should their families. 

The governor said that someone will check in daily on people who have tested positive and are quarantining, either by phone or by text.

“We have to depend upon the sense of commitment and compassion that Washingtonians have to make this work,” Inslee said.

He said contact tracers have been carefully screened and have signed confidentiality agreements. They’re not supposed to inquire about immigration status, Social Security numbers or marital status.

Contact tracer

Gov. Jay Inslee issued guidance today for partially resuming the dine-in restaurant and tavern industry for counties granted variance under the Safe Start Phase 2 recovery plan laid out last week.

Through the Washington “Safe Start” plan, more businesses and activities will re-open in subsequent phases with adequate safety and health standards in place. Each phase will be at least three weeks — metrics and data will guide when the state can move from one phase to another. 

Through the Safe Start approach, counties with a population of less than 75,000 that have not had a new case of COVID-19 in the past three weeks can apply for a variance to move to Phase 2 of “Safe Start” before other parts of the state. County variance applications will be approved or denied by the secretary of the Department of Health. Eight counties have received the variance. 

For counties granted variance to move to Phase 2, restaurant operations may resume with limitations after meeting specific criteria, effective May 11, 2020.

“No restaurant or tavern may operate indoor or sit-down services until they can meet and maintain all requirements, including providing materials, schedules and equipment required to comply,” the guidance states. 

Guidance documents: 


OLYMPIA, WA — Gov. Jay Inslee announced today that ‘non-essential’ retail stores could reopen with curbside pickup, landscapers and pet walkers are able to work, and five smaller counties will begin to reopen more quickly.

All of the industry sectors Inslee listed in the first part of his four-phase plan to reopen the state are now able to resume business with some restrictions.

Despite the positive news, Inslee also warned that a key public-health number — the transmission rate of COVID-19 — is getting slightly worse.

The latest report from the Bellevue-based Institute for Disease Modeling (IDM) showed that the estimated infection rate — which projects how many others an infected person infects — had risen slightly in Western Washington, and in King County.

“We are making progress in this fight,” Inslee said. “But I am very concerned about the situation we’re in today, despite that progress. Because we just are in a very precarious situation, we’re sort of poised on that knife edge of whether we’re really going to wrestle this all the way to the ground.”

The latest Washington Department of Health report brings Washington’s totals to 16,388 positive cases and 905 deaths. To-date, 235,835 Washingtonians have had COVID-19 tests. Approximately 6.9% are positive.

Inslee said that retail stores considered non-essential could start offering customers curbside services.

Businesses are mandated to keep employees and customers more than six feet apart during interactions, and screen employees for COVID-like symptoms. The guidance does not allow in-store retail activity for businesses considered nonessential.

Other safety guidelines issued Friday allow landscaping and outdoor workers to return to work, including pet walkers.

After careful consideration and in compliance with current restraints on public gatherings, the Camas-Washougal Chamber of Commerce is canceling Camas Days 2020 and recognition of the Businessperson/Citizen of the Year. 

“This was a difficult decision to make; however, our upmost concern is the health and safety of everyone in our communities,” said CW Chamber Executive Director, Brent Erickson.  “Following increased and overwhelming concerns about the COVID-19 virus, we felt this was the best way to proceed during such an unprecedented global situation. We are very disappointed that we are unable to hold these events, but we know it is the right decision based on the information we have today. We will be reaching out directly to vendors with information about providing full refunds. We encourage everyone to continue physical distancing as a preventative method to slow the spread of Covid-19.”

The annual Camas Days celebration was scheduled for late July, and includes a parade, vendor exhibits, games, music, and great food. This announcement comes a day after organizers announced the cancellation of the annual Clark County Fair.

The Port of Camas-Washougal also cancelled their summer events through the end of August.  


CAMAS, WA – In accordance with Governor Jay Inslee’s easing of outdoor recreation restrictions announced April 27, the City of Camas will begin a phased approach to reopening its park system.

Beginning May 5, the first phase will open the parking lots at all City-run parks and trailheads, which were closed on March 31. Additionally, the bathroom facilities at Heritage Park, located at Lacamas Lake on Northwest Lake Road with access to Heritage Trail, will reopen. The restrooms will be cleaned and sanitized daily; however, to minimize contact with high-touch surfaces, patrons should use restrooms sparingly and with COVID-19 safety precautions in mind.

All other City-run restrooms and parks facilities, including play structures, sports fields, sports courts and picnic shelters will remain closed at this time to reduce crowds, limit group interaction and encourage social distancing during the COVID-19 Stay Home, Stay Healthy order. Future openings will be enacted based on guidance from local and state health officials.

“Enjoy the open areas and trails while staying close to home to exercise, get fresh air and recreate with family members,” urged Parks and Recreation Manager Jerry Acheson. “Please practice appropriate physical distancing or wear a face covering when participating in outdoor activities. Together, we can keep our community healthy and safe.”

