Elder Robert Thomas Van Den Dungen Bille is a young American serving as a full-time missionary in Belgium and The Netherlands for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was born in Utah, spent most of his life in Beverley, England, and spent the last five years prior to his mission living in Gilbert, Arizona. He was at the site of the Brussels train bombing just 12 hours before the attacks last week.
We had just a few minutes to interview him today (March 28) via email during his break time. This article is a hybrid of his weekly correspondence and answers to specific questions, as it relates to the Brussels bombing attacks.
Excerpt from his weekly correspondence:
LM: What was your initial reaction to the Brussels bombings?
EV: My initial reaction was embarrassingly casual; I don’t think I fully grasped the magnitude of what was going on, only a few miles away from me. We were lucky to have received multiple updates throughout the day, and after each update, it began to sink in more and more. I wouldn’t say I am angry, I am more confused I suppose. I don’t really understand why; what was the ultimate goal? Who benefited? Why? I suppose these are questions terrorists ignore, but I really don’t understand. Anger never really set in, I guess I was caught up feeling more like, “Is this real life?”
LM: Do you feel insecure about moving in and around Brussels?
LM: Has your religious/spiritual faith bolstered you?
What are local people saying?
Additional excerpts from his weekly correspondence: