We compiled a fun list of things that show you have lived in Camas for a while. How long have you lived here?
- You bowled at Riverside Lanes before Big Al’s entered the scene.
- You associate Gyro’s with Friday night Camas Varsity football games at Doc Harris Stadium.
- You never speed by the Fire Station on Parker Street because there’s usually a police officer there. Speed trap. You know where all the speed traps are.
- You know who Joe Papermaker the Mean Machine is, and you defend him when people make fun of the name.
- You know Lacamas Lake is disgusting but swim in it anyway during the warm summer months. Plus, you know where the tree rope is.
- You know a small order of fries at Top Burger will feed you and three of your friends just fine, but you order a large anyway. You also know fries at Top Burger taste even better with their ice cream.
- You know movies are just better at Liberty Theater, even with the old building smell (you get used to it after a few minutes).
- You remember when band concerts and performances were held at Garfield.
- The odor from the paper mill doesn’t faze you anymore.
- Going to the “beach” during the hot summer months means going to Cottonwood, aka BA Beach.
- You remember when the Camas Hotel was gross. It’s not anymore.
- Summer isn’t summer without a blizzard at Dairy Queen in downtown Camas.
- You did all your shopping at Sprouse Reitz in downtown Camas.
- You got your hair cut at Baldy’s (formerly next to Lily Atelier). Some refer to it also as Jack’s Barbershop.
- You know the original town’s name wasn’t “Camas.” Hint: Look at our magazine’s name.
We welcome you to add to this list. Just comment below.
To learn more about Camas, visit: http://www.cityofcamas.us