Tag Archive for: Camas

Camas, WA — At Thursday’s Camas-Washougal Rotary Club meeting, member Tina Simmons announced she would be having a book signing for her book, “Zandreal.”

Wait, what?

Simmons, who works for a wine labeling company, and whose pen name is Tee Griffen, spent a year writing and editing “Zandreal,” and got it published in 2016.

“It’s really not a new book,” said Griffen. “But because of life issues, I had to delay its marketing, so we’re doing that now.”

“Zandreal” is young adult fantasy fiction about a young girl named Andrea and she finds out she’s not quite human. So, she must figure out why she’s here, and she ends up doing a lot of external travel,” said Griffen. “The book is about our responsibility to share our gifts with the world, taking care of the Earth, and working together.”

Griffen’s no stranger to writing, as she previously was the ghost writer for two books — the first was “Tracks: Memoirs of a Vietnam Veteran” by Clyde Hoch. The second one was a book called “Turbo Charge Your Life,” by Troy Spring. Those were written in 2011 and 2012.

“I’ve always liked to write, but being an author wasn’t my goal in life,” said Griffen. “I went to school for Graphic Design at Cazenovia College in upstate New York. ”I wrote this as part of self-exploration. I’m an observer, a healer, a worrier, a wanderer, and a seeker. All the elements were there. I couldn’t write it fast enough. Once those five parts came to me, they formed the characters and the storyline came together.”

Initially, she worked with a publisher, but it didn’t move fast enough for her, so Griffen chose the self-publishing route.

“It was hard to self-publish,” said Griffen. “I felt more out there on my own, because with the publishing house I felt I would have had more support. The Kickstarter campaign was set in 2016 and I raised $4,000. It wasn’t hard to get, but it took a lot of marketing. They told you to find champions ahead of time. They also supported me. I had a community. It was an emotional roller coaster because it feels like baring my soul to the world.”

Sunday’s book signing at Caffe Piccolo in Downtown Camas is the only book signing she has scheduled for now. She’s been talking to the school districts about getting into the classrooms.

“I think it’s time to get the book out there,” said Griffen. “I feel like our country is very polarized, and I think we could use a little bit of unity.”

The book is available at www.Amazon.com and you can learn more at www.teegriffen.com


Camas City Councilor Shannon Turk is one of four candidates who recently applied to be the city’s next mayor.

The September resignation of former Mayor Scott Higgins leaves the office vacant, and it will be filled by City Council appointment. Four have applied for the job — City Councilors Melissa Smith and Turk — as well as Georerl Niles, who is Chair of the Camas Parking Commission (a volunteer position), and former Camas Mayor, Dean Dossett.

A 2011 city resolution requires the council to interview them all.

“We have seven on council and so the five remaining council members will decide who becomes the next mayor,”said Camas City Administrator, Pete Capell. “They will interview all the candidates with pre-prepared questions. They will work it out until a candidate has a majority.”

Applications were due Friday, October 26, and the special interview meeting is scheduled for November 14. There will be a public swearing-in at the council meeting on November 19. The new mayor will complete the existing term, and then run again next Fall.

Turk, who has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, was appointed to the council in July 2011 to fill the vacant seat left when Scott Higgins became Mayor. Turk would run on her own in November 2011 to finish the Higgins term, and then ran again in 2013, then again in 2017.

“People call me a four-term councilor,” said Turk. “But it’s really two terms that I’ve been representing Ward 3, Position 2 with Greg Anderson. That’s the area by Dorothy Fox, west of Sierra.”

With seven years of experience on the council, what has Turk learned?

“I’ve learned that even though I knew things take time to happen, they take more time than I anticipated,” said Turk. “It takes time to get good policy passed. I think a good strategic plan may help shorten it. Right now, it feels like the community has varying goals. People are moving in many different directions. The firefighters, the pool, the budget.”

Is there a leadership vacuum?

