I have a question for you: How are your 2018 health and fitness goals coming along?

At this moment, I would like you to ask yourself a few questions.

  1. Are you seeing RESULTS?
  2. Are you happy with how you look and feel?
  3. Have you seen changes in the last three to four weeks? If you said “NO” to any or even all of the above questions, it’s time to re-examine your 2018 health & fitness goals.

First of all, your EFFORT must match EXPECTATIONS. You can even reverse this and say that your EXPECTATIONS must match EFFORT. There are several reasons that could cause a problem. Maybe it’s family, work, friends, time, an injury or even a lack of focus and consistency.

I’m going to ask you to rate the following items from the most important to the least important in your life: Family, job, money, health, friends and faith. Now that you’ve done the ranking, please allow me to rank what I feel it should be:

  1. Health – If you don’t have your health, nothing else matters. Some people will say that family is the most important or that their job is the most important. The reality is if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. If someone wants to say that their faith is the most important, I can’t with argue that. But health better be #2.
  2. Family – If you don’t place health or faith here from the above example, then the next most important after health should be family. We know that family is very important, but if a person’s health isn’t where it should be, how could they be there for their family?
  3. Job & Money – We know that it’s important to provide for ourselves and for our family. But again, if your health isn’t where it should be, how can you work and provide for yourself or for your family? Take care of your health first and then you’ll be able to also then provide for yourself and for your family. Otherwise, they’ll be having to provide for themselves if a health issue arises.
  4. Friends – We all need friends, right? But in regards ranking the importance, this is where I would rank them. Now there may be a time where a friend needs to be the highest priority and that’s fine. But we’re talking an everyday mindset.

Effort must match expectations.

To make sure that your EFFORT matches EXPECTATIONS, ask yourself how often you can include exercise into your daily/weekly schedule. Be sure to set yourself up for success. I’ve had clients and members ask me how many days a week they should they be exercising. Before I can answer that question, I ask them a question of how many days a week they can incorporate it into their current schedule. I believe that this initial question will help a person be set up for success. Then we’ll discuss what their goals are. After having these questions answered, I’m then able to an answer their question.

For example, let’s say you have time for two to three days a week when you start your program that you can dedicate an hour to your health and fitness goals. Without collecting information, I say that you should be exercising four to five days a week. Hearing this, you might think that you can’t do this on a consistent basis and then I’m not setting you up for success. But if after asking the questions and collecting the data, I can help you start your program and structure it in a way where you feel successful and you start seeing RESULTS, you’ll want to add more days to your current routine. This creates a win/win situation instead of someone not being able to keep up with their expectations, leading to frustration and quite often, quitting.

Make your health a priority. Set a plan. Be consistent. Be patient. Visualize it as a marathon and not a sprint. Take it one day at a time. Day after day over time leads to consistency and that will lead to lifestyle changes.

If you need help with setting realistic goals and a plan to achieve your goals, you can schedule a free consultation with me by making a quick phone call or by sending me an email. I’d be happy to give you a few minutes out of my day to make a difference in yours! Everyone’s first class is free!

Thanks for your time and in best health.

Scott Binder
Owner, Results Fitness Training

19206 SE 1st St. Suite 112
Camas, WA 98607
Located by Costco


Workout time!

Grove Field, Fern Prairie, WA — Personal pursuits and business demands are driving the present surge in East County aviation, according to pilot Neil Cahoon, and Port of Camas-Washougal Commissioner, John Spencer.

Cahoon, a retired Delta Airlines and military pilot, owns three planes and runs an annual private pilot ground school at Grove Field. The class itself is at capacity and is double the student size from 2017.

“Last year, we had eight students, this year we have 18,” said Cahoon. “And that’s our capacity. We need more instructors here in Clark County to meet the demand.”

The 12-week class is designed to teach the fundamentals of aviation, and is the beginning of the journey to become a private pilot. The ground class prepares students for the FAA Knowledge Test and then the Private Pilot Practical Exam. Following this phase, students are required to do a minimum of 40 hours of flight time to get a private pilot certificate.

While there’s no Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirement to attend a ground school, Cahoon said students benefit from this course by sharing the experience with like-minded individuals trying to achieve a goal. When the course is completed, students will have had 36 hours of class instruction, and hopefully at least one hour per week of personal study time.

