In Camas, we have an incredible opportunity to elect a leader who will sit across the table from you. Senator Rivers has been in the Senate eight years but still goes out knocking on doors. She leaves her phone number on fliers so that any constituent can call her, and makes sure to have a town hall or public event with her constituents every quarter, not just during campaign seasons. Not too often do you have the chance to elect a politician who is genuinely service-oriented. My son is an intern for her and I can speak on some of the stories he’s told about her. Trying to direct homeless families to resources, helping people with disabilities get pandemic relief, working as a golf caddy to put her son through college, and of course, giving an opportunity to my son, are all examples of her service that I can testify to.
As a leader, she’s exactly the type of person you want to have a line of communication with. Ann Rivers is the whip of the Republican party and rises above party labels to work on bipartisan bills. No matter who you are, you can count on her to answer your calls, return your emails, and work for you in Olympia. With all the problems we currently face we should not accept anything less than an experienced leader who cares about us. Ann Rivers is the clear choice for the state senate.
Sincerely, Eric Gonzalez
Editor’s Note: While we don’t receive many letters to the editor, we do encourage them. We ask that each letter be civil and respectful. All received will be considered. Please email letters to admin@lacamasmagazine with “LETTER TO THE EDITOR” in the subject line. Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-09-21 14:53:352020-09-21 15:13:40Letter to the Editor: ‘An Opportunity to Elect a Leader’ Writes a Reader
The Downtown Camas Association (DCA) officially dedicated the Mill Photo Collage Friday afternoon with a ribbon cutting at the Universal Martial Arts building at the corner of 4th Avenue and Adams.
The collage honors the history of the Camas Paper Mill with original images.
DCA Board President, Caroline Mercury, emceed the event, which was mostly a live-streamed virtual ceremony, providing context about the public art project from concept to construction.
“It’s just our pleasure to dedicate this beautiful photo collage to the city of Camas as a wonderful public art project that the DCA has executed to honor the huge role that the paper mill played in making Camas what it is today.”
Mercury was dressed in a paper dress to honor the occasion and the history. The dress is a replica from a 1940s Paper Festival, which was the precursor to the contemporary annual Camas Days event.
“About four years ago, the design committee at the DCA began incubating the idea for a large-scale mural, collage, of vintage photos from the mill collection, and then entered Anna Fry,” said Mercury.
Former and longtime mill employee Fry was involved in community relations and was the champion of this project through the GP Foundation process.
Big Hook Graphics was the company who put together the giant photo collage following direction from the talented artist, Allan Jeffs.
The Clark County Historical Museum also contributed to the project. Kitchen Electric added dusk to dawn lighting to illuminate the strumming mural. Additional funding came from Riverview Bank and the Clark County Historical Commission.
DCA Executive Director, Carrie Schulstad, explained the collage has a QR code that visitors can scan to get more information. Schulstad thanked Mercury for her daily commitment to making this project come to fruition.
“Her love of the mill is just incredible as you can tell, and we are so lucky to have her in our community,” said Schulstad. “The town is fantastic and it grew up to serve the mill so if you would like to learn more there is a QR code that’s right there on the legend and you can click that and it takes you on a tour of downtown.”
Camas Mayor Barry McDonnell was there, accompanied by the brand-new City Administrator, Jamal Fox.
“Anytime you ask anyone in Camas who has been here for a while they have some sort of connection to the mill, whether they work there, they knew someone that was there … or maybe they just like to catch the toilet paper rolls that get thrown out at the Camas Days parade.”
Following his speech, McDonnell cut the official ribbon.
The photo collage was originally scheduled for its official dedication in April, but due to the pandemic that was delayed.
Washougal, WA — About 200 Camas High School Papermakers gathered at the Port of Camas Washougal at 6:30 am Thursday to hold an annual tradition — the Senior Sunrise.
The Class of 2021 is starting their school year with remote learning, and will likely stay in this state for at least a couple months, so decided they wanted to gather and feel a sense of normalcy.
“This is just one of the senior year traditions where everybody gathers early in the morning to watch the sunrise,” said Dave Peddie, a Camas High School senior, and State Champion swimmer. “Other schools in the area did it and we wanted to do it too to keep the tradition alive. We got the word out and everyone is here.”
