Tag Archive for: Camas

Camas, WA — The Downtown Camas Association has been designated as an Accredited Main Street America™ program for meeting rigorous performance standards. Each year, Main Street America and its partners announce the list of Accredited programs to recognize their exceptional commitment to preservation-based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach™.

“We are very proud to acknowledge this year’s 862 Accredited Main Street America programs, and their steadfast dedication to nurture economically and culturally vibrant downtown districts,” said Hannah White, Interim President & CEO of Main Street America. “The increase in the size and impact of our network speaks volumes to the power of the Main Street movement to respond to the needs of local communities and drive innovative solutions.”

In 2022, Main Street America programs generated $6.2 billion in local reinvestment, helped open 7,657 net new businesses, facilitated the creation of 29,174 net new jobs, catalyzed the rehabilitation of 10,688 historic buildings, and leveraged 1,528,535 volunteer hours. On average, for every dollar that a Main Street program spent to support their operations, it generated $24.07 of new investment back into their downtown communities.

Collectively, 2 million people live or work within the boundaries of designated Main Street America districts. An estimated workforce of 1.1 million people contribute their skills and expertise to advancing the missions of these historic downtowns and commercial corridors.

Downtown Camas Association’s performance is annually evaluated by Washington Main Street, which works in partnership with Main Street America to identify the local programs that meet national performance standards. To qualify for Accreditation status, communities must meet a set of rigorous standards that include commitments to building grassroots revitalization programs, fostering strong public-private partnerships, nurturing economic opportunity for small businesses and entrepreneurs, and actively preserving historic places, spaces, and cultural assets.

Downtown Camas

In 2022, The Downtown Camas Association (DCA) saw over $475,000 in private investment in downtown building upgrades, 4 new businesses and 6 business expansions, record attendance at First Friday events, and 3083 recorded volunteer hours. Ridgeline lighting upgrades and installations were organized and funded by the DCA on 26 downtown buildings enhancing the evening aesthetic that Downtown Camas is well known for, earning a State Excellence on Main Award. The Downtown Camas Bench Program was launched, 64 flower baskets provided vibrant color throughout downtown, and a stunning new student mural on the Camas Antiques building was completed thanks to mentorship by the DCA and local artist Anna Norris. For further information on DCA impacts, see downtowncamas.com/dca

“We are very proud and honored to be a part of the Main Street America Community,” says Carrie Schulstad, Executive Director of the Downtown Camas Association. “We consider the standards that are held by Main Street America to be the ones that help guide our organization to reach the heights that will truly help our community be healthy, strong and sustainable. Having methods that are proven and a network of people and resources to reach out to as needed are invaluable. The DCA has been accredited through Main Street America since 2017 and they consistently offer new, relevant learning opportunities and are conducting and reporting community research to help us all grow.”


The Downtown Camas Association (DCA) works year-round to strengthen and promote Downtown Camas through partnerships, events, beautification and historic preservation projects, economic development, advocacy, and tourism functions. The DCA is a 501c3 nonprofit Main Street program founded in 2009 and is proud of the economic, social and cultural strength in Downtown Camas that has developed due to downtown revitalization efforts. For more information on the DCA and its initiatives, visit www.downtowncamas.com.  

Written by Downtown Camas Association.

Camas, WA—  Members of Camas Education Association (CEA) voted Thursday to ratify a new two-year deal, ending a strike that lasted seven days that is causing a rippling effect in the school calendar.

Teachers went back to the classroom Friday.

Camas School District (CSD) negotiated with the CEA that class sizes will be reduced over the next two years to between 21-24 students for elementary students, and secondary school sizes are supposed to shift to having a baseline and maximum sizes for each class.

The new deal also sought equity in PE, music and arts funding across CSD schools, and the agreement “establishes a resource fund that is distributed on a per-student basis” that goes up to $140,000 during the 2025-26 school year.

A teacher raise was also agreed upon. In this school year, their pay will increase by 6.4 percent and another 6.6 percent in the 2024-25 school year. Union officials wanted 8.9 percent, and the District said publicly that 5.7 percent was their final and best offer. 

“Quick Summary: Two year contract with salary increase spread out over those two years,” said Shelley Lee, a Camas teacher, and former CEA President. “Phased in classroom reductions over next two years. Letter of agreement for three years for earmarked money for PE, health, library, and music. Lots more to the overall CBA but those were the three sticking points at the end. Overall I think CEA feels like this contract is fair and moves us forward. It’s time now to work together to pass the next levy which will continue to benefit our students.”

The debate ended, but lingering hurt feelings may there a while. 

