Tag Archive for: Health

I have a question for you: How are your 2018 health and fitness goals coming along?

At this moment, I would like you to ask yourself a few questions.

  1. Are you seeing RESULTS?
  2. Are you happy with how you look and feel?
  3. Have you seen changes in the last three to four weeks? If you said “NO” to any or even all of the above questions, it’s time to re-examine your 2018 health & fitness goals.

First of all, your EFFORT must match EXPECTATIONS. You can even reverse this and say that your EXPECTATIONS must match EFFORT. There are several reasons that could cause a problem. Maybe it’s family, work, friends, time, an injury or even a lack of focus and consistency.

I’m going to ask you to rate the following items from the most important to the least important in your life: Family, job, money, health, friends and faith. Now that you’ve done the ranking, please allow me to rank what I feel it should be:

  1. Health – If you don’t have your health, nothing else matters. Some people will say that family is the most important or that their job is the most important. The reality is if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. If someone wants to say that their faith is the most important, I can’t with argue that. But health better be #2.
  2. Family – If you don’t place health or faith here from the above example, then the next most important after health should be family. We know that family is very important, but if a person’s health isn’t where it should be, how could they be there for their family?
  3. Job & Money – We know that it’s important to provide for ourselves and for our family. But again, if your health isn’t where it should be, how can you work and provide for yourself or for your family? Take care of your health first and then you’ll be able to also then provide for yourself and for your family. Otherwise, they’ll be having to provide for themselves if a health issue arises.
  4. Friends – We all need friends, right? But in regards ranking the importance, this is where I would rank them. Now there may be a time where a friend needs to be the highest priority and that’s fine. But we’re talking an everyday mindset.

Effort must match expectations.

To make sure that your EFFORT matches EXPECTATIONS, ask yourself how often you can include exercise into your daily/weekly schedule. Be sure to set yourself up for success. I’ve had clients and members ask me how many days a week they should they be exercising. Before I can answer that question, I ask them a question of how many days a week they can incorporate it into their current schedule. I believe that this initial question will help a person be set up for success. Then we’ll discuss what their goals are. After having these questions answered, I’m then able to an answer their question.

For example, let’s say you have time for two to three days a week when you start your program that you can dedicate an hour to your health and fitness goals. Without collecting information, I say that you should be exercising four to five days a week. Hearing this, you might think that you can’t do this on a consistent basis and then I’m not setting you up for success. But if after asking the questions and collecting the data, I can help you start your program and structure it in a way where you feel successful and you start seeing RESULTS, you’ll want to add more days to your current routine. This creates a win/win situation instead of someone not being able to keep up with their expectations, leading to frustration and quite often, quitting.

Make your health a priority. Set a plan. Be consistent. Be patient. Visualize it as a marathon and not a sprint. Take it one day at a time. Day after day over time leads to consistency and that will lead to lifestyle changes.

If you need help with setting realistic goals and a plan to achieve your goals, you can schedule a free consultation with me by making a quick phone call or by sending me an email. I’d be happy to give you a few minutes out of my day to make a difference in yours! Everyone’s first class is free!

Thanks for your time and in best health.

Scott Binder
Owner, Results Fitness Training

19206 SE 1st St. Suite 112
Camas, WA 98607
Located by Costco


Workout time!

One of the biggest fitness trends that is going to make its mark in 2018, according to CNN.com, is high intensity interval training or HIIT. This type of training is different than just going to the gym to lift weights or doing cardio for an hour. This type of training combines aerobic (cardio), anaerobic (like sprinting), and resistance training (free weights) exercises that are programmed to deliver the maximum amount of caloric expenditure burn and fitness results — within a short period of time.

How is it different than traditional group classes?
HIIT classes can range from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the group fitness studio you belong to. Some studios will only do body weight, but others will incorporate all three components mentioned above to deliver the maximum results within your class time.

