Elder Robert Thomas Van Den Dungen Bille is a young American serving as a full-time missionary in Belgium and The Netherlands for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was born in Utah, spent most of his life in Beverley, England, and spent the last five years prior to his mission living in Gilbert, Arizona. He was at the site of the Brussels train bombing just 12 hours before the attacks last week.

We had just a few minutes to interview him today (March 28) via email during his break time. This article is a hybrid of his weekly correspondence and answers to specific questions, as it relates to the Brussels bombing attacks.

Excerpt from his weekly correspondence:

“I’ll begin with the somewhat obvious — my heart truly goes out to everyone directly and indirectly involved in everything that happened in Brussels. I’ve really got to consider myself blessed, because just 12 hours before the Metro bombing, my companion and I were on that exact Metro train that was bombed, heading home from a day in Brussels. Let me repeat that. 12 hours before the Metro Bombing, we were on the EXACT SAME train that was blown up. We also take a train that passes through the airport on a weekly basis; I still can’t really comprehend how blessed I am to have avoided all that stuff. I am currently serving in Leuven, which about a 25 minute train ride from Central Brussels; so while I’m pretty close to it all, I still feel quite safe and distanced from it. There was a bomb threat at the Leuven Station, about 4 minutes from me, but that turned out to be nothing.”

Elder Robert Thomas Van Den Dungen Bille often travels via bike, while serving in Belgium.

LM: What was your initial reaction to the Brussels bombings?

EV: My initial reaction was embarrassingly casual; I don’t think I fully grasped the magnitude of what was going on, only a few miles away from me. We were lucky to have received multiple updates throughout the day, and after each update, it began to sink in more and more. I wouldn’t say I am angry, I am more confused I suppose. I don’t really understand why; what was the ultimate goal? Who benefited? Why? I suppose these are questions terrorists ignore, but I really don’t understand. Anger never really set in, I guess I was caught up feeling more like, “Is this real life?”

LM: Do you feel insecure about moving in and around Brussels? 

EV: Yes, I do feel insecure about moving around. Although I am not stationed in Brussels, the effects can certainly be felt in the surrounding cities. We were given the go ahead to take public transportation, but my companion and I have made the decision to avoid it as much as possible. I’ve grown up in a safe environment my entire life, so being suddenly exposed to something like this is …  scary. I think the most thing I am insecure about, is proselytizing. These terrorists aren’t really too fond of Christianity, or any other form of religion besides their own, and I am out here, 7 days a week, proselytizing and preaching about it. I suppose it scares me that I could knock on one door, and my life could change.

LM: Has your religious/spiritual faith bolstered you? 

EV: With that being said, my faith has bolstered me. I’ve made the conscious decision to move forward with faith, knowing that the Lord will provide a way and a warning for me. I also have immense faith in the Lord’s hand, regarding these attacks. Those four Elders, and that one Sister missionary were being watched over, and protected. The Lord had a hand in their protection, without a doubt in my mind.

What are local people saying?

EV: The locals are pretty angry; mostly with the government for allowing unchecked immigrants to enter the country. It’s been a pretty hotly debated topic, whether immigrants should be allowed in or not, and it’s a pretty 50/50 split on the matter. Most of the local Belgians would agree that something needs to be done in Molebeek (The part of Brussels that houses most of the immigrants, and is known for its ISIS connections). Yet nothing really seems to have been done, even after the attacks. The saddest part, is that most of the Belgians believe this is simply the beginning. It is almost as though they have resigned to the fact that there is more to come.

Additional excerpts from his weekly correspondence:

“The day of the attacks was a weird one — we essentially had to stay in our apartment the entire day, with limited contact, wondering what was going on in the outside world. Honestly, it was a pretty bizarre day in my short life; having to actually have a conversation and a plan about what to do in the event of an ISIS terror attack; these are the types of things I see on the news; stress about, but ultimately end up forgetting about it. But now I’m in it; I’m living close to it; it is way more real. I am sure you heard about the four missionaries that were caught up in the attacks, and my thoughts are with them continuously. My bishop here in Leuven is actually quite good friends with one of the Senior Elders (Elder Norby), and we will be going out to see the missionaries involved soon.”

Elder Robert Thomas Van Den Dungen Bille enjoys a moment with some furry friends.

Vancouver, WA — More than 400 business and community supporters gathered at the Vancouver Hilton on Wednesday for the Meals On Wheels People’s annual Spring Luncheon.

The event is designed to honor volunteers and raise much-needed funds to continue to serve the 164,000 local meals it provides to seniors in the Portland/Vancouver metro area. The event also provides a public forum to spread the word about how the volunteer program operates. Their goal on Wednesday was to raise $150,000.

The event, which was emcee’d by book author and Meals On Wheels volunteer, Sandy Calwell, lasted about an hour, and featured a light lunch and dessert, as supporters sat at sponsored tables.

Larry Smith, one of the organization’s volunteers, was the first speaker.

“We have not turned away a senior in need for more than 46 years,” he said. “We thank Columbia Credit Union for their true and deep commitment, as they have sponsored this event since its inception.”

Meals on Wheels Compassion For Seniors Award

Meals on Wheels People honored volunteer Scott Campbell with the Compassion for Seniors Award. He thanked fellow volunteers for the honor.

“It’s a rewarding experience to take time out each day and visit our seniors,” said Campbell. “We know, for many, this may be the only social interaction they have all day. What we do helps them to stay in their homes.”

He spoke highly of Waste Connections, whom he called a viable corporate partner. “We celebrate our community successes, and nothing liberates your greatness than by your desire to help.”

Meals on Wheels

Scott Campbell received the Compassion for Seniors Award.

A sharp-looking bunch, namely the Vancouver Firefighters Union, has been a table sponsor for many years.

“We raise money through our Community Assistance Fund,” said Dave Sturbelle, a longtime Vancouver firefighter, and union member who attended Wednesday’s luncheon. “The fund raises money to help people out. We use some of those funds to donate to good causes, such as Meals On Wheels. We’re here to support their efforts.”

Mike and Shelly Bacon also addressed the attendees, likened taking food to seniors to her favorite Happy Hour.

“It’s a favorite time of day,” said Shelly. “Good food, good price … so it’s like taking Happy Hour to our seniors.”

Mike said the main criteria is that the meal recipients be age 60 or above, homebound (temporarily or permanently).

“Over time we get familiar with their surroundings,” he said. “And we know we’re doing good for those folks.”

Calwell concluded the event by encouraging attendees to reach into their pocketbooks and to help the cause “that is so important.”

The organization is always looking for new volunteers, and particularly, drivers. To learn more, visit www.mealsonwheelspeople.org



Dave Sturbelle, right, sits with members of the Vancouver Firefighters Union.

Cardon Field, Camas, WA — Both the Camas Boys and Girls teams defeated Union High School in their first Track and Field Meet of the season during a cold, wet, stormy afternoon that saw the heavens drop buckets of water, mixed in with a little lightning and a bit of thunder.

“It was a total monsoon,” said runner, Ben Peterson. “We did our best to stay dry, plus it was nice to get the win.”

Here are the official results:

Boys Results: CAMAS 74, UNION 71

100 — Jilven Refil (U) 10.65

200 — Cameron Townsend 23.43

400 — Adam Ryan (C) 52.81

800 — Adam Ryan (C) 2:00.52

1,600 — Daniel Maton (C) 4:33.40

3,200 — Dustin Zimmerly (C) 9:51.52

110 hurdles — Carter Clay (U) 15.02

300 hurdles — William Sun (C) 41.38

400 relay — Union 43.84

1,600 relay — Camas 3:37.36

Shot put — Bailey King (U) 54-10

Discus — Bailey King (U) 173-7

Javelin — Cooper McNatt (C) 166-7

Long jump — Willie Tran (U) 19-10¼

Triple jump — Cooper McNatt (C) 39-4

High jump — Carter Clay (U) 5-8

Pole vault — Trevor Bush (U) 12-6


Freshman Zach Terry.

Girls Results: CAMAS 97, UNION 52

100 — Dai’lyn Merriweather (U) 12.49

200 — Alexa Deetz (C) 27.71

400 — Brooklyn Jackson (U) 1:03.86

800 — Rachel Blair (C) 2:23.59

1,600 — Rachel Blair 5:12.37

3,200 — Cassie McKinney (U) 12:04.06

100 hurdles — Emma Ware (C) 16.81

300 hurdles — Sierra Scordino (C) 55.78

400 hurdles — Camas 51.96

800 relay — Union 1:48.46

1,600 relay — Camas 4:22.93

Shot put — Nkem Aduka (C) 34-6

Discus — Hailey Haggard (U) 115-2

Javelin — Stephanie Knight (C) 104-2

Long jump — Alexa Deetz (C) 16-0

Triple jump — Hailey Brynsch (U) 31-2

High jump — Madison Peffers (C) 5-2

Pole vault — Caleigh Lofstead (C) 10-6



Caleigh Lofstead competes in the pole vault event.



The Camas girls handily defeated Union.

To learn more, visit www.chs.camas.wednet.edu

Vancouver, WA — More than 400 business leaders and community supporters are gathering at the Vancouver Hilton this Wednesday as Meals on Wheels People hosts its annual Spring Luncheon, with doors opening at 11:30 am. Beginning at noon, the luncheon will be hosted by book author, Sandy Calwell, and features guest speaker, Mike Bacon.

The annual Clark County event is expected to earn $150,000 in necessary donations, said Meals on Wheels Marketing People Director, Julie Piper.

“It’s designed to be an enjoyable event to discuss what our program does, and for people to enjoy a nice lunch,” says Piper. “And, at the end of the hour, our goal is to raise $150,000, which comes from sponsored tables, corporations, and individuals.”

Calwell, author of “What if Parenting is the Most Important Job in the World,” has been a regular volunteer for the non-profit organization, whose local chapter provides 5,000 meals per day. All told, Meals on Wheels People has 400 volunteers across the three counties. She started her volunteer work by helping out in the kitchen at the Meals on Wheels Washougal center. Currently, she volunteers on the organization’s board, and helps with outreach and marketing.

“Meals on Wheels People covers three counties,” said Calwell. “The central kitchen is in Portland, on Multnomah Boulevard, with kitchens and centers throughout Clark County and Portland. The Spring Luncheon isn’t the main fundraiser, but it is very significant. Government cutbacks have made it so we’re very reliant on private fundraising, so this event is important.”

Each meal costs about $7, and seniors are asked to contribute $3-$4 per meal, but Calwell said a lot of seniors can’t even do that. The fundraising is designed to cover all the gaps. She added that several local businesses, such as Dave’s Killer Bread, donate food on a regular basis. Each day, volunteers prepare and deliver nutritious meals to shut-in seniors throughout the service area.

“We make sure all people that need to be served, get served,” added Calwell. “The seniors sometimes have no other options.”

Piper said they met their fundraising goal at last year’s luncheon, and expect to achieve it this year, as well.

“We’re really grateful for the community support we receive,” she said.

The event runs very efficiently, and features speakers, awards and updates on the organization’s progress.

Meals on Wheels was founded in 1969, and each chapter provides a very “person-to-person outreach,” said Calwell. “It all stays right here. It’s very important work.”

Locally, about 40 seniors are served in Washougal, with another 150 served out of their Firstenburg Center, in Vancouver.

To learn more, visit www.mealsonwheelspeople.org

Spring Luncheon

Sandy Calwell will emcee the Meals on Wheels Spring Luncheon this year, with husband, Ken Calwell, CEO of Papa Murphy’s International, at last year’s Clark County Spring Luncheon.


Camas, WA — Gary Corbin knows a thing or two about writing, and his latest project, a legal thriller called “Lying in Judgment,” is the perfect setting for a shift in his career.

The accomplished playwright is known for a string of comedy productions including “Happy Anniversary” and “P.S., I Love Your Daughter” and for his frequent contributions to the Portland Tribune.

Now with the release of “Lying in Judgment” he’s adding author to his long list of credits.

The idea for “Judgment,” which was just released on March 5, has been brewing in his mind for 25 years. He even started writing the book 10 years ago, and has had an on-again, off-again relationship with becoming an author. It’s on now, and this book is a page-turner, says fellow author, Bob Ferguson.

“You’ll love this book,” he said at Corbin’s inaugural book signing, which was held this past Saturday, at Caps N’ Taps in downtown Camas. “Gary really knows how to tell a story. He’s very creative.”

The packed tavern was filled with adoring fans, many of whom brought already-purchased copies of his first novel.

“It feels amazing to do this,” said Corbin, as he greeted fans. “This has been in the works for years, and to see it in print is absolutely amazing.”

Corbin’s book is an original story with a fresh take on the legal thriller genre. The novel is based on a guilty juror, and says Corbin, “that doesn’t happen.”

“You don’t have to be a lawyer to be a juror, and to see an average person serve is an interesting perspective,” he adds. “And local readers get the added benefit of having Portland sites be part of the story. They’ll read about a scene at Pioneer Courthouse Square and it’ll be familiar to them.”

The History on His Legal Thriller

When Corbin first started writing “Judgment” about 10 years ago, he spent 18 months writing and revising the original manuscript, and at the time the publishing industry was going through a retraction. That initiated some hesitancy.

“The industry took a big hit,” he says. “But it’s on the rebound now.”

