Camas, WA — The Camas School District’s BookMoBus program is a weekly summer event that happens every Wednesday through August 11 at these alternating locations: Helen Baller, Woodburn and Dorothy Fox Elementary schools.

As part of the summer recovery program (which supports more than 300 students), it’s helping Camas students that need extra work on literacy. 

“For elementary school students, the summer recovery program helps students that need extra work on literacy, at the middle school level it helps them with math and literacy, and for high school it’s about credit recovery,” said Diane Loghry, CSD Director of Early Learning. “We work to provide something that’s consistent for all.”

You don’t need to be part of the recovery program to participate.

BookMoBus is made possible by generous grants came from Camas-Washougal Community Chest and General Federation of Women’s Club, and The Standard.

Run by Jen Scott, a teacher on special assignment, and high school volunteers, such as Abigail Malone and Madison Scott, the events alternate each week between the three aforementioned schools: Helen Baller, Dorothy Fox and Woodburn.

The next event is today at Helen Baller from 9 am-12:30 pm. Next Wednesday it will be at Woodburn from 9-11 am, and then at Dorothy Fox from noon-2 pm.

Students are able to check out books (on the honor system), participate in readings, and pre-K students are encouraged to pick up summer learning packets to help them prepare for Kindergarten. Parents can check out books, too.

Guest readers include school board members Corey McEnry and Erika Cox, as well as Julie Mueller, Bryan Graham, and CSD’s Interim Superintendent, Doug Hood.


The librarian counted 250 people at the last BookMoBus event at Dorothy Fox and Woodburn.

“The BookMoBus program started in summer of 2019,” said Scott. “Last summer we weren’t able to do it, and so we came back bigger this year with a bus. The real goal is to encourage reading and so we provide an opportunity to keep them reading over summer. 

“Recently in the last two weeks we rolled out 200 new books. It’s coming from requests from families about which types of books interest them. I get the requests and that’s what’s getting them back into reading more. Popular requests are graphic novels, Dragon Masters, and Dog Man, which is like the Diary of a Wimpy kid series.”

Loghry said early learning classes were among the first to open last Fall, and said she’s proud of the efforts coming from teachers.

“Teachers worked really hard and they continue to work hard,” said Loghry. “They advocate to bring kids into the building. I think students learned a lot of thing this year: patience, grit, flexibility, resilience.” 

Inside the converted BookMoBus.

Camas, WA  –  The City of Camas Parks & Recreation’s free Movies in the Park series returns to Crown Park!  Two movies will be shown this year with the voted top-pick movie “Onward” kicking off this year’s short series and the live version of the Lion King ending the season.  

On Friday, July 30, “Onward,” a Disney/Pixar collaboration, tells the story of two teenage elf brothers, Ian and Barley, who get an unexpected opportunity to spend one more day with their late dad and embark on an extraordinary quest aboard Barley’s epic van Guinevere.  The movie will begin at 9 pm at the Crown Park shelter (NE Everett & NE 17th Ave.).

On Friday, August 20, the 2019 Disney live re-make of the movie favorite the “Lion King” will show at 8:30 pm, and will include pre-movie activities starting at 7:30 pm.  This 2019 live-action remake of the original animated version tells the same story of the young lion prince who, after the murder of his father, flees his kingdom only to learn the true meaning of responsibility and bravery.  The well-known original songs are featured in the movie, making this new version a new favorite! 

Movies in the Park is in its 14th year (after a hiatus in 2020) and shows movies that are rated G or PG, to adhere to our family-friendly events criteria.  At the beginning of 2019, selected K-8 classrooms in the Camas School District were able to cast their votes for their favorite movies.  The top two winning movies from that vote are the ones we are sharing with our community this year. 

