Three champions, three finalists and seven medalists led the Washougal boys wrestling team to first place at the 2A sub-regional tournament Saturday, at Hockinson High School.”I’ll remember some good things and bad things,” said senior co-captain Tanner Klopman. “Probably the biggest good thing is the team coming together and winning this.”
Scott Lees, Andrew Hopple and Tanner Lees captured championship medals for the Panthers. Klopman, Cole Pass and Jason Powell settled for second place. Malachai Keith and Sampson Figerora rose to third place. Tristan Elliott, Gus Shelley, Korben Modoc, Andrew Darr and Bryce William finished in fourth place.
All 13 of these Washougal wrestlers are on their way to the regional tournament Feb. 10 at Tumwater High School. Tyler Johnson and Xander Romo are going as alternates.
“I thought we had some very impressive performances,” Hopple said. “We have three freshmen on our regional team. That’s fantastic.”
Hopple and Klopman hope to compete at state for the first time.
“I came up one place short last year,” Hopple said. “I’m ready. I’m taking it to The Dome this year.”
Lees reached the state semifinals last season and settled for fourth place.
“I have some tough wrestlers in my weight class, but this is my year,” he said. “I’m going to go all out.”
Whatever happens at region, Hopple hopes the Panthers continue to demonstrate good sportsmanship.
“It’s not just about winning a match or taking first place; it’s staying afterwards to roll up mats and help clean up. Making sure you’re smiling after your match, whether you win or lose,” Hopple said. “That’s what Washougal is all about.”
Panther girls place second
The Washougal girls wrestling team hosted 22 schools at the sub-regional tournament Saturday, and finished in second place behind Union.
Aleksi Donahue clinched a championship medal for the Panthers. Samantha Eakins, Jaden Robb and Brooklyn Wurm-Wertz earned second place. Emily Eakins took third place, and Melina Aguilar and Ashley Garrison followed in fourth place.
These 10 Washougal wrestlers are on their way to the regional tournament Feb. 10 in Aberdeen. Josalyn Tanner-Ortiz and Sariah Clark are going as alternates.
See another Panther wrestler article