“We’re tired,” said Mark Gardner, a Camas teacher. “This never should have happened, and we should have started negotiating with the District in March, not May.”

During the process, the school board voted to authorize legal action against the teachers if the strike lingered. And, it was the end of a very challenging first year for Camas Superintendent John Anzalone, who also oversaw budget cuts in the Spring.

“This contract reflects our shared dedication to providing the best possible educational experience for our students,” Anzalone said in a statement after the deal was ratified. “Our teachers are not just educators; they are mentors, role models, and often, beacons of stability for our students. Their love for teaching and their unwavering dedication to their students are the very qualities that excite me for our students’ futures and the future of our district.”

Camas, WA — The Camas School District and the Camas Education Association have come to a tentative agreement. Pending ratification of the agreement tomorrow, school is expected to resume on Friday, September 8.

Here’s the statement from Camas Superintendent John Anzalone:

Dear Camas Community,

We are happy to share that the Camas Education Association (CEA) and our district have tentatively agreed on a new, two-year collective bargaining contract. On behalf of our more than 1,000 staff members, we are excited to welcome back our students on Friday, September 8, 2023, subject to ratification of the contract tomorrow.

We want to express deep appreciation for our dedicated teachers and the negotiation teams who worked tirelessly to reach an agreement that reflects our shared commitment to our students’ well-being and educational experience.

The first day of school is always a special time, filled with anticipation and the promise of new opportunities. Thank you for your continued support, trust, and partnership. 

Together, we create an environment where our students can thrive and succeed.

We wish you and your family a fantastic start to the

school year.

John Anzalone

Camas Gallery together with Pike Art Gallery will be hosting the newly renamed “Marquita Call Memorial Plein-air Event of Camas” on Friday, September 1, 2023. Marquita Call, owner of Camas Gallery and founder of the annual Plein-air art event, passed away unexpectedly on August 29th. 

“Our community is still reeling from the news of Marquita’s death,” said Liz Pike, local artist and longtime friend of Marquita. “Marquita was loved by all who knew her. Since opening her Camas Gallery in 2010, she quickly became the unofficial Mayor of Camas because of her passion for the city and its residents. Having grown up in Camas, she was a living history book for the town. Her quick wit, million dollar smile and can-do attitude touched the lives of so many. Camas residents and visitors alike were welcomed as family, once inside Marquita’s Camas Gallery.” 

Pike noted it is both fitting and necessary to rename the event to honor Call. According to Pike, Call was a driving force to reignite fine art in downtown Camas. Undaunted by the Great Recession, Call marched ahead to open what would become the most popular art gallery in town. 

“Through her work at the gallery, Marquita helped launch the successful art careers of many local artists,” said Pike. “With grit and grace, she was a one-woman, non-stop promoter of local artists and the arts in our community.” 

Marquita founded the Plein-air art event several years ago to help connect the Camas community to local art. Since its humble beginnings, more and more artists participate each year on the first Friday of September. Marquita believed such an event would attract people to downtown Camas and help struggling merchants during those lean times of the economic downturn.

Participating local artists will take to the streets beginning at 9 am to paint the town this Friday, September 1st. Artists must start and finish their respective plein-air art between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm on September 1. Beginning at 4 pm, artists will move their easels and finished art to the sidewalk area in front of Camas Gallery, 408 NE Fourth Avenue, where the public may view all of the finished art in one location. As in past years, the community will have an opportunity to vote for their favorite finished work of plein-air art and also purchase any of the pieces for a flat rate of $200 each from 5 pm to 7:30 pm on Friday, September 1st. 

Proceeds from the sale of all plein-air pieces will be split between the selling artist and Camas Gallery. 

Artists may pick up an application form to participate in the newly named “Marquita Call Memorial Plein-air Event of Camas” at Camas Gallery, 408 NE Fourth Avenue or at the Pike Art Gallery at the corner of Sixth Avenue and Birch Street in #UptownCamas, 302 NE Sixth Avenue. All artist applications must be returned with a $10 entree fee to Camas Gallery no later than 9 am on September 1st. 

For more information or questions about the plein-air event, contact Liz Pike at 360.281.8720. 

Camas School District Superintendent John Anzalone announced Sunday evening that Camas schools will be closed Monday.

This is his letter:

Dear Camas Community,

Camas Education Association (CEA) has informed our district that there will be no school tomorrow. They are striking.

Today, CEA presented a comprehensive proposal with higher than previously requested salary increases as well as lower than previously requested class sizes. Our district’s bargaining team is disappointed that CA is regressing.