The Movies in the Park series is sponsored by Camas United Methodist Church.  At this time, movies will not feature a food vendor, so plan to bring your favorite dinner, movie snacks and drinks to the park.  Food can also be purchased at Top Burger, located across the street from the park, or from a variety of restaurants in downtown Camas, four blocks away.   Bring chairs or blankets for seating and note that, to allow fair viewing, chairs are placed in one-half of the park viewing area and blankets in the other half.  This is a free event.  No registration is required.  And, please note that alcohol and animals are not allowed in Crown Park. 

Movies in the Park is coordinated by Camas Parks and Recreation. 

The Clark County Health Department is now issuing weekly COVID-19 reports. The last update was issued Thursday, July 1. Here is the latest data:

  • 138 additional cases (confirmed and probable) since last update
  • 24,540 confirmed cases to date (+111 since last update)
  • 1,564 antigen probable cases to date (+27 since last update) 
  • 155 active cases (in isolation period)
  • 2.6% of hospital beds are occupied by COVID-19 cases and persons under investigation for COVID-19 (awaiting test results)


  • 288 total deaths to date (254 confirmed, 34 suspect)
  • 1 new confirmed death since last update: a woman 80+ years old with underlying health conditions


  • COVID-19 activity rate is 67.5 cases per 100,000 over 14 days (down from 95.4 cases per 100,000 last week)
  • COVID-19 new hospital admission rate is 1.8 per 100,000 people over 7 days (down from 2.2 per 100,000 last week)

Learn more at the Clark County COVID-19 data webpage: 

Washougal, WA – The Camas-Washougal Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce plans to host Washougal Summerfest Beer Garden in Reflection Plaza, 1703 Main Street, in beautiful downtown Washougal, on Friday and Saturday, July 23 and July 24 from 4 pm-11 pm each day.

This new community event is open to the public and features live music by rock and roll band “The Hot Shots,” along with dancing, great beer, and good cheer!  This event is for those 21 and older.  Admission is $5.

“With the State fully re-opening at the end of June, the Chamber wanted a celebration as things return to normal,” said Jennifer Senescu, Executive Director of the Chamber.  “We have been through a lot the past 15 months, it’s time to come together as a community.” 

Recently, the Board of Directors at the Chamber had approved hosting two events, one in Washougal this Fall and one in Camas over the traditional Camas Days weekend. However, this week, Chamber officials were notified their Special Events Application with the City of Camas to hold a smaller hybrid of Camas Days was denied by Camas City officials. 

Mayor Pro Tem Ellen Burton said Camas was unable to accommodate the request due to police staffing issues. Vacations for officers were approved months ago given the cancellation of Camas Days by former Mayor Barry McDonnell.

The Chamber then approached the City of Washougal, where officials provided rapid approval for Washougal Summerfest on July 23 and 24. 

“We appreciate the City of Washougal’s flexibility and graciousness in approving this event so quickly. The Chamber’s involvement in Washougal is long overdue and our entire Board of Directors is delighted that we are hosting an event to promote downtown Washougal,” said Senescu. 

The Chamber is in the process of obtaining approval for an Oktoberfest in downtown Camas. 

Vancouver, WA — New research has found an association between early-onset colorectal cancer (EO-CRC) and consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). EO-CRC is defined as being diagnosed with colorectal cancer before age 50. The Nurses’ Health Study 2, a prospective study followed roughly 95,000 female nurses between 1991-2015. The participants who consumed 2 or more SSBs per day in adulthood had a more than doubled risk of EO-CRC when compared with those who consumed less than 1 serving per week. This risk rose by 16% for each additional SSB serving per day. SSBs, which include sodas, energy drinks, sports drinks, and fruit drinks, make up almost 40% of added sugar in diets in the US and 12% of Americans consume 3 or more of these daily. A cola has about 39 grams of sugar, which is approximately 10 tsp of sugar per can. That’s a lot of sugar. 200 years ago, the average American consumed 2 pounds of sugar per year. Today the average American consumes 152 pounds of sugar annually. My goodness, that is 30 five-pound bags of sugar per year.

