Washougal, WA — Awareness of the needs for competitive employment opportunities for young adults with disabilities is the topic of an upcoming webinar, June 9 from 4-5 pm.  It will feature members of the cast and crew of the award-winning documentary Hearts of Glass and local participants with experience surrounding local jobs for individuals with disabilities.

Hearts of Glass is a 2018 film which follows the initial months of operation of Vertical Harvest, a state-of-the-art hydroponic greenhouse that grows crops while providing meaningful, competitively paid jobs for people with disabilities working alongside people without disabilities. 

Thanks to a Camas-Washougal Community Chest grant, Washougal, Camas and Hockinson School District patrons, the movie is available for on-demand viewing access through June 12, 2021.  This is the first viewing promoted in Washington State. To sign up for viewing go to https://watch.showandtell.film/watch/washougal-hearts-of-glass or the WSD website.

“Our hope is that people will come away from viewing the movie and hearing the panel discussion on June 9 with a greater awareness surrounding employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities,” said Jessica Nickels, Washougal Adult Transition Program Teacher.  “We hope to spark conversation around innovative ways to increase opportunities in our own communities for these individuals.”

“This film shows that innovation and inclusion can go hand-in-hand, benefiting citizens with disabilities and the community at large,” explained filmmaker Jennifer Tennican.

“Our goal is for the film and webinar to provide a platform to advocate for greater inclusion of individuals of differing abilities into all aspects of our community,” explained Heather Kassel, WSD ELA/EdTech Instructional Coach. “The discussion around the film is meant to serve as a catalyst for change and the creation of new partnerships between local businesses and the school district.”

Panelists are:


Columbia Ridge Senior Living Executive Director

Emily is from Molalla, OR and has been at Columbia Ridge as Executive Director for the last three years. She values community connections and has made increased community involvement for the center a goal for her tenure as director. Because of the tangible benefits that she has experienced with interns from the Washougal Adult Transition Program, she has actively customized employment opportunities for employees with disabilities.


Adult Transition Program Participant

Shelbi is a 2016 graduate of Washougal High School and a 2019 graduate of the Washougal Adult Transition Program (WATP). As a WATP participant, she interned at Columbia Ridge Assisted Living and Metropolitan Dance Academy in Vancouver.  Her employability strengths include: punctuality, resourcefulness, and attention to detail. She lives in Washougal with her immediate family and enjoys texting and hanging out with her friends.


Director & Producer of Hearts of Glass

Jennifer began her documentary career in the late 1990s working on NOVA science programs for WGBH with independent producers in the Boston area. Since moving to Wyoming in 2002, she has focused on local stories. Her films explore identity, inclusion and community, and although they are rooted in Jackson Hole, they resonate far beyond the mountain west. Jennifer’s award-winning work, including “Hearts of Glass,” “The Stagecoach Bar: An American Crossroads” and “Far Afield: A Conservation Love Story,” has been featured in numerous film festivals and seen on PBS. Currently, “Hearts of Glas”s is the centerpiece of an impact campaign to improve employment and inclusion outcomes for people with disabilities. In her spare time, Jennifer enjoys rock climbing with her husband.


Senior Farm Associate, Vertical Harvest Farms

Having arrived as a toddler in the “Equality State” from Chicago in the spring of 1993, Johnny is almost a Wyoming native. He graduated in 2015 from the University of Wyoming with a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. Johnny has been an employee at Vertical Harvest since it opened in the spring of 2016. His professional skill sets at the greenhouse include: seeding, harvesting, delivering produce and guiding tours. He is passionate about human rights and social justice. In his free time, Johnny enjoys listening to music, going to movies, studying pop culture and travelling with his family.


Packaging Manager, Vertical Harvest Farms

Andrea, or Dre as she prefers to be called, grew up in Driggs, Idaho — just over Teton Pass from Jackson, Wyoming. She learned about Vertical Harvest from her brother and sister-in-law, who are closely involved with the greenhouse. Since joining Vertical Harvest in 2016, Dre has worked in many different positions. She started as a volunteer and worked her way up to tomato associate, job support and finally packaging manager. Dre’s favorite part of her job is interacting with coworkers and creative problem solving. In her free time, she likes to watch scary movies, play guitar, go on long drives and hang out with her friends. 

Washougal, WA — What could be more fun for students of Columbia River Gorge Elementary (CRGE) than participating in The Kids Heart Challenge which combines learning about their heart while helping others by raising money for the American Heart Association?  It would be to see a pie smashed in the face of their favorite principal, Tracey MacLauchlan! 