Cahoon, who spent 13 years flying in the Air Force, ultimately became a commercial pilot for Northwest, which was purchased by Delta. He also spent seven years in the reserves. He retired from Delta in 2016. He’s flown the big planes, but he’s most fond of his 1946 Piper J3 Cub, which was purchased three years ago — which he flew from New York to Camas.


This 1946 Piper J3 Cub is owned by Neil Cahoon.



Ground training instructor, Neil Cahoon.

Most students in the class were there for personal pursuits.

“I do big things on my ten’s birthdays,” said student Patty Holt. “I’ve got another one coming up — so I want to fly a plan on my next big birthday.”

But, there’s also business interest that spiking the support for aviation. This is largely separate from the personal pursuits.

The Port of Camas-Washougal is currently developing an Airport Layout Plan (ALP), which would get Grove Field to meet all FAA safety requirements for its current traffic. The port oversees the air field.

“There are some good things about the ALP, but I do have some real concerns,” said Cahoon. “The north side properties (at the airport) have a unique arrangement with the Port of Camas-Washougal where they have perpetual access to their property. They own the north side taxi-way. When an airport becomes obligated with FAA funds, the Feds need a fence or barrier between public and airport property. They don’t like the type of access that is currently there. I don’t want to see their access impeded in any way, so that arrangement needs to be determined before we partner with the FAA,” said Cahoon.


This is a modified Glove Swift, owned by Charlie Hopkins. It has a constant speed propeller that turns counter clockwise.

Spencer, one of three Port of Camas-Washougal commissioners, said they are making plans so that the airport is viable for decades to come.

”We need to think in terms that we serve a greater community — not just Camas,” said Spencer. “We’re the only airport in East County, and we need to think about emergency preparedness. For example, Grove Field wasn’t usable during the recent fires. With an instrument approach, you could have used the airport.”

The ALP, said Spencer, is working toward these ideas:

  • 3,070 feet of runway, which gives the airport an instrument approach and meets FAA standards.
  • Increasing runway width from 40 feet to 60 feet.
  • Taxiways needs to be separated from the runway.
  • Clear trees by the airport’s west end.
  • Remove the mobile home park adjacent to the airport.
  • Purchase two acres from Johnston property (which is for sale) to extend air field.

“We’re the only airport in East County,” said Spencer. “To meet growing business demand, we need to expand. Getting freight in and out of Camas will become more important , plus the airport is at a great location to serve the community during a crisis, such as a major earthquake.”

If the ALP was approved and enacted today, it would take four or five years to break ground and begin construction. The ALP alone requires 18 months of review, then there’s the Environmental Impact Statement, and the Graphic Information System Survey (GISS). The Port would need to apply for an FAA grant, which would cover 90 percent of the estimated $15-20 million cost. The remaining 10 percent comes from the State and the Port itself.

To learn more, visit @cwaagrovefield on Facebook or www.portcw.com

Aviation Photo Gallery

One of the biggest fitness trends that is going to make its mark in 2018, according to CNN.com, is high intensity interval training or HIIT. This type of training is different than just going to the gym to lift weights or doing cardio for an hour. This type of training combines aerobic (cardio), anaerobic (like sprinting), and resistance training (free weights) exercises that are programmed to deliver the maximum amount of caloric expenditure burn and fitness results — within a short period of time.

How is it different than traditional group classes?
HIIT classes can range from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the group fitness studio you belong to. Some studios will only do body weight, but others will incorporate all three components mentioned above to deliver the maximum results within your class time.

If you are an avid cardio goer, love yoga, dance, just run, walk or hike, then HIIT is definitely going to take you out of your comfort zone. In the fitness world, we use the term planes of motion. With cardio movements, like biking or running, your body goes in one direction. When you take a HIIT class, you are moving in all the planes of motion. This means you are moving forward, sideways, backwards, at angles, up, down and sometimes all around. As humans, we are not meant to stay in one place, so if we can exercise to mimic real life movements, it helps tremendously. We call this, functional training movements. With HIIT, those movements are elevated to a higher level with out-of-the-box workout routines that are meant to get you leaner and stronger throughout your entire body, especially your core. In addition, the programmed rest cycles are meant to make your heart & lungs recover quicker, so that you can bounce back faster after every exercise sequence.


A 45-minute session at Burntown Fitness.