Consumption of added sugar has become a real problem for the United States. In 2013, the American Heart Association (AHA) published a study attributing 25,000 deaths in the United States to added sugar. In 2019, the AHA published a study that found consuming more than two sweetened drinks per day increased their risk of death by 21%. Excess sugar intake can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, obesity, and diabetes, all of which can contribute to inflammation and cancer. Additionally, tumor cells take up more sugar (glucose) than healthy cells. In a presentation by Dr. Johannes Czernin from UCLA, he states that tumor cells take up 30 times more glucose than healthy cells. This increased glucose uptake is used diagnostically for cancer patients. For Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging, patients must fast for at least 6 hours before their imaging and no carbs/s. for at least 24 hours to starve the cancer cells. Then they are injected with a sugar that has a radioactive tracer tagged onto it.  The PET scan tracks the uptake of sugar/radioactive tracer throughout the body and identifies the areas with the highest consumption. These areas with high consumption of high sugar/tracer, show up as hot spots on imaging indicate the presence of cancer because cancer loves sugar.

Not only is the cancer being fed with the sugar, but the sugar also increases insulin, and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1).  As the name suggests, growth factors make cancer grow. Insulin also increases inflammation. At the end of the day, it all comes down to inflammation. We tell our patients that inflammation is the cause of all disease and it is a common thread we see in our cancer patients. Short-term inflammation can be beneficial for things like wound healing or your body fighting off an infection like influenza. But chronic inflammation is the villain here. Symptoms of inflammation can be vague like joint pain, allergies, fatigue, or poor digestion. These symptoms are like your car’s check engine light and they’re telling you that something isn’t right. When your check engine light is on, you take your car to the mechanic so they can diagnose the problem. The same should be true for your body; you should be working with a Naturopathic physician who can connect the dots to determine why your body’s check engine light is on.

Dr. Cynthia Bye, ND, FABNO, is a Fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology (FABNO), the only FABNO located in southwest Washington, she did a residency at Cancer Treatment Centers of American, and she has been working in cancer care for 20 years. There are less than 150 Naturopathic doctors in the United States and Canada that have been board certified as FABNO. She works with you to figure out why your check engine light is on.  Through a full review of the system, head to toe she connects the dots as to why it’s on. She works with you to teach you how to take care of yourself. To create lasting lifestyle changes and turn off the “check engine light”.

Each person and each cancer are different, and Dr. Bye utilizes individualized therapies based on your needs. The goal is to work with cancer patients to identify causative factors that cause inflammation. Many things cause inflammation. Dr. Bye supports cancer patients as they go through their treatments with well-researched protocols to reduce side effects without interfering with the treatment, tie up circulating tumor cells to reduce the risk of metastasis, and help cancer patients recover from their treatments. Once treatment is finished, she works with patients to help them recover from radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery using protocols to decrease recurrence risk if they no longer have evidence of disease. For patients with residual disease after treatment, we support their recovery, improve their quality of life, and work to slow down the cancer process. 

Even though signs of chronic inflammation are like a check engine light, your body is not like a car. If your car breaks down, you buy a new one….. You only get one body, and it is the vehicle through which you experience your life. When your “light” comes on, being proactive by changing your lifestyle, and taking charge of your health is the best investment you can make. An easy way to start is by taking the sugar out of your life.  Dr. Bye, works with cancer patients, family members of cancer patients, and individuals looking to reduce their risk of cancer.

To learn more, visit

Hur J, Otegbeye E, Joh H, et al. Sugar-sweetened beverage intake in adulthood and adolescence and risk of early-onset colorectal cancer among women. Gut. Published Online First: 06 May 2021. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-323450

Malik, V. S., Li, Y., Pan, A., De Koning, L., Schernhammer, E., Willett, W. C., & Hu, F. B. (2019). Long-Term consumption of Sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverages and risk of mortality in us adults. Circulation,139(18), 2113-2125. doi:10.1161/circulationaha.118.037401

PET/CT Cancer Imaging: Cancers Eat a lot of Sugar [Video file]. (2013, August 1). Retrieved from

Washougal, WA — Awareness of the needs for competitive employment opportunities for young adults with disabilities is the topic of an upcoming webinar, June 9 from 4-5 pm.  It will feature members of the cast and crew of the award-winning documentary Hearts of Glass and local participants with experience surrounding local jobs for individuals with disabilities.