“There’s a lack of leadership focus, because I think there’s a tendency to respond to every email, to every citizen concern that comes up, but when you do that it’s bad from a comprehensive view. I think it’s more lack of focus. People are sincerely trying to help, but there’s a lot going on. There’s a tendency to take too much on. There are big things going on, but we’re going in many different directions. It’s hard to always resolve everything so quickly.”

Turk says in a small town “it’s easy to get bogged down by multiple initiatives because you have to be all things to everybody. You have to know a little bit about a lot of things.”

Turk said she would start using the city’s strategic plan, and would go further into the community and identify the goals of what people want us to focus on time on.

“Do we need another firefighter station? I really want to know what we need to do. Then we can set our priorities,” Turk said. “With the pool — it’s a funding issue. First we have to decide what we want. I agree with John Spencer, we need to go big or go home. We need a competition pool. We have a need for more sports fields, too. If you build it they will come.

“We have to first get public input and then we have to decide if people are willing to pay for it. How do we get the rest of the people to agree on it, and pay for it. This council is exceptionally good at compromising. They always find a middle point to get things done so everyone gets a little piece of victory.

“I would agree we should have a plan, or an idea of what we should be doing. We also need to have a plan for a firefighter district, or a regional fire authority. It’s essentially a tax for just a fire service. These two things need to happen concurrently.”


Alicia King addresses the City Council during a public hearing on the Camas Urban Tree Program.

What Are Turk’s Skill Sets?

“Primarily, I’ve worked in government and have done that for 25 years as a budget analyst,” said Turk. “It’s about making recommendations to leadership with full knowledge of the subject. I know this well. I have a way of bringing diverse opinions together and coming to a consensus. I don’t have any problem being yelled at when I know we’re doing the right thing.”

Turk, a mother of two adult children, Emma, 18, and Lanie, 20, touts her volunteer activities as a basketball and cheer coach. Her family makes a point to deliver meals on Thanksgiving, and encourages her daughters to be involved in the community. As an animal lover, she helps out at West Columbia Gorge Animal Shelter.

She’s worked at City of Vancouver for 11 years, and previously worked for Multnomah County, and for the city of Gresham — in budgeting and as a management analyst. Currently, she oversees warehouse and support staff.

“I’ve had a lot of opportunities to grow professionally and I’ve learned from them,” said Turk. “If we had a good strategic plan, we could make decisions based on that plan. I feel very comfortable having a full-time job and being the mayor. The employees would feel that empowerment.”

Does The Mayor Position Need Full-Time Attention?

“We have a professional administrator, but the mayor administers the policy the council sets, and the administrator does the day-to-day operation of the city,”said Turk. “My job is very flexible. They have been very accommodating of my schedule. As long as I get my work done, and I account for every minute. It would be stressful, but no more stressful that having to come up with the other things I’ve been doing.”

So, what are her top three reasons for running?

1- Opportunity

“I see so much opportunity in Camas,” Turk said. “There are so many things — the community center/pool, which will drive me for a long time. I want to impact the community so that my kids want to come back here. We need to make changes to affordability. We need to have kids and seniors be able to afford to live here. If we had unlimited resources, we could make sure cost of living here is affordable. This is done through zoning and creating incentives for development to include affordable housing. I want to do this to make the community better.”

2- Professional Growth

“It’s just closely tied to opportunity and having a sense that I left the world better,” Turk said. “I’ve always worked for the councilor-manager form of government, aka ‘weak mayor’ so in a way being a councilor has prepared me as I’ve been exposed to multiple facets of city administration. I’ve learned a lot about policy and administration and the differences.”

3- Legacy Building

“I want to make the world a better place,” said Turk. “I want to build something that will outlive me. It’s about legacy building. I just want to be in the room when it happens. I want to be part of the decision-making. I’d like to get more people engaged in the community and to be more face-to-face. I think we’re also missing civility.”

Day One

Turk said the city has a public relations problem, and as mayor would encourage more face-to-face ward meetings.