If you are an avid cardio goer, love yoga, dance, just run, walk or hike, then HIIT is definitely going to take you out of your comfort zone. In the fitness world, we use the term planes of motion. With cardio movements, like biking or running, your body goes in one direction. When you take a HIIT class, you are moving in all the planes of motion. This means you are moving forward, sideways, backwards, at angles, up, down and sometimes all around. As humans, we are not meant to stay in one place, so if we can exercise to mimic real life movements, it helps tremendously. We call this, functional training movements. With HIIT, those movements are elevated to a higher level with out-of-the-box workout routines that are meant to get you leaner and stronger throughout your entire body, especially your core. In addition, the programmed rest cycles are meant to make your heart & lungs recover quicker, so that you can bounce back faster after every exercise sequence.


A 45-minute session at Burntown Fitness.

Why is this important?
The magic with HIIT training is that your muscles are constantly guessing. No one wants to hit a plateau and have their bodies become stagnant. With these classes, we are constantly confusing the body with various movement patterns, different exercises and resistance levels. The end result is an increase in calories burned, better muscular endurance, a stronger and leaner body, and better recovery between exercises.

Why can’t we just do cardio?
Cardio is great, but it does little in maintaining our muscle mass. The problem with cardio addicts is their muscle mass will suffer in the long term. The goal is to maintain or increase that lean body mass through resistance training because we will lose muscle at a faster rate as we get older. In addition, you have the bone density benefit. Lifting weights and constantly challenging your muscles with various resistances and dynamic movements will help maintain bone density, especially in women who are predisposed to higher levels of osteoporosis as they age.

Final Words
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. If you feel that you have reached a plateau, it just means you need to train at a higher level and be challenged. You don’t have to leave your current fitness place, but at the end of the day, if you aren’t getting results anymore, you need to crosstrain with other modes of exercise. The question to you is: Are you going to give HIIT a try? Don’t limit yourself with comfort, you only get one body, why not get the most out of it and Make Every Move Count.

by Kisar S. Dhillon, Partner, Burntown Fitness



Working out.



A 45-minute session at Burntown.



Sweating it out.

We spent some time with Licensed Family Therapist, Julie Russell, about proven tips on how to raise resilient kids. This is the second part of three articles that discuss this issue.

Raising kids today is certainly challenging, but Russell said these are things parents can do immediately to have more peace in the home. Russell based her discussion on Margarita Tartakovsky’s proven methods to raise resilient children.

Tip #6: Don’t provide all the answers

When given a challenge, don’t solve your child’s problem. Ask them what they will do about it instead. This teaches them to think for themselves, and they can propose solutions.

Tip #7: Avoid talking in catastrophic terms

“Don’t tell your children ‘You’re going to make us go broke or you’re going to make me go to the crazy house,’” says Russell.

Doing this gives them anxiety because when parents speak that way they think scary things will happen to them, which can lead to other challenges.

Tip #8: Let your kids make mistakes

Often times, says Russell, we don’t allow our children to fail.

Some common mistakes are re-doing their homework for them. Don’t do that.

When your child tries to fix something, don’t jump in and help them fix it when they don’t ask for help. If they appear frustrated a good question to ask is: “What would you have me do?”

Tip #9:Help them manage their emotions

Russell says emotional intelligence is a big factor in being successful in life, which is why socializing is so important. She recommends being an emotional thermostat. If your child throws a temper tantrum, don’t raise your voice. Don’t escalate the noise level.

Tip #10: Model resiliency

Children constantly watch the adult role models around them. When something is hard in your life, be the example and show them how to handle it. Require children to do work around the house, and when they’re older to get jobs. Make them work. Teach them to work. Make service a big part of their lives.

“Serving others is essential to happiness,” says Russell.

To read part one, go here: First Five Tips

Russell also serves as a Washougal City Councilor. She was elected to their first term on the City Council last November.


Julie Russell signs her oath of office at the conclusion of Monday’s Washougal City Council meeting.