Why is this important?
The magic with HIIT training is that your muscles are constantly guessing. No one wants to hit a plateau and have their bodies become stagnant. With these classes, we are constantly confusing the body with various movement patterns, different exercises and resistance levels. The end result is an increase in calories burned, better muscular endurance, a stronger and leaner body, and better recovery between exercises.

Why can’t we just do cardio?
Cardio is great, but it does little in maintaining our muscle mass. The problem with cardio addicts is their muscle mass will suffer in the long term. The goal is to maintain or increase that lean body mass through resistance training because we will lose muscle at a faster rate as we get older. In addition, you have the bone density benefit. Lifting weights and constantly challenging your muscles with various resistances and dynamic movements will help maintain bone density, especially in women who are predisposed to higher levels of osteoporosis as they age.

Final Words
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. If you feel that you have reached a plateau, it just means you need to train at a higher level and be challenged. You don’t have to leave your current fitness place, but at the end of the day, if you aren’t getting results anymore, you need to crosstrain with other modes of exercise. The question to you is: Are you going to give HIIT a try? Don’t limit yourself with comfort, you only get one body, why not get the most out of it and Make Every Move Count.

by Kisar S. Dhillon, Partner, Burntown Fitness



Working out.



A 45-minute session at Burntown.



Sweating it out.

CAMAS, WA — When you get your carpet cleaned, it always feels good to get those dirty spots and stains off, but did you know there are also some additional health benefits?

Ammon Child, owner of the Heaven’s Best Carpet Cleaning franchise for the past 19 years in Clark County (based in Camas), has a few things to say about his company’s process.

“We want everyone to know that besides getting a clean carpet, there are some great additional health benefits, as well,” said Child. “We use a natural cleaning solution, which is water and citrus-based extract that dries in an hour. It’s a process that’s easy on your carpet — and the environment.”

In other words, no chemicals or residue left in your home. Their carpet cleaning also helps control allergens.

He said the quick dry means your carpet isn’t getting flooded, so it’s not doing any damage to the pads underneath. There’s not much waiting time until you can walk on your comfortable floor. Their technicians can operate around your furniture so there’s no need to do any heavy lifting — unless requested.

Child recommends that you get your carpets cleaned annually if you just have regular traffic in your residence, however, if you have pets he recommends cleaning twice a year.

Heaven’s Best offers the following additional services:

  • Upholstery cleaning
  • Tile and grout cleaning
  • Inspection, spot dying and repair
  • Carpet and fabric protection
  • Commercial services
  • Window cleaning

Their company is highly involved in the local community — Child’s wife, Kari, works for Camas school, daughter Madison attends Camas High School and runs Cross Country (ran with the State XC team), and son Lucas is in middle school.

To learn more, visit www.myheavensbest.com or call 360.606.2707 for a free estimate.



Winter here can wreak havoc on our rooftops, and sometimes a little leak can lead to severe damage — that’s where Gresham Roofing and Construction comes in.

The locally-owned company, which does 30 percent of their business in Clark County, was established in 1968, and was purchased several years ago by Camas resident, Jason Coe, whose children attend Camas High School. Coe is an active supporter of Camas athletic teams, and provided the food at one of the recent Papermaker football unity dinners.

“I really believe in supporting Camas and all that it has to offer,” said Coe. “This is our home and we want to do everything we can to keep it an amazing place to live and raise our family.”

His company also has an amazing crew.

From time to time, you may see Josh Nisbett and Andy Garcia working on a roof. The two work together frequently and ensure homeowners are fully comfortable and aware of the work they’re doing.

“This is your home,” said Nisbett, “and when we come to your house we explain everything upfront and answer any questions. Then, we do our best to get the work done before you come home from work. Aside from having a much better roof, you won’t even know we’re there.”


Josh Nisbett and Andy Garza.

Whether you need a full replacement or a simple patch work, Coe’s team offers a full range of services:

  • Residential and steep slope roofing: Shingling, complete re-roofing, custom tile repairs, green roof design and installation, inconspicuous solar panel installation.
  • Roof maintenance and repair: Fixing everything from minor leaks to major damage.
  • Construction services: Need a new deck? Door or window replacement? What about a new shed in preparation for Spring?
  • Commercial and low slope roofing: Providing roofing solutions that help lower energy costs at your business. They work to understand your unique situation.

