To address student learning gaps happening during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to sharpen minds during summer vacation, several local teens have created a non-profit learning and tutoring organization called Youth Hand in Hand, which offers free online classes and tutorials on a wide range of topics.
The organization, which is comprised of talented student teachers, hosts weekly 40-minute ZOOM class sessions, teaching topics that include Coding (Scratch and Python), SAT tutoring, Chemistry, Biology, Math, National History Day, Creative Writing and Cartooning.
“A lot of these classes are things we are passionate about,” said Ares Zhang, a Camas High School senior, and one of the group’s student teachers. “We know a lot of people who have missed out on opportunities over the summer. This all started out as friends trying to help each other, but it’s turned into something bigger. There’s no cost! All of it’s free. All you have to do is sign up.”
As a non-profit, Youth Hand in Hand is able to procure funding to purchase full ZOOM subscriptions for all teachers, and they are accepting old routers to help students to have better WiFi access.
“Technically, we started in April during the pandemic, and my sister wanted to learn scratch coding, and several neighbors were interested,” said Spencer Chang, a junior at Mountain View High School, and the organization’s founder. “I asked if anyone would also want to do it, and other four kids helped us.”
After initial setup, Youth Hand in Hand now has 18 student teachers and offers 15 classes. Most classes have two teachers and typically 15 kids are in each session.
“Last month, we had 250 people sign up,” said Chang. “It’s a month-to-month program. Most classes are 4 weeks long. We provide resources to help kids get through online learning.”
Zhang said they are adapting the curriculum to help kids through the school season, and they will shift toward tutoring.
“We can help them learn concepts since they’re not in regular school,” said Chang. “Our goal for September is to expand curriculum and get ZOOM subscriptions for all our teachers. All teachers are teens. The youngest one will be a freshman this year. We are mostly juniors and seniors.”
Youth Hand in Hand plans to do face-to-face classes and tutoring sessions when life returns to pre-pandemic normal.
“It’s mostly so people can keep on learning throughout the pandemic,” said Chang. “Some people don’t learn as well online, and we’re hoping we can make an impact, to provide people opportunities to learn.” Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-08-19 14:39:012020-08-19 14:39:11Local Teens Organize Online Learning Resource to Help Fellow Students
There’s a new card game in town, and it’s called “Cows In My Pants.”
“Based off a joke, it’s a card game,” said creator, Kathi Sjostrom, a Camas, WA resident. “It can be a quick pickup game. You should be able to pick it up easy, but there is a strategy. In 20 minutes, you can sit around the table and play it.”
It’s a game that Sjostrom says you can play with kids seven years and older. You need to understand numbers to be able to play. There’s a memory element in it that makes it more complicated. It’s designed to be a family and friendly pick-up-and-go game.
“I came up with the idea,” said Sjostrom. “I’ve always wanted to create board games, and we got to playing games regularly, and one night we had a funny, crazy game night and we decided to name our first game ‘Cows in My Pants’ and we sketched out a game.”
“Cows In My Pants” is a game about a bunch of cows that are dressed up, and you have to put them all back together.
The goal is to be the first player to create four of a kind, a flush, a run, or two pairs in your secret corral. Score points according to what you and everyone else has in their hand when “Cows in my Pants” is declared.
“From there, we played it with our friends, and we decided to make a game company called Paodle Games,” said Sjostrom. “We did this before the virus outbreak. We thought about holding off, and thought we needed laughter and friends. I have multiple games we’re planning to release this year. 2020 will all be light pick up and go games, and I have heavier games, which will be released later.”
To learn more about the game, or purchase it, visit — go the Kickstarter link.
“We are local, we love local business, but the game world is a global platform so we’re putting it on Kickstarter, which allows us to produce it,” Sjostrom. “Our game can be pre-ordered through Kickstarter. After it’s funded, it can be purchase through the website. Once everything calms down we will also have local vendors that will have it.” Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-08-18 19:59:022020-08-18 19:59:11Camas Resident Creates New Card Game ‘Cows In My Pants’
The Camas Public Library is pleased to announce racial equity as its first annual ‘Read for Change’ theme. Launching next week, the community reads initiative will feature speakers, exclusive access to a local documentary, discussion groups, a book giveaway, and racial equity community lending library—all at a safe social distance.