“Hazen’s (former city councilor) resignation last year created a distrust,” said Turk. “We just need to become more transparent, and engage the citizens more. Have more meetings where you bring citizens in, and explain what we do. There’s a general distrust of government across the country. We need to explain how we do our work. This needs to be explained to the people. To get to truth is to come up with a plan, decide what it is, and then actually follow through and do it. Stick to the plan, and do what you say you’re going to do.”

Camas, WA — Imagination, determination, and overcoming adversity were the main topics addressed by 2008 Camas High School graduate, and new book author, LK Walsh, while addressing Liberty Middle School students Friday afternoon.

Her book, “The Lavender Soul,” released in April through PelianWords Publishing House, is a fantasy novel about a young girl born with lavender eyes, portending she will be the annihilation of evil, or the impetus of world-consuming darkness. It is an adventure through a fantastical world with reimagining of classical characters, such as fairies and dragons, along with new beasts crafted from Walsh’s imagination. It’s about the main character, Vera, who is seeking out her purpose.

Now living in Lompoc, CA, Walsh is in town for the Portland Book Festival, and was invited to spent time in her hometown.

“I’m here to talk about dreams and how you can help them come true,” said Walsh. “I was a senior, and had my life plan right on track, and I had already applied to several universities. I was set. I was ready to go to Chapman to study Music Therapy. Chapman said they were ending the program, and that affected my scholarship. I was high and dry, and my mother had to call and begged to get to other schools. I had worked for years to become a music therapist, so I decided to become a Humanities major and went to Concordia in Southern California.”


She appreciated the experience, and was able to explore many things.

“I went into journalism, but that wasn’t for me,” said Walsh. “Then I worked for an art newsletter. That wasn’t for me. So, I decided to get into publishing.”

After earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities Creative Writing from Concordia in 2011, she spent 18 months writing “The Lavender Soul” after spending eight years imagining it. Once completed, she went through the agony of finding a publisher, and after 38 rejection letters, she found a home with PelianWords Publishing House.

“I am fully able to admit that I felt like a failure because it really hurts when people say no,” said Walsh. “But failure isn’t real. You can fail because you didn’t pass a test. If you choose not to learn from the failure, then it’s a real failure. You have to learn from it.”

She said there’s “one key to success in any field and that is imagination, which is key to making all of your dreams come true.”

She encouraged the middle schoolers to always have imagination.


LK Walsh addresses students at LIberty Middle School in Camas.

“Logic, science and math are not separate from imaginations,” she said. “Sometimes people give up on their dreams because of money. Authors don’t make money. My dream is to create worlds. My dream is to spread imagination. Dreams have such great value because it takes courage to dream. Every time you have a thought it creates a physical pathway in your brain. The easiest thoughts are negative ones. It takes imagination to be positive. Imagination gives you the courage to dream. Dreams don’t always have to be those huge paychecks. They don’t even have to make sense.”

Walsh has spent the last several weeks traveling to promote her book, and is working on a prequel, which has been approved by her publishing house.

Cat Rushing, Walsh’s mother, created the cover illustration, based on vision provided by Walsh.

To learn more, or to purchase her book, visit www.lkwalshauthor.com

Camas City Councilor Melissa Smith is one of four candidates who recently applied to be the city’s next mayor.

The September resignation of former Mayor Scott Higgins leaves the office vacant, and it will be filled by City Council appointment. Four have applied for the job — City Councilors Shannon Turk and Smith — as well as Georerl Niles, who is Chair of the Camas Parking Commission (a volunteer position), and former Camas Mayor, Dean Dossett.

A 2011 city resolution requires the council to interview them all.

“We have seven on council and so the five remaining council members will decide who becomes the next mayor,”said Camas City Administrator, Pete Capell. “They will interview all the candidates with pre-prepared questions. They will work it out until a candidate has a majority.”

Applications were due Friday, October 26, and the special interview meeting is scheduled for November 14. There will be a public swearing-in at the council meeting on November 19. The new mayor will complete the existing term, and then run again next Fall.

Smith, who has served on the City Council since 2004, is a retired Purchasing Association Vice President, and has many years of leadership and civic experience. She’s fully committed to spending 40 hours a week to serve as Mill Town’s leader, which she says is crucial. The mayor’s role is generally a part-time position.