Our district has presented its last, best, and final offer. In it, we offered to raise salaries in 2023 by 5.7% and in 2024 by 5.9%. Our district’s proposal would make CEA teachers among the highest-paid educators in the region. Our highest-paid teachers would earn over $118.363 in 2023-24 and $124,991 in 2024-25.

Conversely, CEA’s request puts the highest-paid salaries from $121,653 for 2023-24 up to $129,746 for 2024-25.

CEA’s request in its third year of the contract would put the highest-paid teachers at $135,886.

The latest information is available on our Labor Relations website.

We are incredibly disappointed in the outcome of these negotiations.


John Anzalone

Statement from CEA: “Because Camas School District was unwilling to invest in students, CEA members will strike beginning Monday, Aug. 28, the first day of student instruction. Bargaining broke off for the day today (Sunday, Aug. 27) after the district refused to make commitments to reasonable class sizes or equitable funding for music, PE, and libraries. The district is instead stockpiling nearly 1 out of every 5 student dollars, amassing $15 million in the bank while student needs are unmet. Educators are meeting tonight (Sunday, Aug. 27) to make final preparations for picketing in the morning.”

More to come.

While late negotiations between the Camas Education Association (CEA) and Camas School District (CSD) bargaining teams continue, educators and community members rallied Friday at 11:30 am for about 45 minutes to have their voices heard. Both sides are working today to iron out a tentative agreement that would avoid a teacher’s strike on Monday, August 28, the first day of the new school year.

Rally supporters heard from CEA President Marci Zabel, the union’s Vice President, Michael Sanchez, as well as among others. Lacamas Magazine also spoke to former CEA President Shelly Lee.

The CEA voted this week to authorize a strike if a tentative agreement isn’t reached by August 28, which is the first day of school. 

“Both CEA and our district negotiation teams are hard at work finding solutions that provide needed supports for students and staff, as well as competitive, sustainable compensation. It is our fervent hope that we can solidify an agreement as soon as possible,” said Dr. John Anzalone, Camas Superintendent.

The CEA claims the District is holding $16 million in reserves that aren’t being used to help students.  Earlier this year, the Camas School Board voted to use $8.5 million in reserve funding, which helped offset Spring layoffs. 

So, how much reserves does CSD have?

The $8.5 million spend down of reserves started this year:

  • 2022-23: $3.0M 
  • 2023-24: $2.7M
  • 2024-25: $2.8M, with an anticipated 8% minimum fund balance.  

CSD will end the current fiscal year on August 31, 2023, with a fund balance of 10.3 percent ($12.8M). And, many teachers who were laid off were able to be hired back.

“Most of the teachers who received reduction in force notices (RIF) in the spring shifted to other positions in the district based on seniority and teaching endorsements,” said Doreen McKercher, CSD Communications Director. “We then hired a few positions back after the legislative session was completed, and we were allocated additional funding.”

FRIDAY’S VIDEO REPORT: https://youtu.be/SYCSgkfeeUw?si=mN8k9LiWLF0gJnxe

CEA seeks the following:

Lower Class Sizes: Proposing lower class sizes in key areas, such as Kindergarten. The CEA says Camas School District (CSD) returned their proposal by suggesting schools raise class numbers for grades 4 and 5. CEA is proposing teachers get compensated for exceptionally large classes at all secondary levels in order to discourage creating huge classes.

Camas High School teacher, Tom Sawyer, says his classes are typically 38-40 students, which he says is “hard to manage.”

Cost of Living Allowance, or COLA: CEA wants CSD to honor the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which has been in their contract for three years, and was bargained for in 2020. CEA says “… the District wants to switch to the Implicit Price Deflator (IPD). Last year, CPI (5%) was lower than IPD (5.5%) and CEA didn’t push back.” 

CSD is offering a 4.7% COLA at this time. CEA is asking for more (an exact amount has not been given).

McKercher confirmed: “It is 4.7% on salary, increased Professional Development, and an extra ½ day for training on Qmlative. (Qmlativ is the student information system that is replacing Skyward next summer.)”

Consistent Language around Work Hours: CEA wants their contract  to include clarity around fundamental information such as work day start and end times. CEA says “This would also help to ensure equitable experiences across all of our buildings. Having reasonable and realistic start and ending times supports effective collaboration and preparation for our students.”

Manageable Student Caseloads: CEA proposes caseloads that allow Special Education teams to effectively provide student support and additional inclusive opportunities.

Protect Curriculum Planning Time: CEA says CSD wants to take away several additional Wednesday planning periods. 

“No, our District has proposed giving teachers more prep and collaboration time, and the parties have reached a tentative agreement on this issue,” said McKercher.

CEA says: “While this impacts all members, it comes at the highest cost to our elementary members. Our highly educated and experienced educators need time to plan, create essential lessons, and collaborate with peers to best serve all students they serve.”

