Anaheim, CA — The Camas High School DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) team had its best showing in history at this week’s International Career Development Conference, which concluded on April 29.

Finalists from Camas are as follows:

  • Liz Schwartkopf placed 1st in Automotive Services Marketing Series;
  • Ashley Miles placed 1st in Restaurant and Food Service Management Series;
  • Kevin Chen and Cami Kirby placed 2nd in the Creative Marketing Project; and
  • Skylar Becerra and Xiansheng Yan placed in the top 10 in Business Service Operations Management.

All these competitors qualified for finals in the morning at Achievement Awards Ceremony.

On Wednesday, April 26, nearly 20,000 DECA members, advisors, business partners and volunteers came together in Anaheim, Calif., for the largest-ever conference the organization has ever held.

The conference itself is an opportunity for each attendee to show his or her uniqueness and value the diversity of DECA membership, while coming together to celebrate as #OneDECA.

This year’s conference theme was Own Your Future, and included a message of unity – coming together as #OneDECA to support the organization’s mission, which is to celebrate personal strengths, to appreciate the diversity that each of our members represents, and to signify a strong organization that members want to be part of.

About the organization

Camas DECA strives to integrate learning into classroom instruction, apply learning, connect to businesses, and promote competition. We are preparing the next generation to be academically prepared, community orientated, professionally responsible, and experienced leaders. The club’s adult advisors are Dave Johnson and Suzie Downs.

To learn more, visit


Some of the Camas ICDC qualifiers with Meyers Leonard, of the Portland Trail Blazers at the LAX airport.



Kevin Chen and Cami Kirby placed second in CMP.

Camas Senior, Luke Huckvale, was honored Thursday night with the presentation of his hard-earned Eagle Scout Award, which is the highest honor a youth can earn in the Boy Scouts of America.

Huckvale, 18, of Camas Boy Scout Troop 694, entered the program seven years ago, and had to earn six rank advancements to achieve the Eagle honor. The ranks are Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle. Within each rank, the requirements become more challenging, and require numerous tasks, merit badges, service hours, and leadership roles.

To achieve the Eagle rank, a youth must complete a challenging, and often rigorous service project that benefits the local community.

“It’s designed to demonstrate leadership, and challenge the young man,” said Ron Shake, a local District advancement chairman. “It’s designed to be hard.”

For his project, Huckvale gathered volunteers to clean up and repair several damaged and vandalized tombstones at the Fisher Cemetery in Vancouver. The group also repaired a fence which was damaged by fallen trees, and built a wooden bench, which was placed at the war memorial at the site.

Each Eagle Scout also has the opportunity to select a mentor, a person who guided the scout along the journey. Huckvale chose Scott Murphy as his mentor, and honored him Thursday evening.

“I chose Scott because he was there to not only help me with my scouting needs, but also other needs I had like emotional physical and educational needs,” said Huckvale.

Huckvale also expressed what he loved most about scouting.

“I like the brotherhood and loyalty that it brought between my friends and I,” he said. “And I loved Camp Meriwether the most because it was just a very good environment for doing everything scouting and there was a beach so that made it ten times better.

“Regarding tonight, I’m glad that all of my work finally came to fruition, and it was especially good to see how many people cared enough about me to come to my court of honor and support me.”

Nationwide, only about 5 percent of scouts earn the rank of Eagle. Since the organization’s inception, a total of 2 million boys have earned Eagle.

To learn more about Boy Scouts, visit



Eagle Scout, Luke Huckvale, speaks at his Eagle Scout Court of Honor.



Luke Huckvale hugs his mother, Shannon Huckvale, while his father, Derrick, looks on.



A look at Luke’s scouting history.

by Sandy Calwell, Author and Swim Mom

Much has been said about the Stanford swimmer rape case. Everyone has formed an opinion, it seems, in the court of public discourse. Besides my heart breaking for the two young people whose fates collided that tragic evening, I am burdened by the feeling that many parents, in the years when parental guidance is most needed, are not stepping up and teaching and modeling how life should be lived as a teenager, and then eventually, as a mature adult.

While most will say I’m old fashioned, out of touch and naive, I still believe we can teach our young people that underage drinking is wrong and risky on a lot of levels, and that sex is not a recreational activity or a power play.