Gresham Roofing and Construction is fully licensed, bonded and insured — and they hold one of the best safety records in the industry.

If you think your roof may have a problem, or maybe it’s just time to replace it, please call Gresham Roofing and Construction at 503.512.5730. You can also visit www.greshamroofing.com

CAMAS, WA — Holland Partner Group will be building its new headquarters on a 35-acre lot adjacent to Fisher Investment’s campus, said Camas City Administrator, Pete Capell.

The Vancouver property manager and multifamily developer plans to build three four-story office buildings (each 100,000 square feet), a high-end apartment complex, and a 20,000 square-foot upscale market, complemented by some restaurants.

The city refers to the project as the “Grass Valley Development” and will be built on vacant land south of NW 38th Avenue, which is close to the Vancouver border.

Capell said they expect this new development to bring 1,500 jobs to Camas, and that the first building could be occupied in late 2019.

“I think to have another large employer coming to Camas is great,” said Capell. “We’ve been working on this for a long time. We continue to build jobs in our community, and that’s important and exciting. Camas has the best ratio of jobs to citizens compared to other cities in Clark County. We bend over backwards to bring employers here. Holland came to us and wanted to fast track things. That was how this was solidified.”

Proposed specifications and images will be published when they become available.

To learn more about Holland Partner Group, visit www.hollandpartnergroup.com

Camas, WA – Varo Interior Design just announced that the Motor Yacht Chasseur has won best power yacht in the 40m to 65m category by the International Superyacht Society.

The M/Y Chasseur was built by local Vancouver, WA based Christensen Shipyards and designed by Tonya Lance of Varo Interior Design, a Camas company. Chasseur was also the recipient of a ‘Special Achievement’ award at the at the Showboats Design Awards earlier this year.

“When we started the process, I met with the owner to see his vision, and learned he loves the modern design,” said Lance. “I got his reaction to every sample, which included fabrics, carpets, wood, and stone. I brought as many materials as I could for him to view, and then started to build pallets for each room. We selected every piece of wood and stone, and every door is custom.”

Lance said most communications with the owner were by email, but that major presentations were made at Christensen Shipyards, which is located right on the Columbia River. The project took 36 months to complete.

The yacht’s interior really is the pinnacle of refined luxury. Each detail was mindfully designed to pleasure the most selective connoisseur. Milk glazed figured Sycamore walls filled with an abundance of impressive windows graciously surround Chasseur’s light, modern, elegant interior. Her classic teak interior flooring is beautifully accented with holly inlays and adorned with plush silk area rugs. Each piece of furniture is customized to offer the highest level of comfort and performance.

Her handcrafted Santos Rosewood casegoods are embellished with elements of polished stainless steel and shagreen. Chassuer’s main stairwell is a sculptural work of art showcasing glass and woven leather walls with floating glass treads. Her six luxurious staterooms with en suite bathrooms comfortably accommodate 12 guests. Each stateroom is equipped with autonomous control of an extensive movie and music library, U.S., Caribbean and European satellite television, iPad interface, and the fastest internet speeds available. Every guest bathroom aboard the vessel is clad in exotic onyx stones sourced from the finest quarries around the world. The interior and exterior bar surfaces are composed of backlit crystal agate and mirrored glass. The outdoor living areas provide abundant opportunities for dining, entertaining and basking in the sun. The Sun Deck arrangement features a full height bar, large Jacuzzi tub and lavish lounge areas. The bridge deck will offer two alfresco dining arrangements as well as a chic open air lounge area. The main aft deck provides a lavish seating arrangement and a full height service bar area. All exterior decks will be fully equipped with ample room designated for a helipad and toys.

“The yacht has a natural progression from the outside to the inside,” said Lance. “There’s no tinting on the windows, which keeps it in harmony with nature.”

The yacht is owned by a U.S. resident, but will be docked in the Mediterranean, and is currently en route to France.

M/Y Chasseur is 160 feet long, has a range of 4,000+ nautical miles, and has a maximum speed of 16 knots.  It is powered by two CAT 3512C series engines with a C-rating 1650 HP at 1800 RPM maximum continuous rating.


Chasseur Sky Lounge.

About Varo Interior Design

Varo Interior Design was started in 2007 in Vancouver, WA by Lance. Varo Interior Design’s mission is to gracefully design, plan and manage optimal environments through inspired collaboration and interactive process. Varo Interior Design takes a client-driven approach to every project.