Starting Monday, August 17th, patrons can contact the Library to request a free copy ofHow to be an Antiracist and/or Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You, both by Ibram X. Kendi (the latter coauthored for young readers by Jason Reynolds). There is a limit of one of each title per household, while supplies last. Library staff will treat the items like a curbside pickup request and place the book(s) at the 4th Ave entrance at an appointed time. When the recipient is finished with the book, the Library suggests they pass it along to a neighbor or friend. All books have been purchased and donated by the Friends and Foundation of the Camas Library (FFCL).
Read for Change will feature two keynote speakers to bookend the 12-week program. Portland-based equity speaker Alexis Braly James hosts Building Bridges: Race as a Social Constructon Tuesday, August 25th at 5:30pm. At 6pm on Thursday, November 12th in partnership with Humanities Washington, the Library will host Timothy Golden for Equality on Trial: Race, Fairness, and the US Supreme Court. Both speakers will present via Zoom.
Between the two keynote speakers, the Library will offer exclusive online access to local filmmaker Melissa Lowery’s documentary Black Girl in Suburbia. In addition, community facilitators are teaming up with Library staff to host book discussion groups for both titles, and the Library is also adapting several of their regular programs to tackle racial equity. Finally, a small “take-one-leave-one” type lending library at the Library’s curbside pickup with racial equity themed books donated by the community will round out the offerings. All details can be found on the Library’s website at
“We are thrilled to kick off the inaugural Read for Change program with such an important theme. We have already had incredible community support, just in the planning stages. We knew we had to adapt and make this work in a virtual environment because the timing is so crucial. Providing a place for community conversations around race is key,” said Connie Urquhart, Library Director. Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-08-12 19:46:562020-08-12 19:47:03Camas Public Library Selects Racial Equality as First ‘Read For Change’ Theme
Camas Superintendent, Dr, Jeff Snell provides to frequently asked questions regarding school reopening for the 2020-21 school season. He said this week there will be an opportunity to engage in a question and answer session about Camas Connect Academy, the Camas School District (CSD) full online option. CSD recommends the Camas Connect Academy only for families that do not have a desire to return to on-campus learning at any point during the school year. For all others, CSD recommends starting the school year remotely and then transitioning towards more on-campus learning during the year.
So how do we start school? During remote learning, we will keep the same school hours. This provides a consistent structure for students and families and defines the workday for staff. Schools will be providing orientations to help staff and families partner together in support of students.
Does full remote learning mean my student will be on Zoom for more than six hours per day? No, the State Board of Education has provided some flexibility in how we meet our yearly instructional hour requirements, and sitting in front of a screen all day long is not a best practice for students.
We designed our scheduling framework to have a combination of synchronous (live) and asynchronous (recorded) learning with brain/movement breaks for students. Our remote learning schedule is aligned to our full hybrid schedule to help transition to more on-campus time when community health indicators improve. In our full, hybrid learning delivery model, students will receive at least two days of on-campus, live instruction. We’ve included a similar expectation in our remote learning schedule. The equivalent of at least 2 days of “live”, synchronous instruction will be distributed across the week. Other learning time will be asynchronous instruction from our teachers with specific learning tasks for students to complete with support. This allows for some flexibility for students and families when they access this instruction. Each school will develop a schedule that supports students and helps families at home. Prior to each week, teachers will post the week-ahead schedule that includes opportunities for student support and communication with families.
Will daily student attendance be taken? Yes, attendance will be taken for both synchronous and asynchronous learning sessions.
Will this look different than it did in the spring? Yes, our staff are committed to our students and have been planning based on the experiences from the spring. Staff training this summer includes social and emotional learning/wellness, design for remote learning, learning management and communication tools, video creation, synchronous interaction, and priority learning standards. As you know, we have an amazing staff who were put into a very challenging situation last spring. They want to create an engaging learning experience for your student this fall!
What if I need emergency childcare as we transition back to on-campus learning? We recognize that each family is in a unique situation and may need support. We are trying to develop options for families in these situations. Please contact us using this LINK.