Reactions to the way the school year is starting is mixed. Some say it’s working well, for them, while others would prefer to have school in the classroom.
“It’s going better than we thought,” said Peddie. “The teachers are putting in a lot of work, and they are making sure we’re learning the material we’re supposed to learn. It’s a smooth transition so far.”
Prior to departure, the Camas Swim team decided to provide water entertainment by stripping down to their competition swim suits and plunging into the cold Columbia River.
“We decided to hop in,” said Peddie. “It was Jack’s (Harris) idea. He texted us late last night and he’s like bring your speedos and we’ll do a little swim. It was fun!”
CHS swimmers, wearing competition suits, got into the cold Columbia River.
Harris admitted it was his idea.
“Once I heard about the planning of this Senior Sunrise thing, I thought we’d do the best we can to make memories this year considering everything that’s going on so I thought it would be really funny if me and the guys decided to hop in front of everyone,” said Harris, a CHS Senior and member of the school’s swim team. “I thought it would be something fun to talk about as a good memory. The water wasn’t that bad, but it was refreshing.”
Getting in was the hardest part, said CHS senior, Alex Duma. “Nobody actually wanted to get in, but once we got in it was good.”
Peddie isn’t sure what other events are planned, but he said it was good to gather and connect with friends.
About half the students wore face masks, and they mostly stayed in smaller groups, except for one larger group by the river’s edge. The event lasted about 45 minutes, after which many headed out to eat breakfast.
Hanging out at Senior Sunrise.Friends at Senior Sunrise.Alex Duma exits the river, followed by Nathan Kim. Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-09-03 19:44:392020-09-05 23:19:42Camas High School Senior Sunrise Event Kicks Off 2020-21 School Year
Camas, WA — The #camasunites program, organized by Papermaker Pride, donated nearly $3,000 to the Family Community Resource Center today, which provides food and clothing to local residents.
Karen Gibson, a partner at Papermaker Pride, presented the check to Mary Weishaar and Olivia Eagle Wednesday afternoon on behalf of major donors, including Suzanne Ferguson from Juxtaposition (from sales of specific #camasunites products), Leonard and Julie Felix (representing CID Bio Science and Felix Instruments), and Katie Elliott, who makes regular monthly donations.
“We have Katie Elliott here today,” said Gibson. “Her family has donated $250 each month for the past four months, and it’s an ongoing thing for their family, that’s their give back. Suzanne from Juxtaposition has donated $800 towards today’s check, and we have a group that donates to charity and they chose #camasunites and the food program, and it was a $1,000 donation. We have just under $3,000 in this check.”
The program was started several months ago as a means to raise money to help feed local families. This is the fourth check #camasunites check presentation since the program began. A total of $13,078 has been donated through the program to date.
“Our community has been so amazing at just stepping up and helping us sustain this area,” said Mary Weishaar. “Olivia, Debbie and Rachel are working hard to get all the school supplies out to families.“
At this time, the center doesn’t need anymore clothing unless its brand-new socks and underwear. The program, located at the Jack, Will and Rob Center near Doc Harris Stadium is open to the public. Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-09-02 16:27:582020-09-02 16:28:08#camasunites Donates Nearly $3,000 to Family Community Resource Center
Salud Wine Bar in downtown Camas is offering two specials this week: Gnnochi with creamy gorgonzola sauce and Smoked London Broil.
You can see their full online menu at and make reservations at or call 360-787-2583. Each dish is available for takeout, as well. These specials are served Wednesday through Saturday while supplies last:
Gnocchi with Creamy Gorgonzola Sauce, Mushrooms and Ham
“Just writing this post makes me hungry,” said Salud chef, Tony Dotson. ”I love Gorgonzola or any blue cheese for that matter! I know it is not for everyone but if you are into blue cheese then you definitely have to try this. I first make a creamy Gorgonzola sauce and add in some sauteed ham and mushrooms. It’s then all tossed with the gnocchi for a bit of creamy deliciousness on your plate.”
The gnocchi dish is accompanied with the Salud side salad and house made bread: $15.00
Saturday Smoked Meat (served while supplies last)
This Saturday, Salud will be serving Smoked London Broil. This tasty meal comes with their garlic mashed potatoes and green beans with bacon (bacon makes everything better!). It’s accompanied with their Salud side salad and house made bread: $20. You may want to get reservations in ASAP because when they’re we’re sold out, they’re sold out.