After much research, he felt it was time to pick it up again, and he started the legal thriller anew in 2015 set on publishing the book under his own imprint, which is called Double Diamond Publishing. He says it’s so much easier to self-publish now, especially with tools such as Smash Words and Create Space (which is a part of Amazon).

The challenge, however, is that larger bookstores work closely with the large publishing houses.

“That makes it hard to get the book into the major stores,” Corbin adds. “They simply prefer to work with major distributors, so I have to be very persistent. Vintage Books let us in, and the book has sold well at their store.”

See http://www.vintage-books.com to learn more about their bookstore.

He said the whole process has been very educational, and that he’s already working on his next novel, which is a mystery called “The Mountain Man’s Dog”

Book lovers can order a paperback at www.Amazon.com, download a Kindle or iTunes version at www.iTunes.com, and also try Kobo. To date, printed versions account for 45% of “Lying in Judgment’s” sales.

To learn more about Corbin’s journey, go to “Lying in Judgment” Feature or visit www.garycorbinwriting.com 

The book is available online: www.Amazon.com


Lying in Judgment Novel

“Lying in Judgment” book author, Gary Corbin, had his first book signing at Caps N’ Taps in downtown Camas.


Each week, Lacamas Magazine will feature a Pet of the Week, from the Southwest Washington Humane Society.

Hello friends! My name is Angelica and I am a sweet and gentle soul looking for a family to love. I would do best in a more quiet environment without kids under the age of ten. I would like to meet any dogs or kids with whom I may be living. Adopt me today!


Pet of the Week


Pet Details

Code Number: 83726
Date Available: 3/15/2016
Breed: Long Hair Chihuahua
Sex: Female
Age: 2 years, 0 months
Weight: 9.05625 lbs

The adoption fee for dogs in Angelica’s age range (6 months to 6 years) is $100-$200. The costs of adoptions vary, depending on the dog’s age, and other issues.

All adoptions include: Spay or neuter surgery, microchip ID and national registration, select vaccinations, free veterinary exam with a local participating veterinarian, animal training information, and 30 days of free pet insurance.

Denise Barr, the Director of Marketing at the Southwest Humane Society, says the Pacific Northwest is a good area for pet adoptions.

“We have a very high adoption rate here,” she said. “4,400 pets were adopted last year.”

She also said there’s a good process for people who need to separate from their pets, and that people should feel their pet will find a good home.

“Sometimes people move and can’t take their pets with them,” she said. “Or maybe there’s a problem in the home that it’s best for the animal to find a new home. We do a good job here at placing pets.”

To adopt an animal, you must be at least 18 years of age. Some animals may have specific adoption requirements so be sure to check with an Adoption Counselor for details.

To learn more about pet adoptions, visit www.southwesthumane.org

They are located at 1100 NE 192nd Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98684. 360-213-2615.

We compiled a fun list of things that show you have lived in Camas for a while. How long have you lived here?

  1. You bowled at Riverside Lanes before Big Al’s entered the scene.


    Riverside Lanes on Third Avenue.

  2. You associate Gyro’s with Friday night Camas Varsity football games at Doc Harris Stadium.
  3. You never speed by the Fire Station on Parker Street because there’s usually a police officer there. Speed trap. You know where all the speed traps are.
  4. You know who Joe Papermaker the Mean Machine is, and you defend him when people make fun of the name.
  5. You know Lacamas Lake is disgusting but swim in it anyway during the warm summer months. Plus, you know where the tree rope is.

    Lacamas Lake

    Lacamas Lake

  6. You know a small order of fries at Top Burger will feed you and three of your friends just fine, but you order a large anyway. You also know fries at Top Burger taste even better with their ice cream.
  7. You know movies are just better at Liberty Theater, even with the old building smell (you get used to it after a few minutes).
  8. You remember when band concerts and performances were held at Garfield.
  9. The odor from the paper mill doesn’t faze you anymore.
  10. Going to the “beach” during the hot summer months means going to Cottonwood, aka BA Beach.
  11. You remember when the Camas Hotel was gross. It’s not anymore.
  12. Summer isn’t summer without a blizzard at Dairy Queen in downtown Camas.
  13. You did all your shopping at Sprouse Reitz in downtown Camas.


    Spouse Reitz was located where Lizzabeth A is today.

  14. You got your hair cut at Baldy’s (formerly next to Lily Atelier). Some refer to it also as Jack’s Barbershop.
  15. You know the original town’s name wasn’t “Camas.” Hint: Look at our magazine’s name.

We welcome you to add to this list. Just comment below.

To learn more about Camas, visit: http://www.cityofcamas.us


Each week, Lacamas Magazine will feature a Pet of the Week, from the Southwest Washington Humane Society.