Hearts of Glass is a 2018 film which follows the initial months of operation of Vertical Harvest, a state-of-the-art hydroponic greenhouse that grows crops while providing meaningful, competitively paid jobs for people with disabilities working alongside people without disabilities. 

Thanks to a Camas-Washougal Community Chest grant, Washougal, Camas and Hockinson School District patrons, the movie is available for on-demand viewing access through June 12, 2021.  This is the first viewing promoted in Washington State. To sign up for viewing go to or the WSD website.

“Our hope is that people will come away from viewing the movie and hearing the panel discussion on June 9 with a greater awareness surrounding employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities,” said Jessica Nickels, Washougal Adult Transition Program Teacher.  “We hope to spark conversation around innovative ways to increase opportunities in our own communities for these individuals.”

“This film shows that innovation and inclusion can go hand-in-hand, benefiting citizens with disabilities and the community at large,” explained filmmaker Jennifer Tennican.

“Our goal is for the film and webinar to provide a platform to advocate for greater inclusion of individuals of differing abilities into all aspects of our community,” explained Heather Kassel, WSD ELA/EdTech Instructional Coach. “The discussion around the film is meant to serve as a catalyst for change and the creation of new partnerships between local businesses and the school district.”

Panelists are:


Columbia Ridge Senior Living Executive Director

Emily is from Molalla, OR and has been at Columbia Ridge as Executive Director for the last three years. She values community connections and has made increased community involvement for the center a goal for her tenure as director. Because of the tangible benefits that she has experienced with interns from the Washougal Adult Transition Program, she has actively customized employment opportunities for employees with disabilities.


Adult Transition Program Participant

Shelbi is a 2016 graduate of Washougal High School and a 2019 graduate of the Washougal Adult Transition Program (WATP). As a WATP participant, she interned at Columbia Ridge Assisted Living and Metropolitan Dance Academy in Vancouver.  Her employability strengths include: punctuality, resourcefulness, and attention to detail. She lives in Washougal with her immediate family and enjoys texting and hanging out with her friends.


Director & Producer of Hearts of Glass

Jennifer began her documentary career in the late 1990s working on NOVA science programs for WGBH with independent producers in the Boston area. Since moving to Wyoming in 2002, she has focused on local stories. Her films explore identity, inclusion and community, and although they are rooted in Jackson Hole, they resonate far beyond the mountain west. Jennifer’s award-winning work, including “Hearts of Glass,” “The Stagecoach Bar: An American Crossroads” and “Far Afield: A Conservation Love Story,” has been featured in numerous film festivals and seen on PBS. Currently, “Hearts of Glas”s is the centerpiece of an impact campaign to improve employment and inclusion outcomes for people with disabilities. In her spare time, Jennifer enjoys rock climbing with her husband.


Senior Farm Associate, Vertical Harvest Farms

Having arrived as a toddler in the “Equality State” from Chicago in the spring of 1993, Johnny is almost a Wyoming native. He graduated in 2015 from the University of Wyoming with a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. Johnny has been an employee at Vertical Harvest since it opened in the spring of 2016. His professional skill sets at the greenhouse include: seeding, harvesting, delivering produce and guiding tours. He is passionate about human rights and social justice. In his free time, Johnny enjoys listening to music, going to movies, studying pop culture and travelling with his family.


Packaging Manager, Vertical Harvest Farms

Andrea, or Dre as she prefers to be called, grew up in Driggs, Idaho — just over Teton Pass from Jackson, Wyoming. She learned about Vertical Harvest from her brother and sister-in-law, who are closely involved with the greenhouse. Since joining Vertical Harvest in 2016, Dre has worked in many different positions. She started as a volunteer and worked her way up to tomato associate, job support and finally packaging manager. Dre’s favorite part of her job is interacting with coworkers and creative problem solving. In her free time, she likes to watch scary movies, play guitar, go on long drives and hang out with her friends. 