Equitable Funds for Student Resources: CEA says CSD has an obligation to invest in student programs, but they’re leaving distribution of funds for music, library, and PE at principals’ discretion. That means students have wildly different experiences in these classes. CEA wants these funds to be distributed equitably among buildings and programs.

The general fund budget for the District  is $119.9 million for the 2023-24 school year.

Lacamas Magazine will provide updates as these negotations continue.


Bridge Beyond, a new band featuring Jason Ingram and Steve Dole, is performing live in front of Nuestra Mesa this Friday, August 4 from 5- 8 pm.

Ingram, a local firefighter and longtime Camas resident, set aside his music career for 20 years to raise his sons, teamed up with Dole to collaborate. Dole plays guitar, while Ingram does vocals, piano, and guitar.

“I was working as a musician in the 90s, put out an album and even had air time on the radio,” said Ingram. “As a two piece, we are doing a lot of harmonies, and we are doing an acoustic set. This is a unique sound for what we’re playing. Music is what I’ve been my whole life, and I need to get back into it.”

The name, Bridge Beyond, has a lot of connotations. It’s a bridging of two people from different ages, and also relating to people and connecting with others through music. Bridge Beyond, Ingram says, is symbolic is that there is no end to what their music together can do to connect people.

Camas, WA — Incumbent Camas mayor Steve Hogan announced this week that he is seeking a second term. Hogan won the November 2021 election to finish the term of Barry McDonnell, who resigned earlier that year. He now seeks a full four-year term which would begin in January 2024.

“We’ve accomplished a lot in a short time,” Hogan said, “but there’s much more work to do.” 

Hogan cites several accomplishments in his short tenure, including:

  • Protecting Camas’ natural resources by completing plans for North Shore Subarea and Lacamas Lake
  • Repairing key partnerships with local businesses and schools
  • Strengthening public involvement and reinstitution a culture of empowerment, transparency, accountability and public service
  • Earning awards for safety, affordability and public budgeting, and a Global AAA bond rating from Standard & Poor’s

Hogan’s campaign has made his experience in both business and government key focuses. Camas’ mayor acts as CEO, managing more than 280 employees and a $125 million budget. Hogan has over 40 years in private sector business management, 16 years on Camas City Council, and two years as Camas mayor.

Another focus is partnerships. 

“Steve’s a team builder,” says former mayor Nan Henriksen, who endorses Hogan and chairs his re-election advisory committee. “He brings people together to get things done—important things the city can’t do all on its lonesome.”

A third focus is his vision for Camas’ future. 

“My vision for the next four years,” Hogan says, “is for a safe, livable and thriving city—not just for today, but for future generations.” 

Hogan, a 29-year Camas resident, is proud that both his children chose to raise their own families here, a few short blocks from the house he and his wife, Mary Beth, call home.

Other priorities include protecting Camas’ parks, trails and green spaces; implementing the North Shore, Lacamas Lake, and Downtown Camas Comprehensive plans with open, transparent public involvement processes; continuing to diversify and expand the city’s revenue base with balanced, sustainable development; and ensuring that Camas remains an open, inclusive community with a hometown feel.

To learn more, visit his campaign website, www.ElectSteveHogan.com.

Camas, WA —  For the 29th year, Camas Parks & Recreation is set to host the popular Summer Concerts in the Park series in Crown Park, with a few additional musical performances popping up at other venues. Our Summer Concerts offer family-friendly performances in a variety of musical styles.

The free Summer Concerts in the Park will take place Thursdays in July, with concerts taking place the 13 and 20 from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm at Crown Park, located at 120 NE 17th Ave.

On Thursday, July 27, the music turns into a fun DJ/radio format to kick off the celebration at the Riverside Skatepark Grand Re-opening.  Additional pop-up concerts will take place August 8 at Crown Park and August 15 at Fallen Leaf Lake Park.

Pa’Lante with their fiery salsa and Latin jazz will be the featured show July 13.  On July 20, Shades of Huey brings your favorite Huey Lewis and the News music to the stage. Then, July 27, we move to the Riverside Skatepark to celebrate the re-design and grand re-opening with SameWave Radio (special time from 4- 7 pm.).  August 8 will take us to Crown Park to hear The June Bugs for their crowd-loving high energy pop music blended with a folksy sound.  And, if you loved attending last year’s concert at Fallen Leaf Lake Park, we’ll be returning there August 15 with the 4 Kings playing their soul-jazz and groove sounds.