Washougal, WA — Raising children is hard work, and with technology changing the landscape, we spent some time chatting with Licensed Family Therapist, Julie Russell, about how to raise resilient kids and help them thrive. This is the first of a three-part series. The first five tips will be addressed here, then we’ll discuss five other tips, and then discuss best ways to use technology and mobile devices.

Russell based her discussion on Margarita Tartakovsky’s proven methods to raise resilient children.

Tip #1: Don’t Accommodate Every Need

Russell: “It’s easy to spoil kids and give them too much, and we all know it’s uncomfortable to see a child suffer. What I recommend is ask them how they would like to handle the situation. This will help them realize and say to themselves ‘I can solve this myself.’”

Tip #2: Avoid Eliminating All Risk

Russell: “Allow kids to have some risk. Start telling them that some things in life will hurt. Don’t be the helicopter parent, and this can start when they’re infants. When they fall, they’re usually OK, but sometimes they mirror a parent’s overreaction. Explain the consequences to rule breaking, and follow through with those consequences, even when it’s really hard to do that. We all know sometimes it is harder on the parents. I also recommend age appropriate limitations to freedom as a consequence.

Tip #3: Teach Them To Problem Solve

Russell: “Follow through on commitments. If they want a particular dinner, allow them to make it. Teach them how to properly socialize, and to greet people by shaking hands. This helps them overcome any shyness.”

Tip #4: Teach Them Concrete Skills

Russell: “Greeting someone, shaking their hands, and looking them in the eye is important. Teach them how to set a table properly. Participate in etiquette dinners, and don’t be hurtful at the dinner table.”

Tip#5: Avoid “Why” Questions

Russell: “Asking a ‘why’ question is an accusation. ‘Why did you do that?’ It’s better to ask ‘How did this happen?’ Or ‘What was happening before you decided to do this?’ This gives you a wider space between the thought and the behavior. This helps children think about the thoughts and the actions.”

We will review five other tips in Part 2 of this series.

Russell practices in Vancouver. She won her race for Washougal City Council, and will be sworn in January 8 at Washougal City Hall.

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Happy New Year 2018!

I would like to start this New Year by sharing some easy to use foods that reduce inflammation. If you are one of my patients, you know after your first visit, that inflammation is the cause of all disease. Your first visit was all about going through every system of the body to ferret out the causes of inflammation. So to start the New Year, I wanted to share some information on a few anti-inflammatory foods for you to incorporate into your diet.

Here are a few examples
1. Blueberries – these little packets of nutrition are one of mother nature’s amazing gifts to us. Dark berries, in general, contain lots of antioxidants. In particular, there is one class called flavonoids. One flavonoid, in particular, is the anthocyanins that contribute their anti-inflammatory effects by effectively turning off inflammatory processes. Berries also contain resveratrol which are great antioxidants as well. Back before we started growing food or domesticating animals, we ate berries from spring to fall.

2. Ginger is an amazing anti-inflammatory herb. I frequently put fresh ginger in my morning smoothie. It makes it taste refreshing. Ginger has an ingredient called gingerol. Gingerols have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Grate some up and make some ginger tea. It is also great for nausea.

3. Green tea: I think we all know that organic green tea has some amazing health benefits. Not only is it a good anti-inflammatory but it also reduces growth factors which promote proliferation of cancer cells.

4. Dark Chocolate. Yep have to include something fun here. You must get the 70% cocoa or higher to get the benefits. It has antioxidant properties and it turns out your gut bacteria like it too. They actually ferment the chocolate into anti-inflammatory compounds.

Happy new year, and don’t forget our motto: Live every minute of every day.

Cynthia Bye, ND, FABNO
Board Certified in Naturopathic Oncology

To learn more, visit www.cynthiabye.com

This is just a list of things I’ve observed over the years that I think contribute to a negative culture — it’s just my opinion. I’m having a bit of fun with this list, but there are some serious points to consider. We welcome your input.

