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Inslee: Anyone 60+, Restaurant Workers Among New Group Eligible For Vaccines


Olympia, WA – Anyone 60 years old and older, along with restaurant, manufacturing and construction workers, will soon be eligible for a coronavirus vaccine in Washington, said Governor Jay Inslee.

The next group of state residents will be eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine starting March 31, giving two million more people the opportunity to get their shot.

“I’m happy about the general pace,” Inslee told reporters. “This timeline is much faster than we would’ve predicted a few months ago.”

The newly eligible group includes:

  • Anyone from age 60 through 64
  • Additional workers in congregate settings, such as restaurants, manufacturing and construction
  • Anyone with two or more underlying medical conditions, such as cancer or heart disease
  • People living in a congregate setting, such as a correctional facility or group home, and those experiencing homelessness.

These people join those 65 and up, 50 and up in a multigenerational household, and K-12 teachers and childcare workers. Additionally, pregnant women, people with disabilities that put them at higher risk for COVID-19 and high-risk critical workers, including agriculture, grocery store and public transit workers, became eligible Wednesday.

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