Where theory and reality collide is when we assume that others maintain the same understandings or moral guidance we do. As women we are never really safe. Even as a middle-aged woman now, out on a run I am looking around the environment where I am…because I am female, I am vulnerable…almost always when around men.

Not that all men are predators. Most men are not. But I cannot effectively determine who the bad ones are, and so must constantly be on guard. It is the human condition of a woman. That’s how I see it. In theory it shouldn’t be so, but in reality it is.

To add alcohol and a decreased level of control and awareness into the mix, you will never know what you’ll get. The odds are not in your favor.

I believe we as parents, largely, haven’t gone for a high enough bar. We expect kids to drink and have sex and assume there is nothing we can do to stop them. But I still maintain that this is faulty thinking and lazy parenting.

We must. We must model self control by how we handle ourselves with alcohol and around those of the opposite sex. Young men will not respect women if they are not taught to. Culture will teach them otherwise.

A woman’s body is beautiful and alluring. It will draw attention whether she wants it or not. Real men know this to be true and will honor her, while honoring themselves in their conduct and speech.

So there it is. A mom of a son, who’s a collegiate swimmer in California, who has found herself sleepless over the anguish of both sets of parents, and over the girl who was so violated and mistreated that she believes her value will always be lessened because of that night. I am praying for them all.

Our kids need us as parents. Our kids need to know God loves them, values them and holds their bodies and minds in highest regard.

If I could talk to every high school and college kid, I would tell them, “You are loved, dear and precious. Don’t risk your future, safety or reputation for things that don’t satisfy. It’s a lonely and disappointing road. Take the high road. Be the one who stands against the tide. Stand strong…and pray to the God who loves you. He will be there for you.”

Calwell is the author of “What If Parenting is the Most Important Job in the World?”

Her Facebook page is: Sandy Calwell Books

Vancouver, Wash.— The Clark College Music Department is proud to announce that music student, James Powers, has been awarded the University of Northern Colorado/Greeley Jazz Festival’s highest award, a tuition scholarship to attend the world famous Jamey Aebersold Summer Jazz Workshop at the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky.  Powers was recognized as one out of only four recipients to receive this prestigious award from the 8,000 participants who performed at the national jazz festival.  James is currently a resident of Gresham, Oregon but graduated from Heritage High in Vancouver.

The Jamey Aebersold Summer Jazz Workshop is recognized as being one of the best intensive programs for mastering jazz improvisation.  The festival features the nation’s leading jazz educators and performers and is dedicated to providing an intensive learning experience for musicians of all ages and levels. Theory Classes, Ear Training, Combo Performance, and Master Class Sessions allow the opportunity for attendees to grow and develop to their fullest potential, and each evening attendees get to listen to faculty jazz recitals presented by some of the leading jazz musicians around the world.

To learn more, visit



Eugene, OR — Attending Track and Field events at Historic Hayward Field is always fun, and to some it’s disappointing that Camas athletes placed fourth overall at this year’s Oregon Relays, in contrast to winning it all in 2015, but it doesn’t tell the whole story.

You see, life is about balance, and Camas athletes chose to attend their junior and senior proms on Saturday, April 16, so by 4:30 pm Papermakers had left the field and went home to get ready for their big night. Points were left on the track, for sure. It’s OK.

But, until that point, the Papermakers made an impressive run, and for most of the meet they were way ahead of eventual meet winner, Summit, who won by 12 points. Grant High School placed second, and Mountain View, of Idaho, placed third. At one point, Camas was ahead by 30 points. Had they been able to stay, most observers say they would have picked up another meet victory.

“Camas should be SO incredibly proud!” said team coach, Alisa Wise. “There were the likes of Coronodo (San Diego), Mountain View of Idaho, Valor Christian of Colorado, Canadian National Athletes, Cerritos of California, Long Beach (Wilson) of California, and of course all the “bigs” of WA and OR. Camas led the entire meet …. then our kiddos needed to headed to PROM mid afternoon which left us with no more “dogs on the fight” so to speak. It was tough to sit and watch as those talented teams racked up some points against our pretty solid lead as Camas had to leave some points on the track for our amazing kiddos to attend PROM.”