“We need a mayor who can commit to 40 hours a week,” said Smith. “The staff is phenomenal, but we’re at a time in our city’s history where we need a full-time mayor. There are so many important issues happening in our growing city.”

So, what are the top three reasons she wants the job?

Life Experience

“For me it’s not a status thing, or a money thing,” said Smith. “$22,000 a year isn’t much. I have a lot life lessons. I have traveled extensively throughout the United Sates with my job and personal life. I’ve been to foreign countries. I have a broad outlook on life. I’ve seen a lot. I’ve seen real racist things in the South, and I’ve been serving the city of Camas for many years. I know how things work.”


“Everyone has 24 hours in a day,” said Smith. “Because of health issues I’ve learned that how you manage your energy is more valuable in the long-run because it makes you more productive, more efficient, more balanced. Energy is more important than time. I’m very much about closing the loop on projects because of the different work experiences I’ve had. From conception to completion, you need to look at the glitches, then analyze them and so you need critical thinking. It’s having the ability to bring the right people together and do the what/if scenarios.”

Building the New Camas Pool

“Earlier this year, my request was if we close the pool by the end of 2018 we should identify the location for a pool,” said Smith. “Everyone agreed, and now it’s morphed into a community center project. I’m very much for a new pool, and I’m very open to the competitive part of swimming. I applaud what they do with football, but there are other sports that need the same support. I think the mill’s R&D property needs more research. We just need to get it done.”


Smith says the city needs a new pool — for competitive and recreational purposes.

Day One

“One of the first things I would do, if appointed Mayor is I would sit down with each council member, and ask them what things are working well within the city, and what things aren’t working well in the city,” said Smith. “It could be anything from how we’re being perceived. Then, I would repeat the same thing with the department heads. I would reach out to key business people in the community, and a few others. Then from there, if we could see a general theme of issues, then we go forward. Work on reviewing all the ad-hoc committees. We spend so much energy and time in these committees. There are efficiencies and effectiveness that need to be analyzed. We need to have actual Ward meetings. Bring those back, and just sit and listen. Even though the mayor’s position is a part-time position they still have a commitment to touch in on key issues. I want to get in there and stabilize the city and right the ship with full-time leadership.”

Smith was appointed March 2004 when Paul Dennis became mayor.

“There was a vacancy, and I applied for it,” Smith said.

She stepped down from her executive position, and went into the council role position. In 2005, she was voted in her for her first full term.

“I’ve been on council for 14 years,” said Smith. “It’s way more complicated than people know. There’s a lot. You have to come in with the mentality of having an open mind, a clean slate and let people share the roles and expectations and learn where to look and study — to gain perspective. It takes a lot in the beginning. There’s a lot of reading, ground work, and you have to learn to be an effective councilor.”

With two city councilors running, one will definitely lose, so will there be bad blood on the council?

“Shannon and I have talked, and when I made the announcement about seeking this position, we met and spoke for two hours or so,” said Smith. “We’re good. This could either be curse or a blessing either way, for either of us. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done. That person has to be accessible to give that sense of stability. Now I want to be on the other side. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll be disappointed, but I’ll still be on council for three more years.”

Camas, WA — As part of the Camas DECA weeklong Kindness public relations campaign, City of Camas leaders declared Friday, November 9 as “Kindness Day” in an official city proclamation Monday night.

The campaign is in response to the shootings at Parkland, FL and other schools across the country in an effort to remind people that “kindness matters.”

Skyler Becerra and Amie Beld from DECA received the proclamation from Camas Mayor Pro Tem, Don Chaney.

Chaney said this campaign “captures where we all want to be in our hearts.”

After receiving the proclamation both Beld and Becerra addressed the council.

”This campaign promotes kindness, and overall our goal is to be able to have a safer and kinder community within Camas for all citizens,” said Beld.

The DECA campaign is working with six schools across Camas.