“We are guided by integrity to create designs that will last and be loved,” said Lance. “We accomplish this by carefully detailing interiors in ways that encourage the highest levels of flexibility, durability, performance and appreciation. Our designs capture the spirit and vitality of the surrounding context, focusing on the integration of the project goals with the heritage of the built and natural environment.”

She said from client to client the context may vary, but they always produce designs inspired by the surroundings and reflect the uniqueness of each individual situation. Their inherent nature is to be creative and artistic problem solvers, and believe that only through a collaborative process can excellent design be achieved. To that end they are open and inclusive, welcoming inspiration from all. They also like to challenge the status quo.

About Tonya Lance

With over 17 years of professional experience, Lance is eager to help clients achieve optimal comfort and visual harmony. Tonya is grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with a wide range of clientele. She is noted for achieving high echelons of design within any budget. Tonya continually strives to develop strong working relationships to foster open communication and overall clarity. She is continually developing and in search of innovative design solutions. Her formal education includes a Bachelors of Art in Interior Architecture for Marylhurst University as well as a Certificate in Architectural Project Management from Portland State University.

To learn more, visit www.varodesigns.com


John, Oliver, and Tonya Lance, of Camas. Photo by Jennifer Barnes.

About Christensen Shipyards

Christensen Shipyards was founded in 1983 in Vancouver, Washington by Dave Christensen, and builds state of the art yachts of 120’ and more for discerning clients who recognize Christensen’s global reputation. Christensen Shipyards has been a staple in the yachting community and the Pacific Northwest for over 30 years. The shipyard encompasses over 300,000 sq. ft. of climate controlled manufacturing space and employs over 100 craftspeople. State of the Art facilities and modern manufacturing techniques enable Christensen to adhere to high manufacturing standards and build yachts of unsurpassed quality and beauty.

To learn more, visit www.christensenyachts.com

Yacht Image Gallery

All photos by Jeff Brown.

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Join the fun this Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) in downtown Thanksgiving. In celebration of shopping locally, many downtown Camas  merchants will each have a little box of coupons, special gifts, and other surprises for you to draw from.

The event goes from 10 am to 6 pm on November 24.

It’s their way of giving you a little something extra for supporting local businesses.

You will also receive a free raffle ticket in each location and an extra ticket with any purchase to be entered to win a gorgeous holiday merchant basket.

If you spent $100 in downtown on Little Box Friday, you will receive two free regular movie tickets from the Liberty Theatre. You will need to turn in receipts to the theatre on November 24 by 8 pm. The free tickets are good for any regular show through December 31 — one set per person.

It’s a great way to kick off your Christmas shopping.

Participating merchants:

  • 4Ever Growing Kids
  • Allure Boutique
  • Arktana Shoes
  • Attic Gallery
  • Caffe Piccolo
  • Cake Happy
  • Camas Antiques
  • Camas Beauty Bar & Boutique
  • Caps N’ Taps
  • Lizzabeth A
  • Navidi’s Olive Oils and Vinegars
  • Salon Magnolia
  • Salud Wine Bar – Event Center – Wine Storage
  • The Soap Chest
  • The Wild Hair Camas

To learn more, visit www.downtowncamas.com

RIDGEFIELD, Wash. – ilani, a premier gaming and entertainment destination in Southwest Washington, has garnered two dozen awards since opening this past April. Developed by Salishan-Mohegan LLC in collaboration with the Cowlitz Indian Tribe, ilani has attracted gaming aficionados from all along the I-5 corridor and is poised to continue its streak of good luck. With a new event center slated to open in 2018, the destination will enhance its offerings with a state-of-the-art facility for hosting meetings, conventions and some of the best entertainment in the Pacific Northwest.

“Open for less than seven months, ilani has clearly made an indelible impression on the local community and our guests,” said Kara Fox-LaRose, president and general manager of ilani. “We are honored to be counted among the best casinos in the region, and we are excited about our evolving offerings.”

ilani’s premier 100,000-square-foot gaming floor has something for everyone. More than 2,500 slot machines and 75 table games include favorites like blackjack, roulette, midi baccarat, craps and pai gow poker. ilani dealers and staff are ready and willing to offer advice and guidance for new players, and the excitement of slots doesn’t end after a trip to ilani: online casino games are available via ilani’s Play4Fun Casino site.