Washougal, WA — What could be more fun for students of Columbia River Gorge Elementary (CRGE) than participating in The Kids Heart Challenge which combines learning about their heart while helping others by raising money for the American Heart Association?  It would be to see a pie smashed in the face of their favorite principal, Tracey MacLauchlan! 

“The students and families worked hard raising more than $4,000 to help support the work of AHA,” said CRGE PE teacher Jessica Warta who organized the fundraiser. “The students are extremely excited about the opportunity to pie Principal MacLachlan and are proud of their efforts to do good in the world and help others that are less fortunate.”

Students registered online and took on healthy challenges like a pledge to be kind, move more or choose water.  Students raised money online or by asking family and friends in person, all while learning about their physical and emotional well-being.

“In P.E., the students learned about why water is a better choice to drink over other sugary beverage options as well as fun heart facts,” said Warta. “Students could earn prizes or thank you gifts for the amount of money they raised.”

Any student who participated in the fundraiser or challenges was eligible for schoolwide prizes. For every $1,000 CRGE raised a staff member volunteered to get pied in the face. First grader, Jase Kenyon, was randomly drawn out of all the participants and was the lucky winner to pie Principal MacLachlan on May 21.  Other pies in the face were received by Warta and CRGE kindergarten teacher, Mandy Bradford. A staff member, yet to be determined, will be slimed in early June!

Washougal WA – The IMPACT CW (Camas-Washougal) food box distribution program, organized by St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Washougal, helps hundreds of Camas and Washougal families with summer food supplies.  Now in its seventh year, the event continues to evolve to respond to COVID challenges and growing needs.

“In previous years, we have collected food donations and packed food boxes all at our community event,” said Beth Raetz, St. Matthew Lutheran Church Office Secretary. “However, due to Covid restrictions, last year we went completely digital and only collected monetary donations to purchase and deliver local grocery gifts cards to those school families in need.”

This year the event is a hybrid. The group will be collecting money only and pre-purchasing selected foods in addition to grocery gift cards for each family.  They will hold a food box packing event on June 6th from noon to 2pm at the Parker’s Landing Historic Park with the pre-purchased items.  “We really missed the hands-on community participation last year; so, there is great excitement to be able to get together again to pack boxes even though we will not be receiving food donations at that time. And while we won’t be having the community barbeque, we hope to bring it back next year.” 

Volunteers will be asked to stay socially safe and follow current guidelines for mask wearing.

IMPACT CW plans to assist approximately 150 families from both the Camas and Washougal School Districts.  They work directly with the school staff and counselors to help provide these gifts from the community.  

“We want to give a shout out to them for all of their support and assistance because it does add extra work for them at the end of the school year,” Raetz said.

So how can you help?
– Help sort and package food boxes at the packing event on Sunday, June 6
– Help deliver food boxes to Camas-Washougal Schools on Monday, June 7
– Give a financial gift (to pre-purchase all the food and gift cards).  The goal is to raise $12,000.  

Donors can give at a “Go Fund Me” account at  Checks can be made out to St. Matthew Lutheran Church and mailed to 716 Washougal River Road, Washougal, WA 98671 or dropped off Tuesdays-Fridays 9:30 am – 12:30 pm.

“We are so grateful for how generous our community is in helping us to provide these meals to families who are struggling,” Raetz said.  For more information, contact Raetz at the church office at 360-835-5533.

Washougal, WA — Washougal area artists are once again opening their studio doors to offer a fascinating and art-filled family outing for Mother’s Day weekend.  The 2021 Washougal Studio Artists Tour, to be held May 8-9 from 10 am to 4 pm, will include 8 stops and features 15 local artists representing a vast array of creative works and mediums.