What if my family relies on school breakfast and/or lunch services? We will develop a similar process to how we provided these meals in the spring during remote learning.
When will we start phasing into on-campus instruction? Decision Tree K12 Schools provides a framework that puts regions into COVID-19 activity levels using several indicators. One of those indicators is the rate of cases per 100,000 people. The rate divides COVID-19 activity into three levels: HIGH >75, MODERATE between 25-75, and LOW <25. The most recent rate of cases per 100,000 in Clark County was 74.3. Even though we are on the upper limit of MODERATE we are trending in a better direction considering our previous two rates were 99.7 and 96.4 (The Columbian, 8/5/2020, Clark County at ‘moderate risk’ for school reopenings). Your effort and the efforts of our community of following the Safe Start Washington guidelines are starting to pay off so thank you! Please help keep lowering the rate by socially distancing, wearing your mask, and washing your hands.
As our rate per 100,000 lowers, we will bring students on campus in small groups starting with our youngest students and those with specific support needs. We will then add more small groups of students easing our way towards a full hybrid model of at least two days of on-campus learning for each student.
I have greatly appreciated your feedback and patience during this journey to our first day of school.
Vancouver, WA — The Clark County Elections Office provided an update to the August 4, 2020 Primary and Special Elections Results. Here’s a breakdown of many of the races, which provides a preview of the Fall campaign.
Number of precincts (county wide): 314
Number of registered voters: 303,702
Total ballots counted: 112,549
Estimated ballots left to count: 37,000
Voter turnout: 37.06%
Congressional District 3 U.S. Representative Race (full district tally)
It’s a flower shop, a bar, and a place to have a delectable dinner. Meet Acorn and The Oak, which is fully operational after undergoing a major renovation, construction delays, and the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.
It’s an entirely new building set in the exact footprint of the former Lakeside Chalet on Everett Road in Camas, and offers an escape from the challenges of life.
Acorn and The Oak is a place to eat scratch-made supper club food served among the flowers featuring artisan cheese & charcuterie, fresh salads, tasty bites and sweets, and scratch-made entrees using local, seasonal goodness — and you can dine in the bar, the main dining area, or outside at the patio overlooking Lacamas Lake.
It’s an unusual combination of floral shop, bar, and restaurant, but it works, and is the concept of owners Janessa and Chuck Stoltz, who married in 2017, bought the Lakeside Chalet in 2019, and realized their dream earlier this year.
“It was Chuck’s idea a couple years ago,” said Janessa. “I was a social media manager for another company and I was just miserable and didn’t know what to do with my life, then Chuck said ‘You need to open a floral shop.’” I told him ‘I’ve already done that.’”
“Then he said well ‘let’s put a bar in it and I’ll quit my job and do it with you.’ So right then we started looking for places.”
After purchasing the property, it took about 18 months to complete the renovation given the obstacles of converting an old building to meet modern city codes.
“It was a major, major overhaul,” said Janessa. “We even found fuel tanks underneath the parking lot that we had to remediate. There were a lot of surprises. We had to gut the whole building.”
Osso Bucco entree at Acorn and The Oak.
The Food
Acorn and The Oak serves French American comfort food with some Mediterranean and Italian influences.
“We have a lot of shareable starters,” said Janessa. “Lots of smaller plates, like tapas and we encourage people to order a couple of things.”
Featured entrees include Chef David’s Hearty Bolognese, Grilled Wild Sockeye Salmon, and Osso Bucco. Each weekend, they have supper specials.
“It’s the type of place where you come to sit for an evening, for two-and-a-half hours,” said Chef David Haight. “It’s that supper club vibe where you’re not coming to simply eat and drink, you’re coming to socialize with your friends and family. You lose track of time here.”
Acorn and the Oak is open Wednesday through Sunday from 5 pm to close. The flower shop is also open Wednesday through Sunday from noon to four.
