Tag Archive for: Camas

Camas, WA —  100+ Women Who Care Clark County will hold its first meeting Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at Salud! Wine Bar in Camas.

The idea behind the “giving circle” is to bring together women who are committed to donating $100 every three months. Those funds are then distributed directly to one nonprofit group nominated and voted upon by the members at the quarterly meeting.

“I’ve heard from so many inspired women that they want to do something and be involved in some way in giving back to their community, yet their time and funds are limited,” says 100+ Women Who Care founder Christie Ribary.

“We now have a simple mechanism to make a huge impact, but it requires very little in terms of time and dollar commitment. My goal in our first year is 100 members donating $100 four times a year, giving $40,000 to nonprofit organizations in Clark County.”

The group is open to all women. Teams are also welcome to split the cost. Members who attend and contribute at the gatherings are eligible to nominate local nonprofits to be considered for the quarterly donation.

Ribary’s mother, Cheryl Craig, will be speaking at Wednesday’s kickoff event. Craig started a 100+ Women Who Care in Boulder, Colorado, which has raised more than $100,000 for charitable causes. According to Ribary, there are 500 chapters around the nation.

The meeting takes place Wednesday, February 7 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Salud! Wine Bar in Camas. There is an optional social hour before the meeting from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. More information is available at www.100womenclarkcounty.com



This new group kicks off on February 7.

Everyone loves a wedding so we are especially excited to announce that for the First Friday in February, 2018, we will be hosting a wedding in Downtown Camas where everyone gets to be a part!!

It will be a “Wedding Affair to Remember”! Nick Calais and Tami Weidert—who are big First Friday attenders and ambassadors—will say “I do” in front of friends and family and the community is invited as well! Nick and Tami have been to each First Friday since April 2015 and have made so many friends and connections over the years. They have a true heart for our community and what First Fridays bring and they want to share the First Friday experience with all their friends and family—and want you to come, too!

The theme each February traditionally has been “A Chocolate Affair to Remember” so for Feb 2018 it will be “A Wedding Affair to Remember!”

It will be a giant downtown wide wedding celebration! The ceremony will be held at the Liberty Theatre at 2pm (community is invited!). Our Camas Mayor Scott Higgins will marry them. Tami will carry a paper bouquet (including toilet paper of course!) in honor of our town’s heritage. Cake Happy will provide the wedding cake and food from all the downtown restaurants will be served at an outside celebration with lighted tents, music, dancing, games and more! Your Party & Event Center is generously sponsoring the event. There will be wedding themed specials and activities all through town.


Photo courtesy of Downtown Camas Association.

A Wedding Show with local vendors will be set up in Journey Church, 304 NE 4th, from 5-8pm as part of the theme including Your Big Day (wedding dresses, tuxedos, honeymoon travel planning), truly scrumptious (wedding cakes and treats), blu box art (photography), Whispering Waters Farm (wedding event venue), Chickabloom Floral Studio (wedding bouquets and flowers), Whimsy Chocolates, Mandi MOON artistry (certified makeup artist), Your Party & Event Center (wedding rentals), Formal Flush (luxury portable restrooms) and more.

Even more amazing fun in the works for the Nick & Tami – The Wedding Affair to Remember!! Not only will there be the wedding, there will be treats too! truly scrumptious will provide an array of deliciousness throughout town. There will be four locations to choose from, the tent(which will be located on Cedar Street), Attic Gallery, Arktana and Journey Community Church – Brownies, cookies, rainbow krispy treats, marshmallow pops, Mini pies, Sea salt caramel apple pie, mini cupcakes and snack station and more! We can’t wait! #downtowncamaslove #hiphipcalais

For the passport activity in the evening from 5-8pm, merchants will have their wedding pictures in their shops and you get to guess the date of the wedding! There will be chocolates throughout town at merchants as well. The Liberty Theatre will show the classic film An Affair to Remember that weekend as part of the theme.

It is because of their heart and downtown engagement that we decided to do this for a First Friday event. An amazing way to celebrate two of our favorite downtown visitors and include the community in a big way! It’s going to be a First Friday to top all First Fridays and all are invited.

Information provided by Downtown Camas Association. Visit www.downtowncamas.com


Camas, WA — My sons looked at me funny when I told them I was attending Evening On Broadway instead of the hoops battle between Union and Camas Friday night. We’re a little short-staffed this week, so it was one or the other.