  1. Stop yelling at each other. Sometimes we feel we need to raise our voice to get our point across. Let’s stop and listen to what others have to say. Stop what you’re doing and look at them directly. Listen.
  2. Stop gossiping about your best friend behind his or her back. Kindness goes a long way.
  3. Stop hate-following people on your social media accounts. Let’s lift people up.
  4. Stop binge or over-drinking. Nobody likes it, and it doesn’t become you. Try a Perrier.
  5. Stop adding explanations to your apologies. We all screw up from time to time, and most people just want an apology and that negative behavior to end.
  6. Stop buying things based on what other people might think. If you like the car, jacket, or furniture–get it. I think of my neighbor who bought the ’78 Thunderbird last week. It’s hideous, but he loves it. Be you!
  7. Stop picking up your cell phone during dinner. It’s just rude. I’m sure you’re smart enough to engage in a good conversation.
  8. Stop texting your friend or relative that’s in the same room with you — or right next to you. Just talk. It’s nice to just converse with someone.
  9. Stop blaming the refs after your team loses. Own up and be respectful. Besides, it’s just a game.
  10. Stop waiting for success to come. Make it happen. You can do it! Start today.

What would you add to the list? And, by the way, I’m working on a list of things we SHOULD do.

Write us note in the comments section below or send an email to [email protected]

Thanks for reading!

The close quarters of workplaces and school classrooms can be a great breeding ground for germs that have the potential to spread illnesses. But you can fight back.

Stay Healthy

Thing simple first. The best way to overcome health challenges of working in shared spaces is to focus on your own personal hygiene.

Wash your hands regularly, and especially after touching potentially germy surfaces.

Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs make you sick when they get transferred from your hands into your body. Your eyes, nose and mouth are the doors those germs want to go through.

Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.

Stay home when you’re sick. Your colleagues and classmates will thank you for it.

Boost Your Immune System

You can strengthen your immune system by striking a healthy balance in your life. Help your body stay strong by getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and eating a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Love the Lather

Many diseases spread because people do not wash their hands with soap and clean, running water. If water is not accessible, use and alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.

Wash your hands:

  • Before preparing and eating food
  • Before and after caring for someone who is sick
  • Before and after treating a wound
  • After using the toilet
  • After changing diapers or helping a child who has used the toilet
  • After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
  • After touching an animal or handling animal waste
  • After handling pet food
  • After touching garbage
  • After riding public transit

The Dirtiest Places

Some surfaces attract more germs than others. Usually, those are shared spaces that many people touch, including:

  • Faucet handles
  • Microwave and refrigerator doors
  • Copiers
  • Elevator buttons
  • Break room tables

You have two options to deal with germy places: Avoid these things altogether, or dominate them by sanitizing them on a regular basis. And, wash your hands after touching these germ-friendly places.


A woman coughing.

Our bodies aren’t mean to be still for long periods of time, yet many of us sit for hours without getting up from a chair, so you may want to think about applying some daily stretch and strength exercises into your life.

Move Your Body

Sitting isn’t a problem in the short-term, but over long periods, prolonged stillness can lead to muscles tightening, fatigue, loss of focus and decreased productivity.

The idea is to pause for a stretch, a walk or anything else that clear the mind and moves the body.

Breaking for just two minutes a few times a day can bring physical and emotional results, including increased flexibility and stress reduction.

Think two of two

Aim for two separate, two-minute stretching or strengthening breaks throughout the day, ideally one in the morning, and one in the afternoon.

Stretch and Strength Technique

What you do is less important that doing something. The idea is to disengage mentally from your work while you fully engage in something physical. Try different activities throughout the day, and try to get away from your workstation, even it’s just a few yards.

When stretching:

  • Do it gently
  • Hold each position for 10-30 seconds
  • Breathe normally
  • Never continue a stretch that causes pain or discomfort

Ideas for a two-minute break

  • Participate in a daily stretch session at your location
  • For core and lower body strengthening, perform lunges and squats.
  • For an upper body stretch, grab your arms behind your back and stretch, holding for 20 seconds.
  • Get up and take a water break
  • Walk up and down stairs
  • Step outside
  • Try toe raises, rising to the balls of your feet 8-12 times, while you’re waiting in the break room

WASHOUGAL, WA — Local Friends and supporters of Charleigh Chaston and her family attended a bake sale at Washougal High School Tuesday to raise funds to offset the teenager’s medical expenses.