“I’m amazed at the commitment level and fortitude of our athletes!” she continued. “Our athletes came and competed in every event they could up to the time they would need to leave for PROM…and then some…leaving in the afternoon, scooting home with parents to clean up and make it home. We even had one gal get her hair done IN EUGENE, run the 4 x 800m relay, then jump in the car, change into her dress on the way home and meet her group!”

There were some impressive results, such as Caliegh Lofstead’s Pole Vault numbers (2nd place at 12-09.50), the Boys 4×800 relay (2nd place) and the Camas team’s first try at the Steeplechase.

So, here’s how things turned out:

Camas Boys Team Oregon Relay Results

3000M: 3rd: Yacine Guermali, 8:32.15

3K Steeplechase: 4th: Dustin Zimmerly, 10:08.20

4×800 Relay: 2nd: Adam Ryan, Cade Greseth, Yacine Guermali, Dustin Zimmerly, 7:54.42

SM 200-200-400-800m: 4th: Zach Terry, Jason Driver, Adam Ryan, Cade Greseth, 3:35.44

DMR 1200-400-800-1600m: 3rd: Daniel Maton, Adam Ryan, Dustin Zimmerly, Yacine Guermali, 10.26.94

Shot Put: 12b.: Dakota Napierkowski: 43-07.25

Javelin: 9th: Cooper McNatt: 162-01

Hammer: 9th, Mason Ellis, 140-06; 17th, Grant Jones, 106-09.

Freshman 100: 8th: Zach Terry.

Oregon Relays

Dustin Zimmerly was the last leg of the 4×800 Relay at the Oregon Relays on Saturday.

Oregon Relays

Adam Ryan competes in the 4×800 relay.

Camas Girls Team Oregon Relays Results

1500m 11th: Emma Jenkins, 4:48.58

3K Steeplechase: Emily Wilson, 11:49.24

4×200 Relay: 17th: Emily Karkanen, Cambrian Gulzow, Aliya Ponder, Karsyn Quade, 1:49.37

4×800 Relay: 5th: Emma Jenkins, Alex Jones, Rachel Blair, Ellie Postma, 9:56.56

SMR 200-200-400-800m: 5th: Aliya Ponder, Karsyn Quade, Cambryn Gulzow, Ellie Postma, 4:21.29

DMR 1200-400-800-1600m: 4th: Emma Jenkins, Ellie Postma, Maddie Woodson, Rachel Blair, 12:16.10

Shot Put: 14th: Nkem Aduka, 35-09.25

Discus: 23: Nkem Aduka, 101-02.

Pole Vault: 2nd: Caleigh Lofstead, 12-09.50

Long Jump: 19th: Alexa Dietz, 15-08.25

Hammer: 7th: Haleigh Lubbock, 156-00; Maggie Wells: 16th, 99-02; Morgan Kielty, 20th, 88-01

To learn more, visit


Oregon Relays

Mid-way through the 4×800 Girls event at the 2016 Oregon Relays.

Oregon Relays

Rachel Blair runs at Historic Hayward Field.


Oregon Relays

Zach Terry competes in the Freshman 100.

Oregon Relays

Guayaquil, Ecuador — Although her parents haven’t heard directly from her, Camas resident and 2013 Camas High graduate, Paige Jackson, who is currently serving an 18-month LDS mission in Ecuador, has been accounted for, and is safe following the largest earthquake to hit the region since 1979.

President Maxsimo Torres, who heads the Ecuador Guayaquil South LDS mission (where Jackson has been assigned) issued the following statement:

“Terremoto en Esmeraldas 7.8. Todos los misionero (a)s en la misión estamos bien. All missionaries in our our mission accounted for and doing well. Gracias al Senor por sus tiernas misericordias! We are grateful for the Lord’s tender mercies!”

Residents along the Ecuador coastline were most affected by the 7.8 earthquake, which struck Saturday at dusk local time, turning hundreds of thousands of lives upside down.

Jackson’s parents, Jeff and Temple Jackson, found out about the massive earthquake about 9:30 pm Saturday. Their family has been active contributors to the local community for 20 years. Paige, and her twin sister, McKenna, played on the Camas High School Girls Varsity Basketball team, and siblings Brynn and Jefferson “Bubba” currently attend CHS.