Sorry basketball players. We think you’re awesome, but we thought the choir needed some attention. We’ll get you all at the next game.

Watching these kids belt out some challenging songs, dance, act and entertain us was well worth the 2+ hours at Camas Theater. Led by Musical Director, Ethan Chessin, and accompanied by pianist Detelinka Dimitrova, “Evening On Broadway didn’t disappoint. Liz Borromeo was the choreographer.

Opening with the entire choir singing “The Circle of Life” as they walked among the audience onto the stage was dramatic, and it was introduced by actors Omar Shafiuzzaman and John Elder, who acted out a Muppet theme throughout the production — and it was their “Man or Muppet” performance mid-way that stole the show. They can sing, dance, and act.

See their entire performance on our YouTube page:

In total, the youth performed 26 songs from popular Broadway productions, such as “The Lion King,” “Newsies,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Funny Girl,” “Grease,” “La La Land,” and more.

It was refreshing to see the range of talent, and see kids who wrestle and swim for Camas sing a few tunes and dance their hearts out. It’s clear these kids have talents and gifts — and love to entertain.

We also have several clips from the performance at our Video Page. https://lacamasmagazine.com/video/

We can hardly wait for the next Camas play!

To learn more, visit www.chs.camas.wednet.edu

Broadway Photo Gallery

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Camas, WA — After months of public debate, deliberation, and research, the Camas City Council moved to demolish the 64-year-old Crown Park Pool Friday during its annual planning workshop at Lacamas Lake Lodge.

After Parks and Recreation Manager, Jerry Acheson, made his department’s final presentation on the issue, each council member addressed their concerns and opinions, and the consensus was to demolish the pool this year — to start looking toward the future of Crown Park — and to actively start planning to build a new aquatics/community center that can be used year-round (likely at a new location).

The decision ended months, if not years, of speculation about the aging pool’s fate. In 2000, the city spent $275,000 in major pool renovations and has spent tens of thousands in recent years on major repairs.

Six of the seven councilors openly advocated for a new aquatics/community center that would serve the greater community.

The motion to demolish gives the city’s Park and Recreation Department the direction to pursue demolition procedures, which will require finding a contractor, developing a plan, and presenting that demolition plan for the council to officially vote and move forward. Legally, the pool’s fate needed to be decided by May 2019, given Clark County ordinances that require unused public facilities, such as the pool, to be demolished or renovated.

“My preference is to start demolishing it,” said City Councilor, Bonnie Carter. “I would be geared toward doing that this summer. Sixty-four years is a good life cycle.”

City Councilor Shannon Turk concurred — “I agreed with demo-ing it. I prefer a new pool that helps the students. And it does need a community center built with it.”


From left: Camas Schools Superintendent Jeff Snell; City Administrator Pete Capell; City Councilor Shannon Turk; City Councilor Bonnie Carter; and City Councilor Steve Hogan.

The councilors acknowledged they need to move swiftly on this project so that the fate of the Crown Park master plan isn’t left in limbo. Although planning specifics about a water feature or re-development of the park were discussed, concrete plans are far from being decided.

“I’m not ready to make a firm commitment today,” said City Councilor Don Chaney. “Based on citizen input, I still feel an obligation to add a new safe place for people to swim. I don’t feel comfort in any option without knowing how to pay for it. I’m very concerned about debt service.”

City Councilor Melissa Smith said timing is critical about future plans — both for the park and to build a new aquatics/community center. She mentioned public comments from Wednesday’s Parks and Rec Commission meeting about the city not meeting the needs of a stellar swimming community that continues to grow and progress.

“I prefer some kind of a new pool, and I don’t believe Crown Park is the best location for a new community pool,” Smith said. “We need to support the swimming community. I like the idea of a splash pad for this park.”

City Councilor Greg Anderson said: “I like the recommendations made. I think we should choose a plan, do the proper funding, and then plan for a year-round aquatics center facility at a new location. I don’t want to spend any more money on the current pool. Let’s see where we want to go and then explore solutions.”

The council’s newest member, Deanna Rusch, said she learned a lot at Wednesday’s Parks and Rec meeting.

“The community wants a new pool,” said Rusch. “We have high-caliber swimmers and divers, and I would love to see a new pool here.”


Crown Park Pool.

City Councilor Steve Hogan advocated for the demolition, as well, but also said the city needs to move quickly to make sure the needs of the community are met without years of delay in new construction.

