Tag Archive for: Vancouver

Vancouver, WA — The McKean Smith Law Firm, which was founded in 2015 by Collin McKean, a native Washingtonian, and Annelisa Smith, a native Oregonian, is preparing to occupy brand-new office space on the fifth floor of the Vancouver Waterfront Building.

The plan is to occupy the fantastic 3,610 square foot space, which overlooks the Columbia River, in January 2019. The office has spectacular views of Mt. Hood and will provide a great working environment for this growing firm. The new Vancouver Waterfront space will accommodate their current successful Vancouver team and give that office the ability to expand over the next several years. McKean Smith knows that Clark County and the Vancouver community requires a committed office with attorneys and staff committed to supporting the SW Washington practice from a centralized and distinctive location at the Vancouver waterfront.

The firm has been working with Ankrom Moisan Architects to help apportion, design and build out the space. Ankrom Moisan has been a part of the Vancouver Waterfront project for several years and McKean Smith looks forward to leveraging their deep knowledge of the space and its surroundings.


Outside the Clark County Courthouse. From left: James Wriston, Gabe Foster, Deanna Rusch, Collin McKean.

“We understand that when clients first walk through our doors there is often a feeling of uncertainty of what their futures have in store,” said McKean. “But while this uncertainty may seem daunting at first, we want our clients to find solace in the fact that our offices will always provide a safe, warm, and welcoming environment where we work together making solutions for a brighter future. We care about our Clark County clients and we want to show them that by providing them a beautiful office with truly serene views.”

The firm has ten attorneys, nine of which are licensed to practice in Washington. The firm is committed to supporting SW Washington communities and represents clients in domestic relations matters, business transactions, trusts and estates, real estate, criminal justice, personal injury, and civil litigation matters. Clients working with McKean Smith understand that a broad level of knowledge and experience can make all the difference. McKean Smith attorneys work to achieve complete solutions to complex legal matters.

McKean Smith provides substantive one hour consultations to help you understand your legal rights and the procedures you must follow to make sure you get to exercise those rights. They will help you figure out the right way to get the legal advice and support you need. They support you at each stage of your case and encourage mediation and settlement whenever possible. However, family law sometimes requires using the tools available through the litigation process.They want to help each client achieve their goals.

To learn more, visit www.McKeanSmithLaw.com

Dear Friends, Our MarchKindness Day 2 feature was a video about Dawn Stanchfield, owner of Lily Atelier, who does a lot for Camas Lacrosse teams.

Vancouver, WA — Cherish DesRochers-Vafeados and Jamie Spinelli work on a shoestring budget each week to help dozens of homeless people get the nutrition they need and get access to a warm shower.

Cherish is the president of the non-profit, Food With Friends, and its off-shoot organization, Shower Outreach Project, and works very closely with Jamie to find the funds and provide help to people in transition with their lives.

”We started doing street outreach,” said Cherish. “We knew where people needed help so we went straight to them. This was a few years ago. Now every weekend we hand out food to people who desperately need it.”

She said they work closely with Living Hope Church, Friends of the Carpenter and the Shared Day Center to meet people and provide food bags to the downtrodden. Donations come from various businesses, such as Little Ceasar’s Pizza, who provide pizzas, and individuals who want to help out.

They also drive a shower trailer Friday through Sunday.  Each Friday, they stop the shower trailer at the Friends of the Carpenter non-profit. On Saturdays, from noon to 3 pm, they stop at the Shared Day Center, and on Sunday they stop at the Living Hope Church, from noon to 4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has also helped out.

”We provide the shower trailer, the propane to heat the water, and the organizations provide the water,” said Cherish. “We serve about 75 people each week, and it’s great to help people. One man hadn’t showered in 35 days, now he gets to shower at least once a week. It makes people feel better.”

Cherish said a local organization once provided free shower wasn’t able to continue, so they decided to fill the gap.

Friends With Food purchased the trailer last year for $15,000 (at cost) from a man in Portland.

”We held a fundraiser and overnight we received $18,000 in donations,” said Cherish. “It was enough to pay for the shower trailer, so we were thrilled.”

Friends With Food/Shower Outreach Project is still working on logistics and seek help with a hauling vehicle for the shower trailer.

”We’re still figuring out the process,” said Cherish. “Thomas Eaton hauls the trailer for us. We’re grateful for his help.”

Friends served about 20 people per day with food and other counseling services, and recently received an inquiry from the Vancouver School District about reaching out to students who don’t have running water or electricity. They are also trying to get socks and underwear donated. Recently, a donor provided 1,200 pairs of socks.

“A lot of these people are waiting for housing to become available,” said Cherish. “They’re in transition, and we’re trying to help out.”

To contact Friends With Food, email: [email protected] or call them at 360.723.5791. You can also find them on Facebook @FoodWithFriendsWA

Friends Photos


VANCOUVER — Camas resident Derek Vanderwood was sworn in as Clark County’s newest Superior Court judge Friday at an investiture ceremony that was attended by approximately 130 people.

Vanderwood, who has practiced law in Vancouver since 1996, was sworn in by Judge Barbara D. Johnson, as family, friends and peers looked on during the sunny afternoon on the sixth floor of the Clark County Public Service Center.

Derek Vanderwood is sworn in as Superior Court judge by
Judge Barbara D. Johnson

The simple, yet elegant ceremony included remarks by Johnson, Casey Marshall (Vanderwood’s former law practice partner), and Judge Daniel L. Stahnke, who all spoke highly of Clark County’s newest judge.