“The students and families worked hard raising more than $4,000 to help support the work of AHA,” said CRGE PE teacher Jessica Warta who organized the fundraiser. “The students are extremely excited about the opportunity to pie Principal MacLachlan and are proud of their efforts to do good in the world and help others that are less fortunate.”

Students registered online and took on healthy challenges like a pledge to be kind, move more or choose water.  Students raised money online or by asking family and friends in person, all while learning about their physical and emotional well-being.

“In P.E., the students learned about why water is a better choice to drink over other sugary beverage options as well as fun heart facts,” said Warta. “Students could earn prizes or thank you gifts for the amount of money they raised.”

Any student who participated in the fundraiser or challenges was eligible for schoolwide prizes. For every $1,000 CRGE raised a staff member volunteered to get pied in the face. First grader, Jase Kenyon, was randomly drawn out of all the participants and was the lucky winner to pie Principal MacLachlan on May 21.  Other pies in the face were received by Warta and CRGE kindergarten teacher, Mandy Bradford. A staff member, yet to be determined, will be slimed in early June!

Washougal WA – The IMPACT CW (Camas-Washougal) food box distribution program, organized by St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Washougal, helps hundreds of Camas and Washougal families with summer food supplies.  Now in its seventh year, the event continues to evolve to respond to COVID challenges and growing needs.

“In previous years, we have collected food donations and packed food boxes all at our community event,” said Beth Raetz, St. Matthew Lutheran Church Office Secretary. “However, due to Covid restrictions, last year we went completely digital and only collected monetary donations to purchase and deliver local grocery gifts cards to those school families in need.”

This year the event is a hybrid. The group will be collecting money only and pre-purchasing selected foods in addition to grocery gift cards for each family.  They will hold a food box packing event on June 6th from noon to 2pm at the Parker’s Landing Historic Park with the pre-purchased items.  “We really missed the hands-on community participation last year; so, there is great excitement to be able to get together again to pack boxes even though we will not be receiving food donations at that time. And while we won’t be having the community barbeque, we hope to bring it back next year.” 

Volunteers will be asked to stay socially safe and follow current guidelines for mask wearing.

IMPACT CW plans to assist approximately 150 families from both the Camas and Washougal School Districts.  They work directly with the school staff and counselors to help provide these gifts from the community.  

“We want to give a shout out to them for all of their support and assistance because it does add extra work for them at the end of the school year,” Raetz said.

So how can you help?
– Help sort and package food boxes at the packing event on Sunday, June 6
– Help deliver food boxes to Camas-Washougal Schools on Monday, June 7
– Give a financial gift (to pre-purchase all the food and gift cards).  The goal is to raise $12,000.  

Donors can give at a “Go Fund Me” account at https://www.gofundme.com/f/impact-camaswashougal-2021.  Checks can be made out to St. Matthew Lutheran Church and mailed to 716 Washougal River Road, Washougal, WA 98671 or dropped off Tuesdays-Fridays 9:30 am – 12:30 pm.

“We are so grateful for how generous our community is in helping us to provide these meals to families who are struggling,” Raetz said.  For more information, contact Raetz at the church office at 360-835-5533.

Washougal, WA — Washougal area artists are once again opening their studio doors to offer a fascinating and art-filled family outing for Mother’s Day weekend.  The 2021 Washougal Studio Artists Tour, to be held May 8-9 from 10 am to 4 pm, will include 8 stops and features 15 local artists representing a vast array of creative works and mediums.

“We are excited to safely invite visitors back into our studios and outdoor display areas for this year’s event,” said Shirley Bishop, WSTA co-coordinator and local glass artist.  “Last year we held a virtual tour and promoted our artists online. It just wasn’t the same. The art experience is so much richer when a patron can visit an artist’s studio. They are able to see where the magic of creating art happens and learn about both the art and the artists.” 

Now in its fourth year, WSTA has drawn much interest and support from the local community and visitors from the Portland area and beyond.  

“We are delighted that many people taking the tour are discovering Washougal for the very first time,” said Bishop. “And they really enjoy the tour route that winds along the scenic Washougal River and through the Washougal foothills.  It’s nearly as beautiful as the art!”   


The Washougal area boasts many high-quality professional artists. 

“It is no wonder,” said Bishop. “There is so much natural beauty to be found here that it serves as inspiration to these talented artists.”

New to this year’s tour are Trish Johnston, watercolor; Dana Bergdahl, acrylic & watercolor; Stu Ager, mixed media: organic metalwork design; India de Landa, contemporary art jewelry; Samuel Shrout, casted metal and wood, and Nancy Carkin, acrylic, oil and watercolor. 