”Each of whom are running a kindness day or kindness week currently, right now, to help encourage and impact younger students and help form habits that can impact them for the rest of their lives …,” said Becerra.

DECA member Caden Wengler handed out special bracelets to council members and those in attendance as a reminder to be kind.

Camas High School is penning letters to veterans and doing lunchtime activities to reach out to students in their campaign.






”WHEREAS, our days are often filled with information regarding school violence, crime and disaster in the world, often causing feelings of sadness and fear; and

“WHEREAS, kindness is something that can be improved on at all ages and levels of life, it is important to act to create a kinder environment for everyone within the Camas community; and

“WHEREAS, the support of the community and government leaders know that citizen support is one of the most effective ways to improve kindness within our communities; and

“WHEREAS, the daily acts of kindness that occur in our community are largely unseen and ignored; and

“WHEREAS, by recognizing these acts of kindness, all members of our community will be made aware of the importance of being kind to others throughout the year; and

“WHERAS, the purpose of Kindness Day is to remember the simplest acts of kindness that allow our community to be kinder, and safer place to live our lives; and

“NOW, THEREFORE, I, Don Chaney, Mayor Pro Tem of the City of Camas, do hereby proclaim November 9, 2018 as:


“In the City of Camas, and urge all citizens to join me in spreading kindness, generosity and respect of others at all times.”








During a quiet stroll on 4th Avenue in Downtown Camas, you can’t miss Lisa Lê Properties and her 24/7 Window Vision Display. It looks really fun during the day, but it’s even more entertaining at night with its lights, touch pad, and numerous real estate listings. She’s also using the space to promote preferred local businesses and services.

Lê, who opened up this office in January, is a veteran real estate broker and longtime Camas resident, and may be the town’s biggest promoter and cheerleader.

“I’m all about Camas and promoting what we’re all about,” said Lê, who refers to Lisa Lê Properties as a Boutique Experience. “We know that buying or selling a home can be stressful, so our talented team members take care of all the details. We work hard to make your experience quick, painless, and even joyful.”

Lê’s experience has taught her that no two clients are alike, so her team spends time with each client to listen and tend to their needs — and that’s where the boutique experience comes into play.

“We custom tailor our boutique services to fit your needs,” said Lê. “So we do things differently here.”

The boutique experience includes the following:

  • Free Home Staging — The Lisa Lê Properties staging experts come into a client’s home to make it look its best, and sell faster at a higher price.
  • Curb Appeal — Does your home’s exterior need a little touch-up? Lê’s team will help.
  • Guest Services — If you’re moving to Camas, Lê’s team will provide up to a two night’s stay at the historic modern Camas Hotel.
  • Celebration — Once the deal is done, Lisa Lê Properties will treat you to a finely catered party for 25 of your closest family and friends.

Lisa Lê Properties has a 24/7 Window Vision Display at their office in Downtown Camas.

“I’ve spent many years selling homes in the area,” said Lê. “I build long-term relationships with my clients. I take the time to know you, learn your needs and understand your goals. Your satisfaction is my priority.”

As part of her commitment to all things local, Lê also organized a group called Collaborative Camas, which helps local businesses meet, cross-promote, and explain what they do. They meet every two weeks. She’s also heavily involved in the local Soroptomist group, which raises funds to help families, with a focus on educational expenses.

To learn more, call 360.213.7864 or visit www.LisaLeProperties.com



Kelso, WA — Even though rival Hanford won Saturday’s meet, Camas still won the District 4 Title, and is sending seven athletes to State. Hanford swims competitively with District 4 multiple times a season, but they actually represent District 8, and carry that title, as well. Yes, it’s confusing.

“The girls swam really well today, and we had a lot of really close races,” said Camas Head Coach, Mike Bemis. “But, we simply don’t have the numbers that Hanford has. We’re pretty happy that we have seven girls going to State next week. The girls have a lot to be proud of. We still won the District 4 title.”