Individuals should not call 911 to report others in noncompliance and should avoid confrontations over enforcement. Instead, individuals are asked to adhere to the following guidelines for responsible outdoor recreation.

Before you go:

  • Recreate with immediate household members only. Recreating with those outside of your household creates new avenues for virus transmission.
  • Come prepared. Visitors may find reduced or limited or no restroom services. You are advised to bring your own soap, water, and hand sanitizer, as well as a mask or bandana to cover your nose and mouth.
  • Enjoy the outdoors when healthy. If you have symptoms including fever, cough or shortness of breath, stay home and save your outdoor adventure for another day.

When you get there:

  • Avoid crowds. Be prepared to go somewhere else or come back another time if your destination looks crowded.
  • Practice physical distancing. Keep 6 feet between you and those outside your immediate household. If possible, leave at least one parking space between your vehicle and the vehicle next to you.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Pack out what you pack in. Take any garbage with you, including disposable gloves and masks.

Unrelated to the order, Clark County Public Health closed Lacamas Lake and Round Lake on April 24 due to elevated toxin levels and is advising against all lake use, including swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding, canoeing and water skiing. For details and updates, the public is encouraged to visit

The City will continue to monitor newly released information to determine additional modifications.

  • To see up-to-date programming and operations changes, the public is encouraged to visit
  • For access to City services, patrons can visit, call 360-834-6864 or use the CamasConnect app.
  • For support or someone to talk to, call the Camas Resource Helpline at 360-382-1300, Monday – Friday, 9 am – 6 pm.

OLYMPIA — Governor Jay Inslee announced Friday afternoon he is extending Washington’s stay-home order through May 31, but that he and state leaders are seeking ways for many businesses to open before then.

Inslee said Washington’s businesses would reopen in four phases, with some business sectors possibly opening back up before May 31. He said he would be allowing retail stores to do curbside pickup, as well as allow automobile sales and car washes resume business, with some COVID-19 restrictions. He also intends to allow drive-in church services at some point.

The current shelter-in-place order, initiated March 23, had been set to expire on May 4. Inslee had already extended the restrictions once as state officials tried to curb the COVID-19 outbreak, which has claimed more than 800 Washingtonians.

Inslee said earlier this week he wouldn’t yet lift the stay at home order, emphasizing that public health data — such as daily confirmed cases — while going down wasn’t acceptable levels to re-open society.


Faced with mounting pressure as the state economy tanks — one in 5 workers have filed for unemployment benefits — Inslee has opened up some parts of society including some construction projects, medical procedures, as well as state lands, fishing and hunting.

Demonstrators across the state are gathering today at county courthouses protesting the stay home orders on the grounds that they are unconstitutional and wreaking havoc on the economy.

The governor said on Wednesday he was tracking several metrics that formed the basis of his decisions, which include COVID-19 hospital admissions, fatalities, the percentage of people in the hospital with COVID-19 like symptoms and the percentage of people testing positive.

McKean Smith Law Firm, with offices in Vancouver and Portland, offers arbitration and mediation services that are tailored to deal with the current COVID-19 restrictions.

“We have all experienced the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on all businesses and the legal industry alike,” said Collin McKean, co-founder of the firm. ”With the recent closures of county courts and with many hearings and trials being rescheduled, the ability for the court to take part in any arbitration matters may be limited for the unforeseeable future.”

McKean and attorney Deanna Rusch are available on short notice for mediation and arbitration, with secure hosted remote videoconferencing and document collaboration capabilities, including arbitrating any hearing that the court is unable to handle based on court limitations. They offer:

  • Virtual meetings from the convenience of your own office space;
  • Private break-out sessions during mediation;
  • Document collaboration during mediation;
  • Arbitration recording; and
  • Electronic signatures using Adobe Sign.

Fees for Deanna’s mediation or arbitration services may be reduced where participants have lost their jobs or are first responders.

Questions?  Email them at, or call them at 360-502-7022.

All Washingtonians have a role to play in bringing the COVID-19 crisis to an end, says Senator Ann Rivers, Rep. Brandon Vick and Rep. Larry Hoff in this op-ed they submitted today.

As millions of Washingtonians continue to abide by Governor Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order, the question on everyone’s mind is: When will our state reopen? 

Some are asking that question out of concern for their economic future, as they’ve recently been laid off and now have little to no money coming in the door. Others are asking out of concern for public health and safety, worried that lifting restrictions too soon could lead to a new round of COVID-19 cases. 

The truth is there is no perfect roadmap for the weeks and months ahead. What we do know is we all have a role to play in bringing this crisis to an end. By making wise decisions, including practicing social distancing, infections will continue to decrease and Governor Inslee will have the data—and confidence—he needs to reopen more economic and recreational activity in our state. 