“As far as the fate of Crown Park,” said Hogan, “I could go either way with a leisure pool or a water feature. The Parks Board has done a lot of work, and we owe it to them to get something moving.”

His fellow councilors agreed about moving quickly to take care of community needs.

While the Parks and Rec Department moves forward with demolition planning, Peter Capell, the City Administrator said he will actively work with committees to plan for a new pool/community center, along with securing property, designs, partnerships and finance options.

Planning for the Crown Park, in general, is by no means set in stone. The council expressed interest in having more public forums and debates on how to proceed. Today’s actions simply allow the city to make demolition plans for the pool.

“We need to have many detailed discussions with Camas, Washougal and the Port of Camas-Washougal about an aquatics center resolution,” said Smith. “Let’s do this in the next six months.”

To learn more, visit www.cityofcamas.us

Photo Gallery

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CAMAS, WA — The Camas City Council is meeting today and Saturday for its annual planning conference at Lacamas Lake Lodge. The seven-member council and Camas Mayor, Scott Higgins, will meet today from 1-5 pm, and again Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm.

The workshop proceedings are open to the public, but there isn’t time set aside for public comment.

Today’s agenda:

Opening Statement (1 pm)

Crown Park Master Plan (1:30 pm)

Details: A presentation about the Crown Park Pool Assessment, as well as the preferred conceptual Master Plan for Crown Park.
Presenter: Jerry Acheson, Parks & Recreation Manager
Recommended Action: This item is for Council’s information and discussion.


Aerial view of Crown Park.

Citizen Relationship Management (CRM) System Overview (2:30 pm)

Details: A presentation about CRM, a tool for citizens and staff to place service requests and to track the work until it is completed. You will see how service requests can be made, the various types of service items and how the work can be monitored and tracked.
Presenter: Sherry Coulter, Information Technology Director
Recommended Action: This item is for Council’s information only.

Recordkeeping Refresher (2:45 pm)

Details: The City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk will be presenting some refreshers and reminders related to Open Public Meetings and Public Records. With ever-changing laws related to records management and governmental transparency, this will be a helpful reminder for both Council and Staff.
Presenter: Jennifer Gorsuch, City Clerk and Bernie Bacon, Deputy City Clerk Recommended Action: This item is for Council’s information only.

East County Fire & Rescue (ECFR) Functional Consolidation Discussion (3:30 pm)

Details: The Council and ECFR Commissioners have held workshops to discuss the possibility of a Functional Consolidation. The previous presentation material is attached for your review. Staff does not intend to discuss the presentation again, unless there are questions. This item will give the Council, ECFR Commissioners and Council Members from the City of Washougal the opportunity to discuss the proposal. Staff will provide a brief introduction, then turn it over to the elected officials.


Saturday’s Planning Agenda

The planning workshop will resume on Saturday.

Council Member Orientation (9:15 am)
Details: This is an orientation for new Council Members and a refresher for existing Council Members. The topics will include the role of a Council Member, Open Public Meetings, Public Records and a few other topics.
Presenter: Shawn MacPherson, City Attorney
Recommended Action: This item is for Council’s information only.

Community Survey Review (10:00 am)
Details: Staff will review the 2017 Community Survey results to assist Council in prioritizing needs from the Level of Service discussion.
Presenter: Pete Capell, City Administrator
Recommended Action: This item is for Council’s information only.

Strategic Plan – Level of Service (10:45 am)
Details: The presentation will begin with a demonstration of Open Performance, a tool that will demonstrate progress against measurable goals. Then each department will give a brief overview of its current level of service. Each department head will discuss the department’s level of service and measurements in more detailed presentation at future Workshops. It will take several months to complete all of the level of service presentations, so there will be a summary review after all of the presentations and staff will ask the Council Members to prioritize service levels in advance of developing the 2019-2020 City budget.
Presenters: Department Heads
Recommended Action: This item is for Council’s information only.

To learn more, visit www.cityofcamas.us



A well attended Parks and Recreation Commission meeting Wednesday night at Lacamas Lake Lodge was filled with varied opinions, emotional pleas, and ideas that demonstrated a city torn between preserving the local landmark, Crown Park Pool, and looking toward the future.