Strictly Slots Magazine Awards and Feature

As the winner of 13 awards in the Native Northwest category from Strictly Slots Magazine, ilani will be featured in the edition published today. The reader’s choice awards are the result of national voting from April to July, with ballots cast by mail or online. ilani received eight first-place wins, including:

  • Best Overall Casino
  • Best Reel Slots
  • Best Nickel Slots
  • Best Dollar Slots
  • Casino Where You Feel Luckiest
  • Best Slot Club, Momentum
  • Best Players Club Lounge
  • Friendliest Casino

Second-place wins for ilani included Best Video Slots, Best 50-cent Slots and Best $5+ Slots. ilani came in third for Best Video Poker and Best Comps. Additionally, the editorial staff of Strictly Slots Magazine named ilani their favorite casino in the region, granting the Editor’s Choice Award for the Northwest.


“We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll…” Starship featuring Mickey Thomas comes to Muze for a free show on Saturday, November 25.

Casino Player Best of Gaming Edition Awards

Ilani recently took home 10 awards from Casino Player Magazine’s Best of Gaming edition published in September. The casino nabbed numerous 2017 Native Northwest Honors, including four first-place wins:

  • Best Casino
  • Best Players Club, Momentum
  • Best Comps
  • Best Video Poker

Second-place finishes with Casino Player Magazine included Best Hosts, Best Reel Slots and Casino Where You Feel The Luckiest. ilani ended up third in the categories of Best Promotions, Best Dealers and Best Roulette.

Finally, Casino Player Magazine’s awards come on the heels of another big win in July’s Best Bets edition. ilani was named among Best Bets: Casino Player’s Expert Picks.

About ilani 
Located on a 156-acre site in Clark County, Washington, ilani, developed by the Cowlitz Tribe and Salishan-Mohegan, a partnership that includes Mohegan Sun, one of the world’s foremost gaming and entertainment developers and operators, is the West Coast’s premier gaming, dining, entertainment and meeting destination. With 368,000 total square feet, ilani includes 100,000-square-feet of gaming space with 2,500 slots and 75 gaming tables; 15 restaurants, bars and retail outlets; and a 2,500-seat meeting and entertainment venue hosting nationally recognized performances. For more information, visit ilaniresort.com and follow ilani on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

On Thursday, Fuel Medical, a locally-owned and operated company, met at the Camas Fire station on Parker Avenue and did their part in making a child’s Christmas wish come true.

The company purchased, assembled and then donated 13 bikes to the CAROL program, which is a 50-year Camas/Washougal giving program that helps out needy families at Christmastime.
“It’s part team-building, part giving back to the community,” said Stewart Lyon, Fuel Medical’s Marketing Director. “Our entire team is here assembling bikes and we’re having a lot of fun doing it.”
The CAROL program, which is run by the Camas Fire Department receives, organizes, and distributes food, toys and other items to needy families in the Camas and Washougal communities. It’s a long-standing tradition that will help 175 families in the coming days.
Camas Mayor Scott Higgins said Fuel Medical came to him, inquiring about local needs.
“It was great to get the call,” said Higgins. “So, I pointed them to CAROL, and here we all are. It’s a great feeling. It’s a great program and it goes straight to Camas and Washougal families. It helps our people right here, and we’re excited Fuel is partnering with us on this program.”
Fuel co-founders Brendan Ford and Shawn Parker assembled a child’s bike together, with Ford blind-folded while receiving verbal instructions from Parker. The build was successful.
Fuel staff worked in teams to assemble the 13 bikes, which will be distributed to families in the coming days.
Alicia Ramsey, of the Camas Fire Department, was on-hand and was grateful for the support.

“We’re thankful for Fuel Medical, for the purchase and donation of these bikes,” she added. “It’s great to have the help.”

Ramsey said their next task was organizing the delivery boxes in preparation for this weekend.

“This is our first year participating – we’re very excited,” said Parker.
Ford was appreciative that the Camas FD allowed them to use this space to build the bikes.
“It’s been a great experience for our team and we’re happy to help,” Ford said.
  Fuel Medical
Fuel Medical team members complete a bike on Thursday.














Fuel Medical
Fuel Medical finished their bike assemblies Thursday morning and donated the bikes to the CAROL program.