Returning artists are: Char McHugh, ceramics; Anna Wiancko-Chasman, clay & mixed media; Cyndee Starr, mixed media; Kathy Marty, handwoven eco-friendly rugs; Shirley Bishop, fused glass; Tamara Dinius, mixed media; Toni McCarthy, original beaded jewelry; Sharon Ballard, acrylic painting; and Jean Hauge, multi-media.

New this year is the Runaway Kitchen food truck at tour stop #4, offering delicious meals and snacks for hungry shoppers. 

Preview participating artists’ work and see the tour map on the Washougal Studio Artists website 


You may also follow them on Facebook and Instagram. Participating artists will also have copies of the map available, as well as many local businesses.

Washougal, WA — A recent Camas-Washougal Community Chest grant will support Washougal School District efforts to address historical, systemic inequalities for students with disabilities. The CWCC funds will provide the community with on-demand viewing access of the award-winning documentary Hearts of Glass on June 2-12, 2021.  This will be the first showing of the movie promoted in Washington State. 

This 2018 film follows the initial months of operation of Vertical Harvest, a state-of-the-art hydroponic greenhouse that grows crops while providing meaningful, competitively paid jobs for people with disabilities working alongside people without disabilities.  

“Our goal is to bring awareness of the needs for competitive employment opportunities within our community for young adults with disabilities,” said Jessica Nickels Washougal Adult Transition Program Teacher.

A follow up webinar discussion panel will also be presented on June 9, featuring a Washougal community member, former WSD student, and the films’ cast and crew.  

“The discussion aims to create awareness of the benefits of hiring people with disabilities from the perspective of the individual and the employers,” said Nickels.  “This conversation and collaboration between the school district and community will also help improve employment outcomes for these young workers.”

“Our goal is for the film and webinar to provide a platform to advocate for greater inclusion of individuals of differing abilities into all aspects of our community,” explained Heather Kassel, WSD ELA/EdTech Instructional Coach. “The discussion around the film is meant to serve as a catalyst for change and the creation of new partnerships between local businesses and the school district.”

“This film shows that innovation and inclusion can go hand-in-hand, benefiting citizens with disabilities and the community at large,” said filmmaker Jennifer Tennican in a press release.

“Our vision with this project is to align with the Washougal School District’s mission to Know, Nurture, and Challenge ALL students to rise,” said Kassel.  “The district strives to promote equitable educational opportunities for all students, and this film provides a model of what is possible.”

“It is our task as a school district to prepare students for successful post-secondary outcomes,” said Nickels. “It is our task as a community to recognize individual’s abilities and to work toward equitable inclusion into social and economic aspects of our community.”

Find the movie during the June 2-12 view period on the WSD website. The trailer can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuBSMUZa8wQ. For additional information about this film, please visit https://www.heartsofglassfilm.com/

Vancouver, WA — As more people are testing positive for COVID-19 in Clark County — and as the activity rate climbed to 147.6 cases per 100,000 — the Clark County Public Health examined the data to find out why people are seeking testing.

“The vast majority of people who test positive are getting tested because they have symptoms of COVID-19 or because they know someone who tested positive or had symptoms of COVID-19,” the health department said.

Anyone who experiences COVID-19 symptoms should seek testing right away, they advise. If you’re in close contact with someone who tests positive, please stay home for 14 days to ensure you don’t infect others if you also get sick. 

Learn more about what to do if you test positive or are a close contact of someone who tests positive at the health department website: https://clark.wa.gov/public-health/novel-coronavirus

Tuesday’s COVID-19 update

  • 61 new confirmed cases (20,459 to date)
  • 10 new antigen probable cases (854 to date)
  • no new deaths
  • 252 total deaths to date (224 confirmed, 28 suspect)
  • 537 active cases (confirmed and probable cases in isolation period)
  • Clark County COVID-19 activity rate is 147.6 cases per 100,000 (up from 139.8 cases per 100,000 last week)
  • 23 COVID-19 patients hospitalized
  • 4 people hospitalized awaiting COVID-19 test results

Confirmed cases are people with a positive molecular (PCR) test for COVID-19. Antigen probable cases are people with a positive antigen test and no molecular test.

Camas, WA — Downtown Camas is hosting its inaugural Third Thursday event on April 15 from 5-8 pm.

According to the Downtown Camas Association, these events occur monthly, like First Friday, but have a “grown up” feeling which includes after-hours shopping, dinning, sipping and special activities or menus at participating downtown businesses.