At issue is the 64-year-old Crown Park Pool, which is shut down because it doesn’t meet current health codes. At minimum, it would cost $300,000 to meet code, but that would only be a short-term band-aid. To get the pool functioning properly would cost the city $2.2 million — and it would still remain a summer pool that’s operational three months a year.

Parks and Recreation Commission President, Randy Curtis, said he was pleased with the 25-person turnout to view the proceedings.

“We’re pleased to have this kind of turnout,” he said. “The social media folks got a lot information out and that’s a good thing. Now we’re dealing with specific recommendations, and there will be time for public comments.”

Camas Parks and Rec Manager, Jerry Acheson, then presented the attendees with the Crown Park Pool history and master plan. He said the pool has undergone maintenance over the years, and that the public has responded to surveys on prospective plans.

The one consensus: The public wants some kind of pool.


Twenty-five people attended the Parks and Rec meeting.

He reviewed specific plans calling for a leisure pool, a water feature, and simply renovating the existing pool. What would the impact on traffic be at Crown Park with a new leisure pool? Not good, he said.

“We asked is this the right location for a new pool?” He said. “The answer was no. We thought ‘where would we build a new pool?’ Then we thought we should just focus on Crown Park. So, we reviewed adding a water feature and modernizing the park.”

After extensive research, Acheson said in November the commission recommended to City Council an option that Crown Park have no pool, but rather a new look and water feature. The cost: $3.2 million.

They also urged the council to start a new process to build a new pool in Camas — at a location not yet determined.

Pool — Public Comments

After Acheson’s presentation, 13 residents commented — and their opinions varied from building a new, state-of-the-art facility to preserving the Crown Park Pool. One thing was clear — there wasn’t enthusiasm for a water feature at Crown Park.

Colleen Purwins said she represented her daughter, Jacqueline, who’s a diver for Camas.

“My daughter wants a new pool facility with a 1-meter diving board so kids who want to learn how to dive can do so without having to train in Beaverton. She’s even willing to help out,” said Purwins.

Wayne Patterson advocated for a new pool and recreation center, and said he experienced the positive side of building such a facility in an Alaska town, where he lived previously.

Shannon Larson expressed her love of teaching kids how to swim.

”We can build a facility that can be profitable — or at least break even,” said Shannon Larson. “But what’s closest to my heart is to make sure that kids know how to swim …”


A Camas resident expresses her opinion.

Anastasia McDonnell advocated for the pool to stay, and doesn’t want a water feature.

”I want to preserve the current feel,” McDonnell said. “It’s the crown jewel of our town.”

Charity Feb said: “We love Crown Park Pool. It’s great to be able to afford this — to have it for the kids.”

Several others expressed similar sentiments — wanting to keep the pool and preserve the current look of Crown Park. Nobody was in vocal support of a water feature.

Niki Cantrell made a very emotional plea for a new state-of-the-art aquatic center.

”I have a swimmer,” Cantrell said. “For some kids, swimming is their only sport — it’s what they can do. We have a whole slew of kids in this town who travel extensively to compete, and I think this town needs an indoor/outdoor facility. We need to have something year-round so the whole community can enjoy it.”

City councilor Bonnie Carter reemphasized that “even if we have the money to repair it, just to meet code, the Crown Park Pool would still be closed for repairs this summer.”

Curtis said the city administrators heard from 20 residents via email on Wednesday alone advocating “for a new state-of-art pool.”

What’s next?

Curtis said the City Council will hear all public input from the meeting, along with recommendations, and they will decide how to proceed. Three city councilors were present at Wednesday’s meeting.

The City Council will meet this weekend at Lacamas Lake Lodge for their annual planning meeting to discuss this issue. The public is invited to attend, however, there is no opportunity for public comment.

To learn more, visit www.cityofcamas.us

Photo Gallery

Grove Field, Fern Prairie, WA — Personal pursuits and business demands are driving the present surge in East County aviation, according to pilot Neil Cahoon, and Port of Camas-Washougal Commissioner, John Spencer.

Cahoon, a retired Delta Airlines and military pilot, owns three planes and runs an annual private pilot ground school at Grove Field. The class itself is at capacity and is double the student size from 2017.

“Last year, we had eight students, this year we have 18,” said Cahoon. “And that’s our capacity. We need more instructors here in Clark County to meet the demand.”