Don’t forget they have weekly wine specials.
Reservations are recommended for any of these specials.
Lastly, Please help them by practicing proper CDC guidelines: They ask that you please wear a mask into their establishment, and wear it anytime you aren’t seated. Also please use hand sanitizer and practice proper social distancing. Thank you and Salud!
Coming Soon: Family dining in the Salud main dining room — mid to end of September!! Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-09-02 12:33:252020-09-02 14:01:18Salud Offering Gnocchi and Smoked London Broil As This Week’s Specials
PORTLAND, OR — Aaron “Jay” Danielson, aka Jay Bishop, a Patriot Prayer supporter, was fatally shot Saturday night in Portland following a pro-Trump caravan.
Bishop attended Friday’s dueling Camas pro-police and #BLM rallies and was seen riding around and talking with supporters and protestors on both sides.
Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson, a controversial local public figure, who arrived at the scene shortly after the shooting, issued the following statement today:
“1st- We love Jay and he had such a huge heart. God bless him and the life he lived.
“2nd-I am going to wait to make any public statements until after the family can.
“3rd- If you planned on going to the boat cruise, please go! I know that Jay would love to look down from heaven and see tons of American flags on the Columbia river today. I will not be attending but I hope all of you enjoy yourselves out there. Fly them high for Jay.
“God Bless all of you.”
Matt Robins, a protest medic near the shooting scene, said he heard two pops.
“We thought someone had lit fireworks off or something, and when we looked, we saw a guy run for like two seconds and then plop on the ground,” Robins said.
Robbins said he and his partner help treat people injured at protests.
“There’s a guy standing over top of him saying this is my friend, help him please,” Robbins said.
Robbins said once Portland police arrived he and his partner were told to leave.
“We were forcibly pushed down,” Robbins said. “My partner, a field medic, tried to get her gear, because like I said, they rushed us so fast that some of our gear had fallen down.”
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said the shooting is under investigation, however, and a 48-year-old man who was accused of carrying a loaded gun at an earlier Portland protest is under investigation in the fatal shooting of Bishop.
Michael Forest Reinoehl refers to himself as an anti-fascist and has posted videos and photos of demonstrations he attended since late June, accompanied by the hashtags #blacklivesmatter, #anewnation and #breonnataylor.
More than 300 Camas Rally For The Blue supporters, and approximately 150 Black Lives Matters (BLM) squared off Friday night mostly at 3rd Avenue and Dallas Street to express their beliefs.
The BLM rally started off at Camas Public Library at 4 pm and within about 20 minutes the group migrated to the ARCO station where they stayed for the duration — until just past 10 pm. The pro-police rally was scheduled as a stand-alone event, but Tuesday night local students organized a counter BLM protest.
The Camas Rally For The Blue began a little before 5 pm at two locations — between Camas Safeway and Dairy Queen — but eventually migrated to occupy three of the four corners at 3rd and Dallas.
”We just want to stand up and say Black Lives Matter,” said Cindy Graham, a Camas resident who rallied with the BLM team. “Middle class white people care about black lives and I don’t want to say anything negative about the police because I know a lot of Camas cops are good friends of mine and they are great guys. But that doesn’t negate the fact that we need to stand up and do something to help African Americans. In my opinion the BLM movement doesn’t stand for socialism like some of these people are saying, it just stands for black people have been oppressed and we often don’t understand how oppressed they are so we need to make more of an effort. All lives matter, but black lives matter needs to be said when this is happening in our country.”
She said this is a vote for Black Lives Matter.
“We need more white middle class people to stop screaming at their televisions and get out here and stand peacefully on the corner and say that,” Graham added. “Actually all classes of white people need to do this.”
The interview was interrupted by a BLM supporter in blue hair who told this reporter to “get out of my face.”
BLM supporters at ARCO station.
”I just wanted a rally to support our police,” said Blue Rally organizer, Helen Sudbeck. “It’s a fabulous town and we have a great police department. They need to know how much we care about them and appreciate them. It’s been a rough couple months for police across the country and I think there are a lot of people in Camas who really care about our police. That’s it. We are just here to support the police. I realize there’s a counter demonstration and that’s fine. It’s a group of kids and that’s their First Amendment right, and that’s fine. They chose to have the rally at the exact same location, and that is their right, as well.”