The Papermakers got off to a great start in the 200 Medley Relay, narrowly winning with 1:53.17. Hanford placed second with 1:53.57. Union placed third. The Camas team included Mia Kamenko, Kristina Perian, Bailey Segall, and Paeton Lesser.

Walla Walla, Hanford, and Richland took the top three wins in the 200 Free. Walla Walla also came out top in the 200 IM, with Lesser placing second, and Mary Workman, of Richland, placing third.

The 50 Free event was ultra tight: Hanford’s Kodi Younkin (25.11); Heritage’s Meliah Franklin (25.17); and Camas’ Bailey Segall (25.22).

“I scored a personal best in the 50 Free,” said Segall. “I’m so happy right now.”

In the 100 Fly event, Union’s Abby Crowson won (59.96), and Segall would place second (1:01.00), earning a spot to compete at State next week. Hanford’s Carrie Moore placed third.

Papermaker Lesser won the 100 Free (54.71) with Heritage’s Meliah Franklin placing second, and Hanford’s Younkin rounding out the top three.

The 500 Free event was won by Hanford’s Regan Geldmacher (5:06.43). Walla Walla’s Laurel Skorina and Richland’s Bryn McGinnis rounded out the top three.

In the ultra competitive 200 Free Relay, Hanford edged out Camas by one second, setting a meet record (1:41.05). Union’s relay team placed third. Walla Walla’s Kyra Hartley earned the top spot in the 100 Back, with Battle Ground’s Jacqueline Ramsey, and Union’s Abby Crowson placing second and third, respectively.


100 Backstroke Event.

Union’s Avery Gunderson handily won the 100 Breastroke event (1:10.08) with Papermaker Kristian Perian placing second (1:12.04) and Hanford’s Haha Fathali placing third (1:15.27).

Hanford came out on top again in the 400 Free Relay (3:47.88) with Walla Walla and Camas finishing second and third, respectively.

Camas looks forward to sending seven athletes to State: five swimmers, and two divers. Bailey Segall, Paeton Lesser, Hope Yim, Kristina Perian, Mia Kamenko will swim, and sisters Shae and Lynn McGee will dive.

“We’re really happy with the results,” said Segall. “We have a good team, and we’re looking forward to State.”

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It’s an extra busy time these days as the City of Camas works on several major initiatives, including the upcoming mayoral appointment, the biennial budget (which includes funds for five new firefighters), researching land for a new aquatics complex, the general obligation bond, and new business licenses, among others.

Mayoral Appointment

While all of these initiatives are happening concurrently, the new mayoral appointment is a top priority, as it will guide the city’s direction. The September resignation of former Mayor Scott Higgins leaves the office vacant, and it will be filled by City Council appointment. Two internal candidates have officially applied for the job — City Councilors Shannon Turk and Melissa Smith — as well as Georerl Niles, who is Chair of the Camas Parking Commission (a volunteer position).

A 2011 city resolution requires the council to interview them all.

“We have seven on council and so the five remaining council members will decide who becomes the next mayor,”said Camas City Administrator, Pete Capell. “They will interview all the candidates with pre-prepared questions. We’ve always asked the candidates to sit in another room during their opponents’ interviews. They’re interviewed in public and then the council will go to executive session. They will work it out until a candidate has a majority.”

Applications were due Friday, October 26, and the special interview meeting is scheduled for November 14. There will be a public swearing-in at the council on November 19. The new mayor will complete the existing term, and then run again next Fall.

Once the mayor position is filled, a similar process will unfold for the vacant council seat, if the council selects one of the two council candidates.

Call 360.696.9877

Biennial Budget

“The biennial budget has been a long time coming, and it’s starting to solidify,” said Capell. “We got direction from council on their preferences. We know what we’re going to put together for public hearing. But, it’s always subject to change right to the end.”

By statute, the biennial budget has to be adopted the first week in December. Getting there, the city will hold a public hearing on November 19, and the council will act on the final budget on December 3.

