Entries by Ernest Geigenmiller

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3-Digit National Suicide, Mental Illness Hotline Closer to Becoming Reality

Washington, D.C. — Earlier this week, President Donald Trump signed H.R. 2345, the “National Suicide Hotline Improvements Act of 2018,” which the White House says “requires the Federal Communications Commission, in coordination with the Departments of Health and Human Services and Veterans Affairs, to study the feasibility of designating a three-digit dialing code for a […]

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Teacher’s Unions, Camas School District Continue Contract Negotiations

Analyzing the Math and the Effects of the McCleary Law Over the last several weeks, Camas Education Association (CEA) union representatives, with assistance from the Washington Education Association (WEA), have met face-to-face with Camas School District (CSD) representatives to negotiate and bargain for new teacher contracts. At stake is $7.1 million, which is CSD’s share […]