Was it a bad idea to have this Blue rally today given the historic anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream Speech”?
“I just picked a Friday night after work hours to show the police we care. I didn’t have any grand plan. We know police morale is low these days. Most cops are good people who have families,” she said. “We know reforms need to take place, and I encourage people to learn more about Project 21.”
It was a lively night, tensions were high, and it wasn’t entirely peaceful.
Blue Rally supporters filled trucks and cars chanting “Blue Lives Matter” while circling city streets for hours. BLM supporters chanted “All cops are bastards,” “I see racists,” and “Black Lives Matter.”
Police supporters.
Here are some of the things this reporter witnessed:
One man was carrying an assault rifle, which was intimidating to many. Police stayed close to him throughout the evening.
One Blue Rally supporter went over to speak with BLM supporters to simply express admiration they were being vocal in their beliefs. He knew the teens there and while addressing them, a professional BLM organizer got in his face with a camera demanding he wear a face mask. Another BLM supporter challenged him, as well. The video will be posted on Saturday.
A Trump supporter threw coffee at an elderly lady while driving by. It stained her jeans.
Joey Gibson, of Patriot Prayer, had a very nice conversation with a BLM supporter about religion and removing hate from our lives. There was a lot of good dialogue between the two individuals. But, his presence also intimidated protestors.
Several BLM supporters didn’t want this reporter to conduct interviews and chanted “racist” to my face multiple times.
Police broke up a couple altercations before they escalated.
Confederate flags were brought in, which disturbed a lot of people.
Some of the BLM teens felt intimidated by Blue Rally supporters.
Camas Police asked everyone to break up the events shortly after 9 pm. The Blue Rally crowd quickly dispersed, while the BLM group lingered past 10 pm with about 30 people.
The evening ended with a very positive conversation between a BLM/Joe Biden supporter, who is a teacher in the Evergreen School District, and a Blue Rally/Donald Trump supporter, who had a 7-minute conversation about how to make things better. They found common ground. Initially, both sides agreed to be recorded, but after it ended, the teacher withdrew her permission for us to post it.
“I just want our cops to know we do appreciate them, but we also need to help our black people right now,” she said. “They need a voice to know that we don’t want them to be oppressed.”
The Trump supporter agreed, and then the night ended. Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-08-28 23:32:212020-08-29 23:57:41Camas Rally For The Blue Supporters Square Off With Black Lives Matter
New flavors are coming to Downtown Camas! To bring some extra culinary excitement to the community in September, participating downtown restaurants will be offering Fair Food Week from September 4th – 11th and The Secret Menu Event from September 15th – 30th.
Fair Food Week:
Since Camas Days and the Clark County Fair couldn’t happen this year, Downtown Camas restaurants are offering nostalgic and much-missed fair foods and treats on their menus for a full week starting on First Friday, 9/4. Funnel cakes, mini corn dogs, ice cream, caramel apples, cannolis just to name a few. There will even be cotton candy margaritas and Smoked BBQ ice cream to add unique twists to traditional fair options.
“We’re wanting to bring some fun and unique dining options to downtown and add a little extra zest to late summer,” says Carrie Schulstad, Executive Director of the Downtown Camas Association. “We have amazing restaurants and coffee houses that are working so hard to serve the community during these challenging times. We want to take advantage of the good dining weather and we truly hope people enjoy all the food options and have fun with it. You can have something new to try every day in September!”
The Liberty Theatre will also be serving their famous popcorn on First Friday and Saturday (9/4 – 9/5) from 5-8pm and Caps N’ Taps will kick off the Fair Food Week with free fair games out front of their taproom during the evening. Cedar Street Bagel Co will be selling “Clark County Fair” scent candle wax melts with notes of cotton candy, funnel cakes and deep fried twinkies.
