9 Simple Tips for Caring for Your Washington State Lawn During the Fall


As the gorgeous colors of summer begin to fade and crisp autumn air starts to arrive, you will need to alter your lawn care routine to prepare for the changing seasons. Washington State has a unique climate that requires you to take specific steps during the fall season to maintain a beautiful and fruitful lawn. In this article, we will learn tips for caring for your lawn in the state of Washington. By utilizing these nine tips during autumn, you can cultivate an attractive green space for the entire year.

1. Aerate Your Lawn

You must aerate your lawn during the fall if you want it to remain healthy and lush. As time goes by, Washington soil can compact, which can prevent water absorption and root growth. You can aerate your soil by perforating it with numerous small holes, which will allow nutrients, air, and water to penetrate the ground. Purchase or rent a lawn aerator and adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure effective aeration.

2. Rake Leaves

The foliage of fall can be beautiful to look at, but fallen leaves can quickly take over your law by blocking sunlight and preventing essential air circulation. Thick layers of leaves can also create an environment in which pests and mold can thrive. Regularly removing and raking fallen leaves on your lawn can reduce the likelihood of these issues occurring. You may want to invest in a mulching mower that can chop up leaves into smaller pieces, which can then be dispersed on your lawn to act as a natural mulch.

3. Kill Weeds

No one wants weeds to take over their lawn, and unfortunately for many Washington homeowners, they can be persistent during the fall months. To hinder their growth, apply a pre-emergent herbicide in the early fall months. This can prevent weed seeds from taking hold and germinating. Follow the specific instructions on your herbicide’s label, and choose the right herbicide for your grass type.

4. Fertilize

Many homeowners prefer to focus on fertilizing their lawns during the spring months, but you must do so during fall as well if you want your lawn to get the nutrients it needs to thrive. In Washington, you may want to use a slow-release, balanced fertilizer that contains a ratio of phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium suited to your grass type. Apply a layer of fertilizer in early to mid-fall, using the recommended application rates. This will promote hardiness during the winter as well as steady root growth.

Gary Perman

5. Change Your Lawn Care Routine

As the temperature starts to drop during the fall months, you will need to alter your lawn care routine accordingly. Once your grass ceases to grow, you can reduce the frequency of mowing and focus on other tasks, such as preparing your lawn for the winter and winterizing your lawn care equipment.

6. Water Your Lawn

Washington’s rainy season usually starts in the fall, so you will want to keep a close eye on the moisture level of your lawn. Lawns always require adequate hydration, especially in the weeks prior to winter. Strive for infrequent, deep, watering sessions instead of shallow, frequent ones. Watering in the early morning hours will allow for your grass to dry before nighttime – this reduces the chance of disease.

7. Overseed

The process of sowing grass seeds over your current lawn to fill in bare patches and thicken it is known as overseeding. As a Washington State homeowner, you can do this in the fall since the soil will still be warm and there is still adequate moisture. Select a high-quality grass seed that is appropriate for your lawn and be sure to keep any areas you seed consistently moist until the new grass emerges.

8. Adjust Your Mowing Height

Grass tends to grow more slowly during the fall, so you may need to adjust your mowing height. Adjust your mower to a higher cutting height to ensure the grass remains longer. Longer grass blades offer superior protection for roots and help retain moisture. Avoid cutting your grass down to more than one-third of the grass blade at the time to avoid stressing the grass.

9. Call a Professional

If you are struggling to maintain a healthy lawn year-round, you may want to consider calling in a professional. This may be necessary if you aren’t sure how to perform certain lawn care tasks or you need assistance with more extensive tasks, such as overseeding or aerating.

Maintain Your Lawn’s Beauty and Health

As a resident of Washington State, caring for your lawn during the fall is crucial if you want to maintain its beauty and health. By keeping the essential tips above in mind, you can keep your lawn looking stunning during autumn and ready for the colder winter months.

By: Katherine Robinson, a writer for Bradley Mowers

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