Marshall introduced Vanderwood and spoke highly of their professional relationship while sharing some lighthearted moments. He said he at first doubted that Vanderwood would be appointed to the bench, but never doubted he’d make a good judge.

“And here we are now, ” Marshall said. “Derek will do an excellent job. He’s very meticulous and has a great love of community.”

Vanderwood was appointed to the bench by Governor Jay Inslee after a vacancy become available through the retirement of Judge Nichols. Vanderwood will have to run for election in November to complete the remaining two years of this judicial term.

“We welcome Derek into his new role,” said Judge Stahnke. “He’s been doing orientation for the past week … and know this can be overwhelming.”

After taking the oath of office from Judge Johnson, Vanderwood received his robe, which was placed by his wife, Allison, a longtime Clark County resident.

“It’s been a great opportunity to serve so many clients over these many years,” said Vanderwood. “And my partners have been a great help. I’m looking to create new relationships and this is an opportunity to help others … and I want you to know that I’m committed to respecting all those who enter the courtroom.

“This has given me a chance to reflect on accomplishments, and it’s a wonderful chance to serve,” he added. “And I ask you all to look how you can serve our community.”

In her closing remarks, Judge Johnson said: “Judge Vanderwood fits in and truly seems to have a calling to be a judge. It’s very meaningful to have him here.”

In attendance was Vanderwood’s immediate family, including his wife, Allison, and three of his four children: Alina, Andrew and Tyler. His oldest two sons, Devin and Grant, are currently serving missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Peru and Dallas, Texas, respectively. The new judge also serves as a local LDS Bishop in Camas.

Derek Vanderwood, his wife Allison, and three of their five children.

Much of his extended family, including his mother, Joan, and siblings, were in attendance, as well.

Following the investiture ceremony, the guests attended an elegant reception at Vancouver Hilton.

“It’s a great experience for our family,” said Andrew. “It’s a good change. I thought he would get it. He’s a great public speaker and it was just right.”

His mother, Joan Vanderwood, referred to the ceremony as a parent pay day.

“Of course, I’m impressed with Derek and his abilities,” said Joan. “He’s very fair and has many good qualities. I’ve always felt he had the potential to be amazing and live up to his potential.”

Judge Vanderwood has served actively in the community for years in his ecclesiastical capacity, as well as serving Little League and the Boy Scouts of America, among other organizations.

Judge Vanderwood takes his seat among other judges.

“It’s been a fantastic day,” said Allison. “It’s really an honor to be part of this event, and I’m just so  proud of him. This entire experience teaches our kids the importance of community. When he was appointed by Governor Inslee, were were shocked, but very happy with the announcement. It was a surprise and surely a great honor. Derek will serve people well.”

Judge Vanderwood will continue his orientation these coming weeks, and will then be given a load of cases to oversee.


VANCOUVER – Washington State Governor Jay Inslee’s office announced Friday the appointment of civil lawyer Derek Vanderwood, a long-time Camas resident, to be Clark County’s newest Superior Court judge.
Vanderwood, a partner at the firm English, Lane, Marshall & Vanderwood, succeeds Judge John Nichols, who retired this month after serving 18 years on the bench.
“Derek has a long-standing reputation in Clark County for being a smart and committed lawyer,” Inslee said in a prepared statement. “I know he’s ready to take on this role and serve the people in a new capacity.”
Derek Vanderwood, of Camas.
Friday’s announcement was the culmination of a months-long process, which began last summer when Judge Nichols announced his retirement. At that time, Gov. Inslee posted a notification for application with a mid-September deadline.
Vanderwood was one of three applicants, which included Clark County Chief Deputy Prosecutor John Fairgrieve and criminal defense attorney Christopher Ramsay. Each applicant had the opportunity to present their case to the Clark County Bar Association, as well as conduct interviews with Gov. Inslee and the General Counsel.
“I look forward to this wonderful opportunity to serve,” said Vanderwood. “I’ll be wrapping up matters at my practice, which will take some time. I’ll likely start serving in this new position in late February.”
Vanderwood has been practicing law in Washington state since 1994, and has lived in Clark County since 1996. At his Vancouver firm, he focuses on injury claims, civil litigation, wrongful death, medical malpractice, and consumer safety cases.
One of his highest profile cases involved a suit against Hyundai for defective seats in which the jury awarded the plaintiff, Jesse Magna, $8 million. Vanderwood and firm partner, Dennis Lane, represented Magna, who was ejected from the vehicle during a late 90s automobile accident. The award was appealed to the state’s highest court, and was ultimately upheld.
Vanderwood, who is originally from Grand Junction, Colo., is married to Allison Teuscher Vanderwood, who grew up in Clark County. They have five children – four sons and one daughter – who have all attended Camas public schools.
Service to community is part of Vanderwood’s life, as he has been serving as a Bishop (an ecclesiastical leader) for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Camas since 2012. The voluntary, non-paid position requires many hours each week dedicated to serving church members and local residents. He also volunteers his time serving the community at large in other capacities, such as being a parent volunteer at Camas Little League, among other organizations.
Vanderwood’s supporters say, “He follows the letter of the law, and is very much into respecting individual privacy rights.”
“In the Washington judicial system there are two trial courts: District and Superior,” said Vanderwood. “Superior is the higher court and the distinction is in size and ramification. The Superior Court works with more serious criminal cases, as well as large financial claims. Over time I will be working on a mix of family, criminal, civil, and juvenile cases, and that can change with rotations.”
While Vanderwood has primarily focused on his law practice, he said he’s been drawn to serving on the bench in recent years, and looks forward to the opportunity.
He will need to run for election in November 2015. Each Superior Court judicial term is four years.