The two outstanding issues are with the firefighters, and Capell said: “We’re really the only city in Clark County that doesn’t use utility taxes as a general funding measure. So there was discussion about using our reserves (because they’re healthy) but we can take 1 percent property tax levy and determine the millage rate and apply that to new construction and that becomes the new levy amount — it’s added to prior year’s levy. Or we could diversify our revenue to use the utility tax. The council doesn’t want the utility tax. We have a good understanding of what we need to do.”

The city is responding to public outcry about lack of firefighters so the new deal on the table is adding two new firefighter paramedics, two new firefighter EMTs, and one deputy fire marshall.

“Our partner in Washougal cannot afford their 40 percent share of those five positions, so we’re doing an addendum to our intra-city agreement,” said Capell. “Camas will pay for those five positions, and Washougal will make best effort to pay as soon as possible. The Fire Marshall’s office expense is $130,000 in first year, including the cost of a new vehicle. Salary and benefits total $92,000.”


Firefighter Josh Proctor addresses the Camas City Council on May 21.

Currently, the firefighter paramedics/EMTs will cost $459,000 in salary and benefits. The likely cost will go down to $400,000, Capell said.

“This is a different year because of the new construction, and the forecasts with new employers coming in,” Capell said. “These large capital projects, along with the sales tax increases. We’re in a better revenue position since I’ve been here — which is going on five years. Some of it is one-time money that enables us to buy a vehicle or new technology. We have a policy of maintaining 17 percent reserves in the budget, which is two months of operating budget. We’re looking at 29 percent at the end of this year. We’re pretty healthy. We’re hiring more people than we’ve ever added in any year. Part of it is we’re catching up. We’ve gone 20 years with few additions to staff. Adding two police officers, one police records clerk, an engineer, two people in streets. And two people in Parks maintenance over the biennium.”

New Pool Site

Given the closure of the Crown Park Pool, and diminishing public access to the Lacamas Athletic Club pool, the city has been under pressure to build a new pool complex to meet growing recreational, competitive, and health needs.

For the past couple of months, an advisory committee has been meeting to assess best venues and programs to build a new aquatics complex/community center. In those meetings, the committee has analyzed multiple sites and has narrowed down its search to two locations: a 7-acre site near Burger King off Highway 14 (not far from the Camas-Washougal Marina), and a 28-acre Georgia-Pacific Research and Development site on 6th Avenue (by Young’s Deli).

The city has been doing environmental reviews on the GP site, looking to validate if it’s worth public money to purchase the site, which will also help determine market value. There are utility costs, as well.

“It’s obviously tied to the community center because I think there are other public benefits to that site,” said Capell. “We would like to control redevelopment of the site so it’s good for the community in the long term. It’s connected to downtown and has a lot possibilities.”


General Obligation Bond

The city will be issuing bonds by end of November and has some of the property north of Lacamas Lake already in negotiations. Most of the money they will raise is being used to preserved forested land near the shore line along with open spaces, which amounts to 120 acres.

Explore How Camas Funds Fire Department in the Long Term

Camas is also looking at the current city service model to determine the the best way to manage the Fire Department. Because it’s a merged department with Camas and Washougal, they have a joint committee that is exploring funding options and seeks to update the intra-local agreement.

“There’s a large body of work looking into how we best deliver these services in the long term,” said Capell.

GP Donated Property

GP donated land by the two dams, a mill ditch and a couple of parcels that are off Washougal River near the mill property. It’s open space and Camas will be maintaining the dams once the transfer closes, and they will apply for grants for those donated properties. The plan is to fill the mill ditch and create a new pedestrian/bicycle route, which will create a nice connection to downtown.

“This is why I’m passionate about the GP site for the pool/community center,” said Capell. “It’ll connect several properties throughout downtown.”


Plans for the donates GP property.

Ordinance — A City of Camas Business License

Businesses in Camas do require a state license, but currently Camas doesn’t require a city business license. Having a business license would require the adoption of an ordinance to get it installed by 2020. It’s not a money maker, but will requite a nominal fee, that will the city a better understanding of what businesses are operating in Camas — to make sure sales tax generated in Camas doesn’t go to other places.