The 12-week class is designed to teach the fundamentals of aviation, and is the beginning of the journey to become a private pilot. The ground class prepares students for the FAA Knowledge Test and then the Private Pilot Practical Exam. Following this phase, students are required to do a minimum of 40 hours of flight time to get a private pilot certificate.

While there’s no Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirement to attend a ground school, Cahoon said students benefit from this course by sharing the experience with like-minded individuals trying to achieve a goal. When the course is completed, students will have had 36 hours of class instruction, and hopefully at least one hour per week of personal study time.

Cahoon, who spent 13 years flying in the Air Force, ultimately became a commercial pilot for Northwest, which was purchased by Delta. He also spent seven years in the reserves. He retired from Delta in 2016. He’s flown the big planes, but he’s most fond of his 1946 Piper J3 Cub, which was purchased three years ago — which he flew from New York to Camas.


This 1946 Piper J3 Cub is owned by Neil Cahoon.



Ground training instructor, Neil Cahoon.

Most students in the class were there for personal pursuits.

“I do big things on my ten’s birthdays,” said student Patty Holt. “I’ve got another one coming up — so I want to fly a plan on my next big birthday.”

But, there’s also business interest that spiking the support for aviation. This is largely separate from the personal pursuits.

The Port of Camas-Washougal is currently developing an Airport Layout Plan (ALP), which would get Grove Field to meet all FAA safety requirements for its current traffic. The port oversees the air field.

“There are some good things about the ALP, but I do have some real concerns,” said Cahoon. “The north side properties (at the airport) have a unique arrangement with the Port of Camas-Washougal where they have perpetual access to their property. They own the north side taxi-way. When an airport becomes obligated with FAA funds, the Feds need a fence or barrier between public and airport property. They don’t like the type of access that is currently there. I don’t want to see their access impeded in any way, so that arrangement needs to be determined before we partner with the FAA,” said Cahoon.


This is a modified Glove Swift, owned by Charlie Hopkins. It has a constant speed propeller that turns counter clockwise.

Spencer, one of three Port of Camas-Washougal commissioners, said they are making plans so that the airport is viable for decades to come.

”We need to think in terms that we serve a greater community — not just Camas,” said Spencer. “We’re the only airport in East County, and we need to think about emergency preparedness. For example, Grove Field wasn’t usable during the recent fires. With an instrument approach, you could have used the airport.”

The ALP, said Spencer, is working toward these ideas:

  • 3,070 feet of runway, which gives the airport an instrument approach and meets FAA standards.
  • Increasing runway width from 40 feet to 60 feet.
  • Taxiways needs to be separated from the runway.
  • Clear trees by the airport’s west end.
  • Remove the mobile home park adjacent to the airport.
  • Purchase two acres from Johnston property (which is for sale) to extend air field.

“We’re the only airport in East County,” said Spencer. “To meet growing business demand, we need to expand. Getting freight in and out of Camas will become more important , plus the airport is at a great location to serve the community during a crisis, such as a major earthquake.”

If the ALP was approved and enacted today, it would take four or five years to break ground and begin construction. The ALP alone requires 18 months of review, then there’s the Environmental Impact Statement, and the Graphic Information System Survey (GISS). The Port would need to apply for an FAA grant, which would cover 90 percent of the estimated $15-20 million cost. The remaining 10 percent comes from the State and the Port itself.

To learn more, visit @cwaagrovefield on Facebook or www.portcw.com

Aviation Photo Gallery

CAMAS, WA — When you get your carpet cleaned, it always feels good to get those dirty spots and stains off, but did you know there are also some additional health benefits?

Ammon Child, owner of the Heaven’s Best Carpet Cleaning franchise for the past 19 years in Clark County (based in Camas), has a few things to say about his company’s process.

“We want everyone to know that besides getting a clean carpet, there are some great additional health benefits, as well,” said Child. “We use a natural cleaning solution, which is water and citrus-based extract that dries in an hour. It’s a process that’s easy on your carpet — and the environment.”

In other words, no chemicals or residue left in your home. Their carpet cleaning also helps control allergens.

He said the quick dry means your carpet isn’t getting flooded, so it’s not doing any damage to the pads underneath. There’s not much waiting time until you can walk on your comfortable floor. Their technicians can operate around your furniture so there’s no need to do any heavy lifting — unless requested.

Child recommends that you get your carpets cleaned annually if you just have regular traffic in your residence, however, if you have pets he recommends cleaning twice a year.