“We spent most of the night hoping she was OK,” said Temple. “We’re glad to know the missionaries are all accounted for.”

Ecuador Earthquake

Hermana Paige Jackson, center, blonde hair, is safe and accounted for in Ecuador, following Saturday’s devastating earthquake. This photo was dated March 15, 2016.

The death toll soared from under 100 on Saturday night to 238 on Sunday afternoon — and it’s expected to rise, according to CNN. At least 1,500 people were injured, said Ricardo Peñaherrera of Ecuador’s national emergency management office.

The cities of Manta and Porteviejo were the hardest hit, with buildings totally collapsing, and roads and overpasses destroyed. The earthquake hit Saturday night causing houses to collapse and knocking out power in Guayaquil, Ecuador’s most populous city, authorities said. People left their homes and wandered around, some sleeping in the streets.

Ecuador Residents Describe Earthquake

Zoraida Gallegos, a Duran, Ecuador resident, said “The earthquake hit right at 8:50 pm and the lights went out immediately. Electricity was out all night. It’s been very scary, but we put our faith in God.”

Gallegos provided most of the images in this article.

Local officials asked residents to not travel on Sunday, so emergency personnel could get help where it’s most needed.

Ricardo Blum, who lives in Babahoyo, Ecuador, said “there were several families who lost their home last night, and they are currently staying in the local church. I’m grateful my family is fine.”

He said there’s a lot of devastation, but that people are helping each other.

“We’re grateful that nothing really terrible happened in Duran,” said Carlos Pincay. “We did feel the quake and it lasted a long time. A few things fell down. It’s the first time I’ve experienced something like that. In other parts further north many have died, and there is much devastation. Today, nobody attended church, and we hope there won’t be any aftershocks.”

Angel Romo, who lives in the mountains, in a city called Ambato,  said “We felt the quake up here in the mountains, but we didn’t have the devastation they had on the coast.”

In a race to help residents, Ecuador deployed 10,000 soldiers and 4,600 police officers to the affected areas. The armed forces built mobile hospitals in Pedernales and Portoviejo and set up temporary shelters.

In addition, because of destroyed highways, first responders are having trouble transporting water and other much needed supplies to the hardest hit areas.

Pincay said local communities and church members are sustaining each other until additional help arrives in those areas.

Technology also played an interesting role in this tragedy. In order to not tie up phone lines, many Ecuador residents, with connections to United States citizens, have used the Facebook Safety Check App, which allows family and friends to connect during emergencies.

That’s how this reporter found out about the earthquake. My phone lit up with alerts about friends in Ecuador. Thank you, Facebook.

The Jackson family will provide updates on Paige as they learn more.

Ecuador Earthquake

The Facebook Safety Check alerts family and friends about the status of loved ones during a tragedy.


Ecuador Earthquake

Porteviejo, Ecuador, was one of the hardest hit areas in this quake. Photo provided by Zoraida Gallegos.


Ecuador Earthquake

Porteviejo, Ecuador, was one of the hardest hit areas in this quake. Photo provided by Zoraida Gallegos.



Hundreds of Providers and Staff Take Pledge, Prepare to Educate Patients about Crisis Healthcare Decisions

VANCOUVER, WA — In anticipation of National Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16, 2016, The Vancouver Clinic (TVC) prepared hundreds of providers and staff to educate patients on the importance of advance care planning this week. Advanced care planning is a process of individuals communicating their wishes about the medical care that they would or would not want to family and healthcare providers. It also involves individuals determining who will make healthcare decisions on their behalf in the event of a tragedy or sudden major illness during which they could not speak for themselves.

National Healthcare Decisions Day is a growing, nationwide campaign to raise awareness among medical providers and the public about the importance of advanced care planning. Through healthcare directives, such as a living will and designating a power of attorney for healthcare, individuals can ensure that those they trust the most are empowered to make crisis healthcare decisions for them that align with their values and wishes.

“Accidents and acute illnesses can happen to anyone at any time, but many families have not adequately planned ahead for such circumstances,” said TVC palliative care specialist Dr. Lynda Tang. “As Clark County’s top healthcare provider, The Vancouver Clinic has a unique opportunity to educate and prepare our patients for the future.”