Car License Tab Fee

The City Council agreed to delay this until April 2019.

“I’m excited about the revenue generated from that,” said Capell. “It goes to two things: 1) Neighborhood traffic — to have funds to do some speed studies and fix local problems, and; 2) People are willing to pay more for road maintenance and road preservation.”

Camas, WA — Camas beat Skyview Friday night, but it didn’t come without a hefty price, given the injuries the Papermakers sustained — especially to starting QB/Safety/Kicker Andrew Boyle, who is scheduled for surgery today to treat ACL and Meniscus injuries.

During the second quarter, Boyle, who was involved in four touchdown plays already in the first half, carried the ball up the middle and was injured during a tackle by the Skyview defense. He went down in agony, laid on the field for several minutes, and was carried off to the sidelines by his teammates.

He was treated on the spot, then got up and wore crutches during the rest of the game. JV quarterback, Blake Asciutto stepped in, as backup QB, Jake Blair, was suffering from a plantar strain. He’s expected to play Friday against Union.

While in pain, Boyle was also visibly angry knowing the impact the injury would have on him, and his team.

“I felt my knee get hit, and I felt a pop,” he said. “And, it’s felt really unstable ever since.”

Kevin, his father, said Andrew spent the weekend resting, and then saw several specialists, including the Portland Blazers knee specialist, who is performing today’s surgery.

Being as versatile as Andrew is, he’s been recruited by colleges for both his football and soccer talent. His family is confident he’ll make a full recovery, but it will take time.

Asciutto said he was shocked by Friday’s events, but he delivered for the Papermakers, and said his team is rallying behind Andrew. They’re hoping and praying for a speedy recovery.

Papermaker Kenny Wright was also injured Friday with a hit to his knee. He was treated at the scene, has been resting, and his mother, Kristin, reports he’s recovering very quickly.

“He was so sad because he thought he was done for the season and maybe basketball,” said Kristin. “He felt his knee pop and was in a lot of pain. I actually can’t believe he is doing so well!”

Stay tuned for continued updates.

On October 22, the Camas Youth Advisory Council (CYAC) hosted a forum at Camas Theatre for political candidates vying for four separate offices — the third Washington Congressional District, Clark County Council Chair, and two Washington State Legislative Districts (18th, positions 1 and 2).

This article focuses on the responses between Republican State Representative Brandon Vick and challenger Democrat Chris Thobaben, who are running for the LD 18, position 1 seat in the Washington State House of Representatives. Vick is currently in his third term.

At the forum, each answered a series of questions composed by the CYAC students.

The council opened with a topic very real to students, asking the candidates if they believed the McCleary decision over educators’ salaries was a fix.

Vick affirmed that McCleary made sense, calling it a very good piece of legislation. He also said that salaries were funded as ordered, saying they gave a “big pot of money” to each district to distribute as they wished. Thobaben replied that McCleary was designed to be a fix, but that people did not realize its complexities. He emphasized that teachers are professionals and need to be paid as such.

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The next question addressed the levels of transparency in Legislature. Thobaben recalled being on the campaign trail and getting more calls from lobbyists than constituents. He called for complete transparency, saying he wished that everyone could watch as legislation is written to understand the process. Vick discussed looking at Senate Bill 6617, dealing with transparency in government, and how he decided that it was better than the preexisting bill. He also said there needs to be more flexibility in the matter, saying “Open and transparent makes sense to me.”

The third question addressed the second amendment and gun control. Vick was sure that the issue would be one going back and forth for years to come. However, he did not believe in denying one group of people a right. He also asserted that some people still hunt to eat, making guns a necessary tool. Thobaben said that responsible gun owners treat their weapons with respect, and that mass shooters have not been taught how to properly take care of arms. He also advocated for guns being locked up at all times to prevent easy access and avert potential disasters.

Both candidates thanked CYAC for putting together the forum. Thobaben closed with a call for young people to get involved in politics, and Vick ended with a promise to bring big companies and jobs to the area.

By Riley Kankelberg, Camas High School

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