Dinner reservations are preferred. Call 260.210.7439 or visit them online at Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-08-04 20:46:142020-08-04 20:46:22Food + Dining: Acorn & The Oak Serves Delectable Food Among the Flowers
Camas, WA — After generations of battling water quality issues at Lacamas Lake — and now Fallen Leaf Lake — city leaders, county officials, and state representatives are now beginning to form an alliance to tackle severe environmental issues affecting the popular recreation areas.
Citing multiple occurrences of toxic algae in both lakes, which make them unfit for recreation, Camas City Council member Steve Hogan said he, Mayor Barry McDonnell, and Camas Public Works Director, Steve Wall, are in the process of getting an inter-local agreement between the city and Clark County.
“We decided it was time to clean this lake up,” said Hogan, “and we have the full support of the Mayor and city leaders. We have Temple Lentz and Gary Medvigy on Clark County Council on board, plus Senator Ann Rivers, and state representatives Larry Hoff and Brandon Vick. We asked our state representatives if there’s commitment from them to move through the agencies: Department of Ecology, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Department of Natural Resources, and Department of Agriculture. They said yes.”
The pollution sources that likely contribute to the algae blooms include the following:
Storm water facilities feeding into the lake
Lacamas Shores bio-filter, which critics say hasn’t been properly maintained by their Home Owner’s Association
Dairy farm/cattle runoff
And, historical neglect. From 1883-1889, the Camas forest was logged before we became a state, and there were no protections, and so much drained into the lake over the decades.
“This isn’t going to be a quick fix,” said Hogan. “We want this cleanup to be part of a 20-year strategy. Fallen Leaf Lake and Lacamas Lake have separate issues, but readings at Lacamas Shores have 122 storm pumps leading into it, which go into the lake.”
Hogan said they want a system of testing that goes upstream to see which ponds are contributing to the toxic algae in the lakes. In the process, said Hogan, the county suggested re-designating Lacamas Lake as a recreational lake, which the Camas City Council did in February. It had been previously designated as an industrial lake.
“Today’s story has to deal with algae, but we have to improve the lake for the long run,” said Hogan. “We need to get rid of the dead zone in the lake, where nothing can live. There’s too much debris at the bottom of the lake, which is a major contributor to the pollution. We have to deal with this. We’ve gotten a lot of help from Judit Lorenz, Council member Ellen Burton, and Council member Bonnie Carter. Every council member is very psyched up about it.”
The next action items are working with Clark County Public Works, since they’ve been observing lake water quality issues.
“We are in the process of getting this inter-local agreement between Camas and Clark County,” said Wall. “We believe there are short-term things we can do to improve the water quality, but there are many long-term objectives, as well.”
In the short term, said Wall, “we have to educate citizens about knowing when and how to fertilize lawns, and what goes into storm drains, and we need to work with HOA’s so they can fulfill their responsibilities. There are lots of things we can do.”
These developments are welcome news to Lacamas Shores resident, Steve Bang, who has been advocating for cleaning up his neighborhood bio-filter, which many think is a wetland.
“The Lacamas Shores HOA hasn’t properly maintained the bio-filter since 1993,” said Bang. “The bio-filter originally had natural plants that absorbed toxins before they went into the lake. The HOA was supposed to clear those toxic plants on a regular basis to keep the bio-filter operating properly. They’ve neglected to do that, and I’ve been trying to get the city to apply pressure on our HOA to live up to their responsibilities.”
Bang thinks reclaiming the bio-filter to its original state will resolve much of of the lake’s toxic algae issues. He’s been trying to get his HOA to resolve the issue on their own, and lately he’s been pressuring the city to assist in the efforts.
“We can fix major problems right now,” said Bang. “We just have to act. If the city can pressure our HOA to do their job, it doesn’t have to be a part of the inter-local agreement. And, getting this bio-filter fixed won’t cost the taxpayer any money. We don’t have to wait.”
Bang said the Ecology Department does not allow wetlands and bio-filters to co-mingle and that the restoration will be done according to Ecology’s best practices manual. You can learn more about the Lacamas Shores bio-filter at
Camas leaders are looking to the state to apply pressure on agencies to do their part.
“Working with the multiple agencies has been like herding cats, and we hope to get past the red tape,” said Hogan. “This is where people like Senator Ann Rivers can be a major support. The city also owns the dam and the mill ditch, and we can use that to make things move faster. Less red tape.”