Presenting Aries
My name is Aries and I am super friendly and love to play. I can also be quite the snuggler. I love my people so much that I do not like to share, so I should be the only pet in the household. I would like to meet any kids with whom I may be living. Please ask an adoption counselor how you can meet me today.

Humane Society Pet

This is Aries, our Humane Society Pet of the Week.

Pet Information

Code Number: 67102
Date Available: 2/25/2016
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Sex: Female
Age: 3 years, 4 months
Weight: 42.5 lbs

The adoption fee for dogs in Aries’ age range (6 months to 6 years) is $100-$200. The costs of adoptions vary, depending on the dog’s age, and other issues.

All Adoptions include: Spay or neuter surgery, microchip ID and national registration, select vaccinations, free veterinary exam with a local participating veterinarian, animal training information, and 30 days of free pet insurance.

“The Pacific Northwest, and in particular, Clark County, has a very high success rate of placing dogs and cats into good homes,” said Denise Barr, Vice President of Marking for the Humane Society of Southwest Washington. “In fact, California sends us a lot of animals that would otherwise be euthanized. We do a better job of spaying and neutering our animals here. So, if you see the word ‘transfer’ in the animal’s description that means the animal comes from California.”

Barr said last year their agency assisted with 4,400 adoptions.

To see more details about Aries, or other pets for adoption, please visit: www.southwesthumane.org

They are located at 1100 NE 192nd Avenue, Vancouver, WA 98684. 360-213-2615.


Camas High School junior and competitive swimmer, Luke Albert, is currently raising money to fund a weeklong church mission trip to Mexico. His plan is to dedicate a week of service in Mexico from April 2-7, and so far he is about half way toward reaching his goal.

“I heard of it back in the middle of January during one of our announcements (at church) and knew that was something I wanted to do, but wasn’t sure if I could get the money or if that’s what God had in store for me,” said Albert, who’s won numerous awards for his swimming achievements. “So I prayed and heard that he wanted me to go and that he’d take care of everything for me. Of course I still had to do some of the work though.”

The Camas youth felt impressed to go on a mission trip in the summer of 2014, when he listened to a guest speaker address his congregational youth group, called Generation Grace, or G2.

Then, last summer, Albert attended a Foursquare campout in Eastern Washington, where he started to envision the service that’s he currently planning for.

“So I started to get more and more involved in the ministry and just had to do whatever I could to go on this mission trip,” Albert added. “The purpose of this mission is to go down into Mexico and do whatever the missionaries stationed down there need us to do. It’s also about growing relationships with the people there and telling our story and how God has affected our lives is a part of what we’ll be doing. Like I said before I’ve been looking into this since mid January and have been planning it since about February 23.”

Albert is grateful to everyone who has donated so far.

To learn more, and donate to this cause, visit: https://www.gofundme.com/sf7qppg

The Touchjet Pond Projector turns any flat surface (wall, ceiling, table) into a supersized 80” interactive touchscreen that you can use with just the click of a stylus. It has a built-in Android operating system, so you can download any apps directly to the device itself— everything from Angry Birds and Scrabble to Skype and Netflix.

It’s ultra-portable and easy to use. All you have to do is turn it on, grab a stylus and you can instantly start interacting: play games, write on documents or watch videos, all in one place. It’s roughly the size of a day planner, so you can easily fit in a briefcase, backpack or purse.

The power is in the stylus. Simply touch the stylus to the projected images with pinpoint accuracy, just like the smartphones and tablets you are used to.

The process is the same as giving commands with your fingers on a tablet screen. You can even zoom in or out by using two pens at once. Just move the pens on the projected screen in essentially the same combined motion you would use for expanding or pinching together two fingers on a touch screen. You can also give commands with the accompanying remote, which doubles as an air mouse. You move the remote to move a mouse pointer on the screen, and then give the equivalent of a touch command by pressing a button.

The Pond itself weighs about 10 ounces and measures 1.3 by 3.8 by 4.3 inches (HWD). That built-in computer, which runs Android 4.4.2 and, according to Touchjet, offers 18GB of available memory for storing apps and data. The weight of the device itself doesn’t include the power block, the two interactive pens, or the combination remote and air mouse. Add those in, along with the hard-shell case Touchjet includes to hold everything, and the total weight is a still highly portable 1 pound 8 ounces. The case measures roughly 2.5 by 9 by 9 inches (HWD).

To learn more, visit www.touchjet.com

Touchscreen projection

The product is very lightweight and simple to use.

TouchJet Pond Projector Launch Video

This video provides a general overview of the product.