We saw an example of this confidence recently when the governor announced private construction companies could resume operations if they followed new safety requirements to protect workers. While long overdue, it was a good decision that will help tens of thousands of Washingtonians and inject much-needed revenue into our economy. With that said, this cannot be the only action the governor takes. Nearly one million Washingtonians have been forced to file for unemployment as a result of this crisis. Governor Inslee must have a sense of urgency in bringing business leaders together for discussions about what other industries can immediately—and safely—get people back to work. 

Senator Ann Rivers, Representative Brandon Vick, and Representative Larry Hoff.

That is just one of the many recommended actions in the Safe Economic Restart Plan that was proposed by House and Senate Republicans in mid-April. Another is to exempt small businesses from paying both sales and B&O taxes for one year. Our small businesses have been crushed by this ongoing economic shutdown. Providing tax relief at the state level—in concert with relief from the federal Small Business Administration—would help many of them keep their doors open. 

Outside of business, we have agreed with those who have been calling for restrictions to be lifted on a number of recreational activities, including fishing, golfing and hunting. If Washingtonians can be trusted to go to the grocery store and safely practice social distancing, then they can be trusted to responsibly engage in outdoor activities. In a recent press conference, Governor Inslee announced each of these activities would be reopened to the public starting May 5.

While there are likely to be some significant challenges ahead as we continue to recover as a state, the governor’s recent actions have given us confidence the data he’s seeing is trending in the right direction. We know our state has already flattened the coronavirus curve. Now we must avoid a recurrence of this disease as more restrictions are lifted on economic and recreational activity. By working together and following common-sense safety protocols, we can ensure we are successful in that endeavor.

Reps. Brandon Vick and Larry Hoff, both R-Vancouver, represent the 18th Legislative District. 

This is a COVID-19 news digest report from today:

  • The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced today it will reopen some recreational fishing and hunting in a phased approach. The department wants hunters and anglers to enjoy their respective sports only if they can do so locally, while also practicing physical distancing. Effective May 5.
  • Golfing and public access to state parks will also open up May 5.
  • Lauren Jenks from the Washington Department of Health: “Health equity is when everyone has the opportunity to be as healthy as possible. None of us are as healthy as we could be unless all of us have the opportunity to be healthy.”
  • The Port of Camas-Washougal announced today the cancellation of all spring and summer community events hosted by the Port. “We did not come to this decision lightly, as these events represent some of our favorite days each year at the Port.”
  • The canceled events include: 1) National Trails Day and Eegah’s Birthday event on June 5th; 2) 4th of July Concert & Fireworks event at Washougal Waterfront Park; and 3) Wheels & Wings Community Appreciation event at Grove Field on August 29.
  • This fits a growing trend that governments and municipalities are essentially cancelling large summer events.
  • The state of Washington received $2.1 billion in federal COVID-19 stimulus money, which is being distributed to counties and cities over the next 10 days. Today, Governor Inslee announced that of the state’s $2.1 B, he would be sending $297 million to local governments that did not receive any direct allocations. The appropriations reflect a $55 per capita allocation for county governments and $30 for city governments, with each county guaranteed at least $250,000 and each city at least $25,000.
  • COVID-19 positive tests statewide: 13,686 (+1,401 over 5 days).
  • COVID-19 negative tests statewide: 175,477 (+42,477 over 5 days).
  • COVID-19 deaths statewide: 765 (+83 over 5 days).
  • Clark County COVID-19 deaths: 21 (+5 over 5 days).
  • Clark County positive COVID-19 tests: 339 (+26 over 5 days).
  • Clark County COVID-19 cases hospitalized (ICU): 4 (unchanged over 5 days).
  • Clark County COVID-19 cases hospitalized, total: 16 (-3 over 5 days).

In an effort to help Downtown Camas businesses adversely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, several local businessmen banded together to create The Camas Shirt Project.

Mel Locke, owner of Universal Martial Arts, and Joseph Graves, Founder of HYVÄ SPC, are working hard to do what they can to help out. The shirt was designed by Tolo Tuitele, of Fuel Medical, and printing is being handled by David McCalib’s team at Printforia at the Port of Camas-Washougal.

Their goal is to sell 20,000 T-shirts, with profits to be distributed to downtown businesses.

“Mel wanted to do something to help out downtown, which is the heart of Camas,” said Graves, who lives in Washougal, but was raised in Camas. “This all came together very quickly after that first conversation.”

To get your shirt, visit

To have your business included in the profit sharing, join at:

Program Overview

  • The shirts will be printed on demand so there is no need for pre-ordering or buying a large amount of inventory
  • They’ll add up the online sales, subtract the cost and divide by the number of participating businesses
  • To be considered a participating business and receive an equal portion of the profit, a business only needs to do two things:    
    • Help get the word out, this can be done through: 
      • social networks
      • email lists
      • physical displays 
    • Let them know who you are and that you want to participate at
  • Buy shirts at cost and sell directly to your customers:
    • Let them know you want to resell on your sign up form
    • This provides more revenue to you as a merchant
  • Shirts can be purchased at