Rivers is using her membership on the Legislature’s powerful Ways and Means committee, as well as a member of top four elected leadership, to apply pressure on the agencies that can help resolve this.
Dozens of stormwater drains empty into Lacamas Lake.
“I have the ability to drive funding that someone with less experience simply will not have,” said Rivers. “There are many grant programs we can use to clean up the lake. I have very good relationships in DC with our federal elected representatives because we partner on issues important to our shared constituency.”
Hogan said once these problems are fully identified and defined, he wants the council to make the Lacamas Lake cleanup “part of our 20-year plan.”
“We need to make a city process that is closely monitored,” said Hogan. “We need to change the culture so we are monitoring the key elements affecting the water quality. We have to keep pressure on all agencies to make this happen. The city and the taxpayer owns most of the property now around Lacamas Lake — it’s all inside the city limits now. Owning the dam and ditch gives us more leverage to clean it up. Most cities don’t have that ability, but we do. We can move water into that ditch and divert the crappy water out of the water system. We want to say to the Department of Ecology ‘we want you to be our partner in this.’”
WSU staff spoke with Wall and they’ve done studies to work to improve the lake quality, as well.
“The cleanup of Lacamas Lake is a very high priority,” said Rivers. “By working with the City of Camas, Department of Ecology, and Department of Natural Resources, I believe that we can get the funding we need and develop a policy that prevents a repeat of this situation so we can make these lakes safer for everyone .”
Hogan said this is going to “be a long, hard fight, but it’ll be worth it.”
Wall expects the inter-local agreement to be completed in the coming weeks, and then it will go to City Council approval. Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-08-03 17:32:102020-08-03 17:34:54Camas, County, State Reps Forming Alliance to Improve Water Quality at Lacamas Lake
Camas, WA — After a self-imposed closure on July 19, the popular Mexican restaurant, Nuestra Mesa, is re-opening its doors today for full dine-in and takeout service.
Mesa voluntarily closed its doors upon learning a family member had tested positive for COVID-19. Customers were told the situation, and were politely asked to leave that Sunday afternoon.
Since that time, all Mesa employees were tested and the entire restaurant was professionally cleaned. It was a thorough three-hour process in which all surfaces were sanitized.
“All our employees tested negative for COVID-19 and our restaurant underwent a thorough, professional cleaning,” said Todd Moravitz, co-owner of the restaurant. “We thank you for your patience. We made your safety and the safety of our employees a priority.”
Mesa serves gourmet Mexican cuisine in historic downtown Camas. They are following all state-mandated COVID-19 safety guidelines, and have physically distanced outdoor seating, as well. Hours are 11:30-9 daily.
Learn more at or visit their social media sites on Facebook and Instagram.
For takeout or dine-in reservations, call 360.210.5311.
Camas Superintendent, Dr. Jeff Snell, explains in today’s letter that Camas School District is one of eight Southwest Washington school districts to recommend at-home learning when school resumes for the 2020-21 season:
CSD Families,
We have been working this summer through all of the different scenarios for starting the 2020-21 school year with the goal of having students return to campus in some form.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new recommendations for schools last week which stress the importance of onsite experiences. I think we all agree how important it is to have our students back on campus. The CDC also suggests “Administrators should coordinate with local public health officials to stay informed about the status of COVID-19 transmission in their community.” The guidelines also advise us to monitor “COVID-19 transmission rates in the immediate community and in the communities in which students, teachers, and staff live” (CDC, 7/23/20).
Unfortunately, conditions in our community are not trending in a positive direction. We have been working with Dr. Melnick, director of Clark County Public Health, as a region to determine the best course of action for schools in our community. As the numbers of positive COVID-19 cases continue to trend up in our region, it has become clear that the safest way to start the school year is a more robust fully remote learning delivery model. The growth rate trends need to change in our community before being able to bring students and staff together on campus. Without those changes we risk rapidly spreading the virus between students, staff and throughout our community with the reopening of schools. More detailed information about our current trends in Clark County can be found at Clark County Public Health Novel Coronavirus.
