Meet the Candidate: City Council Member Rusch Explains Why She’s Running
Deanna Rusch is running this Fall to retain her Camas City Council, Ward 1 seat, a position she has held since January 2018. We sat down with Rusch to answer a few questions.
1. What are the primary reasons you’re running?
Camas is an amazing place to work, live and play, and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to serve for the last two years. We have important work yet to do, and I’m running to help continue it. From supporting our first responders to keeping our parks open and clean – I’ve enjoyed bringing the priorities of the people of Camas to life. I want to continue the hard work of attracting and retaining jobs in the city, and making sure our downtown is a vibrant hub for all our neighbors to patronize our small businesses. I’ll continue to serve with integrity in collaboration with our citizens and stakeholders. I’ll continue to meet with constituents over the phone or over a cup of coffee about any issue that is affecting them – I like to make sure everyone is heard and I’ve always made myself available to hear concerns or ideas.
2. What have you learned the most since taking office?
I’ve learned the details of how city government works. The way we fund projects, staffing, parks, roads, sewer, water, etc. And the way we collect revenue to support all city services. Contrary to popular belief, the city doesn’t get a windfall of property taxes. Of the taxes we all pay, the city gets a small percentage after funds go to the schools, library, fire/EMS, etc. It’s been interesting to learn and to challenge ourselves to meet citizen expectations about services and levels of service while also monitoring cost and how to fund things.
3. What is the October 1 event at Grains of Wrath all about?
The event at Grains of Wrath is a celebration and a thank you to all of my supporters. It’s a time to mingle with friends and neighbors and enjoy the great ambience, food, and drink GOW and Downtown have to offer. It starts at 5. We will have some special guests say a few words and I will be there to chat with anyone. I try very hard to be accessible to all citizens and welcome anyone to contact me at any time at 360-980-1261.
To learn more about Rusch, click here:

I have been very impressed with how willing Ms. Rusch has been to talk about issues important to me concerning the city. I really appreciate this in a representative. She has definitely been responsive.