For 2012 Camas High School graduate, Tyler Weiss, heading to a national college wrestling tournament, is the culmination of years of hard work, perseverance, and sheer will power.

Weiss is part of the Brigham Young University (BYU) Wrestling program that is sending six wrestlers to the National Collegiate Wrestling Association’s (NCWA) National Tournament next week, in Orlando, FL.

The 22 year-old BYU sophomore, who recently completed LDS Church missionary service in Brazil, is pleased with the results from a regional tournament that has put his team in this position.

Traveling to the nationals with Weiss is Coach Craig Miner; Tyler Carlyle, 22, Sophomore and Team Captain; Blake Solomon, 21, Freshman; Joe Cooprider, 23, Senior; Derek Mcclure, 18, Freshman; and Ben Peterson, 21, Sophomore.

“I love the competitive aspect of wrestling,” says Weiss, who began wrestling as a Freshman at Camas High School. “You work hard and you see the results. It’s really rewarding.”

These young men have been wrestling since mid-October, and practice four days a week. The wrestling season officially started in early November, and the team travels every other week to compete.

“We have a really good team filled with good guys,” said Weiss, who competes in the 133 weight class. “It’s good to get back into wrestling.”


BYU Regionals

The BYU Wrestling Team is sending 6 wrestlers to Nationals.


The team thinks highly of their coach, Craig Miner, but he demurs.

“I’m not teaching them anything,” adds Miner. “Tyler C runs the practices, and I just do what I can to help them. I’ve done the fundraising, and get the travel arrangements taken care of. Plus, it was hard getting the program accepted at BYU.”

Miner explained that the university had dropped wrestling last year, and that he and several others lobbied hard to get the program reinstated.

“We’re grateful they accepted the program,” said Miner. “After the season ends, we’ll work hard to get it reinstated for next season.”

Last year, with the fate of the program unknown, Weiss asked his family and friends to pray for the program to return.

“We were relieved when Tyler called us to say the program was reinstated,” said Matt Weiss, Tyler’s father. “Tyler has loved wrestling ever since he started at Camas High School. He loved Coach Hartman, and he’s put a lot of time and effort into the sport.”

Weiss learned wrestling from Hartman at Camas High School. He said Hartman’s program taught him how to work hard, and be tough.

“These kids have done very well,” added Miner. “We expect them to win. They placed well at Regionals, and I think we’ll carry that momentum into next week. They have a lot of talent.”

Wrestling Practices at BYU

Carlyle said the team puts into the effort everyday.

“Tyler is the lightest guy in the room, but he’s one of the toughest,” Carlyle said. “In wrestling, it’s almost always who is the most mentally tough who wins. It’s really a mindset of ‘I’m going to score.'”

The BYU Wrestling team practice routine consists of a warmup, to get sweating. Then, they go over technique points, and get conditioned doing matches.

“We’ll make one guy stay in and toughen up to compete with several teammates,” said Carlyle. “He won’t have a second to catch his breath. Plus, we don’t run a lot, as we feel that doesn’t add anything to our practices. And Tyler always works hard to make his cuts.”

Solomon says: “Weiss is always giving his all and works through it, and doesn’t use his size as an excuse.”

Regarding next week’s National Tournament, Weiss says: “I’d be happy to be All-American, in the Top 8. I want to be in the Finals.”

So, do wrestlers have to be fearless?

“Yeah,” says Weiss. “I’d say that they have to be able to control their fears and not let their fears control them. Sometimes my fears are what drive me to work even harder. Fear of being beaten or not giving enough are the fears wrestlers need to have. There’s a saying in wrestling that goes ‘fear no one but respect everyone,’ meaning that you shouldn’t be afraid of anyone but that you need to respect everyone and not look past anyone.”

To learn more, visit


Regional NCWA Tournament

The BYU Wrestling Team poses after a stellar performance at Regionals.


Tyler Weiss

Matt Weiss, Tyler Weiss, center, and Annie Weiss celebrate with their son at Regionals.


Wrestling victory

Tyler Weiss started wrestling at Camas High School.


… not be silenced, to seek cross-river solutions

Editor’s Note: Lacamas Magazine offers a forum for all sides to express their viewpoints and opinions.

By Rep. Liz Pike

The Columbian, Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt and some other local elected officials have a lengthy, well documented history of supporting a failed and costly light rail project between Clark County and Portland, known as the Columbia River Crossing (CRC). For years, these folks supported bringing Portland’s light rail to our community against the objections of our own citizens.

Liz Pike

Rep. Liz Pike, R-18

Entering into any agreement between Clark County’s taxpayers and an agency with Tri-Met’s financial woes ought to be troubling to every elected official in Southwest Washington. According to Tri-Met’s 2015 Audited Financial Report, unfunded liabilities are 459 percent greater than the costs of current payroll. It is estimated Tri-Met’s unfunded pension liability exceeds $1 billion. It is no surprise our local citizens have completely lost faith with the CRC’s promoters.