April Third Thursday activities will include:

A Creative Twist (223 NE 4th):  “MOCK” Birthday Party– a chance to see what is offered at parties hosted here and different styles to choose from.  Parties booked this night are 20% off

Allure Boutique (407 NE 4th): Jewelry trunk show

Arktana (415 NE 4th): Extra 50% off sale racks;

Clover Podiatry (405 NE 6th Ave): Pop-up with foot health and shoe fit advice and shoe insert sale

Attic Gallery (421 NE Cedar): Wine, cake and live music by John Stowel for owner Tommer’s 60th B-day

Camas Antiques (305 NE 4th): Pop up shop with Brenda Calvert from Half Moon Farm

Camas Gallery (408 NE 4th): Camas Gallery Tax Relief Day–they will pay your sales tax on all purchases

Caps N Taps (337 NE 4th):  Special Battle of the Sexes Trivia Night starting at 8pm!

Feast 316 (316 NE Dallas): A Rainer Tall Boy & a shot of Woodenville Rye Whiskey for $15 to take the edge off of ‘Tax Day’…keeping it local!

Grains of Wrath (230 NE 5th): Rolling out new cocktails for spring/summer! Cucumber Basil Smash, Gin Mint Refresher, Raspberry Lemon Drop Shot, Breakfast Shots

Jazzercise Camas(514 NE Dallas): Free class at 7:00pm to new customers; call 360-980-0022 to reserve spot

Juxtaposition (425 NE 4th): Local artist Nancy Carkin will be painting live with her art on display; sampling of spa products; featuring new relaxing “Retreat” home fragrance

Lara Blair Photography (411 NE Dallas): Showcasing BLOOM portraits and doing a model call for their next creative project.

Lily Atelier (237 NE 4th): Jewelry trunk show including: Carynn Michelle Jewelry, Amy Leiner Designs, Yedomi, Jessica Alexander, Crystal Quinn

LiveWell Camas (417 NE Birch): Will have three Black Women owned pop-up vendors in their space: Shoebox by Ki (clothing), Asiyah Rose Candles (luxury candles), FloraNior (plants)

Naturally Healthy Pet (335 NE 5th): Naturally Healthy Pet celebrates 12 years! Drop by and Enter to Win prizes with a “12” theme including a 12 month supply of dog treats, a 12 month supply of canned food (dog or cat), 12lb of dog food and more. See store for details. Free goodie bags (while supplies last)

Papermaker Pride (339 NE 4th): Art Pop Up with Heidi Jo Curley

Salud Wine Bar & Italian Dining (224 NE 3rd): Girl Scout Cookie and wine pairing for $12.

The Soap Chest (521 NE Everett): In keeping with the theme, they will feature their Stress Relief products made with their proprietary blend of essential oils. Sampling Stress Relief Blend Spritzer, Massage Oil and Bath Salts.

Tommy Os at the Camas Hotel (401 NE 4th): Cara Cara Orange Margarita drink special and Pan Seared Steelhead trout with Asian stir fry and black rice as food special.

Restaurants will be hosting special happy hour, food and cocktail options with more details to be announced closer to the event.

Washougal, WA — Washougal High School students’ woodworking skill and creativity is on display at the new Downtown Community Garden at 2036 Main Street in Washougal. Decorated cedar bird houses, many with a WHS theme, sit atop poles along an edge of the park with a bird bath and benches set nearby.

The City of Washougal/WHS collaboration began last spring when WHS Wood Technology students were creating bird house kits to help community children build them as a part of the first-ever City of Washougal Hello Spring event that was cancelled due to the pandemic.  The materials, donated by Rick’s Custom Fencing, were then sent to students at home as a kit to be completed during distance learning this past semester.

“It was a challenge to get materials to students for them to demonstrate woodworking skills without being in the shop,” said Brent Mansell, WHS Woodworking Teacher. “This project gave students an opportunity to demonstrate learned skills by building a product and helped them do something besides look at a screen. Students take my class to develop trade skills, build projects, and gain employability and needed 21st Century skills. This work facilitated those lessons.”

Giving the bird houses they created back to the City also helped students understand the value of producing something for others.  “Some students struggle with the idea of creating something for someone else,” said Mansell. “They want to keep their projects or question what’s in it for them. We try to do these types of projects every semester. I think it’s important to connect my shop activities to being a better person, employee, and community member. It prepares them for work and being productive members of society, like donating your time to help others.” 

