
Being Prepared: Why It’s a Good Idea to Have a 3-Month Food Supply


If you would have asked the general population in February, with a booming economy, and a community that had just celebrated its third State athletic championship, that a virus pandemic would force school and business closures, massive job losses, mandated quarantines and face covering use, as well as some supply shortages, the response would likely have been: ”you’re crazy!”

Months into the pandemic, we are still dealing with many of these issues, and it has led to lifestyle changes, new attitudes, and a general attitude of preparedness and prudent living. You just never know what’s around the corner.

Prudent living to many means living within your means, saving money for future challenges or goals, and having enough food on hand to weather the next storm.

This is the first of a three-part article that addresses having a three-month supply of food, water and financial reserves, whenever possible, to simply be prepared and have peace of mind. So what does that mean? How does one get started?

Three-Month Food Supply

This is about building a small supply of non-perishable food that is part of your family’s normal, daily diet. Take inventory of what you like to eat, what you should eat, and get started.

Have a meal plan. Know what you’d like to eat a couple weeks out, and plan ahead. Be realistic, and buy the foods that best suit you and your family.

Purchase a few extra items during each trip to the grocery store. Don’t hoard. If you like canned chicken, buy a few extra cans. If you like peanut butter, buy a couple extra jars. If you like pasta, buy a few more packages. And, of course, we all lived through the toilet paper shortage. Look for sales, and stock up. A little each trip can add up quickly. Make sure to rotate these items regularly to avoid spoilage.

Consider staple foods, such as wheat, rice, pasta, oats, beans, and potatoes that have a long shelf life — some as long as 30 years.

This is great link to start checking on what you have, food items you may not have considered, and what areas need to be filled: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4EjTfXhwMcwZm9SS1Znd0pUZW8/edit

Don’t go to extremes. Don’t go into debt to stock up.

Preparedness brings peace of mind. If you lose your job, or if a friend needs help, you will have the ability to provide the basics for your family or families around you. You just never know what’s around the corner.

The next article will focus on PART 2: Water Supply Storage.

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