Eugene, OR — Attending Track and Field events at Historic Hayward Field is always fun, and to some it’s disappointing that Camas athletes placed fourth overall at this year’s Oregon Relays, in contrast to winning it all in 2015, but it doesn’t tell the whole story.
You see, life is about balance, and Camas athletes chose to attend their junior and senior proms on Saturday, April 16, so by 4:30 pm Papermakers had left the field and went home to get ready for their big night. Points were left on the track, for sure. It’s OK.
But, until that point, the Papermakers made an impressive run, and for most of the meet they were way ahead of eventual meet winner, Summit, who won by 12 points. Grant High School placed second, and Mountain View, of Idaho, placed third. At one point, Camas was ahead by 30 points. Had they been able to stay, most observers say they would have picked up another meet victory.
“Camas should be SO incredibly proud!” said team coach, Alisa Wise. “There were the likes of Coronodo (San Diego), Mountain View of Idaho, Valor Christian of Colorado, Canadian National Athletes, Cerritos of California, Long Beach (Wilson) of California, and of course all the “bigs” of WA and OR. Camas led the entire meet …. then our kiddos needed to headed to PROM mid afternoon which left us with no more “dogs on the fight” so to speak. It was tough to sit and watch as those talented teams racked up some points against our pretty solid lead as Camas had to leave some points on the track for our amazing kiddos to attend PROM.”
“I’m amazed at the commitment level and fortitude of our athletes!” she continued. “Our athletes came and competed in every event they could up to the time they would need to leave for PROM…and then some…leaving in the afternoon, scooting home with parents to clean up and make it home. We even had one gal get her hair done IN EUGENE, run the 4 x 800m relay, then jump in the car, change into her dress on the way home and meet her group!”
There were some impressive results, such as Caliegh Lofstead’s Pole Vault numbers (2nd place at 12-09.50), the Boys 4×800 relay (2nd place) and the Camas team’s first try at the Steeplechase.
So, here’s how things turned out:
Camas Boys Team Oregon Relay Results
3000M: 3rd: Yacine Guermali, 8:32.15
3K Steeplechase: 4th: Dustin Zimmerly, 10:08.20
4×800 Relay: 2nd: Adam Ryan, Cade Greseth, Yacine Guermali, Dustin Zimmerly, 7:54.42
SM 200-200-400-800m: 4th: Zach Terry, Jason Driver, Adam Ryan, Cade Greseth, 3:35.44
DMR 1200-400-800-1600m: 3rd: Daniel Maton, Adam Ryan, Dustin Zimmerly, Yacine Guermali, 10.26.94
Shot Put: 12b.: Dakota Napierkowski: 43-07.25
Javelin: 9th: Cooper McNatt: 162-01
Hammer: 9th, Mason Ellis, 140-06; 17th, Grant Jones, 106-09.
Freshman 100: 8th: Zach Terry.

Dustin Zimmerly was the last leg of the 4×800 Relay at the Oregon Relays on Saturday.

Adam Ryan competes in the 4×800 relay.
Camas Girls Team Oregon Relays Results
1500m 11th: Emma Jenkins, 4:48.58
3K Steeplechase: Emily Wilson, 11:49.24
4×200 Relay: 17th: Emily Karkanen, Cambrian Gulzow, Aliya Ponder, Karsyn Quade, 1:49.37
4×800 Relay: 5th: Emma Jenkins, Alex Jones, Rachel Blair, Ellie Postma, 9:56.56
SMR 200-200-400-800m: 5th: Aliya Ponder, Karsyn Quade, Cambryn Gulzow, Ellie Postma, 4:21.29
DMR 1200-400-800-1600m: 4th: Emma Jenkins, Ellie Postma, Maddie Woodson, Rachel Blair, 12:16.10
Shot Put: 14th: Nkem Aduka, 35-09.25
Discus: 23: Nkem Aduka, 101-02.
Pole Vault: 2nd: Caleigh Lofstead, 12-09.50
Long Jump: 19th: Alexa Dietz, 15-08.25
Hammer: 7th: Haleigh Lubbock, 156-00; Maggie Wells: 16th, 99-02; Morgan Kielty, 20th, 88-01
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Mid-way through the 4×800 Girls event at the 2016 Oregon Relays.

Rachel Blair runs at Historic Hayward Field.

Zach Terry competes in the Freshman 100.