What does this mean for my family?
Over the next four weeks we will refine plans based on this decision and begin communicating specific information to you from your student’s school. We have taken student, staff, and family feedback from our experience last spring to provide a more robust remote learning experience for students.
Our hope is to start to transition from full remote learning to a blended delivery model with some version of on campus learning as soon as possible. The timing for this transition is dependent on regional health indicators. Our learning delivery models stages are below.
Remote Learning – all student participate in distance learning
Remote Learning transitioning to Blended Learning – students identified through a set of district/school developed criteria in greatest need of additional support participate onsite with in-person instruction.
Blended Learning – all students participate onsite with in-person instruction a minimum of two (2) days a week. Transition to more on campus days for students as conditions improve.
On Campus Learning – all students and staff participate onsite with in-person instruction five (5) days a week.
What if my student prefers a full online model regardless of the health trends in our county?
If your preference is a full online model for your student, we have developed the Camas Connect Academy. This program will not shift through the phases above. It will stay online throughout the year. It will operate as a separate school/program within our district with district staff and the same learning standards. We will provide more information about the Camas Connect Academy in the coming weeks including a Q&A session prior to the enrollment window.
What if I need emergency childcare during learning delivery models 1 through 3?
We recognize that each family is in a unique situation and may need support. We are trying to develop options for families in these situations. Please contact us using this LINK.
What if my family relies on school breakfast and/or lunch services?
We will develop a similar process to how we provided these meals in the spring during remote learning.
We have all been on a rollercoaster ride since early March as we’ve collectively tried to manage through a very different world. School is a big part of everyone’s lives. We had hoped to provide you with a return to on campus school this fall. Our staff is committed to provide the very best educational experience possible for your students no matter what the learning delivery model. It will not be without challenges and there will continue to be opportunities to improve. We will continue to engage with our public health partners to help determine when we can safely shift to more on campus learning.
Camas, WA — Papermaker Pride, Lara Blair Photography and Lacamas Magazine are working together on a project called “The Little Town That Does: These Are Our People (Let’s Take Care of Them)” as a way to highlight positivity as our community continues to navigate the coronavirus pandemic.
The purpose of this project is to bridge gaps and reduce polarization in a harshly divided world.
“Camas always seems to find its own way through crises,” said Ernie Geigenmiller, Editor & Publisher of Lacamas Magazine. “We did it through the McCleary battle two years ago, avoiding a teacher’s strike, and we can do it again — the Camas Way. We can’t change what’s happening, we can’t suddenly make the pandemic go away, but we can find positive ways to deal with it. And, we also invite our friends in Washougal and Vancouver to participate.”
Lacamas Magazine is inviting people to come in at the 411 Studio in Camas — one or two at a time — to have their photo taken on a white background, and then participate in short interview to discuss resilience, patience, kindness, respect, teamwork, and apply those attributes to working through this pandemic.
The goal is to get about 60 participants, and then show these short videos periodically to gain perspective on how people are managing things. When it’s all done, the objective is to place all these photos on a movie poster and provide some encouragement in the community.
“It’s about telling their stories,” said Geigenmiller. “And having it on the record in photos and videos. What we are going through as humans is painful, yet fascinating.”
The first two town participants are Camas High School seniors Jack Harris and Dave Peddie, who are also champion swimmers.
Peddie addressed patience.
”For me, patience means being proactive,” he said. “Over the last few months there were a lot of things I couldn’t do as far as my swimming went. I couldn’t go into the pool, I couldn’t hit the gym so my friends and I had to find ways to stay fit so we went swimming in the lake and did workouts like running and so really just finding ways to still reach your goals and do what we would usually do with what we have. It’s important.”
Peddie’s short video and photos will be part of the town project, and he, along with Harris, will be part of a movie poster with stills of all the participants.
If you’re interested, please send an email to with “Little Town That Does” in the SUBJECT line.
Hope to hear from you!
From left: Dave Peddie and Jack Harris, both Camas High School Geigenmiller Geigenmiller2020-07-28 20:59:522020-07-28 21:00:01Public Invited to Be Part of ‘The Little Town That Does: These Are Our People …’