Mansell hopes his students will go to the park, take their family and friends, and take pride in their work.  And there is discussion about more birdhouses for even more Washougal parks. “Our goal for the next round of birdhouses is to have lots of color,” he said. “We want to celebrate spring.”

“I love it when a plan comes together,” said Washougal Mayor, Molly Coston.  “This is another example of building wonderful community projects by working together with other groups in Washougal.”

There is also another flock of birdhouses built by community member George Gross and painted by Washougal middle school Club 8 art students installed along the parking lot at City Hall.  This project is sponsored by Washougal Arts and Culture Alliance who has sponsored several other student art projects in town.  For a map and more information on Washougal public art displays go to www.washougalarts.org.

The City of Washougal’s new Community Gardening Program promotes community building, sustainable practices, and ecologically responsible gardening. For more information on lease of garden plots, visit the City website or email parks@cityofwashougal.us.

The Camas-Washougal Chamber of Commerce is kicking off its first Chamber Eats event this Thursday, April 8 at 5 pm at Salud Wine Bar in downtown Camas.

The twice-monthly Chamber Eats series is an informal networking event for Chamber members and the general public encouraging people to support local restaurants and reignite business connections.

“This is a step toward normalcy to begin networking in person and to support local restaurants,” said Jennifer Senescu, Executive Director of the CW Chamber. “We also think the food at Salud is fantastic.”

The Chamber Eats networking series is held on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. The second one will be held on Thursday, April 22 at A Beer At A Time in downtown Camas.

“We hope to see you at Salud on Thursday,” said Senescu. “The fun begins at 5 pm, but you’re welcome to attend at a time that’s convenient for you.”

Salud Wine Bar is located at 224 NE 3rd Ave, Camas, WA 98607.

Salud Wine Bar serves Italian cuisine and offers a deep selection of wines. Its members are able to store their favorite wines in climate-controlled lockers and can enjoy outdoor dining in their back patio. Prior to the pandemic they offered live entertainment. The restaurant follows all COVID-19 safety protocols and recently expanded their kitchen.

Washougal, WA — April is “Child Abuse Prevention Month” and General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Camas-Washougal (GFWC) has a list of events that they will be participating in. GFWC will be planting pinwheel gardens in Camas and Washougal. Both Cities of Camas and Washougal have signed proclamations to help raise awareness about child abuse prevention.

“This is such an important issue that I feel passionate about raising awareness and getting the word out to our communities.” said Susan Bennett, Vice President of the GFWC Camas-Washougal. “We want families to know that there are resources and places to find help. We want families to feel supported in the important work of raising their children,” added Christine Kamps, President of GFWC.

Bennett serves as the Pinwheel Projects Committee Chair. In an effort to increase the reach and impact of the project this year, she reached out to Unite! Washougal Community Coalition to partner on this project and invited Unite! to plant gardens with the GFWC. “I was so excited to partner with the GFWC on this project!” said Ann Stevens, Unite! Washougal 501c3 President. “GFWC is such a hardworking and dedicated organization that really contributes to the good of our communities! In addition, improving the health and wellness of our youth, families and community is the core mission of Unite!, so this is a perfect project to partner together.”

GFWC, a 501c3 organization, has been serving the cities of Camas and Washougal since 1947. The General Federation of Women’s Clubs is one of the world’s oldest and largest women’s volunteer service organizations. GFWC is a vibrant and connected sisterhood of women who are creating better communities, expanding their own possibilities, and extending friendship and support to women near and far.

Unite! Washougal Community Coalition is a substance misuse prevention coalition that works with all sectors of the community to increase community connections and promote health and wellness. “We are always looking for community partners that want to promote connection, health and wellness in our community, remarked Angela Hancock, Unite! Vice President. “We also have other resources for parents and our community including parenting classes such as Incredible Years, and our semi-annual Drug Take Back on April 24th from 10 am to 2 pm.”

Both organizations are seeking new members who want to volunteer, learn new skills and serve their communities. For more information and resources to help prevent child abuse visit: https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/preventing/preventionmonth/resources/resource-guide/  For more information about the General Federation of Women’s Clubs please email GFWC Camas-Washougal at GFWC_CW@Frontier.com, contact Susan Bennet at (916) 330-7932 or visit their Facebook page GFWC Camas-Washougal.  For more information about Unite! contact Margaret McCarthy at washougalunite.com or call (360) 954-3203. Unite! meets the 4th Thursday of every Month at 3 PM. Currently, meetings are by zoom. Check out our Facebook page or Website for more information. http://unitewashougal.org/