Heaven’s Best offers the following additional services:

  • Upholstery cleaning
  • Tile and grout cleaning
  • Inspection, spot dying and repair
  • Carpet and fabric protection
  • Commercial services
  • Window cleaning

Their company is highly involved in the local community — Child’s wife, Kari, works for Camas school, daughter Madison attends Camas High School and runs Cross Country (ran with the State XC team), and son Lucas is in middle school.

To learn more, visit www.myheavensbest.com or call 360.606.2707 for a free estimate.



Winter here can wreak havoc on our rooftops, and sometimes a little leak can lead to severe damage — that’s where Gresham Roofing and Construction comes in.

The locally-owned company, which does 30 percent of their business in Clark County, was established in 1968, and was purchased several years ago by Camas resident, Jason Coe, whose children attend Camas High School. Coe is an active supporter of Camas athletic teams, and provided the food at one of the recent Papermaker football unity dinners.

“I really believe in supporting Camas and all that it has to offer,” said Coe. “This is our home and we want to do everything we can to keep it an amazing place to live and raise our family.”

His company also has an amazing crew.

From time to time, you may see Josh Nisbett and Andy Garcia working on a roof. The two work together frequently and ensure homeowners are fully comfortable and aware of the work they’re doing.

“This is your home,” said Nisbett, “and when we come to your house we explain everything upfront and answer any questions. Then, we do our best to get the work done before you come home from work. Aside from having a much better roof, you won’t even know we’re there.”


Josh Nisbett and Andy Garza.

Whether you need a full replacement or a simple patch work, Coe’s team offers a full range of services:

  • Residential and steep slope roofing: Shingling, complete re-roofing, custom tile repairs, green roof design and installation, inconspicuous solar panel installation.
  • Roof maintenance and repair: Fixing everything from minor leaks to major damage.
  • Construction services: Need a new deck? Door or window replacement? What about a new shed in preparation for Spring?
  • Commercial and low slope roofing: Providing roofing solutions that help lower energy costs at your business. They work to understand your unique situation.

Gresham Roofing and Construction is fully licensed, bonded and insured — and they hold one of the best safety records in the industry.

If you think your roof may have a problem, or maybe it’s just time to replace it, please call Gresham Roofing and Construction at 503.512.5730. You can also visit www.greshamroofing.com

Camas, WA —  Following a detailed November 2017 inspection by the Clark County Public Health Department, it was determined that the Crown Park Pool in Camas would require more than $300,000 of significant repairs and equipment replacement to meet code requirements.

Given that information, the Camas City Council on January 2 opted to not open the pool this year.

City officials have been working with some proposed concepts with the Crown Park Master Plan, which was shown to the public last summer.

“We are planning on moving forward with something,” said Camas City Administrator, Pete Capell. “The pool is 60 years old and we’ve been discussing for some time replacement options. We’ve discussed a splash pad at Crown Park, and there’s the option to build a new pool at a different location. Possibly a community center with a pool, work out area, meeting rooms and the ability to host events.”

He noted a new state-of-the-art facility may be too expensive for Camas and Washougal — even if it was a joint venture.

”We can explore having a private partner in there that might be able to do something, so that’s also in the works,” said Capell.

The Camas City Council will address how to handle the issues with the Crown Park Pool at their Annual Planning Conference on January 26 and 27 at the Lacamas Lake Lodge. The meeting begins at 1 pm on January 26, and at 9 am on January 27. Those sessions are open to the public.

City Councilor Deanna Rusch said the full agenda for the two-day session will be available online by January 24. Visit  www.cityofcamas.us for details.

“We know the pool is full of meaning and memories for our Camas community,” said the City of Camas on their website. “Our hope is to provide continued opportunities for summer outdoor fun, whether at Crown Park or elsewhere. Please stay tuned!”

City Councilor Bonnie Carter said the city does understand that citizens desire an aquatics facility of some sort.

“Council voted roughly 10 years ago to put repair funds into the pool, which extended its life expectancy,” said Carter. “The repair cost today is much more with no guarantee that we would get more than one summer. It was a tough decision not to open the pool this year but as one door closes, another opens, and I feel confident the plan to add a splash pad and amphitheatre will be a great addition to Crown Park. There may be an opportunity to partner with another entity to build a pool, but that’s only talk at this point.”


Zach Macia at a recent competition. He’s a member of the State Championship winning Camas Swim Team.