The bake sale was intended to be in conjunction with a car wash, but falling ash from the Eagle Creek Trail, and the Archer Mountain fires altered those plans.

Chaston, a 14-year-old Washougal teen, fell down 60 feet on August 22 while hiking Panther Falls with friends and family. She sustained multiple breaks in her legs, ankles, feet, pelvis and jawbones.

She was in the ICU through August 30, and is currently being treated in a pediatric unit. Chaston has already undergone several surgeries, and doctors are preparing her for more surgeries in the weeks to come.

She is expected to stay in the hospital at least another four weeks.

“It’s been awful,” said Koy Chaston, Charleigh’s brother. “My brother was there, along with a nurse and chiropractor, who were hiking on the trail. It’s a miracle her head, neck or spine weren’t injured. We’re grateful for all the people who came out to support her today.”

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Koy said his mother has not left Charleigh’s side since the accident.

Fundraiser organizers planned this event as a way to help the Chaston family pay for mounting medical expenses, as well as physical therapy treatments over the next several months. It will be a long recovery.

Charleigh Chaston Fundraising Site

Organizers also encourage donations be made to this site: https://sites.google.com/site/cheerforcharleigh/

All funds will go directly to the Chaston family.


CAMAS, WA — Seeing people wear face masks while outdoors isn’t something we expected a few days ago, but it’s becoming common place. So, we did a little research about finding the right types.

Wildfire smoke can irritate your eyes, nose, throat and lungs. It can make you cough and wheeze, and can make it hard to breathe. If you have asthma or another lung disease, or heart disease, inhaling wildfire smoke can be especially harmful.

Staying indoors and reducing physical activity are the best ways to protect your lungs from wildfire smoke.

According to the Washington State Department of Health, wearing a special mask called a “particulate respirator” can also help protect your lungs from wildfire smoke.

How to Choose the Correct Mask to Protect Your Lungs

  • Choose a mask called a “particulate respirator” that has the word “NIOSH” and either “N95” or “P100” printed on it. These are sold at many hardware and home repair stores and pharmacies. Home Depot on 192nd Street sold out of them today.
  • Choose one that has two straps that go around your head. DO NOT choose a mask with only one strap or with straps that just hook over the ears.
  • Choose a size that will fit over your nose and under your chin. It should seal tightly to your face. These masks do not come in sizes that fit young children.
  • Do not use bandanas (wet or dry), paper or surgical masks, or tissues held over the mouth or nose. These will not protect your lungs from wildfire smoke.

N95 particulate respirators WILL protect your lungs from wildfire smoke. Straps must go above and below the ears.

How to Use a Mask

  • Place it over your nose and under your chin, with one strap placed below the ears and one strap above.
  • Pinch the metal part of the mask tightly over the top of your nose.
  • It fits best on clean shaven skin.
  • Throw out your mask when it gets harder to breathe through, or if the inside gets dirty. Use a new mask each day if you can.
  • It is harder to breathe through a mask, so take breaks often if you work outside.
  • If you feel dizzy or nauseated, go to a less smoky area, and take off your mask and get medical help.
  • If you have a heart or lung problem, ask your doctor before using a mask.



A surgical mask will NOT protect your lungs from wildfire smoke.

For more information about protecting yourself from wildfire, please visit: http://www.doh.wa.gov/ 

Search for “Wildfire Smoke.”

Where to find the N95 masks?

We found the last ones today at Home Depot, and most hardware stores do carry them. We do know local stores are ordering more.

Reputable sites like www.amazon.com do have them in stock, and you can get 1-day delivery. Search for “N95 particulate respirators.”

Stay safe out there — and avoid the outdoors as much as possible.