Beyond these details, there is no reason to re-litigate why this $3.5 billion – $5 billion light rail project, disguised as a bridge, had to be stopped in its tracks. It’s time to put all this behind us and move forward with affordable transportation solutions.

Fast forward to today, House Bill 2414 is a perfectly-structured bill to put an equal number of Democrats and Republicans at the same table, representing both chambers from two states. The legislative members of this Bi-State Bridge Project Work Group would be appointed by caucus leaders to ensure that all constituencies are equally represented in an open and transparent process. The group is tasked with identifying affordable solutions to meet current and future needs of the region and prioritize the sequencing of those projects.

For the second time in two years, HB 2414 sailed through the House Transportation Committee with unanimous bipartisan support — evidence this bill is a step in the right direction.

Unfortunately, there are a few legislators who still cannot get past the grieving process of CRC’s death long enough to work for the common good. It’s either their way or no way. So they operate behind the scenes to kill a perfectly good bill in order to advance their own political agenda. The result of that agenda condemns our hard-working commuters to worsening congestion, longer commute times, years of enduring a failing I-5 corridor, increased pollution, higher costs for employers, fewer jobs and decreased quality of life.

It is shameful these critics tear apart those who are actively working to find affordable cross-river bridge solutions, but offer no solutions of their own, other than the dead-and-buried CRC plan. Our citizens want forward-thinking leaders to work together and move beyond the CRC with new solutions. That was the idea behind HB 2414.

The I-5 corridor belongs to the entire region, not just the legislative district or the city where it is located. Washington is the most trade dependent state in America, giving this corridor both regional and national significance.

Clark County citizens have every right to have their voices represented by their elected officials in all discussions regarding new cross-river solutions. It is wrong to tell their state legislators to be silent and step aside just because they disagree with the mayor, The Columbian, and those on record who wish to force Portland’s light rail upon our citizens.

Voters in the 18th Legislative District have twice elected me to be their voice in Olympia. They support me because I demonstrate the courage to stand up for my constituents. As a member of the House Transportation Committee, I will not abdicate my responsibility to identify and defend common sense and affordable solutions to improve freight mobility and relieve traffic congestion in this important corridor that serves our entire region, state and West coast. I invite people to join me, just as I did in HB 2414, because the problems will not go away on their own.

As Winston Churchill said: “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense.”

When it comes to my constituents, they deserve strong leadership that does not yield to intimidation. I will always stand with them and will never give in.

Due to a sewage spill that began Thursday at Pacific Rim Blvd in Camas, Clark County Public Health officials are advising residents, and their pets, to avoid the water in and around Lacamas Lake, which is a popular destination for runners, walkers, hikers, cyclists and boaters.

The spill was discovered late in the day along Pacific Rim Blvd. and workers urged drivers to slow down to prevent raw sewage from flying around, said a local witness.

Chuck Harman of Clark County Public Health said the leak was reported to the Department of Ecology, and was repaired, but it caused contamination in Dwyer Creek, Lacamas Creek, and Lacamas Lake. Workers continued to monitor the situation during the night to make sure no more leakage would ensue. A backup malfunction caused a leak in a pipe in the main sewer line.

Clark County Public Health estimates that 100 gallons of raw sewage was spilled per minute. Residents and their pets should avoid contact with water from the area of the spill and the path of the water downstream. Public Health staff have posted warning signs.

The DOE is coordinating the response to the spill.

Harman said more information is coming as the Department of Ecology monitors the situation.

According to the Clark County Elections Office, Camas School District No. 117, Proposition No. 1, Bonds to Improve Safety, and Construct and Renovate School Facilities has passed with 61.07% of the vote, a super majority, with 38.93% voting against the bond measure. A total of 5,983 votes have been cast so far, with 3,654 votes in favor of the measure.

Local residents have been campaigning hard for the $120 million levy, which keeps essential operations running for several years, and also allots funds to build an annex to the existing Camas High School. Camas has managed its funds well over the years, and voters are showing their approval with the votes. These types of measures require a supermajority, or 60 percent of votes cast.

“It’s a hard threshold to meet sometimes,” said Camas School District Superintendent, Mike Nerland.

Other local districts are experiencing similar special election results. These other districts have earmarked their funds differently than Camas.

  • Green Mountain School District passed with 56%.
  • Hockinson School District passed with 53%.
  • La Center School District passed with 56%.
  • Ridgefield School District passed with 63%.
  • Vancouver School District passed with 70%.

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These results are from the Clark County Elections Office, but are considered unofficial until all votes are turned in, and official tallies are certified. It takes day for all votes to be counted, and certified.