Natalia’s Too! food concession will be available at most of the concerts.  You can support your local restaurants by purchasing take-out meals from a variety of Downtown Camas restaurants or from Top Burger, located across the street from the park.  Picnic dinners are always welcome. 

The Summer Concerts in the Park series is coordinated by Camas Parks and Recreation.  The concerts are offered to the public for free due to the generous support and sponsorships from Riverview Community Bank and Camas Parks Foundation.  

No alcohol, dogs or other animals are allowed in the park.  For concert details, closer to the events, visit www.cityofcamas.us/parksrec and click on “Special Events.”

Camas, WA – The organizers of First Fridays in Downtown Camas are excited to bring you a new and colorful First Friday theme for August. “Camas Comic Con” will take place on August 4, 5 pm-8 pm and will celebrate fandom of many different pop culture phenomena for an evening of photo ops, cosplay, special guests, games, art, crafts, interactive activities and more. Fandom will include comics, sci-fi, cosplay, anime, Disney, fantasy, and everything in between. If you are a fan of it, it counts! This free event has something for all ages and is organized and hosted by the Downtown Camas Association(DCA). 

Start your evening at the DCA tables inside Journey, 304 NE 4th to pick up your Camas Comic Con Passport & Activity list. The first 500 people to check in will receive a free Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters comic book, donated by local PDX comic publisher Oni Press. Family friendly costumes are highly encouraged for this event. Attendees will each get a Comic Con Costume bingo card to try to complete throughout the evening, with categories like Marvel, DC, Disney, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Star Trek, Anime and more. Secret costume judges will be wandering throughout downtown, giving out chances to win a special prize to those who go above and beyond with their Comic Con cosplay attire.

The PDX Ghostbusters, a donation-based charity cosplay group, will be hosting a slime-making activity for kids of all ages. This activity has been generously sponsored by 4Ever Growing Kids Children’s Consignment Boutique. PDX Ghostbusters will also be bringing their Ecto-1S, a replica of the car used in the Ghostbusters movies. Find the Ghostbusters from 5pm-8pm outside 4Ever Growing Kids at 440 NE 4th.

Other Camas Comic Con First Friday activities include:

  • “Fandom Fun!” Passport Activity with fandom trivia and puzzles throughout downtown businesses–enter to win prizes for every location you visit.
  • Collectible Lanyards for the first 300 people to check in. These 2023 Camas Comic Con lanyards and badges are sponsored by these downtown businesses: 4Ever Growing KidsMandi MOON ArtistryThe Wild HairPNW Financial ConciergeSweet Intention Gift BoutiqueLiveWell Camas and Juxtaposition.
  • Speed Pin Trading sponsored by the DCA inside the lobby at Fuel Medical from 5pm-7pm or while supplies last. Participants will each receive 5 free fandom pins to start and will check out new pins on 10 different display boards—you will have 30 seconds at each board to trade a pin or pass!
  • Light Saber Lessons and comic book art activity from the talented people at Torchsong Entertainment
  • Kawaii Doodle Challenge–learn to draw a “Kawaii” (Japanese for cute) style doodle and get a free chibi style Joe Papermaker sticker, designed by local artist and recent WHS graduate Stella Van Horn
  • Selfie Stations throughout downtown, with themes like Marvel, Pop Art, Disney, and more
  • Checkout the new “Book Bike” brought to us for this event from the Camas Public Library
  • Wandering Photo Ops with the  501st Star Wars Legion of Oregon
  • FREE themed Kids’ Craft at LiveWell Camas, 417 NE Birch, from 5-8pm with Girl Scout Troop #47503 
  • Art Shows & Receptions at Attic Gallery, 421 NE Cedar; Camas Gallery, 408 NE 4thPike Art Gallery, 302 NE 6th; and the Second Story Gallery, 625 NE 4th
  • Shopping and Dining Specials throughout Downtown Camas 

“The excitement for the first Camas Comic Con themed First Friday is palpable in Downtown Camas!” says Leah Nichelson, Event and Project Manager for the DCA. “Every First Friday invites people to dress up, but we can’t wait to see creativity come alive with people cosplaying as superhero, Disney, Star Wars, Star Trek, anime, and other possibly unexpected pop culture characters! Merchants will offer later shopping hours, and event goers can enjoy special one night only outdoor dining at certain downtown restaurants, all while celebrating the fandoms that bring them joy.”

First Fridays are family-friendly themed Art, Activities, Dining, and After-Hours Shopping events coordinated by the DCA each month to bring the community together and to help the town thrive. For all the information, visit https://downtowncamas.com/event/camas-comic-con and www.facebook.com/camasfirstfriday. To sign up for the weekly DCA newsletter, visit https://downtowncamas.com/newsletter-signup