Camas, WA — The Downtown Camas March First Friday begins March 2 at 5 pm and it’s recommended you pick up a “green” passport and activity list at Journey Church, which is located 304 NE 4th Avenue.
First Friday’s “Go Green!” theme includes Lucky leprechauns, Eartha the Clown, a “Green Zone” featuring local green schools, green businesses and non-profits that care for the environment, and the wearing of the green will all be a part of this fun event. The event runs from 5-8 pm.
Camas Gallery will feature local artists Heidi Curley and Tom Relth, who will perform a Collaborative Duo.
The two artists will stand face-to-face with easels between, working on to two large canvas/panels.
”I’m excited to see what the final product will be,” said Curley. “Every 15 minutes we will switch back and forth and will do that throughout the whole evening. We want people to come and talk to us.”
Camas Gallery spokesperson said, “We are excited to watch as the artists’ works unfold. It will be a very fun and engaging evening.”
The works will be for sale and will hang in the gallery for the month of March.
Here is a list of all the events happening downtown for First Friday:
- Eartha the Clown and her cockatoo “Major” will be here to meet families, take pictures, and do education about the environment. 5:30-7:30 pm, walking around town if the weather is nice or near the DCA table at Journey Church, 304 NE 4th.
- “Find the Lucky Leprechaun”: Each participating merchant will have a “lucky leprechaun” in their business, and for every leprechaun you find, you receive a prize ticket to be entered to win “green” prizes and more from the merchants. Lucky leprechaun “passports” can be found in participating stores and at the DCA table in Journey.
- Wander through the “Green Zone” at Journey Church and learn how easy it is to make this world a greener place with fun educational kid-friendly activities and giveaways provided by local nonprofits. The nonprofits include Master Gardeners, Waste Connections, Camas Farmer’s Market, World Vision, WRAP (Wrap Recycling Action Program), EOCF (Educational Opportunities for Children & Families), and Clark County Public Health including Master Composters. Camas High School “Green Team” will be there doing fun recycled art activities with the kids. The Green Team advisor is Ali Coker who has been named a 2018 Green Award Winner by Clark County for excellence in “green” education. Miranda and Ian from Mandi MOON Artistry will there to do leprechaun and shamrock airbrush tattoos!
- Second Story Gallery – “Chasing Iceland” is the name photographer Daniel Ionashku gives his new show at Second Story Gallery. Join them for a photography unveiling from 5-8 pm, see Iceland through the eyes of Ionashku.
Attic Gallery – Will feature an art show “All About Horses” with new pastel paintings by Janey Belozer (who will be attending the Opening Reception), Mike Smith, Anna Wiancko-Chasman and Carol Grigg. - Elida Art Studio & Gallery will feature Katelyn Rediske, a Senior at Camas High School, who has explored some pretty intense themes and topics that teenagers struggle with in a creative way by using her “pop art” style of painting. This is a solo show and is part of her Senior Class Project. Make time to visit the studio.
- “Ribbon Cutting Party” at 5 pm for Vancouver Laser Skin Care Clinic, including refreshments, giveaways and prizes. 715 NE 5th Ave. Come see all that they do here!
- Merchants will have “green lists” in their windows showing all the ways our downtown businesses care for the environment.
- “Green” Kids’ crafts at the DCA tables!
- Customers wearing green get an extra prize ticket—if they wear a green hat, they get three!
For every $10 spent in downtown you get a ticket to enter to win.
To learn more, visit