By Dan Trujillo
Camas Post-Record

The following is an excerpt from Dan Trujillo’s Blog post, used with his permission.

A Camas freshman, sophomore, junior and a senior finished in the top six of the all-around competition to help the Papermakers clinch their third straight district gymnastics championship. Camas racked up a season high 167.925 to surpass Union by a 6.05-point margin.

Sophomore Jacqueline Purwins won the all-around crown with 35.25 points. She finished first on the beam (9.375) and bars (8.8), and third on the vault (8.425).

Junior Emily Karkanen earned third all-around with 34.425 points. She took third on the floor (9.475), as well as fourth on the vault (8.4), beam (8.35) and bars (8.3). Karkanen was also named a first-team all-around gymnast in the 4A Greater St. Helens League.

Senior Caleigh Lofstead claimed fourth all-around with 34.1 points. She won the vault (8.7), placed third on the bars (8.35) and eighth on the floor (9.15).

Freshman Madison Martin secured sixth all-around with 33 points. She rose to second place on the beam (8.8) and seventh place on the bars (7.7).

Freshman Joy Marsh snagged seventh place on the vault (8.05) and Michaela Lasher notched ninth place on the beam (7.85).

Longtime Camas, Jeff Peebles, got a closer  look at the extensive damage the heavy rain and floods have inflicted on Forest Home Road, in the heart of Camas. He captures the erosion to the foundation of part of the road, and why the road is closed indefinitely. Thanks, Mr. Peebles, for your intriguing video report.
He said the heavy pounding of rain has eroded a sub-set of the road, deeming it unsafe for car traffic.
“I can’t believe what’s happened because of all the rain we’ve been having,” said Peebles. “It was cool to capture what’s going on.”

Historical Rainfall and Floods

The area has been walloped for weeks with very heavy rain. In December, the area broke all records for most inches of rainfall, topping the 7-inch mark that was set in 1996, when the Columbia River overflowed, causing extensive damage to homes and structures along its shores.
There was also severe damage to other roads that are closer to Lacamas Lake, which crested to near flood stage during the torrential rain fall.
Local government agencies created flood zone alerts so citizens could know what areas to avoid.
“The goal is to save lives and keep people out of harm’s way,” said Washington State Representative, Liz Pike.
OLYMPIA, WA — State Representative Liz Pike, of Legislative District 18, said, according to the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the state is facing an extreme risk for landslides.
In particular, said Pike, quoting the DNR, Lewis and Thurston Counties are currently facing extreme risk for landslides, which are expected to be “frequent and widespread.”
The most recent forecasts, updated a few hours ago, show all Western Washington and some Eastern Washington counties facing extreme landslide risk.
The DNR warns that sudden changes in creek levels, cracking wood of moving rocks are strong indications of a pending landslide, and they recommend staying away from hiking trails until the ground starts to settle.
If you see a landslide or indications of one, the DNR instructs you to get into contact with your local Emergency Management Division. The direct number is 800-562-6108 or 253-512-7000.
Stay safe out there!
Go to for more details and updates on current conditions.

This week’s heavy rain has, of course, had an effect on local roads and bridges, but it has also caused Lacamas Lake to swell and crest the boat ramp (near the Lacamas Lake Lodge). Here is a video. Photos to come in another post. ‪#‎lacamaslake‬ ‪#‎lacamasmagazine‬





The annual Camas Christmas tree lighting event begins at 6 pm tonight with Camas School District bands and choir performances. Santa will be there. The City tree will be lit at 6:30 pm (in front of the Liberty Theater) and it just might snow.
The tree lighting festivities will be followed by an 8 pm special showing of “Home Alone” at the Liberty Theater. This is a great way to get family and friends into the fun Christmas season, says Camas Mayor, Scott Higgins.

PASCO, WA — It was expected, but it wasn’t a given, as the Camas Girls XC team won their second consecutive State title on Saturday, which was their fourth in five years.

Freshman Rachel Blair finished fourth, covering the 5,000 meter course at Sun Willows Golf Course in 18 minutes, 10 seconds. Sophomore Emma Jenkins was seventh in 18:17, and sophomore Emily Wilson was was in thirteenth place, clocking in at 18:30.

Maddie Woodson and Kaylee Merritt rounded out the five scoring Camas runners, who posted a team score of 81 points.

Many of the girls also compete in Track & Field, as well as run for club teams, so they are well-conditioned all year long. Blair also said their team is coached well, and that although it’s an individual sport, the girls on the team work well together, and encourage each other to excel, and to do their absolute best.

The team begins practice before school even begins in September, and they always set lofty goals for themselves.

More details to come.


From left to right: Brooke Roy, Madison Child, Ellie Postma, Rachel Blair, Maddie Woodson, Emily Wilson, Emma Jenkins, Kaylee Merritt, & Alexa jones.comprised the State Champion Camas XC team.