Healthcare Decisions Education

According to Dr. Tang, the process of engaging patients on advanced care planning starts with making sure TVC’s medical providers and staff are knowledgeable on this critical issue, as well as leading by example. For this reason, Healthcare Decisions Day events aimed at educating employees on the importance of advanced care planning were hosted by TVC at five locations in Vancouver and Battle Ground, with events scheduled for the end of April in Washougal. More than 700 providers and staff participated in the events and signed a pledge to discuss related healthcare decision-making with their own families and friends.

“Healthcare professionals are on the frontlines of patient care and experience firsthand the challenges faced by many families unprepared for decision-making during medical emergencies. We have a tremendous opportunity to engage patients and their loved ones in facilitating related discussions before it’s too late,” said Dr. Tang. “Our events were a positive step forward in educating our providers and staff for their own benefit and for the benefit of our patients.”

To learn more about National Healthcare Decisions Day, visit

About The Vancouver Clinic
The Vancouver Clinic (TVC) has served residents of Southwest Washington since 1936, and is the largest private multi-specialty clinic in Clark County with over 250 providers and 1,100 staff. TVC operates five clinics across Vancouver, Battle Ground and Washougal, and provides 40 medical specialties. Its mission is to be the best in the Northwest for patient-focused, quality-proven care. For more information, visit

Camas, WA — The city of Camas is coordinating its annual Garbage Disposal and Recycling Day event this Saturday, April 16. It’s being held in conjunction with the annual Yard Debris Disposal Day. It’s a chance to get rid of that junk in your backyard, garage, shed, etc.

The flyers attached to this article provide a list of what is acceptable, and what isn’t at the disposal sites. A donation of two canned food items is requested when dropping off items for recycling.

Free Annual Household Garbage Disposal & Recycling Day Event

SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2016, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
City of Camas Operations Center – 1620 SE 8th Avenue, Camas



Yard debris can be dropped off at the site location this Saturday.

Free Annual Yard Debris Disposal Day

SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2016, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Triangle Resources – 612 SE Union Street, Camas
(coupon and proof of Camas residency required)

FREE disposal of items listed on the flyer below. Your donation of two canned food items is requested for local food banks.

To learn more, visit


ALERT: Lacamas Lake Park Trail Closure Periods: Tuesday, April 12th – Friday, April 15th

According to the City of Camas, Georgia Pacific will be collecting boring samples at the Lacamas Lake Dam next week (in accordance with a WDOE-Dam Safety Office request) and their contractors will need to close off sections of the trail on Tuesday (while they collect a boring sample at the Lower Dam) and on Thursday and potentially early Friday (while they collect a boring sample at the Upper Dam).

Signage will be posted over the weekend to inform the public. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Gordon Liljenquist, Environmental Engineer at Georgia-Pacific (360) 834-8142.

To learn more, visit

Park Trail

Portion of the Lacamas Trail will be closed this week.

Each week, Lacamas Magazine will feature a Pet of the Week, from the Southwest Washington Humane Society.

Hi, I’m Amber! I’ve just arrived on a rescue transport. I’m a beautiful girl that has a sweet, friendly personality. I’m looking for a best friend that loves to pet and snuggle and play. I’m a very happy dog with beautiful brown eyes! I like short runs and long walks. If you want to meet me, let the front desk know and they’ll be happy to set it up. It’s always best for a new dog to meet the children and other pets they will share their future home with. Amber thanks you for considering adoption!


Amber is 6 years old.

Code Number: 83933
Date Available: Now
Type: Dog
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Sex: Female
Age: 6 years, 0 months
Weight: 80.4 lbs

The adoption fee for dogs in Angelica’s age range (6 months to 6 years) is $100-$200. The costs of adoptions vary, depending on the dog’s age, and other issues.

All adoptions include: Spay or neuter surgery, microchip ID and national registration, select vaccinations, free veterinary exam with a local participating veterinarian, animal training information, and 30 days of free pet insurance.

Denise Barr, the Director of Marketing at the Southwest Humane Society, says the Pacific Northwest is a good area for pet adoptions.

“We have a very high adoption rate here,” she said. “4,400 pets were adopted last year.”
To learn more, visit

Amber is available for adoption.