“We are excited to safely invite visitors back into our studios and outdoor display areas for this year’s event,” said Shirley Bishop, WSTA co-coordinator and local glass artist.  “Last year we held a virtual tour and promoted our artists online. It just wasn’t the same. The art experience is so much richer when a patron can visit an artist’s studio. They are able to see where the magic of creating art happens and learn about both the art and the artists.” 

Now in its fourth year, WSTA has drawn much interest and support from the local community and visitors from the Portland area and beyond.  

“We are delighted that many people taking the tour are discovering Washougal for the very first time,” said Bishop. “And they really enjoy the tour route that winds along the scenic Washougal River and through the Washougal foothills.  It’s nearly as beautiful as the art!”   


The Washougal area boasts many high-quality professional artists. 

“It is no wonder,” said Bishop. “There is so much natural beauty to be found here that it serves as inspiration to these talented artists.”

New to this year’s tour are Trish Johnston, watercolor; Dana Bergdahl, acrylic & watercolor; Stu Ager, mixed media: organic metalwork design; India de Landa, contemporary art jewelry; Samuel Shrout, casted metal and wood, and Nancy Carkin, acrylic, oil and watercolor. 

Returning artists are: Char McHugh, ceramics; Anna Wiancko-Chasman, clay & mixed media; Cyndee Starr, mixed media; Kathy Marty, handwoven eco-friendly rugs; Shirley Bishop, fused glass; Tamara Dinius, mixed media; Toni McCarthy, original beaded jewelry; Sharon Ballard, acrylic painting; and Jean Hauge, multi-media.

New this year is the Runaway Kitchen food truck at tour stop #4, offering delicious meals and snacks for hungry shoppers. 

Preview participating artists’ work and see the tour map on the Washougal Studio Artists website   

You may also follow them on Facebook and Instagram. Participating artists will also have copies of the map available, as well as many local businesses.

Washougal, WA — A recent Camas-Washougal Community Chest grant will support Washougal School District efforts to address historical, systemic inequalities for students with disabilities. The CWCC funds will provide the community with on-demand viewing access of the award-winning documentary Hearts of Glass on June 2-12, 2021.  This will be the first showing of the movie promoted in Washington State. 

This 2018 film follows the initial months of operation of Vertical Harvest, a state-of-the-art hydroponic greenhouse that grows crops while providing meaningful, competitively paid jobs for people with disabilities working alongside people without disabilities.  

“Our goal is to bring awareness of the needs for competitive employment opportunities within our community for young adults with disabilities,” said Jessica Nickels Washougal Adult Transition Program Teacher.

A follow up webinar discussion panel will also be presented on June 9, featuring a Washougal community member, former WSD student, and the films’ cast and crew.  

“The discussion aims to create awareness of the benefits of hiring people with disabilities from the perspective of the individual and the employers,” said Nickels.  “This conversation and collaboration between the school district and community will also help improve employment outcomes for these young workers.”

“Our goal is for the film and webinar to provide a platform to advocate for greater inclusion of individuals of differing abilities into all aspects of our community,” explained Heather Kassel, WSD ELA/EdTech Instructional Coach. “The discussion around the film is meant to serve as a catalyst for change and the creation of new partnerships between local businesses and the school district.”

“This film shows that innovation and inclusion can go hand-in-hand, benefiting citizens with disabilities and the community at large,” said filmmaker Jennifer Tennican in a press release.

“Our vision with this project is to align with the Washougal School District’s mission to Know, Nurture, and Challenge ALL students to rise,” said Kassel.  “The district strives to promote equitable educational opportunities for all students, and this film provides a model of what is possible.”

“It is our task as a school district to prepare students for successful post-secondary outcomes,” said Nickels. “It is our task as a community to recognize individual’s abilities and to work toward equitable inclusion into social and economic aspects of our community.”

Find the movie during the June 2-12 view period on the WSD website. The trailer can be viewed at For additional information about this film, please visit