Fair Food Week participating restaurants and offerings:
A Beer At A Time – Giant pizza by the slice and giant pretzels with beer cheese and stone ground mustard
Adams Street Bar & Grill – Ribs with beans and Pulled Pork Mac & Cheese
Caffe Piccolo – Nachos (with jalapenos or salsa)
Cake Happy – Cake in a Jar, ice cream sandwiches, caramel apples
Cedar Street Bagel Co. – Peach hand pies and organic lemonade made with lemonade-ice cubes (add mango or blackberry as desired!)
Hidden River Roasters – Cold brew floats, root beer floats
Liberty Theatre – Popcorn served First Friday and Saturday (9/4 – 9/5) from 5-8pm
Mesa – Churro fried ice cream with chile infused caramel and Mexican spiced chocolate topping options
Mill City Brew Werks – Mini corn dogs, funnel cakes, churro-doughnuts
Natalia’s Cafe – Candied bacon on a stick
Salud Wine Bar & Italian Restaurant – Mini cannolis, zeppole (filled Italian donuts)
Squeeze and Grind – Chocolate malt milk and Oreo cookie shakes
Tommy O’s at the Camas Hotel – 2 offerings: Kalua pork loaded fries all week and Malasadas (Hawaiian donuts similar to elephant ear flavors) on Saturday 9/5 from 10am-2pm
For two weeks starting 9/15, participating Downtown Camas restaurants will offer secret menu items. Just ask for the secret menu offering and it will be a surprise until it is brought to your table. Items will be available for takeout as well. The goal is to bring new flavors, fun engagement for customers and some culinary adventure to the community.
Wednesday afternoons in Camas are special during the warmer summer months because of our Camas Farmer’s Market. It’s a weekly event booked on my iPhone calendar as I look forward to greeting local farmers, florists, and vendors because everyone is so friendly, the fresh produce and products are treated with care, and its organizers work so hard to make it all happen.
The farmer’s market is a non-profit that has grown over the years to a successful seasonal enterprise that is typically filled with live music, food vendors, farmers, and other merchants who are dedicated to serving fresh food and a fun time. For years, typically, the market has fun events to entertain kids and tables to sit and relax. For years, it’s typically been a well-attended activity.
Then the virus hit.
At first, the City of Camas was reluctant to issue a permit for the market to event start in 2020 given the corona virus. But, after much lobbying and demonstrating they could do this safely, farmer’s market organizers made it work, and they opened in June, about a month later than planned.
Does the market resemble what it typically looks like? Kinda.
The booths are physically spaced, the traffic is re-routed to maintain personal space. Face masks are required, and there are just 15 vendors.
The hard-working farmers, bee keepers, florists, picante sauce makers, and sweet treat specialists are there each week ready to serve you quality food. And, even though attendance is lower, the market organizers say the vendors are making more money this year than in years past.
The typical food vendors aren’t there out of respect to the existing downtown Camas restaurants who hav
It’s an event I enjoy. I love greeting farmers and buying up strawberries, blueberries, zucchini, cauliflower, beets, carrots, applies, and peaches. It’s a weekly bounty for which I am very grateful.
The Camas Farmer’s Market is open each Wednesday from 3-7 pm on 4th Avenue in front of the Camas Public Library. Pay them a visit, buy some fresh produce, flowers or treats, and tell them THANK YOU. Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-08-25 20:49:252020-08-25 20:49:35An Op-Ed — Camas Farmer’s Market In a Pandemic: Less Is More
Tommy O’s at the Camas Hotel is offering a new Happy Hour menu now, and it includes some fan favorites like the Kalua Pork Quesadilla.
Tommy O’s, which has stayed open throughout the pandemic with takeout and delivery services, has resumed dine-in service while meeting all COVID-19 state-mandated safety guidelines. They also offer outdoor seating.
Happy Hour is from 2-5 pm Monday through Saturday, and the HH menu comprises the following:
Kalua Pork Quesadilla: $5
Coconut Crunchy Shrimp: $6
Meatballs: $5
Kalua Pork Sliders: $5
Caesar Salad: $5
French Fries: $4
Happy Hour drinks:
HH White Wine: $5
HH Red Wine: $5
HH Tap Beer: $5
HH Cocktail: $5
Tommy O’s at the Camas Hotel is located at 401 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, WA 98607. Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-08-24 17:46:582020-08-24 17:47:09Tommy O’s At The Camas Hotel Offers New Happy Hour Menu